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East. Mediterr. health j ; 22(5): 335-342, 2016-05.
Article in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-259970


We conducted in-depth interviews with key tobacco control policy-makers to explore their views and opinions of trends in tobacco use and the effectiveness of tobacco control programmes over the past 3 decades. A qualitative interview study was conducted in 2014 using a grounded theory approach. In-depth interviews were conducted with 86 key tobacco control policy-makers and data collection was based on principles of saturation. The core code "tobacco consumption and its control programme" was extracted and its related themes were listed. After review and classification by an expert panel, 9 categorized codes emerged. The final 31 codes were ordered according to their conceptual differentiations. Overall, tobacco consumption was constant over the past 3 decades; however it was increasing in females and young people and decreasing in older people; hookah consumption was increasing. A positive outcome is that tobacco use is now viewed negatively in the Islamic Republic of Iran, largely due to tobacco control programmes but the current situation is still not ideal and a comprehensive tobacco control law is needed

Nous avons mené des entretiens approfondis auprès de responsables politiques clés de la lutte antitabac afin d'examiner leurs vues et opinions sur les tendances du tabagisme et sur l'efficacité des programmes de lutte antitabac au cours des trois dernières décennies. Une étude qualitative par entretiens a été conduite en 2014 suivant la méthodologie dite de la théorie à base empirique. Des entretiens approfondis ont été menés auprès de 86 responsables politiques clés de la lutte antitabac, et la collecte des données a reposé sur le principe de saturation. Le code source " consommation de tabac et programmes de lutte antitabac " a été extrait et les thèmes apparentés ont ensuite été listés. Après examen et classification par un groupe d'experts, neuf codes catégorisés ont émergé ultérieurement. Les 31 codes finaux ont été ordonnés en fonction de leurs différenciations conceptuelles. Dans l'ensemble, le tabagisme est resté constant au cours des 30 dernières années ; mais il a augmenté chez les femmes et les jeunes, a baissé chez les personnes âgées, et la consommation de houka a connu une augmentation. L'un des résultats positifs est que le tabagisme est à présent perçu négativement en République islamique d'Iran, en grande partie grâce aux programmes de lutte antitabac. Mais la situation actuelle est loin d'être idéale et l'adoption d'une législation antitabac complète est nécessaire

Tobacco Use , Tobacco Use Disorder , Nicotiana , Drug and Narcotic Control , Surveys and Questionnaires , Smoking
Article in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-250603


يعتبر تقديم المشورة عبر الهاتف حول الإقلاع عن التدخين من الوسائل العالية المردود في الوصول إلى المعتمدين على التدخين بين السكان. وقد استقصى الباحثون في هذه الدراسة تكرار مرات التواصل وأنماط المواضيع التي يصل إليها الناس بعد إنشاء خط مساعدة هاتفي وطني في جمهورية إيران الإسلامية في مطلع عام 2011 . فمن بين العدد الإجمالي للمكالمات التي تلقاها خط، فمن العدد الإجمالي للمكالمات التى تلقاها خط المساعدة على مدى 24 شهرا، وهو 23979 مكالمة، أغلق 26.5 % من المتصلين الخط دون اختيار أي بند من قائمة الاختيارات. وكان أكثر بنود قوائم الاختيارات هي عناوين خدمات دعم الإقلاع عن التدخين [23.9 %]، ويتلوها طرق الإقلاع عن التدخين [14%]، ومواد المساعدة الذاتية للإقلاع عن التدخين [11.8 %]وتقييم الاعتماد على النيكوتين [10.4 %]. وقد انخفض العدد الوسطي للمكالمات انخفاضا ملحوظا بعد الشهر الأول من تقديم الخدمة، في حن حدث ازدياد ملحوظ خال الشهرين اللذين سبقا شهر رمضان المبارك. وتمثل الرسائل الدينية فرصا جيدة لإسهام الأفراد في الإقلاع عن التدخين، وقد تساعد في التخطيط للحملات الإعلامية

ABSTRACT Telephone smoking cessation counselling is a very cost-effective means of reaching dependent smokers in a population. We investigated the frequency of contacts and the types of topics that people accessed after a national telephone helpline was set up in the Islamic Republic of Iran at the beginning of 2011. From a total of 23 979 calls received over a 24-month period, 26.5% of callers hung up without selecting any menus. The most frequently accessed menu was addresses of smoking cessation support services (23.9%), followed by methods of smoking cessation (14.0%), self-help materials for quitting smoking (11.8%) and nicotine dependence assessment (10.4%). The average number of contacts decreased dramatically after the first month of the service but there was a significant increase in the 2 months preceding the feast of Ramadan. Religious messages provide a good opportunity to engage individuals in smoking cessation and may be useful in the planning of media campaigns.

