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Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 37: e37118, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557762


Abstract Introduction The severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by COVID-19 can vary and be influenced by comorbidities. The position is a treatment strategy for critically ill patients; however, it is unclear what the physiological response is and which patients benefit. Objective To determine whether the prone position (PP) and the length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) are associated with the time of orotracheal intubation (OTI) and with the death rate in patients on mechanical ventilation with moderate to severe ARDS. Methods An observational, longitudinal, retrospective study was carried out in a tertiary public hospital in the city of São Paulo. Data were collected from the medical records of all patients diagnosed with COVID-19, with a positive PCR, admitted to the ICU and intubated, from April 2020 to July 2021. Pearson's chi-square and Fischer's exact tests were used to compare sample data, and distributions in the two groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. Results There was no statistically significant difference for ICU length of stay, OTI time and death rate between patients who were prone versus non-prone [13 (4.0 - 23.0) vs. 13.5 (7.2 - 17.0), p = 0.453; 12 (3.0 - 13.0) vs. 10 (6.0 -15.5), p = 0.772; 71 vs. 68%, p = 0.817, respectively]. Conclusion This study did not demonstrate an association between PP and days of OTI, days of hospitalization and mortality in patients with severe hypoxemia.

Resumo Introdução A gravidade da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA) ocasionada pela COVID-19 pode variar e ser influenciada por comorbidades presentes. A postura prona é estratégia de tratamento para pacientes graves, no entanto, não está claro qual é a resposta fisiológica e quais pacientes se beneficiam. Objetivo Verificar se existe associação da postura prona (PP) com o tempo de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI), tempo de intubação orotraqueal (IOT) e taxa de óbito em pacientes em ventilação mecânica com SDRA de moderada a grave. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo observacional, longitudinal e retrospectivo, realizado em hospital público terciário no município de São Paulo. Foram coletados dados dos prontuários de todos os pacientes com diagnóstico de COVID-19, com PCR positivo, internados na UTI e intubados, no período de abril de 2020 a julho de 2021. Os testes qui-quadrado de Pearson e exato de Fischer foram utilizados para comparar dados da amostra, e as distribuições nos dois grupos foram comparadas por meio do teste de Mann-Whitney. Resultados Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para o tempo de internação na UTI, tempo de IOT e taxa de óbito entre os pacientes que foram pronados versus os não pronados [13 (4,0 - 23,0) vs. 13 (7,2 - 17,0), p = 0,453; 12 (3,0 - 13,0) vs. 10 (6,0 - 15,5), p = 0,772; 71% vs. 68%, p = 0,817, respectivamente]. Conclusão Este estudo não demonstrou associação da PP com os dias de IOT, dias de internação na UTI e mortalidade em pacientes com hipoxemia grave.

Distúrb. comun ; 35(1): e59350, 01/06/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436316


Proposta recente de apresentação de Programa de Condicionamento Vocal e Respiratório (CVR I) incentivou a continuidade (CVR II), considerando novas estratégias de treinamento muscular vocal e respiratório que pudessem contribuir para melhor desempenho de profissionais da voz. Para a condução da ação, mais uma vez, houve a participação integrada de fonoaudiólogos e fisioterapeutas e, no papel de participantes, profissionais da voz. Planejada para dez encontros, em que dois deles (início e fim) foram destinados à coleta de dados, a proposta teve como objetivo aumentar ainda mais a resistência vocal e respiratória dos participantes, promovendo melhor rendimento profissional. Exercícios de trato vocal semiocluído e respiratórios foram realizados com o uso dos incentivadores denominados New Shaker® e Respiron Athletic 2®. Trata-se de mais uma experiência relatada na direção de convocar outros profissionais a colocarem em prática ações para o condicionamento vocal e respiratório de profissionais da voz. O uso de incentivadores respiratórios e a parceria com a Fisioterapia são apresentados e recomendados para melhor entendimento e consequente atendimento das questões da voz e da respiração. (AU)

This is a continuation (VRC II) of a recent proposal to present a Vocal and Respiratory Conditioning (VRC I) Program using new vocal and respiratory muscle training strategies aimed at contributing to a better performance of voice professionals. Once again, the initiative included the integrated participation of speech-language pathologists and physiotherapists, as well as voice professionals as participants. Ten meetings were planned in the initial proposal, with the first and last meeting focused on data collection, the proposal aimed to further increase the vocal and respiratory resistance of the participants, promoting better professional performance. Semi-occluded vocal tract and respiratory exercises were performed with using the New Shaker® and Respiron Athletic 2® boosters. This is an experience reported in order to encourage other professionals to put into practice actions for vocal and respiratory conditioning. The use of respiratory boosters and the partnership with Physiotherapy are recommended, aiming at a better understanding and consequent care of voice and breathing issues in voice professionals. (AU)

