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Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202402008, Feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231350


En este artículo se revisa y comenta el libro de epidemiología escrito por el médico español Benigno Risueño de Amador (1802-1849), publicado inicialmente en francés (1829) y posteriormente traducido al español (1831). Este estudio documental retrospectivo de un manual científico-médico glosa el contenido del libro, destacando sus aspectos más importantes. El libro de casi doscientos años de antigüedad puede considerarse una valiosa y temprana contribución a la epidemio-logía, así como una muestra de la gran preocupación existente en la Europa de principios del siglo XIX por el tema de las epidemias. Representa además una valiosa contribución española, que muestra los esfuerzos realizados para avanzar en esta disciplina médica hacia una posición más científica en una época incipientemente microbiana.(AU)

This article reviews and comments on the epidemiological book written by the Spanish physician Benigno Risueño de Amador (1802-1849), initially published in French (1829), and its subsequent translation into Spanish (1831). This retrospective documentary case study of a scientific-medical manual reviews the contents of the book, highlighting its most important aspects. This almost 200-year-old book can be considered a valuable, early contribution to epidemiology, and a sign of the great concern in early 19th Europe about the subject of epidemics. It represents a valuable contribution that shows the enormous efforts made to advance in this medical discipline towards a more scientific position at an incipient microbial time.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , History, 19th Century , Epidemics/history , Epidemiology
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 25(3): 143-146, junio 2022.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-210579


Introducción: Este estudio indaga la producción de documentos españoles publicados a lo largo de todo el siglo XIX, centrados en consideraciones pedagógicas sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la medicina y sus especialidades, y que no son libros de texto o manuales específicos de medicina.Materiales y métodos.Estudio diacrónico retrospectivo de análisis documental que usa una muestra intencional de títulos de documentos relativos a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la medicina en España, recuperados tras una búsqueda en la base CISNE-UCM con la secuencia de palabras clave: Enseñanza y Medicina. Desde: 1800 a 1900.Resultados.Se recuperaron 33 documentos. La relación de títulos expuesta, como ordenanzas, memorias, lecciones inaugurales, ensayos, propuestas de reforma, directrices, reflexiones y orientaciones, es abundante. Algunos títulos se muestran como de una singular relevancia; por ejemplo, el discurso de Sánchez Toca, los ensayos de Salvá y Campillo o las minuciosas instrucciones generales y numeradas del libro de Guerra, los cuales pueden considerarse cualificados aportes pioneros de una pedagogía médica española.Conclusiones.Todos estos documentos tienen un común denominador: la mejora de la enseñanza de la medicina. La producción de documentos, tanto en calidad como en cantidad, disiparía la creencia de la baja preocupación española por la enseñanza de la medicina con criterios modernos. (AU)

Introduction: This study inquiries the production of Spanish documents published throughout the 19th century, focused on pedagogical considerations on the teaching and learning of Medicine and its specialties, and which are not textbooks or manuals specific of Medicine.Materials and methods.Retrospective diachronic study of documentary analysis using a purposive sample of titles of documents related to the teaching-learning of Medicine in Spain, retrieved after a search in the CISNE-UCM database with the keyword sequence: Teaching and Medicine. From: 1800 to 1900.Results.Thirty-three documents were retrieved. The list of titles exposed as ordinances, memoirs, inaugural lectures, essays, reform proposals, guidelines, reflections and orientations is ample. Some titles are revealed as being of singular relevance; for example: the Sánchez Toca's speech, the essays of Salvá and Campillo, the meticulous general or numbered instructions of Guerra's book, which can be considered as qualified pioneering contributions of a Spanish medical pedagogy.Conclusions.All these documents have a common denominator: the improvement of the teaching of Medicine. The production of documents both in quality and quantity would dispel the belief of the low Spanish concern for medical education with modern criteria. (AU)

History, 19th Century , Teaching , Medicine , Education, Medical , Spain
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 23(6): 307-309, dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-198785


Buscando antecedentes y pioneros de la pedagogía médica en España, se recupera la figura y obra del médico y docente catalán Francesc Salvà I Campillo (1751-1828) mediante la revisión historiográfica de libros sobre enseñanza de la medicina, que no libros de texto ni monografías especializadas, escritos por Salvà, un personaje polifacético e ilustrado. Se muestran las concepciones pedagógicas del autor sobre la 'enseñanza del arte de curar' basada en el estudio de casos. Sus escritos a modo de ensayos muestran una gran preocupación por la mejora de la enseñanza de la medicina en Cataluña y en el resto de España. Además, son de una lectura amena y atañen a aspectos hoy en día todavía de gran actualidad: la financiación de los estudios médicos, el enfoque práctico de la enseñanza y la importancia de la higiene para la mejora de las condiciones de vida de un proletariado industrial entonces emergente en Cataluña. Francesc Salvà I Campillo bien puede considerarse el precursor de la pedagogía médica española con una indudable influencia posterior a lo largo del siglo XIX