RÉSUMÉ L'aide au sevrage tabagique par téléphone est un moyen d'un très bon rapport coût-efficacité de toucher les fumeurs dépendants dans une population. Nous avons étudié la fréquence des appels et les différents types de sujets que les appelants sélectionnaient depuis la mise en place début 2011 d'une ligne téléphonique nationale d'aide aux fumeurs en République islamique d'Iran. Sur un total de 23 979 appels reçus sur une période de 24 mois, 26,5 % des appelants raccrochaient sans sélectionner de choix dans les menus. Le menu le plus fréquemment sélectionné concernait les adresses des services d'aide au sevrage tabagique (23,9 %), suivi par les méthodes de sevrage tabagique (14,0 %), puis par les outils d'auto-assistance pour le sevrage tabagique (11,8 %) et enfin par l'évaluation de la dépendance à la nicotine (10,4 %). Le nombre moyen d'appels a diminué radicalement après le premier mois de mise en service mais a augmenté de manière importante dans les deux mois précédents la fête du Ramadan. Les messages religieux fournissent une bonne occasion pour encourager les consommateurs à renoncer au tabac et peuvent être utiles pour la planification des campagnes dans les médias.

Smoking Cessation , Voice , Counseling , Tobacco Use Cessation , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-200590


Dental professionals are in a unique position to promote smoking cessation among their patients.We evaluated the effects of a brief counselling intervention by a dentist on patients' attitude towards the role of dentists in tobacco cessation programmes.In a semi-experimental study in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 70 eligible smokers were selected and randomly assigned to intervention and control groups.The initial attitudes of the patients regarding tobacco cessation counselling services provided by the dentist were determined using a validated questionnaire.The intervention group received a brief chair-side counselling by a dentist based on the 5 A's approach, while no intervention was provided for the control group.At 8-weeks follow-up, smokers receiving the intervention showed significantly more positive attitudes towards the role of the dentist in advising patients to quit smoking compared with those in the control group.More responsibility could be transferred to dentists for tobacco prevention

يتمتع أطباء الأسنان بموقع فريد يمكنهم من تعزيز الإقلاع عن التدخين بين مرضاهم. وقد أجرى الباحثون تقييما لأثر التدخلات الوجيزة للمشورة التي يقدمها أطباء الأسنان للمرضى، للتعرف على مواقف المرضى من دور أطباء الأسنان في برامج مكافحة التدخين؛ وهي دراسة شبه تجريبية في طهران، عاصمة جمهورية إيران الإسلامية، ساهم فيها 70 مدخنا مؤهلا تم اختيارهم عشوائيا وقسموا إلى فئتين، فئة للتدخل وفئة للشواهد. واستخدم الباحثون استبيانا تحققوا من سلامته للتعرف على المواقف المبدئية للمرضى تجاه خدمات المشورة حول الإقلاع عن التدخين التي يقدمها أطباء الأسنان. وقد تلقى أفراد فئة التدخل مشورة موجزة أثناء فترة جلوسهم على كرسي طبيب الأسنان، من قبل طبيب الأسنان، باستخدام أسلوب A5، ولم تتلق فئة الشواهد أي تدخل. وبعد متابعة دامت 8 أسابيع، أظهر المدخنون الذين تلقوا التدخل مواقف أكثر إيجابية تجاه دور طبيب الأسنان في تقديم المشورة للمريض حول الإقلاع عن التدخين، بالمقارنة مع فئة الشواهد. مما يدل على أنه يمكن نقل المزيد من المسؤوليات إلى أطباء الأسنان في مجال الوقاية من التدخين

