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Gac Sanit ; 37: 102344, 2023.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38039621


OBJECTIVE: To describe how a sample of people working in community health promotion projects perceive and implement community engagement approaches. METHOD: Mixed qualitative-quantitative study. Data was collected through: semi-structured interviews with 10 people representing the projects, and workshops in which 53 people participated and responded to a questionnaire prepared ad hoc to identify levels of community engagement. Descriptive statistical analysis of the questionnaires and framework analysis of the interviews, observations and workshops recordings. RESULTS: Although the projects are described as highly participatory, community engagement appeared mainly in the form of attending events, with few examples of consultation or community involvement. CONCLUSIONS: This difference may be due to the lack of a culture of participation, both in individuals and institutions, and lack of training in community engagement. It is proposed to change the language from participation-attendance to using expressions such as consulting or involving people.

Community Participation , Research Report , Humans , Referral and Consultation , Qualitative Research , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. clín. med. fam ; 16(2): 106-115, Jun. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-222036


El concepto de salud planetaria relaciona la salud humana con la del medio que habitamos. La explotación de los recursos naturales nos ha situado en un contexto de emergencia climática y ambiental que compromete nuestra salud y bienestar.Nuestro estilo de vida entendido como nuestros hábitos y acciones diarias, además de tener un impacto directo en nuestra salud, tiene una serie de efectos ambientales que se relacionan con el uso de recursos naturales, la producción de residuos y la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero: nuestra alimentación, la forma en la que nos desplazamos, el consumo de tóxicos como el alcohol y el tabaco, la proximidad de los espacios que habitamos a zonas verdes, o azules, no solo nos afectan como individuos, sino que pueden contribuir en mayor o menor medida al cambio climático y a la pérdida de biodiversidad.Conocer el impacto de estas acciones y estilos de vida en la salud del planeta y en la nuestra propia nos permitirá disponer argumentos adicionales que pueden motivar a individuos y poblaciones a apostar por las opciones más sostenibles, a la vez que saludables, adoptando el enfoque de salud planetaria.(AU)

The concept of planetary health relates human health to that of the environment we inhabit. The exploitation of natural resources has placed us in a context of climate and environmental emergency that compromises our health and well-being.Our lifestyle, understood as our habits and daily actions, in addition to having a direct impact on our health, has a series of environmental effects related to the use of natural resources, the production of waste and the emission of greenhouse gases: our diet, the way we move around, the consumption of toxins such as alcohol and tobacco, the proximity of the spaces we inhabit to green or blue areas, not only affect us as individuals but can contribute to a greater or lesser extent to climate change and biodiversity loss.Knowing the impact of these actions and lifestyles on the planet's health as well as on our own will enable us to have additional arguments; that can motivate individuals and populations to bet on the most sustainable, as well as healthy options, which adopt the planetary health approach.(AU)

Humans , Environmental Health , Healthy Lifestyle , Sustainable Development , Environment , Earth, Planet , Health Promotion , Public Health
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 37: [102344], 2023. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228791


Objetivo: Describir qué entienden por participación comunitaria las personas que trabajan en 10 proyectos de promoción de la salud y cómo se implementa. Método: Estudio mixto cuali-cuantitativo. Se recopilaron datos mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a 10 personas representantes de los proyectos, y se realizaron talleres presenciales en los que participaron 53 personas que contestaron a un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc para identificar los niveles de participación comunitaria. Análisis estadístico descriptivo de los cuestionarios y análisis de matriz de las entrevistas, observaciones y grabaciones de los talleres. Resultados: Aunque los proyectos se definen como muy participativos, la participación se manifiesta principalmente como asistencia, con escasos ejemplos de consulta o implicación real de la comunidad. Conclusiones: La discrepancia observada puede deberse a una falta de cultura de participación de individuos e instituciones, y a falta de formación. Se propone dejar de hablar de participación-asistencia y hacerlo de consultar o involucrar a las personas.(AU)