Una propuesta reciente de presentar un Programa de Acondicionamiento Vocal y Respiratório (CVR I) fomentó la continuidad (CVR II), considerando nuevas estratégias para el entrenamiento de los músculos vocales y respiratórios que podrían contribuir a un major desempeño de los profesionales de la voz. Para conducir la acción, una vez más, se contó con la participación integrada de fonoaudiológos y kinesiológos, y en el papel de participantes, profesionales de la voz. Planificada para diez encuentros, en los que dos de ellos (inicio y final) están destinados a la recolección de datos, la propuesta tiene como objetivo aumentar aún más la resistência vocal y respiratoria de los participantes, promoviendo un mejor desempeño profesional. Se realizaron ejercicios de tracto vocal y respiratorio semiocluidos con el uso de incentivos denominados New Shaker® y Respiron Athletic 2®. Esta es una experiencia más reportada en la dirección de invitar a otros profesionales a poner en práctica acciones para el acondicionamiento vocal y respiratório de los profesionales de la voz. Se presenta y recomienda el uso de soportes respiratórios y la asociación con Kinesiología para una mejor comprensión y consecuente atención de problemas de voz y respiración. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Speech Therapy/methods , Breathing Exercises/methods , Work Performance , Voice Quality , Voice Training , Physical Therapy Modalities , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Endurance Training
Distúrb. comun ; 33(2): 357-364, jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401964


Programas de intervenção para profissionais da voz podem englobar estratégias de treinamento muscular vocal e respiratório. Neste tipo de abordagem, a integração de ações fonoaudiológicas e fisioterapêuticas tem produzido resultados positivos. A presente comunicação tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de intervenção fonoaudiológica e fisioterapêutica denominada Condicionamento Vocal e Respiratório (CVR), desenvolvida com profissionais da voz. Composta por oito encontros semanais, ela teve como objetivo aumentar a resistência vocal e respiratória dos participantes, promovendo melhor desempenho profissional. Para a fonação, foram indicados exercícios de trato vocal semiocluído com a utilização de canudos comerciais e de silicone; para a respiração, foram realizados exercícios com um incentivador a fluxo (Respiron Classic®).

Intervention program for voice professionals may cover strategies for vocal and respiratory muscle training. The integration of speech-language pathology and physiotherapeutic interventions in these approaches has resulted in positive outcomes. This communication aims to introduce a proposal for speech-language pathology and physiotherapy intervention called Vocal and Respiratory Conditioning (VRC). Developed with voice professionals and consisting of eight weekly meetings, this proposal aimed to increase the vocal and respiratory endurance of the participants, promoting better professional performance. On the one hand, semi-occluded vocal tract exercises using commercial and silicone straws were indicated for phonation; on the other hand, exercises with a flow stimulator (Respiron®) were performed for breathing.

Los programas de intervención para profesionales de la voz pueden incluir estrategias de entrenamiento de los músculos vocales y respiratorios. En este tipo de abordaje, la integración de las acciones de fonoaudiología y fisioterapia ha producido resultados positivos. Esta comunicación tiene como objetivo presentar una propuesta de intervención fonoaudiológica y fisioterapeutica denominada Condicionamiento Vocal y Respiratorio (CVR), desarrollada con profesionales de la voz. Compuesto por ocho reuniones semanales, tuvo como objetivo aumentar la resistencia vocal y respiratoria de los participantes, promoviendo un mejor desempeño profesional. Para la fonación, se indicaron ejercicios de vías vocales semicerrados utilizando canutos comerciales y de silicona; para la respiración, los ejercicios se realizaron con un estimulador de flujo (Respiron Classic®).

Humans , Male , Female , Speech Therapy/methods , Voice Training , Work Performance , Respiratory Function Tests , Voice Quality , Breathing Exercises
Distúrb. comun ; 32(3): 481-489, set. 2020. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397977