Les professionnels en soins dentaires occupent une position idéale pour promouvoir le sevrage tabagique chez leurs patients.Nous avons évalué les effets d'une brève intervention de conseil par un dentiste sur l'attitude des patients vis-à-vis du rôle des dentistes dans les programmes de sevrage tabagique.Dans une étude semi-expérimentale menée à Téhéran [République islamique d'Iran], 70 fumeurs éligibles ont été sélectionnés puis répartis aléatoirement dans un groupe bénéficiant de l'intervention ou dans un groupe témoin.Les attitudes initiales des patients à l'égard des services de conseil sur le sevrage tabagique fournis par le dentiste ont été déterminées à l'aide d'un questionnaire validé.Les fumeurs du groupe bénéficiant de intervention ont reçu de brefs conseils reposant sur la méthode des 5 A pendant qu'ils étaient allongés sur le fauteuil et que le dentiste se tenait à côté, tandis que le groupe témoin n'a bénéficié d'aucune intervention.A la huitième semaine de suivi, les fumeurs ayant bénéficié de l'intervention avaient des attitudes nettement plus positives vis-à-vis du rôle de conseil du dentiste en matière de sevrage tabagique par rapport à ceux du groupe témoin.Des responsabilités supplémentaires pourraient être transférées aux dentistes en matière de prévention tabagique

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Counseling , Smoking Cessation , Dentists
Article in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-199940


This study designed a framework for assessing the stewardship function of the oral health system in Islamic Republic of Iran.The modified RAND Corporation/University of California Los Angeles [RAND-UCLA]Appropriateness Method was used in a 2-step process that combined literature evidence and the collective judgement of experts.After a comprehensive literature review, policy instruments related to stewardship components were extracted as candidate standards and categorized according to the 6 sub-functions of stewardship (accountability; defining strategic direction; alignment of policy objectives and organizational structure; regulation; intersectoral leadership; and generation of intelligence). Five key informants then rated the appropriateness of the 85 standards on a 5-point Likert scale.The 38 highest ranked standards, including at least 2 standards in each of the 6 sub-functions, formed a set of proposed standards for evaluating the current stewardship of oral health system.Piloting of the instrument will be reported separately

وضعت هذه الدراسة إطار عمل لتقييم وظيفة القوامة في نظام صحة الفم في جمهورية إيران الإسلامية. وتم استخدام الطريقة المعدلة لمؤسسة البحث والتقييم التابعة لجامعة كاليفورنيا في لوس أنجلوس على خطوتين للربط بين البينات المنشورة والرأي الجماعي للخبراء. وبعد إجراء مراجعة شاملة للنشريات، تم استخلاص النصوص الخاصة بالسياسات المتعلقة بعنصر القوامة كمقاييس مقترحة، وتم تصنيفها وفقا للوظائف الفرعية الست للقوامة [المساءلة، والتوجهات الاستراتيجية المحددة؛ وترتيب أهداف السياسيات؛ والهيكل التنظيمي؛ والتنظيم، والقيادة المشتركة بين القطاعات، وإنتاج المعلومات]. ثم قام خمسة مبلغين رئيسيين بتقييم مدى ملاءمة المعايير البالغ عددها 85 مقياسا وفقا لمقياس ليكرت ذي النقاط الخمس. وقد شكلت المقاييس التي حصلت على أعلى ترتيب والبالغ عددها 38 مقياسا، بما فيها مقياسان على الأقل في كل من الوظائف الفرعية الست، مجموعة من المقاييس المقترحة لتقييم القوامة الحالية لنظام صحة الفم. وسيتم تقديم تقرير عن هذه الأداة بشكل منفصل

La présente étude a conçu un cadre d'évaluation de la fonction de gouvernance du système de santé bucco-dentaire en République islamique d'Iran.La Méthode modifiée de détermination de la pertinence des indications de la Rand Corporation et de l'Université de Californie Los Angeles [Rand/UCIA]a été utilisée, dans un processus en deux étapes, combinant les données probantes de la littérature et le point de vue collectif d'experts.Après un examen exhaustif de la littérature, des instruments de politiques liés aux composantes de gouvernance ont été extraits en tant que normes candidates puis classés en catégories selon les six sous-fonctions de gouvernance [responsabilisation, définition d'une orientation stratégique, harmonisation des objectifs politiques et de la structure organisationnelle, réglementation, direction intersectorielle et production de données]. Cinq informateurs clés ont ensuite attribué une note à la pertinence de 85 normes sur l'échelle de Likert en cinq points.Les 38 normes les mieux notées, dont au moins deux normes dans chacune des six sous-fonctions, ont formé un ensemble propose pour l'évaluation de la gouvernance actuelle du système de santé bucco-dentaire.Le pilotage de l'instrument fera l'objet d'un rapport distinct