Objective: To describe how a sample of people working in community health promotion projects perceive and implement community engagement approaches. Method: Mixed qualitative–quantitative study. Data was collected through: semi-structured interviews with 10 people representing the projects, and workshops in which 53 people participated and responded to a questionnaire prepared ad hoc to identify levels of community engagement. Descriptive statistical analysis of the questionnaires and framework analysis of the interviews, observations and workshops recordings. Results: Although the projects are described as highly participatory, community engagement appeared mainly in the form of attending events, with few examples of consultation or community involvement. Conclusions: This difference may be due to the lack of a culture of participation, both in individuals and institutions, and lack of training in community engagement. It is proposed to change the language from participation-attendance to using expressions such as consulting or involving people.(UA)

Humans , Male , Female , Health Promotion , Community Participation , Community Health Planning , Surveys and Questionnaires , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Aten Primaria ; 54 Suppl 1: 102442, 2022 10.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36435590


We present the recommendations of the Preventive Activities and Health Promotion Programme (PAPPS) of the semFYC (Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine) to promote healthy lifestyles using intervention methodology, and preventive actions against tobacco and alcohol use, healthy eating, physical activity in leisure time, prevention of traffic accidents, and child restraint systems. The recommendations have been updated, and new aspects highlighted, such as the definition of low-risk alcohol consumption, and the references have been updated. For the main recommendations, we include specific tables showing the quality of the evidence and the strength of the recommendation.

Health Promotion , Life Style , Child , Humans , Community Medicine , Healthy Lifestyle , Exercise
Comunidad (Barc., Internet) ; 24(3): 6-12, noviembre 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-212311


Objetivo: Indagar sobre los efectos percibidos anivel emocional, actitudinal y social, además defísicos, de un programa de promoción de la actividad física consistente en paseos grupales, desdeun centro de Atención Primaria.Método. Estudio de evaluación cualitativa mediante la realización de dos grupos focales conlos participantes habituales del programa. Se hizouna entrevista por cada grupo. Cada sesión fuegrabada y transcrita.Resultados. Se llevó a cabo un análisis temáticomediante codificación de los contenidos. Los códigos fueron agrupados dando lugar a diferentescategorías y subcategorías. Se identificaron 8 categorías: 1. Beneficios percibidos: físicos, emocionales y sociales; 2. Ventajas del grupo: inclusión,adhesión y motivación; 3. Difusión: conocimientode la actividad, visibilización; 4. Actitudes suscitadas: valoración general, disciplina, motivación, adhesión; 5. Sugerencias de mejora: ampliación de horarios, diversificación 6. Participación:asimetría de género; 7. Papel de los monitores:capacidad de liderazgo, dinamización de la actividad; 8. Condiciones de la ruta: trazado, alternativas, seguridad.Conclusiones. Los participantes identifican beneficios autopercibidos en la salud física, en formade mejoría de parámetros biológicos, mayor movilidad y menor temor a caídas; beneficios de tipoemocional, descarga de tensiones, incremento dela autoestima, sentimientos de alegría propia ydeseo de transmitirla a otras personas, y beneficios de tipo social, gracias al establecimiento denuevas relaciones interpersonales y al refuerzo delas preexistentes. Destacan las ventajas del grupo,el papel de los dinamizadores y ofrecen sugerencias de mejora del programa. (AU)

Objective: Inquire about the perceived emotional,attitudinal, social and physical effects of a program topromote physical activity in a health district.Method. Qualitative study. Two focus groups werecarried out with participants of the program. An interview was conducted for each group. The sessions wereaudio recorded with previous consent, and transcribed.Results. A thematic analysis was performed by coding the contents. Eight categories were identified:1. Perceived benefits: physical, emotional and social;2. Advantages of the group: inclusion, adherence andmotivation; 3. Diffusion: knowledge of the activity,visibility; 4. Attitudes: general assessment, discipline,motivation, adherence; 5. Suggestions for improvement: extension of hours, diversification 6. Participation: gender asymmetry; 7. Role of the facilitators: leadership capacity, dynamization of the activity; 8. Routeconditions: layout, alternatives, safety.Conclusions. The participants identify benefits inphysical health: improvement of biological parameters, greater mobility and less fear of falls; emotionalbenefits, release of tensions, increased self-esteem,feelings of joy; and social benefits: establishment ofnew relationships and reinforcement of existing ones.They highlight the advantages of the group, the roleof facilitators and offer suggestions for improving theprogram. (AU)