Looking for background and pioneers of medical education in Spain, the figure and work of the Catalonian doctor and teacher Francesc Salvà I Campillo (1751-1828) is recovered, through a historiographical review of books on teaching of medicine, but no textbooks nor specialized monographs, written by Salvà, a multifaceted and enlightened character. The author's pedagogical conceptions about the 'teaching of the art of healing' based on case studies are shown. His writings as essays show great concern for the improvement of the teaching of medicine in Catalonia and in the rest of Spain. In addition, they are of a pleasant reading on aspects that still concern high-date issues today: the financing of medical studies, the practical approach to teaching and the importance of hygiene for improving the living conditions of a proletariat from the industrial sector then emerging in Catalonia. Francesc Salvà I Campillo may well be considered the forerunner of Spanish medical education with an undoubted subsequent influence throughout the 19th century

Humans , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , Education, Medical/history , Education, Medical/methods , Historiography , Teaching/history , Spain , Teaching/education
Educ. med. (Ed. impr.) ; 20(1): 60-66, ene.-feb. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-191550


FUNDAMENTO Y OBJETIVO: La presencia de mujeres pioneras en estudios superiores de Medicina en España cuenta con notables realizaciones. Este estudio indaga tesis doctorales en Medicina defendidas por mujeres en España desde 1882 a 1954 (el 1% de la producción total para ese periodo) e indexadas en las bases Cisne de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se recuperan y revisan 50 tesis doctorales. Se realiza un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo de análisis documental de tesis doctorales identificadas por año de defensa, título de cada tesis, nombre de la doctora, especialidad médica adscribible y palabras clave. RESULTADOS: El número de tesis de mujeres autoras se incrementa linealmente a lo largo del tiempo. Las especialidades médicas más comunes de tales tesis son: Ginecología y Obstetricia, Farmacología, Hematología, Pediatría y Endocrinología. También se realiza un conteo de frecuencias de los descriptores, en el cual destacan los términos: farmacología/terapia, educación, patogenia, enfermedad y niños. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: La Medicina española dispone de 50 tesis doctorales pioneras defendidas por mujeres entre 1882 y 1954, aunque estas representan solo el 1% de la producción total de tesis doctorales en Medicina para ese periodo. Tan exiguo porcentaje alerta de un sesgo por techo de cristal que podría estar gravitando aún sobre las mujeres médicas. Una recomendación final se emite alentando a mejorar la situación de la mujer investigadora en Medicina

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The presence of pioneer women in Spanish Medical Education has a notable impact. The objective of this study is to investigate doctoral theses in Medicine written by women in Spain between 1882 and 1954 and indexed in the Cisne library catalogue of Madrid Complutense University. These theses account for 1% of the total output for the period. MATERIAL AND METHOD: This retrospective longitudinal document analysis study examines doctoral theses identified by year of submission, title, author's name, ascribable medical speciality, and keywords. A total of 50 doctoral theses were identified and reviewed. RESULTS: The number of theses by female authors increased linearly over time. The most common medical specialities studied by female candidates were gynaecology and obstetrics, pharmacology, haematology, paediatrics, and endocrinology. The frequency of study descriptors was also calculated, and the following key terms detected: pharmacology/therapy, education, pathogenesis, disease, and children. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: A total of 50 doctoral theses in medicine were written by pioneer female candidates in Spain between 1882 and 1954, accounting for just 1% of total output during this period. This tiny percentage indicates potential bias due to a glass ceiling that may continue to be a barrier to female doctors today. More still needs to be done to improve conditions for female medical researchers

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Education, Medical, Graduate/history , Specialization/history , Academic Dissertations as Topic , Physicians, Women/history , Education, Medical/history , Education, Medical, Graduate/legislation & jurisprudence , Education, Medical, Graduate/statistics & numerical data , Hispanic or Latino/statistics & numerical data , Specialization/legislation & jurisprudence , Physicians, Women/statistics & numerical data , Education, Medical/legislation & jurisprudence , Spain
Eur J Emerg Med ; 26(1): 65-70, 2019 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29016534


