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Phys Rev Lett ; 130(19): 191002, 2023 May 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37243637


Bouncing models of cosmology, as they arise, e.g., in loop quantum cosmology, can be followed by an inflationary phase and generate close-to-scale-invariant fluctuation spectra as observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). However, they are typically not Gaussian and also generate a bispectrum. These models can help to mitigate the large-scale anomalies of the CMB by considering substantial non-Gaussianities on very large scales, which decay exponentially on subhorizon scales. It was therefore thought that this non-Gaussianity would not be visible in observations, which can only probe subhorizon scales. We show that bouncing models with parameters such that they can significantly mitigate the large-scale anomalies of the CMB are excluded by the Planck data with high significance of, depending on the specific model, 5.4, 6.4, or 14 standard deviations.

Gen Relativ Gravit ; 54(8): 88, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35996424


In this paper I investigate the possibility to test Einstein's equations with observations of cosmological large scale structure. I first show that we have not tested the equations in observations concerning only the homogeneous and isotropic Universe. I then show with several examples how we can do better when considering the fluctuations of both, the energy momentum tensor and the metric. This is illustrated with galaxy number counts, intensity mapping and cosmic shear, three examples that are by no means exhaustive.

Living Rev Relativ ; 21(1): 2, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29674941


Euclid is a European Space Agency medium-class mission selected for launch in 2020 within the cosmic vision 2015-2025 program. The main goal of Euclid is to understand the origin of the accelerated expansion of the universe. Euclid will explore the expansion history of the universe and the evolution of cosmic structures by measuring shapes and red-shifts of galaxies as well as the distribution of clusters of galaxies over a large fraction of the sky. Although the main driver for Euclid is the nature of dark energy, Euclid science covers a vast range of topics, from cosmology to galaxy evolution to planetary research. In this review we focus on cosmology and fundamental physics, with a strong emphasis on science beyond the current standard models. We discuss five broad topics: dark energy and modified gravity, dark matter, initial conditions, basic assumptions and questions of methodology in the data analysis. This review has been planned and carried out within Euclid's Theory Working Group and is meant to provide a guide to the scientific themes that will underlie the activity of the group during the preparation of the Euclid mission.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(21): 211301, 2017 May 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28598649


In this Letter we study the impact on cosmological parameter estimation, from present and future surveys, due to lensing corrections on cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization anisotropies beyond leading order. In particular, we show how post-Born corrections, large-scale structure effects, and the correction due to the change in the polarization direction between the emission at the source and the detection at the observer are non-negligible in the determination of the polarization spectra. They have to be taken into account for an accurate estimation of cosmological parameters sensitive to or even based on these spectra. We study in detail the impact of higher order lensing on the determination of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r and on the estimation of the effective number of relativistic species N_{eff}. We find that neglecting higher order lensing terms can lead to misinterpreting these corrections as a primordial tensor-to-scalar ratio of about O(10^{-3}). Furthermore, it leads to a shift of the parameter N_{eff} by nearly 2σ considering the level of accuracy aimed by future S4 surveys.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(5): 051302, 2015 Feb 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25699430


The large-scale homogeneity and isotropy of the Universe is generally thought to imply a well-defined background cosmological model. It may not. Smoothing over structure adds in an extra contribution, transferring power from small scales up to large. Second-order perturbation theory implies that the effect is small, but suggests that formally the perturbation series may not converge. The amplitude of the effect is actually determined by the ratio of the Hubble scales at matter-radiation equality and today-which are entirely unrelated. This implies that a universe with significantly lower temperature today could have significant backreaction from more power on small scales, and so provides the ideal testing ground for understanding backreaction. We investigate this using two different N-body numerical simulations-a 3D Newtonian and a 1D simulation which includes all relevant relativistic effects. We show that while perturbation theory predicts an increasing backreaction as more initial small-scale power is added, in fact the virialization of structure saturates the backreaction effect at the same level independently of the equality scale. This implies that backreaction is a small effect independently of initial conditions. Nevertheless, it may still contribute at the percent level to certain cosmological observables and therefore it cannot be neglected in precision cosmology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(19): 191303, 2014 May 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24877927


If the B-mode signal in the cosmic microwave background polarization seen by the BICEP2 experiment is confirmed, it has dramatic implications for models of inflation. The result is also in tension with Planck limits on standard inflationary models. It is, therefore, important to investigate whether this signal can arise from alternative sources. If so, this could lessen the pressure on inflationary models and the tension with Planck data. We investigate whether vector and tensor modes from primordial magnetic fields can explain the signal. We find that, in principle, magnetic fields generated during inflation can indeed produce the required B mode, for a suitable range of energy scales of inflation. In this case, the primordial gravitational wave amplitude is negligible, so that there is no tension with Planck and no problems posed for current inflationary models. However, the simplest magnetic model is in tension with Planck limits on non-Gaussianity in the trispectrum. It may be possible to fine tune the magnetogenesis model so that this non-Gaussianity is suppressed. Alternatively, a weaker magnetic field can pass the non-Gaussianity constraints and allow the primordial tensor mode to be reduced to r ≃ 0.09, thus removing the tension with Planck data and alleviating the problems with simple inflationary models.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(22): 221301, 2014 Jun 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24949753


Local measurements of the Hubble expansion rate are affected by structures like galaxy clusters or voids. Here we present a fully relativistic treatment of this effect, studying how clustering modifies the mean distance- (modulus-)redshift relation and its dispersion in a standard cold dark matter universe with a cosmological constant. The best estimates of the local expansion rate stem from supernova observations at small redshifts (0.01

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(22): 229001, 2013 Nov 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24329476
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 369(1957): 5102-14, 2011 Dec 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22084297


In this paper, we discuss what we truly know about dark energy. I shall argue that, to date, our single indication for the existence of dark energy comes from distance measurements and their relation to redshift. Supernovae, cosmic microwave background anisotropies and observations of baryon acoustic oscillations simply tell us that the observed distance to a given redshift z is larger than the one expected from a Friedmann-Lemaître universe with matter only and the locally measured Hubble parameter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(7): 071601, 2007 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17930884


In braneworld cosmology the expanding Universe is realized as a brane moving through a warped higher-dimensional spacetime. Like a moving mirror causes the creation of photons out of vacuum fluctuations, a moving brane leads to graviton production. We show that, very generically, Kaluza-Klein (KK) particles scale like stiff matter with the expansion of the Universe and can therefore not represent the dark matter in a warped braneworld. We present results for the production of massless and KK gravitons for bouncing branes in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. We find that for a realistic bounce the back reaction from the generated gravitons will be most likely relevant. This Letter summarizes the main results and conclusions from numerical simulations which are presented in detail in a long paper [M. Ruser and R. Durrer, arXiv:0704.0790].

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(8): 081303, 2006 Aug 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17026289


We demonstrate that if k-essence can solve the coincidence problem and play the role of dark energy in the Universe, the fluctuations of the field have to propagate superluminally at some stage. We argue that this implies that successful k-essence models violate causality. It is not possible to define a time ordered succession of events in a Lorentz invariant way. Therefore, k-essence cannot arise as a low energy effective field theory of a causal, consistent high energy theory.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(19): 191302, 2006 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16803096


We show that the dipole of the luminosity distance is a useful observational tool which allows us to determine the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift H(z). We determine the number of supernovae needed to achieve a given precision for H(z) and to distinguish between different models for dark energy. We analyze a sample of nearby supernovae and find a dipole consistent with the cosmic microwave background at a significance of more than 2alpha.

Science ; 311(5762): 787-8, 2006 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16469908