Introdução: crianças com deficiência auditiva possuem uma dificuldade maior no controle de voz, respiração e articulação, que se caracteriza por uma menor produção de sílabas por ciclo respiratório e maior esforço fonatório. Objetivo: analisar os dados da força muscular respiratória e a sua relação com as habilidades de audição e linguagem em crianças com deficiência auditiva. Métodos: participaram do estudo 50 crianças com deficiência auditiva, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 7 e 12 anos usuárias de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. As pressões respiratórias máximas foram mensuradas por meio do equipamento manovacuômetro e analisadas pelos valores dos preditos para PImáx e PEmáx, a audição e linguagem das crianças foram classificadas de acordo as categorias de audição e linguagem, a partir da aplicação dos instrumentos: GASP; ABFW-vocabulário; Word Association for Syllable Perception; Limiar de Reconhecimento de Sentenças. Resultados: constatou-se que crianças com deficiência auditiva apresentam fraqueza muscular respiratória em relação a crianças ouvintes, de acordo com valores preditos, independentemente do tipo de perda auditiva. Grande parte das crianças tem perda auditiva classificada pela melhor orelha como grau moderado (42%); entretanto, essas mesmas crianças apresentaram resultados com pequena diferença em porcentagem entre os resultados de pressão inspiratória máxima (n=11, 26%) acima do predito e 10 crianças (24%) abaixo do predito. As crianças avaliadas que possuem comunicação oral estão a 2% de diferença nos resultados entre PImáx e PEmáx. Conclusão: Pode-se afirmar que as crianças com deficiência auditiva apresentam fraqueza muscular respiratória independentemente do grau de perda auditiva, tipo de comunicação e classificação nas categorias de audição e de linguagem.

Introduction: hearing impaired children have greater difficulty in controlling voice, breathing and articulation; this is characterized by lower syllable production per respiratory cycle and greater phonatory effort. Objective: to analyze respiratory muscle strength data and its relationship with hearing and language skills in children with hearing impairment. Methods: fifty hearing impaired children were availed, from both genders, with ages between 7 and 12 years, hearing aid users. Maximum respiratory pressures were measured using the manuvacuometer equipment and analyzed by the predicted values for PImáx and PEmáx, hearing and language categories, sentences classified according to hearing and language categories, sentences perception in open set, from the application of the instruments: GASP; ABFW vocabulary; Word Association for Syllable Perception (WASP); Sentences Perception Threshold. Results: most of the children have hearing loss classified by the best ear as moderate (42%); however, the same subjects showed results with small difference between the PImax results (n= 11 subjects ­ 26%) above predicted and 10 subjects (24%) bellow. The availed children with oral communication present 2% of difference between PImax and PEmax results. Conclusion: It can be said that children with hearing impairment have respiratory muscle weakness regardless of the degree of hearing loss, type of communication and classification in the hearing and language categories.

Introducción: los niños con discapacidad auditiva tienen mayor dificultad para controlar la voz, la respiración y la articulación, que se caracteriza por una menor producción de sílabas por ciclo respiratorio y un mayor esfuerzo fonatorio Objetivo: analizar los datos de fuerza muscular respiratoria y su relacióncon las habilidades de audición y lenguaje en niños con discapacidad auditiva. Métodos: 50 niños con pérdida auditiva, de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 7 y 12 años, con un audífono individual, participaron en el estudio. Las presiones respiratorias máximas se midieron usando el equipo de manovacuómetro y se analizaron mediante los valores predichos para MIP y MEP, la audición y el lenguaje de los niños se clasificaron según las categorías de audición y lenguaje; de la aplicación de los instrumentos: GASP; Vocabulario ABFW; Asociación de palabras para la percepción silábica; Umbral de reconocimiento de oraciones. Resultados: se encontró que los niños con discapacidad auditiva tienen debilidad muscular respiratoria en relación con los niños con audición, independientemente del tipo de pérdida auditiva, de acuerdo con los valores pronosticados. La mayoría de los niños tienen pérdida auditiva clasificada por el mejor oído como moderada (42%); sin embargo, estos mismos niños mostraron resultados con una pequeña diferencia porcentual entre los resultados de la presión inspiratoria máxima (n = 11, 26%) por encima de lo previsto y 10 niños (24%) por debajo de lo previsto. Los niños evaluados que tienen comunicación oral tienen una diferencia del 2% en los resultados de MIP y MEP. Conclusión: Se puede decir que los niños con discapacidad auditiva tienen debilidad muscular respiratoria, independientemente del grado de pérdida auditiva, tipo de comunicación y clasificación en las categorías de audición y lenguaje.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Respiratory Function Tests , Disabled Children , Language Development , Hearing , Hearing Loss
Arq Neuropsiquiatr ; 75(9): 625-630, 2017 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28977142


OBJECTIVE: To determine how often sitting/rising from a chair should be assessed in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients to avoid redundant/missing data. METHODS: Sitting/rising from a chair was evaluated in 26 DMD children (5-12 yrs), in three-month intervals, over twelve months, with the Functional Evaluation Scale (domain sitting/rising from a chair). Scores were compared by effect sizes (ES) and standardized response means (SRM) (responsiveness analysis). RESULTS: Sit-to-stand showed low-to-moderate responsiveness in three-month intervals (ES:0.23-0.32; SRM:0.36-0.68), moderate-to-high responsiveness in six-month intervals (ES:0.52-0.65; SRM:0.76-1.28), high responsiveness at nine-month (ES:0.84-0.91; SRM:1.26-1.64) and twelve-month intervals (ES:1.27; SRM:1.48). Stand-to-sit showed low responsiveness in three-month intervals (ES:0.26-0.49; SRM:0.37-0.42), moderate responsiveness in six-month intervals (ES:0.50-0.78; SRM:0.56-0.71), high responsiveness in nine-month (ES:0.94-1.00; SRM:0.84-1.02) and twelve-month intervals (ES:1.13; SRM:1.52). CONCLUSION: Six months or longer intervals for reassessment are indicated to evaluate sitting/standing from a chair in DMD patients.

