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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 11033, 2024 May 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38744912


The presented paper discusses the production of radioactive ion beams of francium, radium, and actinium from thick uranium carbide (UC x ) targets at ISOLDE, CERN. This study focuses on the release curves and extractable yields of francium, radium and actinium isotopes. The ion source temperature was varied in order to study the relative contributions of surface and laser ionization to the production of the actinium ion beams. The experimental results are presented in the form of release parameters. Representative extractable yields per µ C are presented for 222 - 231 Ac, several Ra and Fr isotopes in the mass ranges 214 ≤ A ≤ 233 and 205 ≤ A ≤ 231 respectively. The release efficiency for several isotopes of each of the studied elements was calculated by comparing their yields to the estimated in-target production rates modeled by CERN-FLUKA. The maximal extraction efficiency of actinium was calculated to be 2.1(6)% for a combination of surface ionization using a Ta ion source and resonant laser ionization using the two-step 438.58 nm, and 424.69 nm scheme.

Nature ; 607(7918): 260-265, 2022 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35831598


In spite of the high-density and strongly correlated nature of the atomic nucleus, experimental and theoretical evidence suggests that around particular 'magic' numbers of nucleons, nuclear properties are governed by a single unpaired nucleon1,2. A microscopic understanding of the extent of this behaviour and its evolution in neutron-rich nuclei remains an open question in nuclear physics3-5. The indium isotopes are considered a textbook example of this phenomenon6, in which the constancy of their electromagnetic properties indicated that a single unpaired proton hole can provide the identity of a complex many-nucleon system6,7. Here we present precision laser spectroscopy measurements performed to investigate the validity of this simple single-particle picture. Observation of an abrupt change in the dipole moment at N = 82 indicates that, whereas the single-particle picture indeed dominates at neutron magic number N = 82 (refs. 2,8), it does not for previously studied isotopes. To investigate the microscopic origin of these observations, our work provides a combined effort with developments in two complementary nuclear many-body methods: ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group and density functional theory (DFT). We find that the inclusion of time-symmetry-breaking mean fields is essential for a correct description of nuclear magnetic properties, which were previously poorly constrained. These experimental and theoretical findings are key to understanding how seemingly simple single-particle phenomena naturally emerge from complex interactions among protons and neutrons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(3): 033001, 2021 Jul 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34328758


Isotope shifts of ^{223-226,228}Ra^{19}F were measured for different vibrational levels in the electronic transition A^{2}Π_{1/2}←X^{2}Σ^{+}. The observed isotope shifts demonstrate the particularly high sensitivity of radium monofluoride to nuclear size effects, offering a stringent test of models describing the electronic density within the radium nucleus. Ab initio quantum chemical calculations are in excellent agreement with experimental observations. These results highlight some of the unique opportunities that short-lived molecules could offer in nuclear structure and in fundamental symmetry studies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(3): 032502, 2021 Jan 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33543945


The mean-square charge radii of ^{207,208}Hg (Z=80, N=127, 128) have been studied for the first time and those of ^{202,203,206}Hg (N=122, 123, 126) remeasured by the application of in-source resonance-ionization laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE (CERN). The characteristic kink in the charge radii at the N=126 neutron shell closure has been revealed, providing the first information on its behavior below the Z=82 proton shell closure. A theoretical analysis has been performed within relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov and nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approaches, considering both the new mercury results and existing lead data. Contrary to previous interpretations, it is demonstrated that both the kink at N=126 and the odd-even staggering (OES) in its vicinity can be described predominately at the mean-field level and that pairing does not need to play a crucial role in their origin. A new OES mechanism is suggested, related to the staggering in the occupation of the different neutron orbitals in odd- and even-A nuclei, facilitated by particle-vibration coupling for odd-A nuclei.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 12306, 2020 Jul 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704132


