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Public Health Action ; 7(3): 183-192, 2017 Sep 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29201653


Setting: Five purposively selected antiretroviral therapy (ART) centres in Gujarat, India. Objectives: To assess the proportion of ART-eligible people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) who were not initiated on ART within 2 months of being recorded as eligible, to identify factors associated with non-initiation and to explore reasons from the provider's perspective. Design: We used a mixed-methods design (triangulation) of 1) a quantitative phase involving record reviews and cohort analysis (Poisson regression) of PLHIV registered during April 2014-March 2015, and 2) a qualitative phase involving one-to-one interviews with 25 providers. Results: Of 2079 ART-eligible PLHIV, 339 (16%) were not started on ART within 2 months. PLHIV with CD4 counts of <350 cells/µl and patients who were labourers, hospitalised, bedridden or registered with certain ART centres were more likely not to be initiated on ART. Qualitative results were categorised into two broad themes: government health system- and patient-related challenges, which validated and complemented the quantitative findings. Conclusion: Several patient subgroups at greater risk of ART non-initiation were identified, along with reasons for risk; this has important programme implications for achieving the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal, and particularly the second 90 component of having 90% of diagnosed PLHIV start ART.

Contexte : Cinq centres du TAR (traitement antirétroviral) sélectionnés dans ce but dans l'état de Gujarat, Inde.Objectifs : Evaluer la proportion de personnes vivant avec le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (PVVIH) éligibles pour le TAR non mis sous TAR dans les 2 mois de leur éligibilité, identifier les facteurs associés à la non initiation et explorer les raisons vues par les prestataires de soins.Schéma: Nous avons eu recours à un mélange de méthodes (triangulation) : 1) une phase quantitative impliquant une revue des dossiers et une analyse de la cohorte (régression de Poisson) des PVVIH enregistrés entre avril 2014 et mars 2015, et 2) une phase qualitative impliquant des entretiens individuels avec 25 prestataires de soins.Résultats : Sur 2079 PVVIH éligibles au TAR, 339 (16%) n'ont pas été mis sous traitement dans les 2 mois. Les PVVIH ayant un taux de CD4 <350 cellules/µl, les patients qui étaient des travailleurs journaliers, hospitalisés, alités ou suivis par certains centres du TAR ont été plus susceptibles de ne pas être mis sous TAR. Les résultats qualitatifs ont été classés en deux vastes catégories : système de santé du gouvernement et défis liés aux patients ; ceux-ci ont validé et complété les résultats quantitatifs.Conclusion : Plusieurs sous-groupes de patients ayant un risque plus élevé de non mise en route du TAR et les raisons de ce problème ont été identifiés ; ceci pourrait avoir des implications importantes pour le programme dans l'atteinte de l'objectif 90­90­90, surtout en ce qui concerne le deuxième 90, qui consiste à débuter le TAR chez 90% des PVVIH diagnostiqués.

Marco de referencia: Cinco centros de suministro del tratamiento antirretrovírico (TAR) de Gujarat en la India, escogidos por muestreo dirigido.Objetivos: Evaluar la proporción de personas positivas frente al virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (PPVIH) aptas para recibir el TAR, que no habían iniciado el tratamiento 2 meses después de haberse considerado idóneas; determinar los factores asociados con la falta de iniciación del TAR; y analizar las razones desde la perspectiva de los profesionales de salud.Método: Se utilizó un diseño de métodos mixtos (triangulación), con una fase cuantitativa de análisis de las historias clínicas y de cohortes de PPVIH registradas de abril del 2014 a marzo del 2015 y una fase cualitativa con entrevistas personales a 25 profesionales de salud.Resultados: De las 2079 PPVIH aptas para recibir el TAR, 339 no lo habían iniciado en un lapso de 2 meses (16%). La probabilidad de no iniciar el TAR fue mayor en las PPVIH con cifras de linfocitos CD4 <350 células/µl, los pacientes que eran obreros, estaban hospitalizados, encamados o que acudían a determinados centros de suministro de TAR. Los resultados se clasificaron en dos amplias categorías, a saber: problemas relacionados con el sistema público de salud o atribuibles a los pacientes, con lo cual se validaron y complementaron los resultados cuantitativos.Conclusión: Varios subgrupos de pacientes presentaron un mayor riesgo de no iniciar el TAR y se determinaron las razones del riesgo; los resultados pueden tener repercusiones importantes en el programa y favorecer el progreso hacia el cumplimiento del triple objetivo 90­90­90, sobre todo de su segundo componente, según el cual el 90% de las PPVIH debe iniciar el TAR.

