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J Clin Med ; 13(7)2024 Apr 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38610820


Background/Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyze the results of clinical trials regarding long-term antiviral therapies in chronic hepatitis with HBV to compare current therapeutic protocols and to analyze the results of preliminary studies with new antiviral therapies for HBV. Methods: Clinical studies and meta-analyses from PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Gate from 2011 to 2024 were analyzed on patients undergoing chronic antiviral therapy for HBV, and a retrospective observational study performed in our clinic on a group of 76 patients undergoing chronic therapy with entecavir was presented. Also, a summary of the results of preliminary studies with various innovative antiviral molecules for HBV was performed. Results: The results of extensive clinical trials reveal that current therapies for chronic HBV are well tolerated and maintain good viral suppression if the patient is adherent to therapy. Innovative therapies aim to eliminate HBsAg and, thus, significantly shorten the duration of treatment, and the preliminary results of the studies are promising. Conclusions: Being an asymptomatic condition that requires life-long therapy, adherence to therapy is a real problem. Also, the risk of decompensation of liver cirrhosis and adenocarcinoma remains important in these patients. Future research is needed to perfect some antiviral therapy schemes that shorten the treatment period but also decrease the rate of progression towards decompensated cirrhosis and liver adenocarcinoma.

Exp Ther Med ; 23(2): 134, 2022 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35069815


Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic inflammatory disease with autoimmune determinism having an incompletely known pathogenesis. Although not all links in the pathogenic chain are known, studies have shown that vasculopathy is the initial event and is followed by extensive fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. New therapeutic strategies have been developed in recent years, thanks to innovative research which has increased understanding of the disease mechanisms. No curative treatment for SSc is currently known. Therefore, the therapeutic target in SSc is its symptomatology. Peripheral vasculopathy can be improved by administering vasodilators. Endothelin receptor antagonists and 5-phosphodiesterase inhibitors have a double benefit, both on peripheral and on pulmonary vasculopathy. Several molecules with antifibrotic effects are currently available; however, further studies are needed to confirm their beneficial effects. Immunosuppressants manage to control the cutaneous and visceral fibrotic process, thereby remaining as first-line drugs in the treatment of SSc. Although biological therapy using rituximab and tocilizumab has shown promising results in pulmonary fibrosis, ongoing studies are needed to determine their exact impact. The authors have differing views on the triggering role of glucocorticoids and the benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in renal scleroderma. Some aspects of this disease such as calcinosis and pruritus, asthenia, or joint and muscle damage, remain difficult to manage.

Exp Ther Med ; 22(3): 994, 2021 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34345276


Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a collagenosis characterized by excessive deposition of collagen in the skin and viscera, in a background of immune disorder. The immunological profile of SSc often shows elevated levels of antinuclear antibodies (ANAs). However, many authors have identified cases of SSc having normal ANA levels, framed as paraneoplastic SSc. Among patients with negative ANAs in our group, we did not identify any neoplastic process that could support this hypothesis. The extended detection of autoantibodies is extremely useful in establishing the subset of SSc. Thus, anti-Scl70 antibodies are specific for the diffuse subset of SSc, while anticentromere antibodies (ACAs) have specificity for a limited subset. However, studies have shown the existence of cases of diffuse SSc having high titers of ACAs and cases of limited SSc with high titers of anti-Scl70 antibodies. This indicates an inconsistent association between the disease subset and the autoantibodies specific to each subset. Our study found a more balanced consistency between disease subsets and autoantibodies specific for each subset. Therefore, the percentages of patients having an immunological profile inconsistent with the subset of SSc, are lower than those found by other authors. This observation opens the perspective of larger studies on the immunological profile in SSc.

Exp Ther Med ; 21(1): 77, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33363588


Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a collagenosis, in which the microvasculature of the skin and internal organs becomes affected, followed by excessive deposition of connective tissue. It has been included in the group of rare diseases, and it seems to have had an increasing incidence over the last two decades. Statistics show, not only an increase in the incidence of SSc, but that of autoimmune diseases as a whole. The present study aimed to outline the epidemiological profile of SSc in the southeast region of Romania and to identify similarities and differences concerning the epidemiology of this disease in other countries. The current observational study was carried out on a group of 22 patients who were diagnosed with SSc and who were hospitalized at a university clinic in Bucharest. Our research revealed a higher prevalence of women suffering from SSc, with higher numbers suffering from the diffuse subset of this disease. In addition, we found that the majority of patients came from urban areas. SSc has an important impact on the quality of life of patients, thus opening the opportunity for studies to be carried out on larger populations of patients in order to identify epidemiological similarities and differences in various countries, as well as finding new experimental models useful for future research.

Exp Ther Med ; 21(1): 79, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33363590


Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a relatively rare autoimmune disease with skin and visceral involvement, having a yet unknown etiopathogenesis. Research has shown that professional exposure to various polluting chemicals such as dyes, aliphatic and aromatic organic solvents, inhalable silica dust or certain heavy metals, can be triggering factors for this disease when they overlap a predisposing genetic profile. Smoking is still a debated factor involved in the etiology of SSc, as authors have divergent opinions on this matter. The present study was designed to analyze the etiological factors identified in the group of 37 patients with diffuse and limited SSc from the southeast region of Romania and the results were compared to the literature data. In the group of patients included in this study, occupational exposure and smoking history were not present in all patients, and a hereditary factor was identified only in an isolated case. The majority of patients suffered from a major negative psychological event or from long-term stressful situations and these factors were associated with smoking history or occupational exposure; this suggests that SSc is initiated in a set of cumulative triggering factors.