This work reports on the application of a novel electric field-ionization setup for high-resolution laser spectroscopy measurements on bunched fast atomic beams in a collinear geometry. In combination with multi-step resonant excitation to Rydberg states using pulsed lasers, the field ionization technique demonstrates increased sensitivity for isotope separation and measurement of atomic parameters over previous non-resonant laser ionization methods. The setup was tested at the Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy experiment at ISOLDE-CERN to perform high-resolution measurements of transitions in the indium atom from the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] states to [Formula: see text]p [Formula: see text]P and [Formula: see text]F Rydberg states, up to a principal quantum number of [Formula: see text]. The extracted Rydberg level energies were used to re-evaluate the ionization potential of the indium atom to be [Formula: see text]. The nuclear magnetic dipole and nuclear electric quadrupole hyperfine structure constants and level isotope shifts of the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] states were determined for [Formula: see text]In. The results are compared to calculations using relativistic coupled-cluster theory. A good agreement is found with the ionization potential and isotope shifts, while disagreement of hyperfine structure constants indicates an increased importance of electron correlations in these excited atomic states. With the aim of further increasing the detection sensitivity for measurements on exotic isotopes, a systematic study of the field-ionization arrangement implemented in the work was performed at the same time and an improved design was simulated and is presented. The improved design offers increased background suppression independent of the distance from field ionization to ion detection.

Nature ; 581(7809): 396-400, 2020 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32461650


Molecular spectroscopy offers opportunities for the exploration of the fundamental laws of nature and the search for new particle physics beyond the standard model1-4. Radioactive molecules-in which one or more of the atoms possesses a radioactive nucleus-can contain heavy and deformed nuclei, offering high sensitivity for investigating parity- and time-reversal-violation effects5,6. Radium monofluoride, RaF, is of particular interest because it is predicted to have an electronic structure appropriate for laser cooling6, thus paving the way for its use in high-precision spectroscopic studies. Furthermore, the effects of symmetry-violating nuclear moments are strongly enhanced5,7-9 in molecules containing octupole-deformed radium isotopes10,11. However, the study of RaF has been impeded by the lack of stable isotopes of radium. Here we present an experimental approach to studying short-lived radioactive molecules, which allows us to measure molecules with lifetimes of just tens of milliseconds. Energetically low-lying electronic states were measured for different isotopically pure RaF molecules using collinear resonance ionisation at the ISOLDE ion-beam facility at CERN. Our results provide evidence of the existence of a suitable laser-cooling scheme for these molecules and represent a key step towards high-precision studies in these systems. Our findings will enable further studies of short-lived radioactive molecules for fundamental physics research.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(10): 102501, 2018 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30240248


Differences in mean-square nuclear charge radii of ^{100-130}Cd are extracted from high-resolution collinear laser spectroscopy of the 5s ^{2}S_{1/2}→5p ^{2}P_{3/2} transition of the ion and from the 5s5p ^{3}P_{2}→5s6s ^{3}S_{1} transition in atomic Cd. The radii show a smooth parabolic behavior on top of a linear trend and a regular odd-even staggering across the almost complete sdgh shell. They serve as a first test for a recently established new Fayans functional and show a remarkably good agreement in the trend as well as in the total nuclear charge radius.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(18): 182502, 2016 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27203317


Collinear laser spectroscopy is performed on the _{30}^{79}Zn_{49} isotope at ISOLDE-CERN. The existence of a long-lived isomer with a few hundred milliseconds half-life is confirmed, and the nuclear spins and moments of the ground and isomeric states in ^{79}Zn as well as the isomer shift are measured. From the observed hyperfine structures, spins I=9/2 and I=1/2 are firmly assigned to the ground and isomeric states. The magnetic moment µ (^{79}Zn)=-1.1866(10)µ_{N}, confirms the spin-parity 9/2^{+} with a νg_{9/2}^{-1} shell-model configuration, in excellent agreement with the prediction from large scale shell-model theories. The magnetic moment µ (^{79m}Zn)=-1.0180(12)µ_{N} supports a positive parity for the isomer, with a wave function dominated by a 2h-1p neutron excitation across the N=50 shell gap. The large isomer shift reveals an increase of the intruder isomer mean square charge radius with respect to that of the ground state, δ⟨r_{c}^{2}⟩^{79,79m}=+0.204(6) fm^{2}, providing first evidence of shape coexistence.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(13): 132501, 2015 Sep 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26451548


