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Phys Rev Lett ; 107(21): 215001, 2011 Nov 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181888


Experimental measurements of the SOL power decay length (λ(q)) estimated from analysis of fully attached divertor heat load profiles from two tokamaks, JET and ASDEX Upgrade, are presented. Data was measured by means of infrared thermography. An empirical scaling reveals parametric dependency λ(q) in mm = 0.73B(T)(-0.78)q(cyl)(1.2)P(SOL)(0.1)R(geo)(0), where B(T)(T) describes the toroidal magnetic field, q(cyl) the cylindrical safety factor, P(SOL)(MW) the power crossing the separatrix and R(geo)(m) the major radius of the device. A comparison of these measurements to a heuristic particle drift-based model shows satisfactory agreement in both absolute magnitude and scaling. Extrapolation to ITER gives λ(q) ≃ 1 mm.

J Nucl Mater ; 415(1): S860-S864, 2011 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30976128


We present results of massively parallel kinetic simulations of the triple Langmuir probes at JET. These results indicate that the probes under certain conditions, e.g. during ELMs, can significantly under/over estimate the electron temperature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(4): 045007, 2009 Jan 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19257434


The impact of edge localized modes (ELMs) carrying energies of up to 450 kJ on carbon erosion in the JET inner divertor is assessed by means of time resolved measurements using an in situ quartz microbalance diagnostic. The inner target erosion is strongly nonlinearly dependent on the ELM energy: a single 400 kJ ELM produces the same carbon erosion as ten 150 kJ events. The ELM-induced enhanced erosion is attributed to the presence of codeposited carbon-deuterium layers on the inner divertor target, which are thermally decomposed under the impact of ELMs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(26): 265004, 2007 Jun 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17678097


Type-I edge-localized modes (ELMs) have been mitigated at the JET tokamak using a static external n=1 perturbation field generated by four error field correction coils located far from the plasma. During the application of the n=1 field the ELM frequency increased by a factor of 4 and the amplitude of the D(alpha) signal decreased. The energy loss per ELM normalized to the total stored energy, DeltaW/W, dropped to values below 2%. Transport analyses shows no or only a moderate (up to 20%) degradation of energy confinement time during the ELM mitigation phase.