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Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 30(1): 44-55, jan.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384311


Resumo Introdução Metabolismo anormal da glicose precede o desenvolvimento da diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Objetivo Análise da hiperglicemia e fatores de risco associados em estudantes de Paranavaí-Brasil e Cáceres-Espanha. Método Estudo analítico em amostra de 804 estudantes de seis escolas em cada cidade. Analisados: sexo, idade, dependência administrativa da escola, estatura, massa, perímetro da cintura, IMC, relação cintura estatura, pressão arterial, comportamento sedentário, atividade física, colesterol, HDL e LDL, triglicerídeos e glicose. Resultados A prevalência foi alta para níveis de glicose em jejum (9,1% vs. 13,1%; p-valor = 0,216, espanhóis e brasileiros, respectivamente) e da maioria dos indicadores associados (p-valor < 0,05). Observou-se resultados favoráveis para as meninas espanholas (obesidade abdominal: 2,4% vs. 31,1%; comportamento sedentário: 5,3% vs. 43,4%; colesterol: 2,4% vs. 55,3%; triglicerídeos: 15,5% vs. 29,5%). Os meninos da Espanha levaram vantagem sobre os brasileiros (obesidade abdominal: 13,6% vs. 35,2%; pouco ativos: 23,5% vs. 39,0%; comportamento sedentário: 21,5% vs. 51,0%; colesterol: 3,7% vs. 41,0%), p < 0,05. Não houve associação da glicose com nenhum fator de risco. Conclusão Atenção deve ser dada aos jovens para evitar uma exposição precoce e prolongada a fatores de risco modificáveis que alteram os níveis de glicose.

Abstract Background Abnormal glucose metabolism precedes the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Objective Analysis of hyperglycemia and associated risk factors was performed in students from Paranavaí-Brazil and Cáceres-Spain. Method Analytical study on a sample of 804 students selected in six schools in each city. Analyzed: sex, age, school administrative dependence, height, mass, waist circumference, BMI, waist height ratio, blood pressure, sedentary behavior, level of physical activity, cholesterol, HDL and LDL, triglycerides and glucose. Results Prevalence was high for elevated fasting glucose levels (9.1% vs. 13.1%; p-value = 0.216, in the Spanish and Brazilian groups) and most of the associated indicators (p-value ≤ 0.05). Favorable results were observed for Spanish girls (abdominal obesity: 2.4% vs. 31.1%; sedentary behavior: 5.3% vs. 43.4%; cholesterol: 2.4% vs. 55.3% triglycerides: 15.5% vs. 29.5%). Boys from Spain had an advantage over Brazilians (abdominal obesity: 13.6% vs. 35.2%; activity level: 23.5% vs. 39.0%; sedentary behavior: 21.5% vs. 51.0%; cholesterol: 3.7% vs. 41.0%), p ≤ 0.05. There was no association of glucose with any risk factor. Conclusion Special attention should be given to youths to prevent early and prolonged exposure to modifiable risk factors that may alter glucose levels.

Arch. med. deporte ; 37(200): 372-378, nov.-dic. 2020. graf, tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-201337


OBJECTIVE: to investigate the association of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases in students from 11 to 16 years old in different contexts. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Sample composed by students of Cáceres - Spain (n = 165) and Paranavaí - Brazil (n = 237). Body Mass Index, level of physical activity, blood pressure, total cholesterol, low- and high-density lipoproteins, triglycerides and fasting blood glucose were analyzed. For the analysis of variables, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Student t, Mann-Whitney U, Chi-square, and Odds Ratio were used, with a 95% confidence interval, a value of p <0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Spanish students have higher average values of age, physical activity level, obesity in general, low- and high-density lipoproteins and fasting blood glucose (p <0.05). Brazilians had a greater accumulation of risk factors compared to the Spanish, specifically only 8.5% of Brazilians are exempt from RF compared to 28.2% of Spanish. It is observed that there is a higher prevalence of two RFs (G-BRA: 40.7% vs. G-ESP: 24.2%); and three or more RF (G-BRA 27.0% vs. G-ESP: 13.7%), considering a value of p <0.001. Being more active was associated with HDL levels among Brazilians. Although Spanish students had a higher prevalence of general obesity, they were more active. CONCLUSION: Spanish students showed better results in physical activity levels, fasting glucose concentration, high and low density lipoproteins, in addition to a lower number cardiovascular risk factors, despite being mainly from public schools; with higher average age and higher general obesity prevalence, compared to Brazilians