Public Health Action ; 7(1): 46-54, 2017 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28775943


Setting: Four selected antiretroviral therapy (ART) centres of Gujarat State, India, which accounts for 8% of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) burden in India. Objectives: 1) To assess the proportion of people living with HIV (PLHIV) whose partners were not tested for HIV; 2) to assess sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of index cases associated with partner testing; and 3) to understand perceived facilitators and barriers to partner testing and make suggestions on how to improve testing from the perspective of the health-care provider. Design: A mixed-method design with a quantitative phase that involved reviewing the programme records of married PLHIV enrolled during 2011-2015, followed by a qualitative phase of key informant interviews. Results: Of 3884 married PLHIV, 1279 (33%) did not have their partners tested for HIV. Factors including index cases being male, illiterate, aged >25 years, belonging to key populations, substance use and being in advanced clinical stages were more likely to be associated with partner non-testing. Non-disclosure of HIV status (due to fear of marital discord) and lack of awareness and risk perception were the key barriers to testing. Conclusion: One third of PLHIV did not have their partners tested for HIV. Several factors were identified as being associated with the non-testing of partners, and solutions were explored that need to be implemented urgently if we are to achieve the 90-90-90 targets and end HIV.

Contexte : Quatre centres du traitement antirétroviral (TAR) sélectionnés de l'état de Gujarat, qui compte pour 8% du poids du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) en Inde.Objective : Nous avons voulu 1) évaluer la proportion de personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) dont les partenaires n'ont pas été testés pour le VIH ; 2) évaluer les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et cliniques du cas index associées au test du partenaire ; et 3) comprendre les facilitateurs et les contraintes perçus au test du partenaire et faire des suggestions pour améliorer les tests du point de vue des prestataires de soins de santé.Schéma à plusieurs methods: La phase quantitative a impliqué de retrouver dans les archives du programme les PVVIH mariés enrôlés entre 2011 et 2015 ; la phase qualitative a ensuite consisté en entretiens avec des informateurs clés.Résultats: Sur 3884 PVVIH mariés, 1279 (33%) n'ont pas fait tester leurs partenaires pour le VIH. Les facteurs comme le fait que le cas index soit un homme, illettré, d'âge >25 ans, appartenant à des populations clés, utilisant des drogues, étant à un stade avancé de la maladie, ont été plus susceptibles d'être associés à l'absence de test du partenaire. Le non divulgation du statut VIH (due à la peur d'une discorde maritale) et le manque de connaissances et de perception des risques ont été les obstacles majeurs au test.Conclusion : Un tiers des PVVIH n'ont pas fait tester leurs partenaires pour le VIH. Plusieurs facteurs associés à l'absence de test des partenaires ont été identifiés et des solutions ont été recherchées. Elles doivent être mises en œuvre d'urgence si nous voulons atteindre les cibles de 90­90­90 et mettre fin au VIH.

Marco de referencia: Cuatro centros de tratamiento antirretrovírico (TAR) en el estado de Guyarat, que representa el 8% de la carga de morbilidad por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) de la India.Objetivos: 1) Examinar la proporción de personas positivas frente al VIH cuyas parejas no cuentan con la prueba diagnóstica del VIH; 2) analizar las características socioeconómicas y clínicas del caso inicial que se relacionan con la práctica de la prueba diagnóstica en la pareja; y 3) comprender los elementos facilitadores y los obstáculos percibidos a la prueba del VIH en las parejas y las propuestas encaminadas a mejorar su utilización, desde el punto de vista de los profesionales de salud.Métodos: Se aplicó un modelo de métodos mixtos con una etapa inicial cuantitativa, que comportó el examen de los registros del programa de las personas positivas frente al VIH casadas inscritas del 2011 al 2015, seguida por una etapa cualitativa durante la cual se realizaron entrevistas a informantes clave.Resultados: De las 3884 personas positivas frente al VIH casadas, 1279 parejas no contaban con la prueba del VIH (33%). Las características del caso inicial que se asociaron con mayor frecuencia a la falta de prueba diagnóstica de la pareja fueron el sexo masculino, el analfabetismo, la edad más de 25 años, el hecho de pertenecer a una población clave, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y un estadio clínico avanzado de la enfermedad. Los principales obstáculos a la práctica de las pruebas fueron la negativa a divulgar su situación frente al VIH (por temor a una discordia conyugal) y la falta de sensibilización y percepción de los riesgos.Conclusión: En un tercio de las personas positivas frente al VIH, no se había practicado a su pareja la prueba diagnóstica de la infección. Se reconocieron diversos factores vinculados con esta situación y se analizaron las soluciones. La aplicación de estas medidas es urgente con el fin de cumplir con las metas 90­90­90 y eliminar la infección por el VIH.