Movement/physiology , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Posture/physiology , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/rehabilitation , Neuropsychological Tests , Physical Examination , Physical Therapy Modalities
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 75(9): 625-630, Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888322


ABSTRACT Objective To determine how often sitting/rising from a chair should be assessed in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients to avoid redundant/missing data. Methods Sitting/rising from a chair was evaluated in 26 DMD children (5-12 yrs), in three-month intervals, over twelve months, with the Functional Evaluation Scale (domain sitting/rising from a chair). Scores were compared by effect sizes (ES) and standardized response means (SRM) (responsiveness analysis). Results Sit-to-stand showed low-to-moderate responsiveness in three-month intervals (ES:0.23-0.32; SRM:0.36-0.68), moderate-to-high responsiveness in six-month intervals (ES:0.52-0.65; SRM:0.76-1.28), high responsiveness at nine-month (ES:0.84-0.91; SRM:1.26-1.64) and twelve-month intervals (ES:1.27; SRM:1.48). Stand-to-sit showed low responsiveness in three-month intervals (ES:0.26-0.49; SRM:0.37-0.42), moderate responsiveness in six-month intervals (ES:0.50-0.78; SRM:0.56-0.71), high responsiveness in nine-month (ES:0.94-1.00; SRM:0.84-1.02) and twelve-month intervals (ES:1.13; SRM:1.52). Conclusion Six months or longer intervals for reassessment are indicated to evaluate sitting/standing from a chair in DMD patients.

RESUMO Objetivo Determinar a frequência de avaliação do sentar e levantar da cadeira em pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD), para evitar informações faltantes ou redundantes. Métodos Sentar/ Levantar foram avaliados em 26 crianças com DMD (5-12 anos), em intervalos de três meses, durante doze meses, com a Escala de Avaliação Funcional (domínio sentar/ levantar da cadeira). Os tamanhos do efeito (TE) e as médias de resposta padronizada (MRP) foram usados na análise de responsividade. Resultados Levantar da cadeira teve responsividade baixa a moderada em três meses (TE: 0,23-0,32; MRP: 0,36-0,68), moderada a alta em seis meses (TE: 0,52-0,65; MRP: 0,76-1,28), alta em nove e (TE: 0,84-0,91; MRP: 1,26-1,64) doze meses (TE: 1,27; MRP: 1,48). Sentar na cadeira teve responsividade baixa em três meses (TE: 0,26-0,49; MRP: 0,37-0,42), moderada em seis meses (TE: 0,50-0,78; MRP: 0,56-0,71), alta em nove (TE: 0,94-1,00; MRP: 0,84-1,02) e doze meses (TE: 1,13; MRP: 1,52). Conclusão Os pacientes com DMD devem ser reavaliados com intervalos mínimos de seis meses entre avaliações de sentar/ levantar da cadeira.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Posture/physiology , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Movement/physiology , Physical Examination , Longitudinal Studies , Physical Therapy Modalities , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/rehabilitation , Neuropsychological Tests
São Paulo; s.n; 2016. [117] p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-871589