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of the citation of articles from the European Journal of Emergency Medicine (EJEM) from 1994 (EJEM foundation) to 2015 and identify highly cited articles and their principal characteristics and determine a possible correlation between the citations counted in different databases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We obtained the articles published in EJEM from 1994 to 2015 in ISI-WoS (main source) and Scopus, Google Scholar, and Medline databases (accessory sources). The citations were quantified and their annual evolution and the bibliometric indices derived (impact factor and SCImago Journal Rank) were evaluated. We identified and analyzed the highly cited EJEM articles and evaluated the possible correlation between the citations counted for these articles in the databases. RESULTS: Overall, 1705 EJEM articles were cited 9422 times in 8122 different articles. The evolution of the global citation, impact factor, and SCImago Journal Rank from 1994 to 2015 increased significantly. The h-index of EJEM was 30, and 31 articles were considered highly cited (≥30 citations), 16.1% of them being clinical trials. By subjects, 22.5% corresponded to cardiology, 19.3% to emergency department management, and 12.9% to pediatrics; by countries, 81% were from Europe, with Belgian authors publishing four (12.9%) highly cited articles, and French, Spanish, British, and Swedish authors having three (9.7%) each. Two studies in the EJEM achieved the definition of 'citation classics' (more than 100 citations). The number of citations in all the databases, except Medline, showed statistically significant correlations. CONCLUSION: Citation of EJEM articles has progressively increased and EJEM bibliometric indicators have improved; most highly cited articles are mainly by European authors.

Emergency Medicine/history , Periodicals as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Bibliometrics , Europe , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Journal Impact Factor , Journalism, Medical/history , Publishing
Emergencias (St. Vicenç dels Horts) ; 28(3): 153-166, jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-153004


Objetivo: Estudiar la producción científica de los urgenciólogos españoles durante el quinquenio 2010-2014 y compararla con la del quinquenio anterior (2005-2009). Método: Se seleccionaron todos los documentos, excluyendo comunicaciones a congresos, firmados por urgenciólogos con filiación española localizados a través de Science Citation Index (SCI)-Expanded. Se recogieron variables sobre año de publicación, autores (número, filiación y orden de firma), revista y factor de impacto (FI), tipo de documento, citas recibidas y áreas de investigación. La búsqueda se realizó para el periodo 2010-2014 y se compararon los datos con datos históricos correspondientes a 2005-2009. Resultados: Durante el quinquenio 2010-2014 se publicaron 1.433 documentos (52,4% artículos originales), un 56% más que en 2005-2009 (p = 0,01). La media de FI fue discretamente superior (2,587 frente a 2,483), la mediana menor (2,295 frente a 3,085), pero con un percentil 90 superior (4,036 frente a 3,085, p = 0,01), lo que muestra un incremento de publicaciones en revistas de alto FI. Los artículos continúan publicándose preferentemente en español-castellano (67,8%) aunque ha incrementado significativamente la producción en inglés (de 25,2% a 32,1%; p = 0,001). La actividad del urgenciólogo investigador es mayoritariamente en servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH) (89%). La filiación universitaria de los autores es baja, aunque ha aumentado significativamente (de 10,9% a 16,2%; p = 0,001). Aumentó la colaboración, tanto con centros de la misma u otra comunidad autónoma (de 24,7% a 36%, y de 10,9% a 19%, respectivamente; p = 0,001 para ambos), como internacional (2,3% a 8,4%; p = 0,001). Las áreas de investigación con más documentos son cardiovascular (13,1%), infecciosas (13,0%), toxicología/farmacología (9,2%), pediatría (8,0%), neumología (7,4%), reanimación cardiopulmonar (6,7%) y organización (6,0%). Cataluña fue la comunidad que más documentos produjo (427; 29,8%). El Hospital Clínic lideró la producción hospitalaria (145, 11,4% de la producción de los SUH) y SUMMA- 112 la extrahospitalaria (43; 36,7% de la producción extrahospitalaria). Cataluña, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias, Murcia, Islas Baleares y La Rioja aumentaron su peso relativo en la producción española un 20% o más respecto al quinquenio previo. Nueve artículos de 2010-2014 ya han alcanzado consideración de clásicos de citación. Conclusiones: La producción científica de los urgenciólogos españoles siguió creciendo a buen ritmo durante el quinquenio 2010-2014, con un incremento de publicaciones en revistas de alto FI, y se aprecian cambios significativos en la dinámica y la temática de investigación (AU)

Objective: To study the publication productivity of Spanish emergency physicians in the 5-year period from 2010 through 2014 and compare it with the previous period (2005–2009). Methods: Articles authored by emergency physicians affiliated with institutions in Spain were selected from the Science Citation Index–Expanded; conference presentations were excluded. We collected data for year of publication, author information, journal, the journal's impact factor (IF), type of article, cites received, and area of research. We searched at 2010-2014 period, and these data were compared with historic data from the 2005-2009 period. Results: A total of 1433 articles were published in 2010-2014; 52.4% were original research articles (56% more than in 2005–2009, P=.01). The mean journal IF associated with the publications was slightly higher in 2010-2014 (2.587 vs 2.483 for 2005–2009). The median was slightly lower (2.295 vs 3.085 in the earlier period), but the 90th percentile was higher (4.036 vs 3.085, P=0.01), reflecting an increase in the number of publications in journals with high IFs. Most articles continue to be published in Castilian Spanish (67.8%), although the percentage of articles published in English increased significantly, from 25.2% in the previous period to 32.1% in 2010-2014; P=.001). Scientific publications in emergency medicine come mainly from specialists working in hospital emergency departments (89%). Authors affiliated with a university are in the minority, although their percentage increased significantly from 10.9% in the previous period to 16.2% in the recent one (P=.001). Collaboration increased in the recent period in all categories: between hospitals in the same Spanish autonomous community (from 24.7% to 36%), in different communities (from 10.9% to 19%), or in different countries (from 2.3% to 8.4%) (P=.001, all comparisons). The most productive research areas were cardiovascular conditions (accounting for 13.1% of the publications), infectious diseases (13.0%), toxicology and pharmacology (9.2%), pediatric emergencies (8.0%), respiratory diseases (7.4%), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (6.7%), and management (6.0%). Catalonia produced the largest number of papers (427 [29.8%]). Hospital Clínic de Barcelona ranked first among hospitals publishing research, with 145 articles (11.4% of the total in this category); the emergency services of Madrid (SUMMA-112) ranked first among out-of-hospital research groups, with 43 publications (36.7% of the total in this category). Catalonia, Madrid, Castile–La Mancha, the Canary Islands, Murcia, the Balearic Islands, and La Rioja increased their contributions to Spanish productivity by 20% or more over their output in the earlier 5-year period. Nine of the 2010-2014 articles have already attracted enough cites to be considered citation classics. Conclusions: The productivity of Spanish emergency physicians continued to grow at a good pace in the 2010-2014 period. Publications in journals with IFs increased and there were significant changes in the dynamics of publication and the subjects covered (AU)

Humans , Health Services Research , Emergency Medicine/statistics & numerical data , Disaster Medicine/statistics & numerical data , Journal Impact Factor , Emergency Medical Services/statistics & numerical data , 50088
Emergencias ; 28(3): 153-166, 2016 06.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29105448


OBJECTIVES: To study the publication productivity of Spanish emergency physicians in the 5-year period from 2010 through 2014 and compare it with the previous period (2005-2009). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Articles authored by emergency physicians affiliated with institutions in Spain were selected from the Science Citation Index-Expanded; conference presentations were excluded. We collected data for year of publication, author information, journal, the journal's impact factor (IF), type of article, cites received, and area of research. We searched at 2010-2014 period, and these data were compared with historic data from the 2005-2009 period. RESULTS: A total of 1433 articles were published in 2010-2014; 52.4% were original research articles (56% more than in 2005-2009, P=.01). The mean journal IF associated with the publications was slightly higher in 2010-2014 (2.587 vs 2.483 for 2005-2009). The median was slightly lower (2.295 vs 3.085 in the earlier period), but the 90th percentile was higher (4.036 vs 3.085, P=0.01), reflecting an increase in the number of publications in journals with high IFs. Most articles continue to be published in Castilian Spanish (67.8%), although the percentage of articles published in English increased significantly, from 25.2% in the previous period to 32.1% in 2010-2014; P=.001). Scientific publications in emergency medicine come mainly from specialists working in hospital emergency departments (89%). Authors affiliated with a university are in the minority, although their percentage increased significantly from 10.9% in the previous period to 16.2% in the recent one (P=.001). Collaboration increased in the recent period in all categories: between hospitals in the same Spanish autonomous community (from 24.7% to 36%), in different communities (from 10.9% to 19%), or in different countries (from 2.3% to 8.4%) (P=.001, all comparisons). The most productive research areas were cardiovascular conditions (accounting for 13.1% of the publications), infectious diseases (13.0%), toxicology and pharmacology (9.2%), pediatric emergencies (8.0%), respiratory diseases (7.4%), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (6.7%), and management (6.0%). Catalonia produced the largest number of papers (427 [29.8%]). Hospital Clínic de Barcelona ranked first among hospitals publishing research, with 145 articles (11.4% of the total in this category); the emergency services of Madrid (SUMMA-112) ranked first among out-of-hospital research groups, with 43 publications (36.7% of the total in this category). Catalonia, Madrid, Castile-La Mancha, the Canary Islands, Murcia, the Balearic Islands, and La Rioja increased their contributions to Spanish productivity by 20% or more over their output in the earlier 5-year period. Nine of the 2010-2014 articles have already attracted enough cites to be considered citation classics. CONCLUSION: The productivity of Spanish emergency physicians continued to grow at a good pace in the 2010-2014 period. Publications in journals with IFs increased and there were significant changes in the dynamics of publication and the subjects covered.