Educ Health (Abingdon) ; 24(3): 591, 2011 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22267354


INTRODUCTION: In India, there has been little effort to teach medical students about public health research. Few medical institutions in India and nearby Nepal formally offer exposure to field surveys or projects to medical undergraduates as a part of their training in community medicine. Little is known about the effect of such activity on students or how they apply what they learn. We implemented a systematic, hands-on experience in the public health research process with medical undergraduates in Puducherry, India to evaluate its effect on students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two groups, each with 30 third-semester (second year) medical undergraduates, participated in a 15-day, two and one-half hours per day course on the public health research process. At the end of course, a retrospective post-then-pre self-assessment of students skills was obtained. One year later, we resurveyed students with open-ended questions to assess their impressions of what they had gained from learning about the field survey process. RESULTS: Out of the 60 students, 55 (91.6%) provided complete responses for analysis. The mean post-exposure Likert scores of students self-perceived skills and knowledge were significantly higher than their retrospective assessments of themselves prior to the course in areas such as being aware of the public health research process, their skills in interviewing and communicating with local villagers, and ability to collect, enter via computer and present gathered information (p < 0.005). Six categories of common responses, all positive, emerged from the open-ended feedback: 1) ability to apply learning to research work, 2) communication skills, 3) awareness about local epidemiology of injury, 4) awareness of local first-aid practices and health care seeking behavior, 5) awareness of survey techniques, and 6) anticipated application of this learning in the future and its effect on the student. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the initial implementation of a program exposing medical students to the community survey research process was well received. Early exposure of medical undergraduates to the survey research process appears to help them be better clinicians, who are able to understand and use field level data.

Awareness , Clinical Competence , Community-Based Participatory Research/methods , Data Collection/methods , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Students, Medical , Educational Measurement/methods , Educational Status , Faculty, Medical , Female , Humans , India , Male , Qualitative Research , Retrospective Studies , Statistics as Topic , Time Factors
Indian J Community Med ; 35(2): 226-9, 2010 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20922097


BACKGROUND: In India, the practice of breastfeeding is almost universal, but initiation of breastfeeding is generally quite late and colostrum is discarded. Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) strategy recommended systematic assessment of breastfeeding and emphasized counseling of the mother on proper positioning and attachment of infant to the breast. OBJECTIVE: To assess breastfeeding among mothers of below six months children in rural Wardha. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present cross-sectional study was undertaken in surrounding 23 villages of Kasturba Rural Health Training Center (KRHTC), Anji. Two Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) trained in IMNCI paid house visits to 99 mothers during the study period and undertook the assessment of breastfeeding using IMNCI assessment form for young infants. Auxiliary Nurse Midwives observed and recorded the positioning and attachment of infant to the breast as per IMNCI guidelines. The data were entered and analyzed using Epi_Info (version 6.04d) software package. RESULTS: Most of the deliveries 94 (94.9%) took place in the healthcare facilities. Majority 61 (61.6%) newborn babies had received breastfeeding within half an hour. About half of the mothers had any of the feeding problems like feeding less than eight times in 24 h, giving any other food or drinks or is low weight for age. Significantly more mothers with feeding problems had problems in positioning and attachment of infant to the breast as compared with those mothers who did not have any feeding problems. CONCLUSIONS: In the settings, where practice of institutional delivery is high, the staff of healthcare facility should ensure education of the mothers regarding position and attachment of infant to the breast before discharge from the healthcare facility. At the village level, Village Health Nutrition Day (VHND) can be utilized for health education of future mothers and support for the breastfeeding mothers. The IMNCI assessment form for young infant should also include assessment of positioning of infant.

Educ Health (Abingdon) ; 23(1): 363, 2010 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20589607


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Sewagram, India's first rural medical institute, has been implementing its community-based public health teaching with the aim of building a physician workforce for the rural poor. For the past four decades, the MGIMS has organized and run the Re-orientation of Medical Education (ROME) camp for final year medical undergraduates at one of the rural centres of the department of Community Medicine. The objectives of the present study were to learn students' perceptions of the value and effectiveness of various components of the ROME camp and learn the factors they perceive facilitate and inhibit learning. METHODS: A mixed-method research design of quantitative (survey) and qualitative (force field analysis) methods was used. The study participants were all 61 of the final year medical undergraduates participating in the ROME camp in 2008. The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS software package and summative content analysis of the qualitative data was undertaken. RESULTS: Students were generally very positive about all aspects of the camp and its component parts. The greatest consensus (88.9%, on a 0 to 100% scale) was for the contribution to student learning of the visit to the Primary health centre and Sub-centre, as offering direct exposure and interaction with the village-level service providers. There was poorer consensus for students' involvement with the field-based clinics, as this was felt by some not to contribute significantly to their understanding of socio-economic and environmental factors related to cases (78.8%) and their ability to diagnose health problems in resource poor settings (76.5%). The major strength of the camp was felt to be its exposure visits and hands-on experiences in surveys and interaction with village-level health care providers. Students reported poor interactions with teachers in some educational sessions, including the field-based clinics and classes on theories of national health programs. CONCLUSIONS: The curriculum of the ROME camp was generally well regarded by students, but based on their views it should emphasize interactive theory sessions. The ROME scheme can be revitalized in all medical colleges as it is an effective practical approach for teaching public health principles and practice to medical students.

