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Gerokomos (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 33(4): 212-218, dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220308


Objetivos: Determinar la predicción de las caídas y caídasrecurrentes asociadas a factores de riesgo en el adulto mayor quevive en el domicilio. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo y transversalrealizado en La Libertad, Perú. La muestra fue de 1.110 adultosmayores que viven en el domicilio y se utilizó instrumentos como perfilsocial, enfermedades y medicamentos autorreferidos, caídas, estadocognitivo, síntomas depresivos, actividad básica e instrumental de lavida diaria, y equilibrio estático y dinámico. Se analizó con estadísticadescriptiva, curvas ROC y el área bajo la curva para evaluar los valorespredictivos y la regresión logística. Resultados: La mayoría era mujer,de entre 60 y 79 años, con compañero, viven acompañados y trabajan.La prevalencia de caídas fue del 30,5% y de caídas recurrentes del14%. Hubo predominio de aquellos sin déficit cognitivo, necesitabanayuda para las actividades instrumentales e independientes para lasbásicas, sin síntomas depresivos y con equilibrio estático y dinámicopreservado. En la regresión hubo relación entre caídas con ser mujer,vivir solo, número de enfermedades y medicamentos y dependenciapara las actividades básicas. Para caídas recurrentes hubo asociacióncon vivir solo, uso de medicamentos y dependencia para las actividadesinstrumentales. Conclusiones: La caída está asociada a diferentesfactores y su identificación precoz es importante para la creación deplanes de cuidados por el equipo multiprofesional evitando problemasfísicos y psicológicos en el adulto mayor. (AU)

Objectives: To determine the prediction of falls and recurrentfalls associated with risk factors in the elderly living at home.Methodology: Quantitative and cross-sectional study carried out inLa Libertad, Peru. The sample consisted of 1,110 older adults livingat home and instruments such as social profile, self-reported illnessesand medications, falls, cognitive status, depressive symptoms, basicand instrumental activity of daily life, static and dynamic balance wereused. It was analyzed with descriptive statistics, ROC curves and areaunder the curve to evaluate predictive values and logistic regression.Results: The majority were women, between 60 and 79 years old,with a partner, living with someone and working. The prevalence offalls was 30.5% and recurrent falls 14%. There was a predominanceof those without cognitive deficit, they need help for instrumentaland independent activities for the basic ones, without depressivesymptoms and with preserved static and dynamic balance. In theregression, there was a relationship between falls with being a woman,living alone, number of illnesses and medications, and dependencefor basic activities. For recurrent falls, there was an association withliving alone, use of medications, and dependence for instrumentalactivities. Conclusions: the fall is associated with different factors andits early identification is important for the creation of care plans by themultiprofessional team, avoiding physical and psychological problemsin the elderly. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Accidental Falls/prevention & control , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Secondary Prevention , Cross-Sectional Studies , Peru/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Recurrence
Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 67(4): 00002, oct.-dic 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361095


RESUMEN Introducción. El diagnóstico de la hipertensión arterial en adultos se basa en cifras superiores a 140/90 mmHg, valores convencionales de normalidad, universales, para cualquier edad o sexo. Hay una gran cantidad de estudios comparativos entre los residentes crónicos de la altura y los del nivel del mar, con resultados significativamente diferenciables, resultado de su exitosa adaptación al ambiente hipóxico-hipobárico crónico en la altura. Para el diagnóstico correcto y tratamiento de sus enfermedades, es necesario establecer los rangos de normalidad que les corresponde. Objetivo. Determinar el patrón normal de la presión arterial de los habitantes peruanos permanentes de las alturas. Método. Estudio transversal, epidemiológico de cohorte, una cohorte representada por la población de la costa y otra cohorte representada por la población andina. Resultados. De las 12 448 personas seleccionadas, el 51 % eran mujeres y el 49 % hombres, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 97 años, y una edad media de 43,8 años. En la sierra andina, de las 6 253 personas seleccionadas el 48,7% eran hombres y el 51,3% mujeres, con una edad media de 41,8 años. En la costa, de las 6 195 selectas, el 49,3 % fueron varones y 50,7 % mujeres, con 48,7 % de edad promedio. En la costa, el valor de corte para la presión arterial sistólica de 140 mmHg correspondió al percentil 91,9, teniendo en cuenta la edad media estimada de 48,7 años; por lo tanto, el punto de corte para el habitante de la sierra peruana, la presión arterial sistólica sería de 134 mmHg. Mientras tanto, al valor de corte para la presión arterial diastólica de 90 mmHg en la costa corresponde al percentil 86,2, teniendo en cuenta la edad media estimada de 48,6 años; el punto de corte de la presión arterial diastólica para el habitante de la sierra, sería de 89,1 mmHg. Conclusión. El presente estudio encuentra que 134/89 mmHg es el patrón límite de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica normal en el habitante adulto del altiplano andino.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The diagnosis of arterial hypertension in adults is based on figures above 140/90 mmHg, conventional values of normality, universal, for any age or sex. There are a large number of comparative studies between chronic residents of high altitude and those at sea level, with significantly differentiable results, as a consequence of their successful adaptation to the chronic hypoxic-hypobaric environment at high altitude. For the correct diagnosis and treatment of their diseases, it is necessary to establish the ranges of normality that correspond to them. Objective: To determine the normal blood pressure pattern of these permanent inhabitants of high altitudes. Method: Cross-sectional, epidemiological cohort study, one cohort represented by the coastal population and another cohort represented by the Andean population. Results: Of the 12,448 persons selected on the coast, 51% were women and 49% men, with ages ranging from 18 to 97 years, and a mean age of 43.8 years. In the Andean highlands, of the 6,253 people selected, 48.7% were men and 51.3% were women, with an average age of 41.8 years. On the coast, of the 6,195 selected, 49.3% were male and 50.7% female, with an average age of 48.7%. On the coast, the cut-off value for systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg corresponded to the 91.9th percentile, taking into account the estimated mean age of 48.7 years; therefore, the cut-off-point for the inhabitant of the Peruvian highlands, systolic blood pressure would be 134 mmHg. Meanwhile, the cutoff value for diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg on the coast corresponds to the 86.2 percentile, taking into account the estimated mean age of 48.6 years; the cut-off point for diastolic blood pressure for the inhabitant of the highlands would be 89.1 mmHg. Conclusion: The present study finds that 134/89 mmHg is the limiting pattern of normal systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the adult inhabitant of the Andean highlands.

