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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(37): 22960-22970, 2022 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36125248


Chemoselective reduction of nitro groups in multifunctional nitroaromatics is a challenging catalytic process with high interest due to the importance of the resulting anilines for the chemical industry. Molecular-level understanding of the ways by which adsorption geometry of nitroaromatics influence their affinity toward nitro reduction will enable the development of highly selective reactions. Herein, taking advantage of the well-ordered self-assembly of para- and ortho-nitrothiophenol (p-NTP and o-NTP, respectively) monolayers on Au(111), we examined the correlation between adsorption geometry and nitro reduction affinity. The anchoring geometry of NTPs and their nitro reduction affinity were determined by conducting polarized X-ray absorption spectroscopy while the influence of NTPs' adsorption geometry on the interaction with the Au surface was analyzed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Exposure of surface anchored p-NTPs to reducing conditions led to their reorientation from a tilt angle of 52° to 25°, which enabled strong interactions between the π system of the molecules and the Au surface. Direct correlation was identified between the surface proximity of the nitro group, its parallel position to the surface and the resulting reduction yield. The asymmetric structure of o-NTP led to a tilted adsorption geometry in which the nitro group was rotated away from the plane of the aromatic ring and therefore was positioned parallel and in high proximity to the Au surface. This positioning led to surface-bonding that involved the oxygen atoms of o-NTP. The higher surface proximity and stronger surface interactions of the nitro group in o-NTP enabled nitro reduction already at 180 °C, while in p-NTP nitro reduction was achieved only at 230 °C, due to the longer distance between the NO2 group and the Au surface that led to weaker adsorbate-surface interactions. Thus, parallel positioning of the nitro group and high surface proximity were found as essential descriptors for nitro reduction affinity in both p-NTP and o-NTP on the Au surface. These findings provide explicit guidelines for tuning the reactant and surface properties in order to control the reactant's adsorption geometry for selective nitro reduction in multifunctional nitroaromatics.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5714, 2020 Nov 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33177496


N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) have been widely utilized for the formation of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on various surfaces. The main methodologies for preparation of NHCs-based SAMs either requires inert atmosphere and strong base for deprotonation of imidazolium precursors or the use of specifically-synthesized precursors such as NHC(H)[HCO3] salts or NHC-CO2 adducts. Herein, we demonstrate an electrochemical approach for surface-anchoring of NHCs which overcomes the need for dry environment, addition of exogenous strong base or restricting synthetic steps. In the electrochemical deposition, water reduction reaction is used to generate high concentration of hydroxide ions in proximity to a metal electrode. Imidazolium cations were deprotonated by hydroxide ions, leading to carbenes formation that self-assembled on the electrode's surface. SAMs of NO2-functionalized NHCs and dimethyl-benzimidazole were electrochemically deposited on Au films. SAMs of NHCs were also electrochemically deposited on Pt, Pd and Ag films, demonstrating the wide metal scope of this deposition technique.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(18): 186401, 2016 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27203334


Charge carrier localization in extended atomic systems has been described previously as being driven by disorder, point defects, or distortions of the ionic lattice. Here we show for the first time by means of first-principles computations that charge carriers can spontaneously localize due to a purely electronic effect in otherwise perfectly ordered structures. Optimally tuned range-separated density functional theory and many-body perturbation calculations within the GW approximation reveal that in trans-polyacetylene and polythiophene the hole density localizes on a length scale of several nanometers. This is due to exchange-induced translational symmetry breaking of the charge density. Ionization potentials, optical absorption peaks, excitonic binding energies, and the optimally tuned range parameter itself all become independent of polymer length as it exceeds the critical localization length. Moreover, we find that lattice disorder and the formation of a polaron result from the charge localization in contrast to the traditional view that lattice distortions precede charge localization. Our results can explain experimental findings that polarons in conjugated polymers form instantaneously after exposure to ultrafast light pulses.

J Chem Phys ; 142(3): 034107, 2015 Jan 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25612689


In exact density functional theory, the total ground-state energy is a series of linear segments between integer electron points, a condition known as "piecewise linearity." Deviation from this condition is indicative of poor predictive capabilities for electronic structure, in particular of ionization energies, fundamental gaps, and charge transfer. In this article, we take a new look at the deviation from linearity (i.e., curvature) in the solid-state limit by considering two different ways of approaching it: a large finite system of increasing size and a crystal represented by an increasingly large reference cell with periodic boundary conditions. We show that the curvature approaches vanishing values in both limits, even for functionals which yield poor predictions of electronic structure, and therefore cannot be used as a diagnostic or constructive tool in solids. We find that the approach towards zero curvature is different in each of the two limits, owing to the presence of a compensating background charge in the periodic case. Based on these findings, we present a new criterion for functional construction and evaluation, derived from the size-dependence of the curvature, along with a practical method for evaluating this criterion. For large finite systems, we further show that the curvature is dominated by the self-interaction of the highest occupied eigenstate. These findings are illustrated by computational studies of various solids, semiconductor nanocrystals, and long alkane chains.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(26): 266802, 2010 Dec 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21231698


We present a broadly applicable, physically motivated, first-principles approach to determining the fundamental gap of finite systems from single-electron orbital energies. The approach is based on using a range-separated hybrid functional within the generalized Kohn-Sham approach to density functional theory. Its key element is the choice of a range-separation parameter such that Koopmans' theorem for both neutral and anion is obeyed as closely as possible. We demonstrate the validity, accuracy, and advantages of this approach on first, second and third row atoms, the oligoacene family of molecules, and a set of hydrogen-passivated silicon nanocrystals. This extends the quantitative usage of density functional theory to an area long believed to be outside its reach.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 11(22): 4674-80, 2009 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19475189


We developed a method for calculating the ground-state properties and fundamental band-gaps of solids, using a generalized Kohn-Sham approach combining a local density approximation (LDA) functional with a long-range explicit exchange orbital functional. We found that when the range parameter is selected according to the formula gamma=A/(epsiloninfinity-epsilon) where epsiloninfinity is the optical dielectric constant of the solid and epsilon=0.84 and A=0.216 a0(-1), predictions of the fundamental band-gap close to the experimental values are obtained for a variety of solids of different types. For most solids the range parameter gamma is small (i.e. explicit exchange is needed only at long distances) so the predicted values for lattice constants and bulk moduli are similar to those based on conventional LDA calculations. Preliminary calculations on silicon give a general band structure in good agreement with experiment.