Curriculum , Diffusion of Innovation , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Education, Public Health Professional/methods , Schools, Medical , Adult , Attitude of Health Personnel , Data Collection , Female , Humans , India , Learning , Male , Perception , Qualitative Research , Rural Health Services/organization & administration , Students, Medical/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Teaching
Educ Health (Abingdon) ; 23(3): 425, 2010 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21290362


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In medical education, using the World Wide Web is a new approach for building the capacity of faculty. However, there is little information available on medical education researchers' needs and their collective learning outcomes in such on-line environments. Hence, the present study attempted: 1)to identify needs for capacity-building of fellows in a faculty development program on the topic of data analysis; and 2) to describe, analyze and understand the collective learning outcomes of the fellows during this need-based on-line session. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present research is based on quantitative (on-line survey for needs assessment) and qualitative (contents of e-mails exchanged in listserv discussion) data which were generated during the October 2009 Mentoring and Learning (M-L) Web discussion on the topic of data analysis. The data sources were shared e-mail responses during the process of planning and executing the M-L Web discussion. Content analysis was undertaken and the categories of discussion were presented as a simple non-hierarchical typology which represents the collective learning of the project fellows. RESULTS: We identified the types of learning needs on the topic 'Analysis of Data' to be addressed for faculty development in the field of education research. This need-based M-L Web discussion could then facilitate collective learning on such topics as 'basic concepts in statistics', tests of significance, Likert scale analysis, bivariate correlation, and simple regression analysis and content analysis of qualitative data. CONCLUSIONS: Steps like identifying the learning needs for an on-line M-L Web discussion, addressing the immediate needs of learners and creating a flexible reflective learning environment on the M-L Web facilitated the collective learning of the fellows on the topic of data analysis. Our outcomes can be useful in the design of on-line pedagogical strategies for supporting research in medical education.

Capacity Building , Faculty, Medical , Internet , Needs Assessment , Asia , Education, Medical , Humans , Program Evaluation , Surveys and Questionnaires
Indian J Med Sci ; 64(1): 7-16, 2010 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22301804


OBJECTIVES: To find out the magnitude of childhood morbidities, health care seeking behavior and explore the status of 'some desired practices' at household level during episodes of illness in two tribal blocks of Chandrapur district. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present explanatory mixed-method design of quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus group discussions, FGDs )methods was undertaken in nine Primary health centers of Warora and Bhadrawati blocks in Chandrapur district. The information of 2,700 under-five children on morbidity, health care seeking behavior and some desired practices at household level was collected by paying home visits and using pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire. The data was entered and analyzed by using SPSS 12.0.1 and C sample program of epi_info (version 6.04d) software package. The conventional content analysis of FGD data was undertaken. RESULTS: The prevalence of morbidities was high among newborns and children. About 1,811 (67%) children had at least one of the morbidities. Private health care providers and village level faith healers were preferred for seeking treatment of newborn danger sings and childhood morbidities. The status of some desired household practices such as frequent feeding and giving extra fluid to drink during episodes of illness was poor. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, considering high prevalence of child morbidities and poor status of some desired household practices of caregivers at household level for sick children, household and community IMNCI strategy needs to be implemented to promote child health and nutrition. Apart from this, health care delivery at village level should be strengthened.

Attitude to Health , Medicine, Traditional/statistics & numerical data , Morbidity/trends , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Adult , Age Distribution , Child Mortality/trends , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Developing Countries , Family Characteristics , Female , Focus Groups , Humans , India , Infant , Infant Mortality/trends , Infant, Newborn , Male , Mother-Child Relations , Population Groups , Prevalence , Qualitative Research , Risk Assessment , Rural Population , Sex Distribution , Socioeconomic Factors , Vulnerable Populations
Indian J Med Sci ; 63(8): 345-54, 2009 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19770525