Oral Health , Delivery of Health Care , Health Policy
(East. Mediterr. health j).
in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-118388


The aim of this cross-sectional study was to quantify the implementation of MPOWER tobacco control policies among Eastern Mediterranean Region countries. Information was obtained from the 2011 WHO MPOWER report. A checklist was designed and its scoring was agreed by Iranian and International tobacco control specialists. Seven questions were scored from 0-4 and 3 from 0-3. The 22 countries were ranked by their total score on a scale of 0 to 37. The highest scores were achieved by the Islamic Republic of Iran, Egypt and Jordan 29, 28 and 26 respectively. Twelve of the countries [55%] scored more than half of the possible score [19]. The lowest and highest scores for all countries summed were on sections related to banning smoking in public places [18] and tobacco advertising bans [66] respectively. Compliance with smoke-free policies was especially low. MPOWER programmes are accepted in the Region but there is considerable room for improvement Input from countries based on their successes and challenges is needed to strengthen the programmes

Smoking , Smoking Cessation , World Health Organization , Cross-Sectional Studies , Nicotiana
East Mediterr Health J ; 18(10): 1005-10, 2012 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23301354


Nicotine replacement therapy can double the chance of success for smokers attempting to quit. This observational study aimed to compare quit rates of different formulations of nicotine replacement among clients referred to a smoking cessation clinic in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Clients entering the study (n = 308) participated in 4 sessions of behavioural therapy, chose a type of nicotine replacement to use (patches, chewing gum, tablets or both patches and gum) and were followed up for 12 months. After 4 weeks of quitting, 88.2% (246/279) reported abstaining from smoking. Self-reported maintenance rates for quitting were 54.9% after 6 months and 36.2% after 12 months follow-up. A significant correlation was found between type of nicotine replacement and quit rate. Use of nicotine patches and chewing gum together had the highest quit rate (95.2%) after 4 weeks and at 12 months follow-up (62.5%). Consuming 2 forms of nicotine replacement in therapy could result in enhanced rates of long-term quitting.

Smoking Cessation/methods , Tobacco Use Cessation Devices/classification , Tobacco Use Disorder/drug therapy , Adult , Age Factors , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Behavior Therapy , Drug Administration Routes , Female , Humans , Iran , Male , Middle Aged , Sex Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Tobacco Use Disorder/therapy
(East. Mediterr. health j).
in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-118499


Nicotine replacement therapy can double the chance of success for smokers attempting to quit. This observational study aimed to compare quit rates of different formulations of nicotine replacement among clients referred to a smoking cessation clinic in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Clients entering the study [n= 308] participated in 4 sessions of behavioural therapy, chose a type of nicotine replacement to use [patches, chewing gum, tablets or both patches and gum) and were followed up for 12 months. After 4 weeks of quitting, 88.2% [246/279] reported abstaining from smoking. Self-reported maintenance rates for quitting were 54.9% after 6 months and 36.2% after 12 months follow-up. A significant correlation was found between type of nicotine replacement and quit rate. Use of nicotine patches and chewing gum together had the highest quit rate [95.2%] after 4 weeks and at 12 months follow-up [62.5%]. Consuming 2 forms of nicotine replacement in therapy could result in enhanced rates of long-term quitting

Nicotine , Smoking Cessation , Tobacco Use Cessation Devices
(East. Mediterr. health j).
in English | WHO IRIS | ID: who-118486


The aim of this cross-sectional observational study was to address the health care situation in regard to smoking cessation efforts and expenditure, and to provide a basis for future studies and for implementing tobacco control programmes throughout the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization. Information collected included methods and cost of services for tobacco cessation from all 16 participating countries. In 10 countries, cessation programmes were directed by primary physicians. In 13 countries, nicotine gum and in 14 countries nicotine patches were accessible in pharmacies. Bupropion was available at pharmacies [with a written prescription] in 6 countries and varenicline in 7 countries. However, the mean cost of each service was significantly higher than the price of a pack of cigarettes. In countries with support services for tobacco cessation, directors need to provide care at the society level that is considerably less costly and widely accessible

Costs and Cost Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cross-Sectional Studies , Tobacco Use Cessation Devices , Smoking Cessation