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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35329220


Physical activity (PA) and limiting sedentary behavior have been recognized as health-promoting behaviors for many years. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in lifestyle habits have occurred, causing disparities in PA practice. This article aimed to examine the characteristics of French adults who self-reported having difficulties in continuing their exercise practices during the pandemic. Multivariate logistic regressions were used to test whether certain demographic, morphologic, behavioral (sleep, sedentary lifestyle, extent of household chores), and exercise-related variables were significant predictors of experiencing such difficulties, based on data from an online survey of insurance company members. Difficulties in PA practice were found in 57% of the population surveyed. Several factors were identified as predictors of experiencing difficulties, including a high BMI, the type and number of physical activities usually practiced before lockdown, as well as the number of times per week dedicated to PA. For the employed population, specific factors were additionally decisive: sex, time spent in front of screens, and sleeping. Our results will allow public health policy makers and stakeholders in PA and prevention to better target populations in difficulty during periods of disruption, such as that of the pandemic; thus, allowing them to propose structural or organizational solutions for the continuity of PA practice.

COVID-19 , Adult , COVID-19/epidemiology , Communicable Disease Control , Exercise , Humans , Pandemics , Sedentary Behavior
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab ; : 1-8, 2020 Apr 13.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32283035


To date, physical activity (PA) programs for overweight and obese people are built around recommendations established for the general population. However, these people have special characteristics that require adapted coaching. In order to begin this work of recommendations, the objective of this article was to list the criteria usually used to describe and study PA programs for overweight and obese people and its associated postprogram follow-up. A systematic review of both meta-analyses and systematic reviews related to PA programs in the management of overweight and obesity has highlighted that few descriptive elements of programs are systematically reported, and that PA programs are rarely sufficiently detailed to be able to calculate a PA dose or to compare the different programs. These convergences, disparities or gaps in the description of PA programs, led us to initiate a reflection on the interest of these criteria as well as on the interest of their systematization in weight management program design, including PA. We hope that will be a first step towards facilitating the development of recommendations for PA management of overweight and obesity. Novelty Objective: to identify criteria used to describe PA programs in the management of overweight and obesity. Criteria to systematize: data to calculate PA dose; description of program individualization strategy. Criteria to develop: drop-out rate as an indicator of program adaptation; description of fatigue management strategy.

À ce jour, les programmes d'activité physique (AP) visant les personnes atteintes de surpoids et d'obésité s'organisent autour des recommandations érigées pour la population générale. Toutefois, ces personnes présentent des caractéristiques particulières qui nécessitent un accompagnement adapté. Afin de pouvoir amorcer un travail de recommandation, l'objectif de cet article était de répertorier les critères utilisés pour décrire et étudier les programmes d'AP à destination des personnes atteintes de surpoids et d'obésité et les suivis post-programmes. Une revue systématique des méta-analyses et revues systématiques portant sur la prise en charge du surpoids et de l'obésité adulte a permis, notamment, de mettre en évidence que peu d'éléments descriptifs des programmes sont rapportés de manière systématique, et que les programmes sont rarement suffisamment détaillés pour pouvoir calculer une dose d'AP ou permettre leur comparaison. Ces convergences, disparités ou manques dans la description des programmes d'AP, ont permis d'engager une réflexion sur l'intérêt des différents critères ainsi que sur l'intérêt de leur systématisation dans les dispositifs de prise en charge de la gestion du poids incluant l'AP, pour ce que nous espérons être une première étape vers l'élaboration de recommandations en matière de prise en charge du surpoids et de l'obésité par l'AP. Les nouveautés Objectif : répertorier les critères de description des programmes d'AP dans la prise en charge du surpoids et de l'obésité. Critères à systématiser : calcul dose d'AP, individualisation programme. Critères à développer : taux d'abandon comme indicateur d'adaptation du programme, stratégie de gestion de la fatigue.