BACKGROUND: In India, common morbidities among children under 3 years of age are fever, acute respiratory infections, diarrhea. Effective early management at the home level and health care-seeking behavior in case of appearance of danger signs are key strategies to prevent the occurrence of severe and life-threatening complications. OBJECTIVES: To find out the prevalence of acute child morbidities, their determinants and health-seeking behavior of the mothers of these children. SETTING AND DESIGN: The cross-sectional study was carried out in Wardha district of central India. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We interviewed 990 mothers of children below 3 years of age using 30-cluster sampling method. Nutritional status was defined by National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference. Composite index of anthropometric failure (CIAF) was constructed. Hemoglobin concentration in each child was estimated using the 'filter paper cyanm ethemoglobin method.' Using World Health Organization guidelines, anemia was defined as hemoglobin concentration less than 110 g/L. Post-survey focus group discussions (FGDs) were undertaken to bridge gaps in information obtained from the survey. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: The data was analyzed by using SPSS 12.0.1 software package. Chi-square was used to test the association, while odds ratios were calculated to measure the strength of association. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied to derive the final model. RESULTS: Anemia was detected in 80.3% of children, and 59.6% of children were undernourished as indicated by CIAF. The overall prevalence of acute morbidity was 59.9%. Children with mild anemia, moderate anemia and severe anemia had 1.52, 1.61 and 9.21 times higher risk of being morbid, respectively. Similarly, children with single, 2 and 3 anthropometric failures had 1.16, 1.29 and 2.27 times higher risk of being morbid, respectively. Out of 594 (60%) children with at least one of the acute morbidities, 520 (87.5%) sought health care, where majority (66.1%) received treatment from private clinics. The final model suggested that anemia and mother's poor educational status are predictors of childhood morbidity. CONCLUSIONS: Nutritional anemia and mother's poor educational status are the most important risk factors of acute childhood morbidity. There is need to revitalize existing health care delivery and child health programs in rural India with emphasis on immediate correction of nutritional anemia.

Morbidity , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Acute Disease , Anemia/epidemiology , Anthropometry , Chi-Square Distribution , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diarrhea, Infantile/epidemiology , Dysentery/epidemiology , Female , Fever/epidemiology , Focus Groups , Humans , India , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Interviews as Topic , Logistic Models , Male , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Mothers , Pneumonia/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Rural Population
Indian J Pediatr ; 75(4): 325-9, 2008 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18536884


OBJECTIVE: To know mothers' knowledge and explore their perceptions about newborn danger signs and health care seeking behaviors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken in three of the 27 primary health centres of Wardha district with a population of 88187. Out of 1675 expected mothers, 1160 mothers in the area were interviewed by house-to-house visits. Data was entered and analyzed in SPSS 12.0.1. In order to explore mothers' perception of danger signs and actions taken, a triangulation of formative research methods like chapatti diagram and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was undertaken. The analysis of free list and pile sort data obtained was undertaken using Anthropac 4.98.1/X software. RESULTS: About 67.2 % mothers knew at least one newborn danger sign. Majority of mothers (87.4%) responded that the sick child should be immediately taken to the doctor but only 41.8% of such sick newborns got treatment either from government hospital (21.8%) or from private hospital (20%) and 46.1% of sick babies received no treatment. As told by mothers, the reasons for not taking actions even in presence of danger signs/symptoms were ignorance of parents, lack of money, faith in supernatural causes, non availability of transport, home remedy, non availability of doctor and absence of responsible person at home. For almost all the danger signs/symptoms supernatural causes were suspected and remedy was sought from traditional faith healer (vaidu) followed by doctor of primary health centre and private doctor. CONCLUSION: The present study found gap between mothers' knowledge and their health seeking behavior for sick newborn and explored their deep perceptions, constraints and various traditional treatments. Comprehensive intervention strategies are required to change behavior of caregivers along with improvement in capacity of Government health care services and National Health Programs to ensure newborn survival in rural area.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Infant Care/standards , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/therapy , Adolescent , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Developing Countries , Female , Humans , India , Infant Care/trends , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/diagnosis , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/epidemiology , Mother-Child Relations , Multicenter Studies as Topic , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Perception , Risk Factors , Rural Health , Severity of Illness Index
Indian J Pediatr ; 74(11): 987-90, 2007 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18057677


OBJECTIVE: To compare estimates of undernutrition based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards ('WHO standards') and the National Center for Health Statistics NCHS/ WHO international growth reference ('NCHS reference') and discuss implications for child health programs and reporting of prevalence of underweight in demographic surveys. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 20 Anganwadi centers under Primary Health Centre, Anji. Total of 1491 under-six year children attending the Anganwadi centers were studied for nutritional status. Nutritional status was analyzed by NCHS standards by using EPI_INFO 6.04 software package and also by newly introduced WHO Child Growth Standards by Anthro 2005 software package. Chi-square test was used to compare the results. RESULTS: According to WHO standards, the prevalence of underweight and severe underweight for children 0-6 year was 47.4% and 16.9% respectively. By NCHS reference, the overall prevalence of underweight and severe underweight for children 0-6 years was 53% and 15% respectively. The prevalence of underweight as assessed by WHO standards was significantly lower when compared with the assessment based on NCHS reference (p< 0.01). But, WHO standards gave higher prevalence of severe underweight than NCHS reference though the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: In the light of newly developed WHO Child growth standards, all the nutrition-related indicators in demographic surveys like NFHS should now be derived using the WHO standards. There is need to reanalyze NFHS - I and NFHS - II data using WHO standards and findings should be made available so that it becomes comparable and trends over the years can be studied.

Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Growth , Child Health Services/organization & administration , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Health Surveys , Humans , India/epidemiology , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Nutritional Status , Prevalence , Reference Standards , Thinness/epidemiology , World Health Organization
J Commun Dis ; 39(2): 101-4, 2007 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18338688


A Cross-sectional study was undertaken to compare the level of awareness about HIV/AIDS between women's self-help group leaders and other women in the villages of primary health centre area, Anji. 82 leaders of women's self-help groups i.e. president and secretary of each 41 women's self-help groups promoted by Kasturba Rural Health Training Centre, Anji in area Primary Health Centre, Anji and 98 women other than leaders of self-help group from the same villages were selected for the study. Both the groups were in reproductive age groups. The leaders of Self-help groups had better level of education and awareness about HIV/AIDS than other women in the village. Considering the significant high level of awareness regarding HIV/AIDS, the leaders of women's self-help groups could act as potential resource persons for the delivery of health education about prevention of HIV/AIDS to other women in the villages of Primary Health Centre, Anji.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/psychology , Awareness , HIV Infections/psychology , Self-Help Groups , Women/psychology , Adult , Community Health Workers/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Humans , India
World Health Popul ; 9(3): 48-54, 2007.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18272942


OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of a community-based health education intervention on awareness and behaviour change of rural adolescent girls regarding their management of menstrual hygiene. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A participatory-action study was undertaken in Primary Health Centres in 23 villages in Anji, in the Wardha district of Maharashtra state. Study subjects were unmarried rural adolescent girls (12-19 years). We conducted a needs assessment for health messages with this target audience, using a triangulated research design of quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus group discussions) methods. Program for Appropriate Technology for Health (PATH) guidelines were used to develop a pre-tested, handmade flip book containing needs-based key messages about the management of menstrual hygiene. The messages were delivered at monthly meetings of village-based groups of adolescent girls, called Kishori Panchayat. After 3 years, the effect of the messages was assessed using a combination of quantitative (survey) and qualitative (trend analysis) methods. RESULTS: After 3 years, significantly more adolescent girls (55%) were aware of menstruation before its initiation compared with baseline (35%). The practice of using ready-made pads increased significantly from 5% to 25% and reuse of cloth declined from 85% to 57%. The trend analysis showed that adolescent girls perceived a positive change in their behaviour and level of awareness. CONCLUSION: The present community health education intervention strategy could bring significant changes in the awareness and behaviour of rural adolescent girls regarding management of their menstrual hygiene.

Health Education/methods , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Hygiene , Menstruation , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior , Adult , Child , Female , Focus Groups , Genital Diseases, Female/etiology , Genital Diseases, Female/prevention & control , Health Surveys , Humans , India , Menstrual Hygiene Products , Program Evaluation , Rural Health
Indian J Med Res ; 123(5): 657-64, 2006 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16873908


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Overweight and obesity are important determinants of health leading to adverse metabolic changes, including increase in blood pressure. Being overweight is associated with two- to six-fold increase in the risk of developing hypertension. Studies in urban Indian population showed strong relationship between different anthropometric indicators and blood pressure levels. Surprisingly, little is known about these relationships in rural population of India. The present study was carried out to examine the relationship between different anthropometric indicators and blood pressure levels in rural population of Wardha district in central India. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out in the areas of two Rural Health Training Centres (RHTC) of Department of Community Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram; namely Bhidi and Anji through house-to-house visits. Two stage sampling method (30 cluster followed by systematic random) was used to reach the respondents' households. Partial correlation coefficients were used for continuous variables. Linear regression analysis was used to assess the influence of different anthropometric indicators on the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. ROC analysis was done to identify optimal cut-off values while likelihood ratios were calculated to identify the odds of having hypertension in comparison to those with lower values of anthropometric indicators. RESULTS: The mean systolic blood pressures were 120.2 and 118.4 mmHg while the mean diastolic blood pressures were 77.7 and 76.3 mmHg in men and women respectively. There was a significant positive correlation of obesity indicators with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. For SBP, the correlation coefficient was 0.23 with BMI, 0.23 with waist circumference, 0.11 with WHR and 0.22 with WHtR. For DBP, it was 0.13 with BMI, 0.12 with WC, 0.04 with WHR and 0.11 with WHtR. Step-wise linear regression suggested that BMI and WC were important predictors of hypertension. The suggested cut-off values for BMI were 21.7 for men and 21.2 for women; for waist circumference, the cut-offs were 72.5 for men and 65.5 for women. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: BMI and WC had strong correlation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The suggested lower cut-off values of the anthropometric indicators will cover maximum of the population with higher odds of having hypertension and may help in reducing the mean population blood pressure levels.