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a responsividade da escala de avaliação funcional para pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne (FES-DMD-D4), sentar e levantar do solo, no período de um ano. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional, longitudinal e retrospectivo. Foi estudada, utilizando o software FES-DMDDATA, uma amostra com 25 pacientes na atividade sentar no solo e 28 pacientes para a atividade levantar do solo. As avaliações ocorreram a cada três meses no período de um ano. Para análise estatística da capacidade de resposta foram utilizados índices de tamanho de efeito, como, effect size (ES) e Standardized Response Mean (SRM). RESULTADOS: A responsividade da atividade de sentar no solo foi considerada baixa a moderada em intervalos de três meses (ES de 0.28 a 0.54 e SRM de 0.38 a 0.71), moderada a alta em intervalos de seis meses (ES de 0.69 a 1.07 e SRM de 0.86 a 1.19), alta em intervalos de nove meses (ES de 1.3 a 1.17 e SRM de 1.26 a 1.55) e doze meses (ES de 1.9 e SRM de 1.72). Na atividade levantar do solo, a responsividade variou em baixa, moderada e alta em intervalos de três meses (ES de 0.21 a 0.33 e SRM de 0.45 a 0.83), baixa a alta em intervalos de seis meses (ES de 0.46 a 0.59 e SRM de 0.73 a 0.97), moderada a alta em intervalos de nove meses (ES de 0.76 a 0.88 e SRM de 1.03 a 1.22) e alta em doze meses (ES de 1.14 e SRM de 1.25). CONCLUSÃO: Para detectar alterações clinicamente significativas e consistentes nas atividades funcionais sentar e levantar do solo recomendamos a utilização da FES-DMD-D4 em intervalos a partir de seis meses, pois foi neste período de tempo que a capacidade de resposta variou de moderada a alta.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate responsiveness of functional scale for Duchenne muscular dystrophy - sitting and standing from the ground (FES-DMD - D4) in three months evaluation intervals in a one year follow up. METHODS: Observational, longitudinal and retrospective study. It was studied, using FESDMD- DATA software, films of sample of 25 patients performing sitting on the activity of soil and 28 patients performing the activity of from the ground. The evaluations were performed every three months within one year. The analysis for statistical responsiveness of the instrument we use effect size (ES) and Standardized Response Mean (SRM) tests. RESULTS: The responsiveness of the activity of sitting on the ground was considered low to moderate every three months (ES 0.28 to 0.54 and 0.38 to 0.71 SRM), moderate to high in intervals of six months (ES 0.69 the 1.07 and the 1.19 0.86 SRM), High at intervals of nine months (1,3 ES of the 1.17 and the 1.55 1.26 SRM), and twelve months (ES SRM 1.9 and 1.72). In raising from the ground activity, the responsiveness varied at low, moderate and high in intervals of three months (ES 0.21 to 0.33 and 0.45 to 0.83 SRM), low to high in intervals of six months (ES 0.46 to 0.59 and 0.73 to 0.97 SRM), moderate to high at intervals of nine months (ES 0.76 to 0.88 and 1.03 to 1.22 SRM ) and high in twelve months (ES 1.14 and SRM 1.25). CONCLUSION: To detect clinically significant changes and consistent in functional activities of sitting and standing from the ground we recommend using the FES-DMD-D4 at intervals from six months because it was at this time that the responsiveness was moderate to high.

Humans , Male , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne , Neuromuscular Diseases , Outcome Assessment, Health Care
Physiother Res Int ; 20(3): 135-46, 2015 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25521365


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) results in the emergence of multiple and varied synergies to compensate muscle weakness and to deal with the demands of the functional tasks (e.g. gait). No functional evaluation instrument for individuals with DMD allows the detailed description (subjective qualitative evaluation) and compensatory movement scoring (objective quantitative evaluation) exclusively of gait. For this reason, clinicians and therapists face difficulties in assessment and decision-making of this functional activity. This study aimed to elaborate the gait domain of the Functional Evaluation Scale for DMD (FES-DMD-GD) and test its intra-rater and inter-rater reliabilities and its relationship with age and timed motor performance. METHOD: We listed all the compensatory movements observed in 102 10-m gait videos of 51 children with DMD. Based on this report, the FES-DMD-GD was created and submitted to the review of 10 experts. After incorporating the experts suggestions, three examiners scored the videos using the FES-DMD-GD. The intra-rater and inter-rater reliabilities was calculated. Spearman correlation tests investigated the relationships between FES-DMD-GD and age and timed motor performance (p < 0.05). RESULTS: The FES-DMD-GD was composed of three phases and had 14 items to quantify compensatory movements on gait. Intra-class correlation coefficients ranged from acceptable (0.74) to excellent (0.99). FES-DMD-GD correlated to age and timed motor performance. CONCLUSION: This pilot version of FES-DMD-GD showed reliability and correlated to age and timed motor performance.

Disability Evaluation , Gait Disorders, Neurologic/diagnosis , Gait/physiology , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/diagnosis , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/rehabilitation , Video Recording/methods , Adolescent , Age Factors , Child , Child, Preschool , Cohort Studies , Disease Progression , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Male , Observer Variation , Physical Therapy Modalities , Pilot Projects , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Assessment , Severity of Illness Index , Sex Factors
J Mot Behav ; 45(2): 117-26, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23488586


The authors aimed to (a) develop a scale to evaluate non-wheelchair-dependent children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) while sitting and standing from the chair, (b) test its reliability, and (c) correlate the scores of this scale with the time, the age and the Vignos. Thirty DMD boys performed sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit from the chair 4 times. Scale development was based on a previous movement characterization in healthy children and in DMD children and on suggestions by physical therapists with expertise in DMD. The final version of the scale was submitted to the analysis of reliability. The sitting evaluation consists of phases: flexion, contact of the hip with the chair, extension. The standing evaluation comprehends the phases: flexion; transference; extension. Sitting and standing phases presented an excellent reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] ≥ 0.91) and a good reproducibility (ICC ≥ 0.89). The scores generated by sitting on the chair correlated to the time taken to perform the tasks (r = .69) and to the age of the patient (r = .44) and the score of standing from the chair also correlated to the time of performance (r = .66). The sit-to-stand functional evaluation scale DMD is a reliable assessment tool that allows the description and quantification of the functional performance of DMD children.

