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Insects ; 15(3)2024 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38535358


In herbivorous insects, antennae play a crucial role in chemical communication and orientation when locating host plants and mates. To evaluate antennal sensitivity in response to odor stimuli, electroantennography (EAG) has been a practical technique. In the current study of the invasive spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), we evaluated and compared their antennal sensitivity to a series of volatile chemicals collected from their bodies, honeydew, and host plants. To do this, we exposed the antennae of SLF fourth-instar and adult males and females to individual chemicals at a fixed dose of 50 ng. Further, a series of dose-response tests were carried out within a range of 0.5 to 100 ng. Although the amplitude of antennal responses varied among stages and sexes, adult males generated the strongest antennal responses in both experiments. In dose-response experiments, increased doses of chemicals up to 50 ng revealed the saturation points except in adult females which required a higher dose (100 ng) to reveal the saturation point. Although EAG does not provide any information on behavioral responses, our results are consistent with the olfactory bioassays in previous publications in which adult males, not females, were attracted to natural volatiles of their conspecifics. EAG indicated a higher sensitivity of adult male antennae to odor stimuli, particularly conspecific volatiles, than female antennae and highlighted sexual differences in the perception of chemical cues in SLF.

Insects ; 14(6)2023 Jun 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37367367


Since its discovery in North America in 2014, the spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula, has become an economic, ecological, and nuisance pest there. Developing early detection and monitoring tools is critical to their mitigation and control. Previous research found evidence that SLF may use pheromones to help locate each other for aggregation or mating. Pheromone production necessitates specific conditions by the insects, and these must be investigated and described. A chemical process called photo-degradation has been described as a final step in the production of pheromones in several diurnal insect species, in which cuticular hydrocarbons were broken down by sunlight into volatile pheromone components. In this study, photo-degradation was investigated as a possible pheromone production pathway for SLF. Extracts from SLF mixed-sex third and fourth nymphs and male or female adults were either exposed to simulated sunlight to produce a photo-degradative reaction (photo-degraded), or not exposed to light (crude), while volatiles were collected. Behavioral bioassays tested for attraction to volatiles from photo-degraded and crude samples and their residues. In third instars, only the volatile samples from photo-degraded mixed-sex extracts were attractive. Fourth instar males were attracted to both crude and photo-degraded residues, and volatiles of photo-degraded mixed-sex extracts. Fourth instar females were attracted to volatiles of crude and photo-degraded mixed-sex extracts, but not to residues. In adults, only males were attracted to body volatiles from crude and photo-degraded extracts of either sex. Examination of all volatile samples using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) revealed that most of the identified compounds in photo-degraded extracts were also present in crude extracts. However, the abundance of these compounds in photo-degraded samples were 10 to 250 times more than their abundance in the crude counterparts. Results from behavioral bioassays indicate that photo-degradation probably does not generate a long-range pheromone, but it may be involved in the production of a short-range sex-recognition pheromone in SLF. This study provides additional evidence of pheromonal activity in SLF.

Insects ; 13(12)2022 Nov 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36555021


This study examined the relationships of the abundance and distribution of resin beads (signs of Sirex noctilio parent female ovipositor activity) with the abundance and distribution of emerging progeny of S. noctilio, S. nigricornis and their parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides. S. noctilio is native to Europe and is an invasive pest of pines in the Southern Hemisphere and North America; S. nigricornis is native to North America and is a secondary pest of dying pines. I. leucospoides is a parasitoid that has been widely deployed for biological control of S. noctilio. This study aimed to determine if the distribution of resin beads is associated with the height, diameter, or cardinal direction on red pines, Pinus resinosa, as well as the distribution of wood wasp and parasitoid emergence. Our results showed that among log sections taken at five heights, resin beads were most abundant on the north, east, and south sides of logs and mid log at 4.5 m above the ground. Emergence of S. noctilio was most abundant only from logs with more than five resin beads per square meter, while diameter and height were not contributing factor. None of variables evaluated (resin bead densities, height, and diameter) had significant effects on the emergence of S. nigricornis and I. leucospoides. These findings help clarify the biological significance of resin beads as indicators of S. noctilio colonization of host trees in North America.

Front Insect Sci ; 2: 982965, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38468787


The spotted lanternfly (SLF), Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), is a generalist phloem feeder that produces copious amounts of honeydew, which in turn coats the understory. These insects form large aggregations covering the trunks of some trees, while similar trees nearby mysteriously seem unattractive. We investigated whether volatiles from SLF honeydew are attractive to conspecifics by collecting honeydew from the field and testing it for SLF attraction in a two-choice olfactometer. We found that honeydew excreted by adult male SLF was significantly attractive to male SLF, but not female SLF. Although the honeydew excreted by adult female SLF did not significantly attract male or female SLF, both sexes showed a positive trend towards attraction in response to female honeydew in the olfactometer. Analysis of the headspace volatiles of honeydew was conducted, and numerous semiochemicals were identified. Five of which, 2-heptanone, 2-octanone, 2-nonanone, benzyl acetate, and 1-nonanol, were tested in two-choice behavioral assays against a blank control. Benzyl acetate and 2-octanone were attractive to both sexes, whereas 2-heptanone was only attractive to males, and 2-nonanone only to females. The remaining compound, 1-nonanol, repelled females, but not males. Although honeydew has been reported as a source of kairomones for some natural enemies, this may be the first report of sex-specific attractants for conspecific insects found in the honeydew volatiles of a planthopper.

PeerJ ; 9: e12266, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34760353


BACKGROUND: Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae) is a larval parasitoid that has been widely introduced as a biological control agent for the invasive woodwasp,Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, the courtship behavior and identificaion of sex pheromones are described for I. leucospoides under laboratory conditions. METHODS: For courtship behavior, both sexes were observed in a wire mesh observation cylinder (75 cm length ×10 cm diameter) for 15 minutes. The female body washes were analyzed using Gas Chromatography- Electroantennographic Detection (GC-EAD). Then the EAD-active compounds were tentatively identified using GC-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and examined in olfactometer assays. RESULTS: The courtship behavior included rhythmic lateral movements, mounting, head-nodding cycles in males, and wing-fanning in females. GC-EAD analysis of female body washes with male antennae revealed seven compounds which elicited antennal responses, four of which are straight-chain alkanes (C23, C25, C26, and C27). The identities of these alkanes were confirmed by matching the retention times, mass spectra, and male antennal activity to those of commercially obtained chemicals. In olfactometer assays, a blend of the four straight-chain alkanes was attractive to I. leucospoides males, and there was no response to blends that lacked any of these four compounds. Female body wash was no more attractive than the four-component blend. The ratios of EAD-active components differ between hydrocarbon profiles from males and females. CONCLUSION: This study is the first investigation of cuticular hydrocarbons in the family Ibaliidae. It provides evidence that the ubiquitous alkanes (C23, C25, C26, and C27) in sex-specific ratios attract I. leucospoides males.