OBJETIVO: Investigar la asociación de factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares en estudiantes de 11 a 16 años en diferentes contextos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Muestra compuesta por estudiantes de Cáceres - España (n = 165) y Paranavaí - Brasil (n = 237). Se analizaron el Índice de Masa Corporal, el nivel de actividad física, la presión arterial, el colesterol total, las lipoproteínas de baja y alta densidad, los triglicéridos y la glucosa en sangre en ayunas. Para el análisis de variables, se utilizaron las pruebas de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t de Student, U de Mann-Whitney, Chi-cuadrado y Odds Ratio, con un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Un valor de p < 0,05 fue considerado estadísticamente significativo. RESULTADOS: Los estudiantes españoles tienen valores promedio más altos de edad, nivel de actividad física, obesidad en general, lipoproteínas de baja y alta densidad y glucosa en sangre en ayunas (p < 0.05). Los brasileños tuvieron una mayor acumulación de Factores de Riesgo en comparación con los españoles, específicamente solo el 8,5% de los brasileños están exentos de Factores de Riesgo en comparación con el 28,2% de los españoles. Se observa que existe una mayor prevalencia de dos Factores de Riesgo (G-BRA: 40,7% vs. G-ESP: 24,2%); y tres o más Factores de Riesgo (G-BRA 27,0% vs. G-ESP: 13,7%), considerando un valor de p < 0,001. Ser más activo se asoció con los niveles de lipoproteínas de alta densidad entre los brasileños. Aunque los estudiantes españoles tenían una mayor prevalencia de obesidad general, eran más activos. CONCLUSIÓN: Los estudiantes españoles mostraron mejores resultados en niveles de actividad física, concentración de glucosa en ayunas, lipoproteínas de alta y baja densidad, además de un menor número de factores de riesgo para enfermedades cardiovasculares, a pesar de que provienen en su mayoría de escuelas públicas; con mayor edad media y mayor prevalencia de obesidad general

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Exercise , Blood Pressure , Body Mass Index , Cholesterol/blood , Triglycerides/blood , Blood Glucose/analysis , Brazil/epidemiology , Spain/epidemiology , Life Style , Prevalence , Students/statistics & numerical data
Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 13(2): 81-86, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | IBECS | ID: ibc-194369


OBJETIVO: Objetivou-se avaliar a associação entre fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares em estudantes de Paranavaí (Brasil) e Cáceres (Espanha), dos 11 aos 16 anos de idade. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal com 402 estudantes. Analisados: sexo, idade, dependência administrativa da escola, estatura, massa, perímetro da cintura, IMC, relação cintura estatura, pressão arterial, comportamento sedentário, nível de atividade física, colesterol, HDL e LDL, triglicerídeos e glicose em jejum. Realizaram-se testes de Qui-quadrado, Odds ratio, Spearman e Regressão de Poisson, com p-valor = 0.05, intervalo de confiança de 95 %. RESULTADOS: Os estudantes espanhóis eram maioria de 14 a 16 anos e de escolas públicas, enquanto os brasileiros eram maioria de 11 a 13 anos e de escolas privadas. Todos apresentaram prevalência elevada de obesidade geral, sem diferença estatística entre os grupos (G-ESP: 20.2% e 29.6 %; G-BRA: 25.0% e 22.9%, para meninas e meninos). A presença de obesidade abdominal foi maior entre brasileiros (G-ESP: 2.4 % e 13.6 %; G-BRA: 31.1 % e 35.2 %, respectivamente para meninas e meninos). Relevante foi o número de estudantes considerados insuficientemente ativos em ambos os grupos (G-ESP: 36.9 % e 23.5 %; G-BRA: 43.2 % e 39.0 %, para meninas e meninos). Comportamento sedentário foi observado entre as meninas brasileiras (43.4%) e entre os meninos dos dois grupos (G-ESP: 21.5 %; G-BRA: 51.0 %). Foi encontrado alto índice de estudantes com níveis inadequados de triglicerídeos (G-ESP: 15.5 % e 16.0 %; G-BRA: 29.5% e 19.0 %, para meninas e meninos) e HDL (G-ESP: 7.1 % e 6.2 %; G-BRA: 5.3% e 15.2 %, para meninas e meninos). Após análise bruta e ajustada meninas e meninos brasileiros com idade entre 11 e 13 anos (RP=2.091; IC95%: 1.132-3.862) apresentaram maior probabilidade de hipertrigliceridemia. CONCLUSÕES: A presente investigação torna perceptível a necessidade de se intervir nos grupos mais vulneráveis, considerando-se a presença de fatores de risco modificáveis, em contextos diferenciados, sugere que programas objetivando a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares e obesidade devem começar precocemente, por exemplo, com atividade física regular e dieta saudável

