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Phys Rev D ; 103(2)2021 Jan 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34646971


An excess γ-ray signal toward the outer halo of M31 has recently been reported. Although other explanations are plausible, the possibility that it arises from dark matter (DM) is valid. In this work we interpret the excess in the framework of DM annihilation, using as our representative case WIMP DM annihilating to bottom quarks, and we perform a detailed study of the systematic uncertainty in the J-factor for the M31 field. We find that the signal favors a DM particle with a mass of ~45-72 GeV. While the mass is well constrained, the systematic uncertainty in the cross section spans 3 orders of magnitude, ranging from ~5 × 10-27-5 × 10-24 cm3 s-1. This high uncertainty is due to two main factors, namely, an uncertainty in the substructure nature and geometry of the DM halos for both M31 and the Milky Way (MW), and correspondingly, an uncertainty in the contribution to the signal from the MW's DM halo along the line of sight. However, under the conditions that the minimum subhalo mass is ≲10-6 M ⊙ and the actual contribution from the MW's DM halo along the line of sight is at least ~30% of its total value, we show that there is a large overlap with the DM interpretations of both the Galactic center (GC) excess and the antiproton excess, while also being compatible with the limits for the MW dwarf spheroidals. More generally, we summarize the results from numerous complementary DM searches in the energy range 10 GeV-300 GeV corresponding to the GC excess and identify a region in parameter space that still remains viable for discovery of the DM particle.

Mon Not R Astron Soc ; 477(4): 4491-4498, 2018 Jul 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30598559


In the local Universe, there is a strong division in the star-forming properties of low-mass galaxies, with star formation largely ubiquitous amongst the field population while satellite systems are predominantly quenched. This dichotomy implies that environmental processes play the dominant role in suppressing star formation within this low-mass regime (M ★ ~ 105.5-8 M☉). As shown by observations of the Local Volume, however, there is a non-negligible population of passive systems in the field, which challenges our understanding of quenching at low masses. By applying the satellite quenching models of Fillingham et al. (2015) to subhalo populations in the Exploring the Local Volume In Simulations suite, we investigate the role of environmental processes in quenching star formation within the nearby field. Using model parameters that reproduce the satellite quenched fraction in the Local Group, we predict a quenched fraction - due solely to environmental effects - of ~0.52 ± 0.26 within 1 < R/R vir < 2 of the Milky Way and M31. This is in good agreement with current observations of the Local Volume and suggests that the majority of the passive field systems observed at these distances are quenched via environmental mechanisms. Beyond 2R vir, however, dwarf galaxy quenching becomes difficult to explain through an interaction with either the Milky Way or M31, such that more isolated, field dwarfs may be self-quenched as a result of star-formation feedback.