New technical developments have led to a 2 orders of magnitude improvement of the resolution of the collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at ISOLDE, CERN, without sacrificing the high efficiency of the CRIS technique. Experimental linewidths of 20(1) MHz were obtained on radioactive beams of francium, allowing us for the first time to determine the electric quadrupole moment of the short lived [t_{1/2}=22.0(5) ms] ^{219}Fr Q_{s}=-1.21(2) eb, which would not have been possible without the advantages offered by the new method. This method relies on a continuous-wave laser and an external Pockels cell to produce narrow-band light pulses, required to reach the high resolution in two-step resonance ionization. Exotic nuclei produced at rates of a few hundred ions/s can now be studied with high resolution, allowing detailed studies of the anchor points for nuclear theories.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(21): 212501, 2013 Nov 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24313482


The magnetic moments and isotope shifts of the neutron-deficient francium isotopes (202-205)Fr were measured at ISOLDE-CERN with use of collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy. A production-to-detection efficiency of 1% was measured for (202)Fr. The background from nonresonant and collisional ionization was maintained below one ion in 10(5) beam particles. Through a comparison of the measured charge radii with predictions from the spherical droplet model, it is concluded that the ground-state wave function remains spherical down to (205)Fr, with a departure observed in (203)Fr (N=116).

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(5): 052503, 2011 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405388


In-source resonant ionization laser spectroscopy of the even-A polonium isotopes (192-210,216,218)Po has been performed using the 6p(3)7s (5)S(2) to 6p(3)7p (5)P(2) (λ=843.38 nm) transition in the polonium atom (Po-I) at the CERN ISOLDE facility. The comparison of the measured isotope shifts in (200-210)Po with a previous data set allows us to test for the first time recent large-scale atomic calculations that are essential to extract the changes in the mean-square charge radius of the atomic nucleus. When going to lighter masses, a surprisingly large and early departure from sphericity is observed, which is only partly reproduced by beyond mean field calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(25): 252502, 2010 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867369


Collinear laser spectroscopy was performed on Ga (Z=31) isotopes at ISOLDE, CERN. A gas-filled linear Paul trap (ISCOOL) was used to extend measurements towards very neutron-rich isotopes (N=36-50). A ground state (g.s.) spin I=1/2 is measured for 73Ga, being near degenerate with a 3/2{-} isomer (75 eV≲E{ex}≲1 keV). The 79Ga g.s., with I=3/2, is dominated by protons in the πf{5/2} orbital and in 81Ga the 5/2{-} level becomes the g.s. The data are compared to shell-model calculations in the f{5/2}pg{9/2} model space, calling for further theoretical developments and new experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(14): 142501, 2009 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19905565


We report the first confirmation of the predicted inversion between the pi2p3/2 and pi1f5/2 nuclear states in the nu(g)9/2 midshell. This was achieved at the ISOLDE facility, by using a combination of in-source laser spectroscopy and collinear laser spectroscopy on the ground states of 71,73,75Cu, which measured the nuclear spin and magnetic moments. The obtained values are mu(71Cu)=+2.2747(8)mu(N), mu(73Cu)=+1.7426(8)mu(N), and mu(75Cu)=+1.0062(13)mu(N) corresponding to spins I=3/2 for 71,73Cu and I=5/2 for 75Cu. The results are in fair agreement with large-scale shell-model calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(21): 212501, 2007 Nov 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18233211


We report on the first determination of the nuclear ground-state spin of 33Mg, I=3/2, and its magnetic moment, mu= -0.7456(5) mu(N), by combining laser spectroscopy with nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. These values are inconsistent with an earlier suggested 1 particle-1 hole configuration and provide evidence for a 2 particle-2 hole intruder ground state with negative parity. The results are in agreement with an odd-neutron occupation of the 3/2 [321] Nilsson orbital at a large prolate deformation. The discussion emphasizes the need of further theoretical and experimental investigation of the island of inversion, a region previously thought to be well understood.

Phys Rev Lett ; 89(8): 082501, 2002 Aug 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12190460


The first on-line laser spectroscopy of cooled fission fragments is reported. The r ions, produced in uranium fission, were extracted and separated using an ion guide isotope separator. The ions were cooled and bunched for collinear laser spectroscopy by a gas-filled linear Paul trap. New results for nuclear mean-square charge radii, dipole, and quadrupole moments are reported across the N=60 shape change. The mean-square charge radii are found to be almost identical to those of the Sr isotones and previously offered modeling of the radial changes is critically reviewed.