Rev Lat Am Enfermagem ; 27: e3202, 2019.
Article in English, Portuguese, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31664410


OBJECTIVE: to synthesize the knowledge about the association of frailty syndrome and cognitive impairment in older adults. METHOD: the Joanna Briggs Institute's systematic review of etiology and risk factors was adopted. The search for the studies was conducted by two independent reviewers in the databases MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL and LILACS and by manual search was performed by tow reviewers independently. The measures of association Odds Ratio and Relative Risk were used in the meta-analysis. The software R version 3.4.3 and the meta-analysis package Metafor 2.0 were used for figure analysis. RESULTS: three studies identified the association of frailty syndrome and cognitive impairment through Odds Ratio values show that frail older adults are 1.4 times more likely to present cognitive impairment than non-frail older adults. Four studies analyzed the association through the measure of Relative Risk and found no statistical significance, and four studies used mean values. CONCLUSION: despite of the methodological differences of the studies and the lack of definition of an exact proportion in the cause and effect relationship, most studies indicate Frailty Syndrome as a trigger for Cognitive decline.

Cognitive Dysfunction/psychology , Frailty/psychology , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Frail Elderly , Humans , Male
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 27: e3202, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1043091


Objective: to synthesize the knowledge about the association of frailty syndrome and cognitive impairment in older adults. Method: the Joanna Briggs Institute's systematic review of etiology and risk factors was adopted. The search for the studies was conducted by two independent reviewers in the databases MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL and LILACS and by manual search was performed by tow reviewers independently. The measures of association Odds Ratio and Relative Risk were used in the meta-analysis. The software R version 3.4.3 and the meta-analysis package Metafor 2.0 were used for figure analysis. Results: three studies identified the association of frailty syndrome and cognitive impairment through Odds Ratio values show that frail older adults are 1.4 times more likely to present cognitive impairment than non-frail older adults. Four studies analyzed the association through the measure of Relative Risk and found no statistical significance, and four studies used mean values. Conclusion: despite of the methodological differences of the studies and the lack of definition of an exact proportion in the cause and effect relationship, most studies indicate Frailty Syndrome as a trigger for Cognitive decline.

Objetivo: sintetizar o conhecimento sobre a associação entre a síndrome da fragilidade e o comprometimento cognitivo do idoso. Método: adotou-se o referencial do The Joanna Briggs Institute de revisão sistemática de etiologia e fatores de risco. A busca dos artigos nas bases de dados MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL e LILACS e a busca manual foi feita por dois revisores de forma independente. Para a metanálise, empregaram-se as medidas de associação Odds Ratio e do Relative Risk; para a análise dos gráficos, foram empregados o software R (versão 3.4.3) e o pacote de metanálise Metafor 2.0. Resultados: na associação entre a síndrome da fragilidade e o comprometimento cognitivo, três estudos identificaram associação por meio da medida do Odds Ratio. Mostrou-se que os idosos frágeis têm 1,4 mais chance de apresentar comprometimento cognitivo em relação aos não frágeis, em quatro estudos foi possível estabelecer a relação mediante a análise do Relative Risk e não houve significância estatística, em quatro estudos utilizaram a média. Conclusão: apesar das diferenças metodológicas usadas nos estudos e a não definição da uma proporção exata na relação causa-efeito, a maioria dos estudos indica que a Síndrome de Fragilidade desencadeia o Comprometimento Cognitivo.

Objetivo: sintetizar el conocimiento sobre la asociación entre el síndrome de fragilidad y el deterioro cognitivo del adulto mayor. Método: se adoptó el referencial del The Joanna Briggs Institute de revisión sistemática de etiología y factores de riesgo. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, LILACS y la búsqueda manual fue realizada por dos revisores de forma independiente. Para el meta-análisis se empleó la medida de asociación Odds Ratio y Relative Risk. Para el análisis de los gráficos se utilizó el software R versión 3.4.3 y el paquete de meta-análisis Metafor 2.0. Resultados: en la asociación entre el síndrome de fragilidad y deterioro cognitivo, tres estudios identificaron asociación por intermedio de la medida de Odds Ratio. Se demostró que los adultos mayores frágiles tienen 1,4 más posibilidades de presentar deterioro cognitivo comparado con los no frágiles, en cuatro estudios fue posible establecer la relación mediante el análisis del Relative Risk y no hubo relevancia estadística, y cuatro utilizaron la media. Conclusión: a pesar de las diferencias metodológicas utilizadas en los estudios y la falta de definición de una proporción exacta en la relación de causa y efecto, la mayoría de los estudios indican que el síndrome de fragilidad desencadena un deterioro cognitivo.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Risk Factors , Frail Elderly , Employment , Cognitive Dysfunction , Frailty