Anthropometry , Blood Pressure , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Hypertension/epidemiology , Hypertension/etiology , India/epidemiology , Male , Middle Aged , Obesity/complications , Obesity/epidemiology , Overweight , Risk Factors , Rural Health
Indian J Pediatr ; 73(2): 139-41, 2006 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16514223


OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to study the nutritional status of adolescents in rural area of Wardha. METHODS: The cross-sectional study was carried out in two PHC areas of Wardha district with two stage sampling method. In the first stage, cluster-sampling method was used to identify 30-clusters in each Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC) area separately. In the second stage, systematic random sampling method was used to identify 10 households per cluster. All adolescents in the household thus selected were included in the study. The mean body mass index (BMI) for age was used for classifying the nutritional status with CDC 2000 reference. Data thus generated was entered and analyzed using epi_info 2000. RESULTS: Overall, 53.8% of the adolescents were thin, 44% were normal and 2.2% were overweight. The mean body mass index (BMI) for boys and girls was 16.88 and 15.54 respectively. The difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). The prevalence of thinness was significantly (p<0.05) higher in early adolescence, girls, lower education (<8th standard) and lower economic status. CONCLUSION: Majority (53.8%) of the adolescents in this study area are thin and only 2.2% were overweight.

Nutritional Status , Rural Health , Adolescent , Adolescent Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Anthropometry , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , India , Male , Rural Population , Socioeconomic Factors , Thinness
Eur J Immunol ; 31(5): 1485-94, 2001 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11465105


We report a strategy for high through-put sequence analyses of large MHC class II-bound peptide repertoires which combines automated electrospray ionization tandem mass-spectrometry with computer-assisted interpretation of the tandem mass spectra using the algorithm SEQUEST. This powerful approach discerned 128 peptide sequences displayed by the murine MHC class II molecule I-Ab in activated B cells and macrophages, including a surprisingly large number of peptides derived from self cytosolic proteins. Mice lacking the chaperone molecule H-2M were used to generate T cells specific for selected self peptides. Functional T cell analyses of ex vivo antigen-presenting cells indicated that peptides originating from cytosolic proteins are efficiently presented by splenic and thymic dendritic cells, but less so by resting B cells or thymic cortical epithelial cells. These results suggest that central tolerance to at least some MHC class II-bound self peptides derived from cytosolic proteins exists in vivo.

Antigen Presentation/immunology , Antigen-Presenting Cells/immunology , Autoantigens/chemistry , Autoantigens/immunology , Cytosol/chemistry , Histocompatibility Antigens Class II/immunology , Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization/methods , Algorithms , Amino Acid Sequence , Animals , Antigen-Presenting Cells/metabolism , Autoantigens/metabolism , Automation/methods , B-Lymphocytes/immunology , B-Lymphocytes/metabolism , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Dendritic Cells/immunology , Dendritic Cells/metabolism , Epithelial Cells/immunology , Epithelial Cells/metabolism , Histocompatibility Antigens Class II/metabolism , Hybridomas/immunology , Immune Tolerance/immunology , Macrophages/immunology , Macrophages/metabolism , Mice , Molecular Sequence Data , Protein Structure, Tertiary , Proteins/chemistry , Proteins/immunology , Proteins/metabolism , T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Thymus Gland/cytology , Thymus Gland/immunology
Biopolymers ; 60(3): 206-11, 2001.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11774226


The genome sequencing effort has helped spawn the burgeoning field of proteomics. This review article examines state-of-the-art proteomics methods that are helping change the discovery paradigm in a variety of biological disciplines and, in particular, protein biochemistry. The review discusses both classical and novel methods to perform high-throughput qualitative and quantitative "global" as well as targeted proteome analysis of complex biological systems. From a drug discovery standpoint, the synergy between genomics and proteomics will help elucidate disease mechanisms, identify novel drug targets, and identify surrogate biomarkers that could be used to conduct clinical trials.

Biochemistry/trends , Proteins/chemistry , Animals , Biochemistry/methods , Drug Industry/trends , Humans , Proteins/genetics , Proteins/isolation & purification , Software
Trends Biotechnol ; 15(10): 418-25, 1997 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9351286


State-of-the-art techniques such as liquid-chromatography-electrospray-ionisation tandem mass spectrometry have, in conjunction with database-searching computer algorithms, revolutionised the analysis of biochemical species from complex biological mixtures. With these techniques, it is now possible to perform high-throughput protein identification at picomolar to subpicomolar levels from protein mixtures. This article provides an overview of the techniques and methodologies available for the structural elucidation and identification of proteins and peptides from complex biological samples.