Movement/physiology , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Posture/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Child , Child, Preschool , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Female , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/rehabilitation , Neurologic Examination , Neuropsychological Tests , Observer Variation , Physical Examination , Reproducibility of Results
Braz J Phys Ther ; 17(1): 1-8, 2013.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23538453


BACKGROUND: Thoracic cirtometry is a simple and accessible technique to evaluate chest mobility during forced breathing. However, it does not allow for the assessment of compensatory movements commonly used by people with chronic diseases, such Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a condition characterized by progressive and irreversible degeneration of the musculoskeletal system. OBJECTIVES: To expand the method of thoracic cirtometry to allow for the assessment of compensatory movements; to analyze the reliability of the tool; and to describe thoracic mobility of children with DMD during deep breathing. METHOD: Sixty boys, 30 with DMD (10.1±0.5 years) and 30 healthy controls (9.5±0.6 years) participated in the study. The expanded thoracic cirtometry was organized in two phases: 1. the body could move freely, allowing the assessment of compensatory movements (free thoracic cirtometry) and 2. the body without compensatory movements, allowing for the direct study of the movements of the chest (guided thoracic cirtometry). This method includes videotaping and systematic observation of body movements using descriptive and numeric data. We investigated reliability of these measures in both groups. RESULTS: Measures of axial and the xiphoid thoracic cirtometry (both free and guided) showed excellent reliability. All measures were significantly different between groups. In DMD boys, free thoracic cirtometry presented a greater value of chest expansion when compared with the guided measures, which probably occurred due to compensatory movements. The most commons were movements of the head, shoulder and torso. CONCLUSIONS: The expanded thoracic cirtometry method showed excellent reliability and achieved the objectives of determining measures of chest mobility and compensatory movements during deep breath. We suggested its use in the respiratory evaluation of children with DMD.

Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Respiratory Function Tests/methods , Respiratory Muscles/physiopathology , Child , Humans , Male , Movement , Reproducibility of Results
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 17(1): 1-8, Jan.-Feb. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-668783


BACKGROUND: Thoracic cirtometry is a simple and accessible technique to evaluate chest mobility during forced breathing. However, it does not allow for the assessment of compensatory movements commonly used by people with chronic diseases, such Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a condition characterized by progressive and irreversible degeneration of the musculoskeletal system. OBJECTIVES: To expand the method of thoracic cirtometry to allow for the assessment of compensatory movements; to analyze the reliability of the tool; and to describe thoracic mobility of children with DMD during deep breathing. METHOD: Sixty boys, 30 with DMD (10.1±0.5 years) and 30 healthy controls (9.5±0.6 years) participated in the study. The expanded thoracic cirtometry was organized in two phases: 1. the body could move freely, allowing the assessment of compensatory movements (free thoracic cirtometry) and 2. the body without compensatory movements, allowing for the direct study of the movements of the chest (guided thoracic cirtometry). This method includes videotaping and systematic observation of body movements using descriptive and numeric data. We investigated reliability of these measures in both groups. RESULTS: Measures of axial and the xiphoid thoracic cirtometry (both free and guided) showed excellent reliability. All measures were significantly different between groups. In DMD boys, free thoracic cirtometry presented a greater value of chest expansion when compared with the guided measures, which probably occurred due to compensatory movements. The most commons were movements of the head, shoulder and torso. CONCLUSIONS: The expanded thoracic cirtometry method showed excellent reliability and achieved the objectives of determining measures of chest mobility and compensatory movements during deep breath. We suggested its use in the respiratory evaluation of children with DMD.

CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A toracometria é um método simples e acessível para avaliar a mobilidade do tórax durante uma respiração forçada, mas não permite pesquisar os movimentos compensatórios utilizados por portadores de doenças crônicas, como Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD), caracterizada pela degeneração progressiva e irreversível da musculatura esquelética. OBJETIVOS: Ampliar método de avaliação pela toracometria, permitindo avaliação dos movimentos compensatórios; analisar a confiabilidade da ferramenta e descrever a mobilidade torácica de crianças com DMD durante respiração profunda. MÉTODO: Participaram 60 meninos, 30 com DMD (10,1±0,5 anos) e 30 saudáveis (9,5±0,6 anos). Organizou-se método de toracometria expandida em duas fases: livre movimentação corporal, permitindo avaliação de movimentos compensatórios (toracometria livre) e movimentação corporal sem movimentos compensatórios, permitindo o estudo dirigido aos movimentos do gradil costal (toracometria dirigida). Esse método prevê filmagem e observação sistemática dos movimentos, gerando dados numéricos e descritivos. O estudo de confiabilidade foi realizado para os dois grupos. RESULTADOS: As medidas de toracometria axial e xifoide (livres e dirigidas) apresentaram excelente confiabilidade. As medidas apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os grupos. Nas crianças com DMD, a toracometria livre apresentou valor de expansibilidade torácica maior quando comparada com a toracometria dirigida, provavelmente decorrente do auxílio dos movimentos compensatórios, sendo observados com maior frequência os associados à cabeça, ombro e tronco. CONCLUSÕES: O método de toracometria expandida apresentou excelente confiabilidade e permitiu descrever os movimentos compensatórios e da caixa torácica durante respiração profunda. Sugere-se sua utilização na avaliação respiratória de crianças com DMD.

Child , Humans , Male , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Respiratory Function Tests/methods , Respiratory Muscles/physiopathology , Movement , Reproducibility of Results
J Mot Behav ; 43(1): 31-6, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21186460


The authors developed an evaluation scale for sit-stand from the ground for children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and tested its reliability. The construction occurred in stages: (a) the characterization of the movement in healthy children, (b) the characterization of the movement in children with DMD, (c) the elaboration of the 1st version of the scale and the manual, (d) the evaluation by experts and readjustments, and (e) the analysis of inter- and intraexaminer reliability and correlation with the Vignos Scale, age, and time for the execution of the activity. The scale comprehended 3 phases for sitting and 5 for the standing. A very good repeatability of the measures of sitting and standing (ICC = 0.89 and 0.84, respectively) and excellent reproducibility (ICC = 0.93 and 0.92, respectively) was demonstrated. The Kappa coefficient for the 8 phases in the interexaminer analysis varied from 0.77 to 1.00 (excellent reliability), and in the intraexaminer analysis varied from 0.80 to 1.00 (excellent reliability). Good correlation was found between the variables on the Vignos Scale (age: r = 0.58; stand: r = 0.56). The scale is a reliability instrument that allows evaluation of the activity of sitting and standing in children with DMD.

Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/diagnosis , Severity of Illness Index , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Motor Skills , Reproducibility of Results
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 14(6): 518-526, nov.-dez. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-574785


CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: Os instrumentos de avaliação funcional utilizados para pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD), citados na literatura, são limitados e escassos, dificultando a tomada de decisão clínica fisioterapêutica. OBJETIVOS: Descrever o processo de criação de uma escala de avaliação funcional do subir e do descer escadas, específica para crianças com diagnóstico de DMD, e examinar sua confiabilidade inter e intraexaminadores. MÉTODOS: A construção da escala seguiu cinco etapas, a saber, elaboração de um roteiro para observação dirigida com base na literatura; observação do subir e do descer em 120 registros filmados de 30 crianças com DMD (5 a 11 anos); elaboração da escala, considerando o grau crescente de dificuldade de execução dos movimentos; criação do manual de preenchimento e submissão da escala e do manual a 10 examinadores, seguida de reajustes para criação da versão final. A confiabilidade foi testada pelo pesquisador (repetibilidade) e dois examinadores independentes (reprodutibilidade). Utilizou-se o Índice de Correlação Intra-Classe (ICC) e a Correlação de Kappa Ponderado. RESULTADOS: A escala elaborada abrange cinco fases para o subir e quatro fases para o descer escadas. Encontrou-se excelente confiabilidade intra/interexaminadores, com valores da Correlação de Kappa Ponderado > 0,78 em todas as fases e ICCs > 0,89, com p<0,05 entre todos os escores. CONCLUSÃO: A escala proposta mostrou excelente repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade, sendo necessária a continuidade do estudo com os objetivos de avaliar sua acurácia e validade e de construir uma ferramenta digital para otimizar a coleta de dados.