OBJETIVO: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la asociación entre los factores de riesgo para enfermedades cardiovasculares en estudiantes de Paranavaí (Brasil) y Cáceres (España), de 11 a 16 años. MÉTODO: Estudio transversal con 402 alumnos. Análisis: sexo, edad, dependencia administrativa escolar, altura, masa, circunferencia de la cintura, IMC, altura de la cintura, presión arterial, comportamiento sedentario, nivel de actividad física, colesterol, HDL y LDL, triglicéridos y glucosa en ayunas. Se realizaron pruebas de regresión de Qui-cuadrado, Odds ratio, Spearman y Poisson, con valor de p = 0.05, intervalo de confianza del 95%. RESULTADOS: Los estudiantes españoles eran en su mayoría de 14 a 16 años y de escuelas públicas, mientras que los brasileños tenían en su mayoría de 11 a 13 años y de escuelas privadas. Todos tenían una alta prevalencia de obesidad general, sin diferencias estadísticas entre los grupos (G-ESP: 20.2% y 29.6%; G-BRA: 25.0% y 22.9%, para niñas y niños). La presencia de obesidad abdominal fue mayor entre los brasileños (G-ESP: 2.4% y 13.6%; G-BRA: 31.1% y 35.2%, respectivamente para niñas y niños). Relevante fue el número de estudiantes considerados insuficientemente activos en ambos grupos (G-ESP: 36.9% y 23.5%; G-BRA: 43.2% y 39.0%, para niñas y niños). Se observó un comportamiento sedentario entre las niñas brasileñas (43.4%) y entre los niños en ambos grupos (G-ESP: 21.5%; G-BRA: 51.0%). Un alto índice de estudiantes con niveles inadecuados de triglicéridos (G-ESP: 15.5% y 16.0%; G-BRA: 29.5% y 19.0%, para niñas y niños) y HDL (G- ESP: 7.1% y 6.2%; G-BRA: 5.3% y 15.2%, para niñas y niños). Después de un análisis crudo y ajustado, las niñas y niños brasileños de 11 a 13 años (PR = 2.091; IC 95%: 1.132-3.862) tenían más probabilidades de tener hipertrigliceridemia. CONCLUSIONES: La presente investigación hace notar la necesidad de intervenir en los grupos más vulnerables, considerando la presencia de factores de riesgo modificables, en diferentes contextos, sugiere que los programas destinados a prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares y obesidad deberían comenzar temprano, por ejemplo, con actividad física regular y dieta saludable

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in students from Paranavaí (Brazil) and Cáceres (Spain), from 11 to 16 years old. METHOD: Cross-sectional study with 402 students. Analyzed: sex, age, school administrative dependence, height, mass, waist circumference, BMI, waist-height ratio, blood pressure, sedentary behavior, physical activity level, cholesterol, HDL and LDL, triglycerides and fasting glucose. Qui-square, Odds ratio, Spearman and Poisson regression tests were performed, with p-value = 0.05 with a 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: Spanish students were in the majority from 14 to 16 years old and from public schools, while Brazilians were in the majority from 11 to 13 years old and from private schools. All had a high prevalence of general obesity, with no statistical difference between the groups (G-SPA: 20.2% and 29.6%; G-BRA: 25.0% and 22.9%, for girls and boys). The abdominal obesity presence was higher among Brazilians (G-SPA: 2.4% and 13.6%; G-BRA: 31.1% and 35.2%, respectively for girls and boys). The number of students considered insufficiently active in both groups (G-SPA: 36.9% and 23.5%; G-BRA: 43.2% and 39.0%, for girls and boys) was relevant. Sedentary behavior was observed among Brazilian girls (43.4%) and among boys in both groups (G-ESP: 21.5%; G-BRA: 51.0%). A high index of students with inadequate triglycerides levels (G-SPA: 15.5% and 16.0%; G-BRA: 29.5% and 19.0%, for girls and boys) and HDL (G- SPA: 7.1% and 6.2%; G-BRA: 5.3% and 15.2%, for girls and boys). After crude and adjusted analysis, Brazilian girls and boys aged 11 to 13 years (PR = 2.091; 95% CI: 1.132-3.862) were more likely to experience hypertriglyceridemia. CONCLUSIONS: The present investigation makes noticeable the need to intervene in the most vulnerable groups, considering the presence of modifiable risk factors, in different contexts, suggests that programs aimed at preventing cardiovascular diseases and obesity should start early, for example, with regular physical activity and healthy diet