OBJETIVO: Estudiar la producción científica de los urgenciólogos españoles durante el quinquenio 2010-2014 y compararla con la del quinquenio anterior (2005-2009). METODO: Se seleccionaron todos los documentos, excluyendo comunicaciones a congresos, firmados por urgenciólogos con filiación española localizados a través de Science Citation Index (SCI)-Expanded. Se recogieron variables sobre año de publicación, autores (número, filiación y orden de firma), revista y factor de impacto (FI), tipo de documento, citas recibidas y áreas de investigación. La búsqueda se realizó para el periodo 2010-2014 y se compararon los datos con datos históricos correspondientes a 2005-2009. RESULTADOS: Durante el quinquenio 2010-2014 se publicaron 1.433 documentos (52,4% artículos originales), un 56% más que en 2005-2009 (p = 0,01). La media de FI fue discretamente superior (2,587 frente a 2,483), la mediana menor (2,295 frente a 3,085), pero con un percentil 90 superior (4,036 frente a 3,085, p = 0,01), lo que muestra un incremento de publicaciones en revistas de alto FI. Los artículos continúan publicándose preferentemente en español-castellano (67,8%) aunque ha incrementado significativamente la producción en inglés (de 25,2% a 32,1%; p = 0,001). La actividad del urgenciólogo investigador es mayoritariamente en servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH) (89%). La filiación universitaria de los autores es baja, aunque ha aumentado significativamente (de 10,9% a 16,2%; p = 0,001). Aumentó la colaboración, tanto con centros de la misma u otra comunidad autónoma (de 24,7% a 36%, y de 10,9% a 19%, respectivamente; p = 0,001 para ambos), como internacional (2,3% a 8,4%; p = 0,001). Las áreas de investigación con más documentos son cardiovascular (13,1%), infecciosas (13,0%), toxicología/farmacología (9,2%), pediatría (8,0%), neumología (7,4%), reanimación cardiopulmonar (6,7%) y organización (6,0%). Cataluña fue la comunidad que más documentos produjo (427; 29,8%). El Hospital Clínic lideró la producción hospitalaria (145, 11,4% de la producción de los SUH) y SUMMA- 112 la extrahospitalaria (43; 36,7% de la producción extrahospitalaria). Cataluña, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias, Murcia, Islas Baleares y La Rioja aumentaron su peso relativo en la producción española un 20% o más respecto al quinquenio previo. Nueve artículos de 2010-2014 ya han alcanzado consideración de clásicos de citación. CONCLUSIONES: La producción científica de los urgenciólogos españoles siguió creciendo a buen ritmo durante el quinquenio 2010-2014, con un incremento de publicaciones en revistas de alto FI, y se aprecian cambios significativos en la dinámica y la temática de investigación.

Bibliometrics , Biomedical Research/trends , Efficiency , Emergency Medicine/trends , Physicians/trends , Publishing/trends , Authorship , Biomedical Research/statistics & numerical data , Emergency Medicine/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Periodicals as Topic , Physicians/statistics & numerical data , Publishing/statistics & numerical data , Spain
Lancet ; 383(9922): 1040, 2014 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24656201
Qual Health Res ; 24(1): 124-35, 2014 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24401178


In this article we discuss and examine the report presented to the Académie Royale de Médicine of Paris by the Spanish doctor Benigno Risueño de Amador in 1836, in which he argued against the calculation of probabilities in the health sciences. In his report, Risueño opposed the proposals put forward by Pierre Louis, precursor of the application of statistics in the health sciences. The report was a pioneering document that rejected the use of statistics in clinical practice and medical research. At the same time, however, it could well be considered a seminal document of a certain kind of qualitative research methodology in the health sciences.

Biomedical Research/history , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Qualitative Research , Biomedical Research/methods , History, 19th Century , Humans