Humans , Primary Health Care , Health Promotion , Exercise , Community Health Services , Qualitative Research
Gac. sanit. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 36(6): 546-552, nov.-dic. 2022. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-212586


Objetivo: Aplicar la teoría del cambio al diseño y la evaluación de un programa para promover la actividad física en 11 zonas básicas de salud. Método: Realización de cuatro grupos focales siguiendo la metodología de la teoría del cambio. Se identifican los cambios (a largo, medio y corto plazo) que se pretende alcanzar con el programa «La Ribera Camina» según la opinión de los agentes de interés: profesionales de atención primaria, concejalas/es y personal técnico municipal deportivo, y ciudadanía participante. A través de un análisis temático se identifican las acciones que se deben realizar para alcanzar estos cambios, y las dificultades y los facilitadores para la sostenibilidad del programa. Resultados: Los cambios identificados se clasificaron en cuatro apartados: 1) cambios en la salud física y social (mejoría en la condición física, hábitos saludables, autoestima y sensación de bienestar); 2) cambios organizativos y relacionales (mejor coordinación entre instituciones); 3) cambios específicos del programa (incorporación de más «activos» y asociaciones, sobre todo de hombres, y ampliación de rutas y horarios); y 4) cambios en el entorno (mejora de infraestructuras y seguridad de las rutas). Conclusiones: La teoría del cambio permite identificar y clasificar los cambios que se esperan, las acciones que deben realizarse y los vínculos entre elementos del programa. Esto servirá de base para la evaluación del programa. Dicha metodología podría aplicarse en otros programas que deseen incorporar la intersectorialidad y la participación comunitaria en su diseño y evaluación. (AU)

Objective: To develop a theory of change of a program to promote physical activity in eleven health districts, in order to improve its design and plan its evaluation. Method: Four focus groups were carried out, to develop a participatory theory of change, to identify the expected changes (long, medium and short term) of “La Ribera Camina” program, according to the following stakeholders: primary healthcare professionals, local government representatives and community members. A thematic analysis was used to identify the actions to be taken to achieve these changes, as well as the difficulties and facilitators to enhance the sustainability of the program. Results: The identified changes were classified into four themes: 1) changes in physical and social health (improved physical condition, healthy habits, self-esteem and perceived well-being); 2) organizational and relational changes (better coordination between institutions); 3) specific changes to the program (incorporation of more “assets” and local associations, especially male participants, more trails and schedules); and 4) changes in the environment (improved trails’ infrastructures and safety). Conclusions: The theory of change allows to identify and classify the changes that are expected, the actions to be carried out and the links between elements of the program. This will serve as the basis for its evaluation. This methodology could be applied to other programs interested in incorporating intersectorality and community engagement in their design and evaluation. (AU)

Humans , Motor Activity , Health Promotion , Public Health , Community Health Services , Primary Health Care , Qualitative Research
Gac Sanit ; 36(6): 546-552, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35584981


OBJECTIVE: To develop a theory of change of a program to promote physical activity in eleven health districts, in order to improve its design and plan its evaluation. METHOD: Four focus groups were carried out, to develop a participatory theory of change, to identify the expected changes (long, medium and short term) of "La Ribera Camina" program, according to the following stakeholders: primary healthcare professionals, local government representatives and community members. A thematic analysis was used to identify the actions to be taken to achieve these changes, as well as the difficulties and facilitators to enhance the sustainability of the program. RESULTS: The identified changes were classified into four themes: 1) changes in physical and social health (improved physical condition, healthy habits, self-esteem and perceived well-being); 2) organizational and relational changes (better coordination between institutions); 3) specific changes to the program (incorporation of more "assets" and local associations, especially male participants, more trails and schedules); and 4) changes in the environment (improved trails' infrastructures and safety). CONCLUSIONS: The theory of change allows to identify and classify the changes that are expected, the actions to be carried out and the links between elements of the program. This will serve as the basis for its evaluation. This methodology could be applied to other programs interested in incorporating intersectorality and community engagement in their design and evaluation.

Exercise , Research Report , Humans , Male