Mass Spectrometry/methods , Proteins/analysis , Algorithms , Amino Acid Sequence , Biotechnology , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/instrumentation , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/statistics & numerical data , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Mass Spectrometry/instrumentation , Mass Spectrometry/statistics & numerical data , Molecular Sequence Data , Peptides/analysis , Peptides/chemistry , Proteins/chemistry , Sequence Analysis/methods
J Mass Spectrom ; 31(4): 339-50, 1996 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8799282


The utility of surface-induced dissociation (SID) to probe the structure, energetics and fragmentation mechanisms of protonated peptides is discussed and demonstrated. High internal energy deposition provided by low-energy (eV range) ion-surface collisions yields extensive fragmentation of protonated peptides, allowing relatively uncomplicated and rapid sequence analysis of oligopeptides. SID of multiply protonated peptides is illustrated for peptides with molecular mass of up to approximately 5000 u. It is also illustrated that SID combined with electrospray ionization (ESI) provides a distinctive experimental technique to determine the energetics and mechanisms of peptide fragmentation. The relative position of ESI/SID fragmentation efficiency curves (plots of percentage fragmentation vs. laboratory collision energy) for peptides can be utilized to estimate relative energetics of peptide fragmentation and even to predict proton localization sites. The observed trends support the essential role of the mobile proton model in understanding peptide fragmentation by low-energy tandem mass spectrometry.

Peptides/chemistry , Amino Acid Sequence , Animals , Energy Transfer , Humans , Mass Spectrometry , Molecular Sequence Data , Protons , Surface Properties
Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom ; 9(9): 829-36, 1995.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7655076


Rate constants for the unimolecular decomposition of peptide monomer and dimer ions by thermal and surface-induced dissociation (SID) are measured and compared. Rate constants for thermal dissociation are measured in a heated wide-bore capillary flow reactor attached in front of the capillary leading into the mass spectrometer. Thermal decomposition of the leucine enkephalin ion (YGGFL)H+ is observed between 600 and 680 K with rate constants of 20-200 s-1, and yields many of the same fragments as SID at 35 eV, although with different relative intensities. The thermal decomposition yields the Arrhenius parameters Ea = 38.3 kcal/mol, log A = 15.7. The decomposition of the monomer and dimer ions are also observed by using SID on C18 and fluorinated hydrocarbon surfaces, with rate constants of 2 x 10(4) to 40 x 10(4) s-1. The SID activated monomer ions are assigned equivalent temperatures of 710-840 K by extrapolation of the thermal activation parameters. The protonated dimer ion (YGGFL)2 H+ decomposes thermally at 500-540 K to yield the monomer ion. The dimer also decomposes by SID at low collision energies 10-20 eV on both surfaces to yield the monomer ion, and at much higher energies of 60-80 eV to yield fragments identical to the decomposition of the monomer. The large energy requirement for fragmentation from the dimer is due to energy deposition into more degrees of freedom plus the additional energy required for dissociation of the dimer to the monomer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Peptides/chemistry , Amino Acid Sequence , Chemical Phenomena , Chemistry, Physical , Enkephalins/chemistry , Kinetics , Mass Spectrometry , Melitten/chemistry , Molecular Sequence Data , Protons , Surface Properties
Anal Chem ; 65(20): 2859-72, 1993 Oct 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8250266


This paper describes the results of a systematic investigation designed to assess the utility of surface-induced dissociation in the structural analysis of small peptides (500-1800u). A number of different peptides, ranging in mass and amino acid sequence, are fragmented by collision with a surface in a tandem mass spectrometer and the spectra are compared with data obtained by gas-phase collisional activation. The surface-induced dissociation spectra provide ample sequence information for the peptides. Side-chain cleavage ions of type w, which are generally detected upon kiloelectronvolt collisions with gaseous targets but not upon electronvolt collisions with gaseous targets, are detected in the ion-surface collision experiments. A theoretical approach based on MNDO bond order calculations is suggested for the description of peptide fragmentation. This model, supplemented by ab initio calculations, serves as a complement to the experimental work described in the paper and explains (i) the easy cleavage of the amide bond, (ii) charge-remote backbone and side-chain cleavages, and (iii) the influence of intramolecular H-bonding.

Peptides/chemistry , Amino Acid Sequence , Hydrogen Bonding , Ions , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Molecular Sequence Data , Peptide Fragments/chemistry , Protons , Surface Properties