BACKGROUND: Instruments of functional evaluation for patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), available from the literature, are limited and scarce, making clinical decision on Physiotherapy difficulty. OBJECTIVES: To describe the process of creating a functional assessment scale in patients with DMD while going up and down the stairs, as well as to analyse the intra and inter-rater reliability of this scale. METHODS: The scale development consisted of five stages: 1) to elaborate a script for directed observation based upon literature, 2) to describe a sequence of movements assessing 120 video recordings from 30 children (from 5 to 11 years) with DMD while going up and down stairs, 3) to elaborate a scale considering the degree of difficulty to execute the movements, 4) to create handbook, and 5) to submit both the scale and the handbook to be assess by 10 examiners, and review to create the final version. Both repeatability (researcher) and reproducibility (two independent examiners) were tested by using the IntraClass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Weighted Kappa respectively. RESULTS: The scale encloses five phases for going up and four phases for going downstairs. Our results showed both excellent intra and intertester reliability, with values of Weighted Kappa > 0.78 in all phases and ICCs > 0.89, with p<0.05 for all scores. CONCLUSION: The proposed scale showed excellent repeatability and reproducibility, requiring continuing the studies to assess its accuracy, validity and to create digital tools to improve data collection.

Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Exercise Test , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Exercise Test/methods , Exercise Test/statistics & numerical data , Observer Variation , Reproducibility of Results
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-586203


Introdução: As pesquisas sobre a atividade funcional de sentar na cadeira, contrárias à de levantar, são pobremente estudadas, criando uma lacuna na geração de padrões de comparação em casos de disfunções. Objetivo: Caracterizar a atividade funcional do sentar e o tempo de execução do sentar e levantar da cadeira por meninos saudáveis. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 37 meninos saudáveis que foram filmados realizando a atividade, totalizando 111 observações e registros. Foi cronometrado o tempo da atividade proposta. Resultado: Este estudo demonstrou que a atividade funcional de sentar na cadeira possui três fases. A média cronometrada do sentar foi 1,07s, e 1,01s, para o levantar. Conclusão: Encontrou-se um padrão de similaridade entre os meninos estudados para o sentar na cadeira, observando que o movimento de cabeça pode acontecer ou não e o uso de apoios é comum. Não houve diferença no tempo de execução entre o sentar e o levantar.

Introduction: Researches on functional activity for sitting on chair, unlike the activity for standing from it, are poorly studied, creating a gap when generating patterns for dysfunction comparison. Objective: Characterizing functional activity for sitting on chair and execution time for sitting and standing from chair for healthy boys. Methods: For this study, 37 healthy boys participated in it. They were filmed performing the activity, totaling 111 observations and records. The proposed activity time was timed. Result: The functional activity for sitting on chair possesses three phases. For sitting on chair, time average was 1.07 s; for standing, 1.01 s. Conclusion: A similar pattern among the studied boys for sitting on chair was found, observing that the head movement can occur or not, and the upper limb support is common. For the activity execution time there was not difference concerning sitting and standing from chair.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Motor Activity , Biomechanical Phenomena , Physical Therapy Modalities , Motion Capture
Rev Bras Fisioter ; 14(6): 518-26, 2010.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21340247


BACKGROUND: Instruments of functional evaluation for patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), available from the literature, are limited and scarce, making clinical decision on Physiotherapy difficulty. OBJECTIVES: To describe the process of creating a functional assessment scale in patients with DMD while going up and down the stairs, as well as to analyse the intra and inter-rater reliability of this scale. METHODS: The scale development consisted of five stages: 1) to elaborate a script for directed observation based upon literature, 2) to describe a sequence of movements assessing 120 video recordings from 30 children (from 5 to 11 years) with DMD while going up and down stairs, 3) to elaborate a scale considering the degree of difficulty to execute the movements, 4) to create handbook, and 5) to submit both the scale and the handbook to be assess by 10 examiners, and review to create the final version. Both repeatability (researcher) and reproducibility (two independent examiners) were tested by using the IntraClass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Weighted Kappa respectively. RESULTS: The scale encloses five phases for going up and four phases for going downstairs. Our results showed both excellent intra and intertester reliability, with values of Weighted Kappa > 0.78 in all phases and ICCs > 0.89, with p<0.05 for all scores. CONCLUSION: The proposed scale showed excellent repeatability and reproducibility, requiring continuing the studies to assess its accuracy, validity and to create digital tools to improve data collection.

Exercise Test , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Child , Child, Preschool , Exercise Test/methods , Exercise Test/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Observer Variation , Reproducibility of Results
Rev. ter. ocup ; 18(1): 44-46, 2007.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-467587


Objetivo: caracterizar a passagem de bipedestação para sedestaçao no solo e a passagem de decúbito dorsal no solo para bipedestação em crianças normais. Prodecimento: analisou-se as mudanças de posturas de bipedestação para sedestação e da passagem de decúbito dorsal para bipedestação em 40 crianças saudáveis e normais...

Objective:To characterize the passagem from standing to sitting in the floor and the passage from dorsal decubitus in the floor to standing in normal children. Procedimento: It was analyzed the changes of postures...

Humans , Male , Child , Health Evaluation , Supine Position , Posture