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Int J Yoga ; 16(3): 226-232, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38463651


Background: Experiential avoidance (EA) and mindfulness are the two important transdiagnostic process and outcome variables in psychological formulation and treatment. While smartphones have a large utility value, they also have the potential for adverse impacts on functioning. Studies have separately shown associations among EA, dispositional mindfulness (DM), and problematic smartphone use (PSU). However, there is a lack of study exploring the associations and mediation relationship among these variables together in an Indian context. The current study aims to explore the associations of PSU, DM, EA, and sociodemographic factors; including the mediating effect of EA between DM and PSU in the Indian adult context. Methods: Four hundred and thirty-four participants (M age = 25.4, standard deviation = 2.6, 58.8% females) were recruited for an online survey using a cross-sectional design. Data were collected using sociodemographic questionnaire, Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version, brief EA scale, and Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale. Statistical analyses comprised multiple regression, mediation analysis, and significance in sociodemographic variables. Results: Both EA and DM significantly predicted PSU with a 37% variance; however, DM had an inverse relationship. EA as a mediator could account for a quarter of the effect, PM = 24.4%, ab = -0.14, 95% CIcs (-0.19, -0.09). Conclusion: The current study implicates the monitoring and treatment planning for PSU from a transdiagnostic perspective in the Indian context.

Article in Portuguese, English | LILACS | ID: lil-737308


Investigar as alterações neurofuncionais apresentadas pelos pacientes com hanseníase, buscando também identificar seu perfil socioeconômico e clínico. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 51 pacientes adultos diagnosticados com hanseníase, independentemente do sexo, realizado em centro de referência, em 2010, no qual se aplicou a ficha de ?avaliação neurológica simplificada? e um questionário (dados socioeconômicos e clínicos). Achados apresentados de forma descritiva. Resultados: Encontrou-se média de idade de 46,4 ± 14,9 anos, 32 (62,7%) pacientes do sexo masculino, 32 (62,7%) com ensino fundamental incompleto e 37 (72,5%) com renda familiar de 1 a 3 salários mínimos. O tempo médio em tratamento era de 14,4 ± 15,63 meses. Dominou a hanseníase do tipo multibacilar (n=18/35,3%) e a forma tuberculoide (n=11/21,6%). Articulações interfalangeanas em membros superiores e inferiores comprometidas em 5 (9,8%) e 6 (11,7%) pacientes, respectivamente. Nervos mais acometidos: tibial posterior em 19 (37,3%), ulnar em 17 (33,3%) e fibular comum em 13 (25,5%) pacientes. Músculos com déficits: extensor do hálux (n=8/15,7%), extensor dos artelhos (n=6/11,8%) e abdutor do 5º dedo (n=6;11,8%). Observou-se que 35 (68,6%) pacientes tinham alterações sensitivas em membros inferiores e 14 (27,5%) apresentavam incapacidade funcional grau 1. Conclusão: O estudo evidenciou o perfil socioeconômico dos pacientes com hanseníase como sendo homens, de baixa escolaridade e renda, com classificação operacional multibacilar apresentando a forma clínica tuberculoide. Na avaliação neurofuncional, houve maior ocorrência de alteraçõessensitivas sobre as motoras, como também discreta presença de deformidades e elevado grau de incapacidade funcional...

To investigate neurofunctional alterations in patients affected by leprosy, also searching to identify their socioeconomic and clinical profile. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 51 adult patients diagnosed with leprosy, regardless of gender, conducted in a reference center in 2010, in which the simplified neurofunctional evaluation form and a questionnaire (socioeconomic and clinical data) were applied. Findings were presented in a descriptive approach. Results: The study found a mean age of 46.4 ± 14.9 years, 32 (62.7%) patients of male sex, 32 (62.7%) with incomplete elementary school and 37 (72.5%) with family income between 1 and 3 minimum wages. The mean time of treatment was 14.4 ± 15.63 months. The multibacillary type of leprosy predominated (n=18/35.3%) with tuberculoid form (n=11/21.6%). The interphalangeal joints of upper and lower limbs were compromised in 5 (9.8%) and 6 (11.7%) patients, respectively. The most affected nerves were the posterior tibial in 19 (37.3%), the ulnar in 17 (33.3%), and the common fibular in 13 (25.5%) patients. The muscles with deficit were the extensor hallucis (n=8/15.7%), the toe extensors (n=6/11.8%) and the 5º finger abductor (n=6/11.8%). It was observed that 35 patients (68.6%) presented sensitive alterations in lower limbs and 14 (27.5%) presented functional incapacity degree 1. Conclusion: The study highlighted the socioeconomic profile of leprosy patients as men, low educational level and income, with multibacillary operational classification showing tuberculoid clinical form. In the neurofunctional assessment, there were sensory changes with higher incidence than the motor alterations, as well as discreet presence of deformities and high degree of functional disability...

Investigar las alteraciones neurofuncionales presentadas por los pacientes con hanseniasis e identificar su perfil socioeconómico y clínico. Métodos: Estudio transversal con 51 pacientes adultos con el diagnóstico de hanseniasis independiente del sexo realizado en un centro de referencia em el 2010 en el cual se aplico la ficha de?evaluación neurológica simplificada? y un cuestionario (datos socioeconómicos y clínicos). Los hallazgos fueron presentados de forma descriptiva. Resultados: Se encontró una media de edad de 46,4 ± 14,9 años, 32 (62,7%) pacientes del sexo masculino, 32 (62,7%) con enseñanza fundamental incompleta y 37 (72,5%) con renta familiar de 1 a 3 ingresos mínimos. El tiempo medio de tratamiento fue de 14,4 ± 15,63 meses. Hubo predominio de la hanseniasis del tipo multibacilar (n=18/35,3%) y la forma tuberculoide (n=11/21,6%). Las articulaciones interfalángicas en los miembrossuperiores e inferiores estaban comprometidas en 5 (9,8%) y 6 (11,7%) pacientes, respectivamente. Los nervios más acometidos: tibial posterior en 19 (37,3%), cubital en 17 (33,3%) y fibular común en 13 (25,5%) pacientes. Los muslos con déficits: extensordel halux (n=8/15,7%), extensor de los artellos (n=6/11,8%) y El abductor del 5º dedo (n=6;11,8%). Se observó que 35 (68,6%) tenían alteraciones sensitivas en los miembros inferiores y 14 (27,5%) presentaban incapacidad funcional de grado 1. Conclusión: El estudio evidencio el perfil socioeconómico de los pacientes con hanseniasis de hombres, con baja escolaridad y renta, de clasificación operacional multibacilar presentando la forma clínica tuberculoide. En la evaluación neurofuncional hubo más ocurrencia de alteraciones sensitivas que motoras y también discreta presencia de deformidades y elevado grado de incapacidad funcional...

Humans , Disability Evaluation , Health Profile , Leprosy , Rehabilitation