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Child , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Sedentary Behavior , Pediatric Obesity/complications , Obesity, Abdominal/complications , Dyslipidemias/complications , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Triglycerides , Cholesterol, HDL , Body Mass Index , Motor Activity , Sex Factors , Students , Brazil , Spain
Cien Saude Colet ; 25(3): 957-965, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32159665


The aim of this study was to verify sleep hours and associated factors among Brazilian and Spanish students. A cross-sectional study with students aged 11 to 16 years-old was carried out in Paranavaí, Brasil (n = 264) and Cáceres, Spain (n = 233) between 2013 and 2015. Sleeping hours were verified regarding time in minutes, sleep in weekdays, weekends and after lunch/Siesta. All data were checked for normality by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Mann-Whitney U test, Chi-square test (X2) and Odds Ratio estimates were used (p < 0.05). High prevalence in both groups of sleeping 8 hours or more a night at the weekend. The prevalence of sleeping on weekdays, > 8 hours, 6 to 8 hours and < 6 hours among Spanish and Brazilian students, respectively. Nearly a quarter of each group responded that makes the siesta. Spanish students had 3 times higher chance to sleep < 8 hours a night in weekdays, among students from 14 to 16 years old and among the underactive. At the weekends the chance of sleeping < 8 hours is 2 times greater among the Spanish students. Simple guidelines could help so that sleep habits do not affect school development, such as practicing physical activity regularly, sleeping at least 8 hours a night, avoid excessive access to technology at night.

Risk-Taking , Sleep Hygiene , Adolescent , Brazil , Child , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Spain , Time Factors
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(3): 957-965, mar. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089476


Abstract The aim of this study was to verify sleep hours and associated factors among Brazilian and Spanish students. A cross-sectional study with students aged 11 to 16 years-old was carried out in Paranavaí, Brasil (n = 264) and Cáceres, Spain (n = 233) between 2013 and 2015. Sleeping hours were verified regarding time in minutes, sleep in weekdays, weekends and after lunch/Siesta. All data were checked for normality by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Mann-Whitney U test, Chi-square test (X2) and Odds Ratio estimates were used (p < 0.05). High prevalence in both groups of sleeping 8 hours or more a night at the weekend. The prevalence of sleeping on weekdays, > 8 hours, 6 to 8 hours and < 6 hours among Spanish and Brazilian students, respectively. Nearly a quarter of each group responded that makes the siesta. Spanish students had 3 times higher chance to sleep < 8 hours a night in weekdays, among students from 14 to 16 years old and among the underactive. At the weekends the chance of sleeping < 8 hours is 2 times greater among the Spanish students. Simple guidelines could help so that sleep habits do not affect school development, such as practicing physical activity regularly, sleeping at least 8 hours a night, avoid excessive access to technology at night.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as horas de sono e fatores associados em estudantes brasileiros e espanhóis. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com estudantes de 11 a 16 anos de idade em Paranavaí, Brasil (n = 264) e Cáceres, Espanha (n = 233) entre 2013 e 2015. As horas de sono foram verificadas em relação ao tempo em minutos, dias da semana, fins de semana e Siesta. Todos os dados foram verificados quanto à normalidade pelo teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Os testes de Mann-Whitney, Qui-quadrado (X2) e a estimativa do Odds Ratio foram utilizados (p < 0,05). Entre os espanhóis e os brasileiros, as prevalências de dormir em dias de semana foram > 8 horas, 6 a 8 horas e < 6 horas, respectivamente. Quase um quarto em cada grupo respondeu fazer a Siesta. Os espanhóis apresentaram 3 vezes mais chance de dormir menos de 8 horas por noite durante a semana, entre os de 14 a 16 anos e pouco ativos. Aos finais de semana, a chance de dormir menos de 8 horas foi duas vezes maior entre os espanhóis. Orientações simples podem ajudar, para que os hábitos de sono não afetem o desenvolvimento escolar, como praticar atividade física regularmente, dormir pelo menos 8 horas por noite, evitar o acesso excessivo de tecnologia durante a noite.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Risk-Taking , Sleep Hygiene , Spain , Time Factors , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies