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Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 36(4)oct.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-226733


Introducción: la hipertrofia mamaria o macromastia es un desarrollo excesivo y desproporcionado de tejido mamario, que suele ir asociada con síntomas físicos y psíquicos que alteran la calidad de vida y pueden ser en ocasiones tremendamente incapacitantes. Prácticamente la única opción terapéutica para estas pacientes es la mamoplastia de reducción, procedimiento quirúrgico que ha demostrado ser muy eficaz para reducir los síntomas. Objetivo: describir y analizar los resultados de la intervención desde el punto de vista de las propias pacientes con macromastia antes y después de la reducción mamaria, a través de los comentarios expresados por ellas mismas. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo. Análisis de las características de las pacientes, valoración del cambio en la salud experimentado tras la intervención y las experiencias subjetivas de las mujeres relativas a su macromastia antes y después de la intervención. Resultados: Un total de 121 mujeres intervenidas de macromastia con una edad media de 40,71 años participaron en el estudio. Las pacientes experimentaron un cambio positivo en su estado de salud tras la intervención (p < 0,001). La mayoría de los problemas verbalizados hacían referencia a la dificultad en el vestir y en realizar actividad física, así como la gran mejoría experimentada tras la intervención Conclusión: las experiencias compartidas por las mujeres con macromastia tras la reducción mamaria evidencian una significativa mejoría tanto en su percepción de la salud como en su vida cotidiana, incluyendo el encontrar una ropa adecuada a su gusto y necesidades de actividad física. (AU)

Introduction: Mammary hypertrophy or macromastia is an excessive and disproportionate development of breast tissue, which is usually associated with physical and mental symptoms that alter the quality of life and can sometimes be tremendously disabling. Practically the only therapeutic option for these patients is a reduction mammoplasty, a surgical procedure that has proven to be very effective in reducing symptoms. Objective: To describe and analyze the outcomes of the intervention from the point of view of the patients themselves through the comments expressed by patients with macromastia before and after breast reduction. Material and methods: Prospective study. Analysis of the characteristics of the patients, assessment of the health change experienced after the intervention, and the subjective experiences of the women regarding their macromastia before and after the intervention. Results: A total of 121 women operated on for macromastia with a mean age of 40.71 years participated in the study. The patients experienced a positive change in their health status after the intervention (p < 0.001). Most of the verbalized problems referred to the difficulty in dressing and carrying out physical activity, as well as the great improvement experienced after the intervention. Conclusion: The experiences shared by women with macromastia after breast reduction surgery demonstrate a significant improvement not only in their perception of health but also in their daily life, including finding clothing that is suitable for their preferences and physical activity needs. (AU)

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Breast/pathology , Breast/surgery , Body Image , Spain , Prospective Studies , Hypertrophy , Mammaplasty
Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 36(1): 1-8, ene.-mar. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-215275


Introducción: el tratamiento conservador de la mama junto con la radioterapia es de elección en las pacientes con cáncer de mama precoz. Gracias a un mayor conocimiento de la radiobiología tumoral, la tendencia actual consiste en utilizar técnicas de irradiación parcial acelerada, entre las que destaca la radioterapia intraoperatoria (RIO). Métodos: estudio prospectivo multicéntrico dividido en 2 grupos comparativos con casos consecutivos de las pacientes a que han recibido una cirugía conservadora por cáncer de mama asociada o no a RIO. Se valora la relación de esta terapia con los valores de las proteínas involucradas en la respuesta biológica (IL6, IL8, CXCL10, IL1β y TNF- α) en muestras de suero preoperatorio y a las 24 h desde la cirugía, y de drenaje quirúrgico a las 6 y 24 h desde la cirugía. Resultados: se ha objetivado en las pacientes tratadas con RIO una disminución significativa de IL6 e IL8, así como un aumento de CXCL10 favorable para la lucha contra la progresión del tumor (p valor < 0,05). Las alteraciones del sistema inmunológico se manifiestan tanto en suero como en débito del drenaje quirúrgico a las 6 y 24 h desde la cirugía. Conclusiones: la RIO modifica la respuesta biológica en las pacientes con cáncer de mama. A pesar de que se deben desarrollar más líneas de investigación, la comprensión de los mecanismos de desarrollo del tumor, abre una nueva etapa en el desarrollo de tratamientos perioperatorios dirigidos a dianas concretas que compensen las consecuencias dañinas de la cirugía. (AU)

Introduction: Breast conserving surgery with radiotherapy is the treatment of choice in patients with early breast cancer. Due to a better understanding of tumour radiobiology, the current trend is to use accelerated partial irradiation techniques, among which intraoperative radiotherapy (RIO) stands out. Methods: Prospective multicentre study divided into two comparative groups with consecutive cases of patients who have undergone conservative surgery for breast cancer associated or not with RIO. The relation of this therapy with the values of proteins involved in the biological response (IL6, IL8, CXCL10, IL1β y TNF- α) is assessed in serum samples preoperative and 24 hours after surgery, and surgical drainage samples at 6 and 24 hours after surgery. Results: A significant decrease in IL6 and IL8, as well as an increase in CXCL10 favourable for the fight against tumour progression (p-value < 0.05) was observed in patients treated with RIO. Immune system alterations are manifested in both serum and surgical drainage debit at 6 and 24 hours after surgery. Conclusions: RIO modifies the biological response in breast cancer patients. Although more lines of research need to be developed, the understanding of the mechanisms of tumour development opens a new stage in the development of perioperative treatments directed at specific targets that compensate for the harmful consequences of surgery. (AU)

Humans , Breast Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Prospective Studies , Radiobiology , Proteomics , Interleukins
Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 99(10): 724-729, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-218842


Introducción: La mayoría de los cánceres de mama (CM) se diagnostican en mujeres sin antecedentes familiares y no portadoras de mutaciones de riesgo. En las últimas décadas se ha producido un aumento de mastectomías profilácticas contralaterales (MPC) en estas pacientes. El CBCRisk es un modelo que calcula el riesgo absoluto de cáncer de mama contralateral (CMC) y pretende servir para el asesoramiento de pacientes con CM esporádico sobre la MPC. Método: Análisis observacional retrospectivo de pacientes con un cáncer de mama esporádico sometidas a MPC durante 2017-2019. Análisis descriptivo, comparativo y de regresión logística univariante para identificar factores predictivos de LMAR y/o CMC oculto. Evaluación del modelo CBCRisk publicado en 2017 y distintos valores límite para la recomendación de MPC. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 42 pacientes. Incidencia de LMAR y cáncer oculto (CO) menor que la descrita en la literatura (9,52% LMAR, 2,38% CO). Ninguna de las variables evaluadas alcanzó significación estadística para la predicción de lesiones. El valor de CBCRisk a cinco años medio en pacientes con hallazgos patológicos fue de 2,08 (DE 0,97), superior al CBCRisk medio del conjunto (1,87 ± 0,91) y del subgrupo de MPC sin hallazgos patológicos (1,84 ± 0,91). Solo el CBCRisk ≥ 3 resultó significativo (p = 0,04) para la predicción de hallazgos patológicos. Conclusión: Las pacientes con CM esporádico deben ser adecuadamente informadas de los riesgos y beneficios estimados de la MPC. El CBCRisk puede ser útil para el asesoramiento de estas pacientes, pero precisa validación en cohortes más amplias y prospectivas. (AU)

Introduction: The great majority of breast cancer (BC) cases are diagnosed in women who have no known family history of the disease and are not carriers of any risk mutation. During the past few decades an increase in the number of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) has been produced in these patients. The CBCRisk model calculates the absolute risk of suffering from contralateral breast cancer (CBC); thus, it can be used to counselling patients with sporadic breast cancer. Method: An observational, retrospective study including sporadic breast cancer patients treated with contralateral prophylactic mastectomy has been conducted between 2017 and 2019. A descriptive and comparative study with one variation of logistic regression has been carried out in order to identify predictive factors of occult tumors (OT) and medium/high risk damage (MHRD). Evaluation of the CBCRisk model published in 2017 and different limit values for the CPM recommendation. Results: 42 patients were selected. Incidence of MHRD and OT was lower than that described in the literatura (9.52% MHRD, 2.38% OT). None of the evaluated variables reached statistical significance for predicting injuries. The average value of CBCRisk 5 years ahead found in patients with pathological findings was 2.08 (SD 0.97), higher than the average value of the whole group (1.87 ± 0.91) and the subgroup without pathological findings (1.84 ± 0.91). Only values ≥ 3 for CBCRisk were considered statistically significant (p = 0.04) for the prediction of histological lesions. Conclusion: Patients with sporadic breast cancer should be adequately informed about the estimated risks and benefits of undergoing a contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. The CBCRisk may be useful for the counseling of these patients, but it requires validation in larger and prospective cohorts. (AU)

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms , Risk Factors , Retrospective Studies , Mastectomy
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 99(10): 724-729, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34764058


INTRODUCTION: The great majority of breast cancer (BC) cases are diagnosed in women who have no known family history of the disease and are not carriers of any risk mutation. During the past few decades an increase in the number of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) has been produced in these patients. The CBCRisk model calculates the absolute risk of suffering from contralateral breast cancer (CBC); thus, it can be used to counselling patients with sporadic breast cancer. METHOD: An observational, retrospective study including sporadic breast cancer patients treated with contralateral prophylactic mastectomy has been conducted between 2017 and 2019. A descriptive and comparative study with one variation of logistic regression has been carried out in order to identify predictive factors of occult tumors (OT) and medium/high risk damage (MHRD). Evaluation of the CBCRisk model published in 2017 and different limit values for the CPM recommendation. RESULTS: 42 patients were selected. Incidence of MHRD and OT was lower than that described in the literatura (9.52%MHRD, 2.38%OT). None of the evaluated variables reached statistical significance for predicting injuries. The average value of CBCRisk 5 years ahead found in patients with pathological findings was 2.08 (DE 0.97), higher than the average value of the whole group (1.87 ± 0.91) and the subgroup without pathological findings (1.84 ± 0.91). Only values >3 for CBCRisk were considered statistically significant (P = .04) for the prediction of histological lesions. CONCLUSION: Patients with sporadic breast cancer should be adequately informed about the estimated risks and benefits of undergoing a contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. The CBCRisk may be useful for the counseling of these patients, but it requires validation in larger and prospective cohorts.

Breast Neoplasms , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology , Female , Heterozygote , Humans , Mastectomy , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies
Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 99(3): 215-221, mar. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-217920


Introducción: La técnica de Spira es un tipo de mastectomía preservadora de piel que permite la reconstrucción inmediata (RMI), ideal en mamas ptósicas. Si bien, persiste controversia sobre resultados oncológicos en el cáncer de mama. El objetivo es analizar complicaciones, secuelas cosméticas, causas de reintervención y resultados oncológicos. Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo de pacientes intervenidas durante 2003-2018 en nuestro centro. La población de estudio la constituyen pacientes con carcinoma de mama o sometidas a mastectomía profiláctica por alto riesgo, en las que se realizó una mastectomía preservadora de piel con colgajo dermograso desepitelizado (técnica de Spira modificada) y reconstrucción mediante implante directo. Se analiza la presencia de complicaciones precoces y tardías, secuelas, recidiva tumoral y supervivencia. Resultados: Se realizaron 247 mastectomías con reconstrucción en 139 pacientes, 216 bilaterales (87,4%) y 31 unilaterales (12,5%); 121 terapéuticas (49%) y 126 profilácticas (51%). La mediana de seguimiento fue de 81 meses. Se observaron complicaciones en un 16,2%; necrosis cutánea en 5,3% y cinco casos de necrosis del CAP (2%). La tasa de reintervención por secuelas cosméticas fue del 17,4% (la más frecuente fue contractura capsular 11,3%) y, de ellas, el 39,3% recibieron RT. La tasa de recidiva fue del 14% (0,8% cutánea, 3,3% locorregional y 9,9% a distancia). Ocho pacientes fallecieron (6,6%). La SLE y SG fue del 92,6% y 93,3% a cinco años. Conclusión: La técnica de Spira constituye una opción segura y ofrece buenos resultados cosméticos y oncológicos como tratamiento y profilaxis de cáncer de mama en mamas ptósicas de moderado a gran tamaño. (AU)

Introduction: Spira technique is a type of nipple-sparing mastectomy that allows immediate reconstruction (IBR), ideal for ptosic breasts. Although, controversy persists regarding oncological results in breast cancer. The aim is to analyze complications, cosmetic outcomes, causes of reoperation and oncological results. Methods: Retrospective observational analysis of patients undergone surgery during 2003-2018 in our center. Study population is based on patients with breast carcinoma or undergoing prophylactic mastectomy due to high-risk, in which a skin-sparing mastectomy with a de-epithelialized derma-fat flap (modified Spira technique) and direct to implant reconstruction was performed. Short and long-term complications, sequelae, tumor recurrence and survival rates are analyzed. Results: A total of 247 mastectomies with immediate reconstruction in 139 patients, 216 bilateral (87.4%) and 31 unilateral (12.5%) were performed. 121 therapeutic (49%) and 126 prophylactic (51%). Median follow-up 81 months. Complications were observed in 16.2%; skin necrosis 5.3% and 5 cases of NAC necrosis (2%). Reoperation rate due to cosmetic sequelae was 17.4% (capsular contracture was the most frequent,11.3%) and a 39.3% of these patients have received RT. Recurrence of 14% (0.8% skin, 3.3% locoregional and 9.9% metastatic), 8 patients died (6.6%). Rates of FSD and OS were 92.6% and 93.3% respectively. Conclusion: Spira mastectomy is a safe option and provides good cosmetic and oncologic results as breast cancer treatment and prophylaxis in moderate-large ptosic breasts. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Nipples , Mastectomy/adverse effects , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Mammaplasty
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 99(3): 215-221, 2021 Mar.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32507308


INTRODUCTION: Spira technique is a type of nipple-sparing mastectomy that allows immediate reconstruction (IBR), ideal for ptosic breasts. Although, controversy persists regarding oncological results in breast cancer. The aim is to analyze complications, cosmetic outcomes, causes of reoperation and oncological results. METHODS: Retrospective observational analysis of patients undergone surgery during 2003-2018 in our center. Study population is based on patients with breast carcinoma or undergoing prophylactic mastectomy due to high-risk, in which a skin-sparing mastectomy with a de-epithelialized derma-fat flap (modified Spira technique) and direct to implant reconstruction was performed. Short and long-term complications, sequelae, tumor recurrence and survival rates are analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 247 mastectomies with immediate reconstruction in 139 patients, 216 bilateral (87.4%) and 31 unilateral (12.5%) were performed. 121 therapeutic (49%) and 126 prophylactic (51%). Median follow-up 81 months. Complications were observed in 16.2%; skin necrosis 5.3% and 5 cases of NAC necrosis (2%). Reoperation rate due to cosmetic sequelae was 17.4% (capsular contracture was the most frequent,11.3%) and a 39.3% of these patients have received RT. Recurrence of 14% (0.8% skin, 3.3% locoregional and 9.9% metastatic), 8 patients died (6.6%). Rates of FSD and OS were 92.6% and 93.3% respectively. CONCLUSION: Spira mastectomy is a safe option and provides good cosmetic and oncologic results as breast cancer treatment and prophylaxis in moderate-large ptosic breasts.

Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 98(10): 612-617, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-199454


INTRODUCCIÓN: La mastectomía contralateral profiláctica (MCP) reduce el riesgo de cáncer contralateral en al menos un 90%. Además, las portadoras de mutación BRCA tienen mayor riesgo de recurrencia ipsilateral y de un segundo tumor primario. El objetivo es evaluar el riesgo de cáncer contralateral y la recurrencia, y analizar factores predictivos en pacientes con cáncer de mama y mutaciones BRCA1/2 y no portadoras con alto riesgo de cáncer hereditario. MÉTODOS: Análisis observacional retrospectivo de 46 pacientes sometidas a mastectomía bilateral durante 2004-2018. Nueve pacientes BRCA1, 12 BRCA2 y 25 con alto riesgo sin mutación. RESULTADOS: Dieciséis pacientes con diagnóstico de novo y 30 tratadas previamente por cáncer de mama a las que realizamos MCP de manera diferida (en 10 de ellas por detección de mutación en BRCA a posteriori); mediana de seguimiento 79 meses. La técnica quirúrgica más usada fue la incisión lateral externa. En todas las pacientes se realizó reconstrucción inmediata. En las piezas de MCP se encontraron 4 tumores in situ, 3 invasivos y una hiperplasia atípica. La incidencia de cáncer contralateral oculto fue del 15,2%. Cinco pacientes presentaron recidiva 21,2 meses de media tras la intervención; SLE 83,74 meses y SG 84,33 meses. Los modelos de regresión identificaron mutación BRCA1/2 y alto riesgo sin mutación como factores predictivos significativos para tumor oculto, mientras que el tamaño tumoral ≥ 2 cm fue predictivo de recidiva. CONCLUSIONES: En nuestra serie 7 pacientes (15,2%) habrían desarrollado un tumor contralateral en los años posteriores, y un 10,8% presentaron recurrencia a pesar de MCP

INTRODUCTION: Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) has been reported to reduce risk of contralateral breast cancer (CBC) by at least 90%.In addition, BRCA carriers presents higher risk of ipsilateral recurrence and a second primary tumor. The aim is to evaluate risk of CBC and recurrence and to analyze predictive factors in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and non-carriers at high-risk of hereditary breast cancer patients. METHODS: Retrospective observational study. 46 patients underwent bilateral mastectomy during 2004-2018. RESULTS: Cohort comprised 9 patients BRCA1,12 BRCA2 and 25 at high-risk without mutation. Median follow-up 79 months. 16 patients recently diagnosed and 30 previously treated by breast cancer whom underwent CPM at second time (because of later detection of BRCA mutation in 10 cases). The external lateral incision was most frequent surgical technique. In all patients immediate reconstruction was performed. In CPM pieces, 4 in situ carcinoma, 3 invasive and 1 atypical hyperplasia were found. The incidence of occult contralateral cancer was 15.2%. Recurrence was observed in 5 patients a media of 21.2 months after surgery. FSD was 83.74 months and OS 84.33 months. Regression models identified BRCA1/2 mutation and high risk without mutation as significant occult tumor predictive factors while tumor size ≥ 2 cm was predictive of recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: In our series we found a10.8% recurrence despite CPM and 7 patients (15.2%) would have developed a CBC in subsequent years

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/genetics , BRCA1 Protein/genetics , Mutation , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/genetics , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Prophylactic Mastectomy/methods , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Risk Factors , Retrospective Studies , Tumor Burden , Risk Assessment
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 2020 Dec 23.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33358405


INTRODUCTION: The great majority of breast cancer (BC) cases are diagnosed in women who have no known family history of the disease and are not carriers of any risk mutation. During the past few decades an increase in the number of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) has been produced in these patients. The CBCRisk model calculates the absolute risk of suffering from contralateral breast cancer (CBC); thus, it can be used to counselling patients with sporadic breast cancer. METHOD: An observational, retrospective study including sporadic breast cancer patients treated with contralateral prophylactic mastectomy has been conducted between 2017 and 2019. A descriptive and comparative study with one variation of logistic regression has been carried out in order to identify predictive factors of occult tumors (OT) and medium/high risk damage (MHRD). Evaluation of the CBCRisk model published in 2017 and different limit values for the CPM recommendation. RESULTS: 42 patients were selected. Incidence of MHRD and OT was lower than that described in the literatura (9.52% MHRD, 2.38% OT). None of the evaluated variables reached statistical significance for predicting injuries. The average value of CBCRisk 5 years ahead found in patients with pathological findings was 2.08 (SD 0.97), higher than the average value of the whole group (1.87 ± 0.91) and the subgroup without pathological findings (1.84 ± 0.91). Only values ≥ 3 for CBCRisk were considered statistically significant (p = 0.04) for the prediction of histological lesions. CONCLUSION: Patients with sporadic breast cancer should be adequately informed about the estimated risks and benefits of undergoing a contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. The CBCRisk may be useful for the counseling of these patients, but it requires validation in larger and prospective cohorts.

Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 33(2): 39-44, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-197282


OBJETIVO: El objetivo es evaluar la seguridad oncológica a 10 años de la mastectomía ahorradora de piel y pezón (MAP) en pacientes con carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS). MÉTODO: Análisis observacional retrospectivo. Se realizaron 35 MAP en pacientes con CDIS durante 2005-2018. Evaluamos resultados histológicos, oncológicos y de morbilidad. RESULTADOS: Las indicaciones más frecuentes fueron márgenes afectos tras tumorectomía (31,5%), multifocalidad/multicéntricidad (22,8%), tumor >3 cm (8,6%) correlación desfavorable tamaño tumoral/mama (8,6%) y decisión de la paciente (8,6%). La técnica más usada fue incisión lateral externa en 11 pacientes, seguida de técnica de Spira en nueve casos. La presencia de CDIS se confirmó en 22 pacientes y en 11 no se encontró tumor en la pieza de mastectomía. La tasa de complicaciones fue 22,8%. Tras una mediana de seguimiento de 104 meses (DE 69,9) no se observó necrosis del pezón. Un 20% de pacientes precisó reintervención a largo plazo. Once pacientes (31,4%) recibieron tratamiento adyuvante (QT y/o RT). Solamente una paciente presentó recurrencia local (2,8%) 28 meses tras la intervención. Una paciente presentó metástasis tras 78 meses de SLE. Las tasas de SLE y SG fueron 94,3% y 97,22%. El análisis univariante mostró dos factores de riesgo de recurrencia: edad <40 [OR (IC95) 2,529 (1,230 - 5,199)] y márgenes afectos [OR (IC95) 5,242 (2,041 - 13,464)]. CONCLUSIÓN: La MAP es factible y segura en pacientes con CDIS no candidatas a cirugía conservadora

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the oncological safety of nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) in patients with ductal in situ carcinoma (DCIS) over a 10-year period. METHOD: Retrospective observational analysis. A total of 35 NSM were performed in patients with DCIS from 2005 - 2018. We assessed the histological, oncological and morbidity results. RESULTS: The most frequent indications were margin involvement after lumpectomy (31.5%), multifocality / multicentricity (22.8%), tumour size >3 cm (8.6%) unfavourable tumour / breast size correlation (8.6%) and patient choice (8.6%). The most commonly used technique was external lateral incision in 11 patients, followed by the Spira technique in 9 patients. DCIS was confirmed in 22 patients and no tumour was found in mastectomy specimen in 11 patients. The complication rate was 22.8%. After a median follow-up of 104 months (SD 69.9) there was no nipple necrosis. In all, 20% of the patients required long-term reintervention. Eleven patients (31.4%) underwent adjuvant treatment (chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy). Only one patient showed local recurrence (2.8%) 28 months after the intervention. One patient developed metastases after 78 months of disease-free survival (DFS). DFS and overall survival rates were 94.3% and 97.22%. Univariate analysis showed two risk factors for recurrence: age <40 years [OR (95% CI) 2.529 (1.230-5.199)] and margin involvement [OR (95% CI) 5.242 (2.041 - 13.464)]. CONCLUSION: NSM is safe and feasible in patients with DCIS who are not candidates for conservative surgery

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mastectomy/methods , Mastectomy, Segmental/methods , Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/surgery , Mammaplasty/methods , Organ Sparing Treatments/methods , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology , Nipples/surgery
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 98(10): 612-617, 2020 Dec.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32505558


INTRODUCTION: Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) has been reported to reduce risk of contralateral breast cancer (CBC) by at least 90%.In addition, BRCA carriers presents higher risk of ipsilateral recurrence and a second primary tumor. The aim is to evaluate risk of CBC and recurrence and to analyze predictive factors in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and non-carriers at high-risk of hereditary breast cancer patients. METHODS: Retrospective observational study. 46 patients underwent bilateral mastectomy during 2004-2018. RESULTS: Cohort comprised 9 patients BRCA1,12 BRCA2 and 25 at high-risk without mutation. Median follow-up 79 months. 16 patients recently diagnosed and 30 previously treated by breast cancer whom underwent CPM at second time (because of later detection of BRCA mutation in 10 cases). The external lateral incision was most frequent surgical technique. In all patients immediate reconstruction was performed. In CPM pieces, 4 in situ carcinoma, 3 invasive and 1 atypical hyperplasia were found. The incidence of occult contralateral cancer was 15.2%. Recurrence was observed in 5 patients a media of 21.2 months after surgery. FSD was 83.74 months and OS 84.33 months. Regression models identified BRCA1/2 mutation and high risk without mutation as significant occult tumor predictive factors while tumor size≥2cm was predictive of recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: In our series we found a10.8% recurrence despite CPM and 7 patients (15.2%) would have developed a CBC in subsequent years.

Breast Neoplasms/genetics , Mastectomy/methods , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/prevention & control , Prophylactic Mastectomy/methods , Adult , BRCA1 Protein , BRCA2 Protein , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Case-Control Studies , Causality , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Heterozygote , Humans , Mastectomy/statistics & numerical data , Middle Aged , Mutation , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology , Neoplasms, Second Primary/epidemiology , Neoplasms, Second Primary/prevention & control , Neoplasms, Second Primary/surgery , Predictive Value of Tests , Retrospective Studies
Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 98(3): 149-153, mar. 2020. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-195835


INTRODUCCIÓN: La reconstrucción mamaria inmediata tras mastectomías ahorradoras de piel en pacientes sometidas a quimioterapia neoadyuvante todavía resulta controvertida. El objetivo es determinar factores relacionados con downstaging axilar y respuesta patológica completa (RPC), y como esta, condiciona la decisión de someterse a mastectomía bilateral con reconstrucción inmediata. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes con cáncer de mama sometidas a quimioterapia neoadyuvante y mastectomía bilateral con reconstrucción inmediata entre 2000-2018. Se compararon dos grupos: 1) RPC y 2) no RPC. Se analizaron datos demográficos, anatomopatológicos y el estadio clínico inicial y final. Análisis estadístico descriptivo y comparativo. RESULTADOS: Sesenta y nueve pacientes; Grupo1: 26 (37,68%) alcanzaron RPC y 43(62,32%) no RPC. Mediana de seguimiento 45,3meses (RIQ: 23,0-94,0). En análisis bivariante, edad menor a 35 (p < 0,001), menor T al diagnóstico (p = 0,006) y subtipo HER2 (p < 0,001) se asociaron significativamente con mayores tasas de RPC. La indicación más frecuente fue la elección de la paciente (31,8%). La tasa de negativización axilar fue del 80% en el grupo 1 y 59,3% en grupo 2 y las tasas de linfadenectomía axilar fueron similares (73,1% y 83,72%). CONCLUSIONES: La RPC tras la quimioterapia neoadyuvante no parece ser un factor de peso en la decisión de realizar la mastectomía bilateral con reconstrucción inmediata

INTRODUCTION: Immediate breast reconstruction after skin-sparing mastectomy in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy is still controversial. The objective of this study is to determine factors related with axillary downstaging and complete pathological response (CPR), and how CPR influences the decision to perform bilateral mastectomy with immediate reduction. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of breast cancer patients who had undergone neoadjuvant chemotherapy and bilateral mastectomy with immediate reduction between 2000-2018 was performed. Two groups were compared:1) CPR and 2) non-CPR. Descriptive and comparative statistical analyses are provided. RESULTS: 69 patients; 26 (37.68%) reached CPR and 43 (62.32%) non-CPR. Median follow-up of 45.3 months (IQR: 23.0-94.0). Age under 35 (p < .001), small size tumor at diagnosis (p = .006) and subtype HER2 (p < .001) were associated with higher rates of CPR in bivariate analysis. Axillary negativization rate was 80% in group 1 and 59.3% in group 2, and lymphadenectomy rates were similar (73.1% and 83.72%). CONCLUSIONS: CPR after neoadjuvant chemotherapy did not influence the decision to perform bilateral mastectomy with immediate reduction

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty/methods , Mastectomy/methods , Organ Sparing Treatments/methods , Comorbidity , Dermatologic Surgical Procedures , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 98(3): 149-153, 2020 Mar.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31732125


INTRODUCTION: Immediate breast reconstruction after skin-sparing mastectomy in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy is still controversial. The objective of this study is to determine factors related with axillary downstaging and complete pathological response (CPR), and how CPR influences the decision to perform bilateral mastectomy with immediate reduction. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of breast cancer patients who had undergone neoadjuvant chemotherapy and bilateral mastectomy with immediate reduction between 2000-2018 was performed. Two groups were compared:1) CPR and 2) non-CPR. Descriptive and comparative statistical analyses are provided. RESULTS: 69 patients; 26 (37.68%) reached CPR and 43 (62.32%) non-CPR. Median follow-up of 45.3 months (IQR: 23.0-94.0). Age under 35 (p <.001), small size tumor at diagnosis (p=.006) and subtype HER2 (p <.001) were associated with higher rates of CPR in bivariate analysis. Axillary negativization rate was 80% in group 1 and 59.3% in group 2, and lymphadenectomy rates were similar (73.1% and 83.72%). CONCLUSIONS: CPR after neoadjuvant chemotherapy did not influence the decision to perform bilateral mastectomy with immediate reduction.

Breast Neoplasms , Mammaplasty/methods , Mastectomy/methods , Organ Sparing Treatments/methods , Adult , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Comorbidity , Dermatologic Surgical Procedures , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 97(10): 575-581, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-187933


Introducción: La reconstrucción inmediata (RMI) tras mastectomía en pacientes que han recibido quimioterapia neoadyuvante (QTNA) sigue siendo controvertida. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar y comparar resultados oncológicos y las tasas de complicaciones y reintervención en pacientes sometidas a QTNA y un grupo control. Métodos: Análisis observacional retrospectivo de casos-controles. Pacientes con cáncer de mama intervenidas de mastectomía bilateral con RMI (MBRMI) mediante prótesis directa durante el periodo 2000-2016. Grupo que recibió QTNA emparejadas máximo 1:5 respecto a las pacientes sin QTNA (grupo control). Evaluamos diferencias entre grupos mediante test χ2 o Fisher (variables cualitativas), U de Mann-Whitney o t de Student (variables cuantitativas). Análisis de supervivencia mediante curvas de Kaplan-Meier y test de log-rank (SPSS 22.0). Resultados: Un total de 171 pacientes con MBRMI, 62 pacientes (36,3%) tras QTNA y 109 pacientes (63,7%) en grupo control sin QTNA. Mediana de seguimiento de 52,0 (RIQ: 23,0-94,0) meses. La indicación para practicar una MBRMI más frecuente en ambos grupos es la elección de la paciente (32,7%). No hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en cuanto a tasa de complicaciones (24,2% en el grupo QTNA y 19,3% en el grupo control [p = 0,44]). Sí existen diferencias en resultados oncológicos. Las pacientes del grupo QTNA tienen 3 veces más riesgo que las pacientes del grupo control de presentar recidiva en un momento determinado del tiempo (3,009 [1,349-6,713]) según el análisis univariante. Conclusiones: La RMI mediante prótesis directa tras mastectomías ahorradoras de piel es una opción viable de tratamiento para pacientes con cáncer de mama que reciben QTNA

Introduction: Immediate reconstruction (IBR) after mastectomy in patients who have received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) remains controversial. The aim of this study is to analyze and compare oncological results as well as complication and reoperation rates in patients undergoing NACT and a control group. Methods: Retrospective observational case-control study of patients with breast cancer who underwent bilateral mastectomy and direct-to-implant IBR (BMIBR) from 2000-2016. The group that received NACT was matched 1:5 to patients without NACT (Control group). We evaluated differences between groups using the χ2 or Fisher test (qualitative variables), Mann-Whitney U or Student's t-test (quantitative variables). The survival analysis was performed using Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank test (SPSS 22.0). Results: The study included a total of 171 patients with BMIBR: 62 patients (36.3%) after NACT and 109 patients (63.7%) in the control group without NACT. Median follow-up was 52.0 (IQR: 23.0-94.0) months. In both groups, the indication for BMIBR was patient choice (32.7%). There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of complication rate (24.2% in the NACT group and 19.3% in the control group [P = .44]), but differences in oncological results were found. Patients in the NACT Group had three times more risk of recurrence at a given time than patients in the control group (3.009 [1.349-6.713]) according to the univariate analysis. Conclusions: Direct-to-implant IBR after skin-sparing mastectomy is a viable option for breast cancer patients undergoing NACT

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty/methods , Treatment Outcome , Breast Implants/standards , Case-Control Studies , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant/methods , Mammaplasty/standards , Mastectomy/methods , Neoadjuvant Therapy/methods , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Reoperation/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Survival Analysis
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 97(10): 575-581, 2019 Dec.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31530386


INTRODUCTION: Immediate reconstruction (IBR) after mastectomy in patients who have received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) remains controversial. The aim of this study is to analyze and compare oncological results as well as complication and reoperation rates in patients undergoing NACT and a control group. METHODS: Retrospective observational case-control study of patients with breast cancer who underwent bilateral mastectomy and direct-to-implant IBR (BMIBR) from 2000-2016. The group that received NACT was matched 1:5 to patients without NACT (Control group). We evaluated differences between groups using the χ2 or Fisher test (qualitative variables), Mann-Whitney U or Student's t-test (quantitative variables). The survival analysis was performed using Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank test (SPSS 22.0). RESULTS: The study included a total of 171 patients with BMIBR: 62 patients (36.3%) after NACT and 109 patients (63.7%) in the control group without NACT. Median follow-up was 52.0 (IQR: 23.0-94.0) months. In both groups, the indication for BMIBR was patient choice (32.7%). There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of complication rate (24.2% in the NACT group and 19.3% in the control group [P=.44]), but differences in oncological results were found. Patients in the NACT Group had three times more risk of recurrence at a given time than patients in the control group (3.009 [1.349-6.713]) according to the univariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Direct-to-implant IBR after skin-sparing mastectomy is a viable option for breast cancer patients undergoing NACT.

Breast Implants/adverse effects , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty/methods , Adult , Aftercare , Breast Implants/standards , Case-Control Studies , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant/methods , Choice Behavior , Female , Humans , Mammaplasty/trends , Mastectomy/methods , Middle Aged , Neoadjuvant Therapy/methods , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Reoperation/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Survival Analysis , Treatment Outcome
Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 32(2): 41-47, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-187034


Objetivos: El propósito de este trabajo fue evaluar la evolución de la mastectomía bilateral con reconstrucción inmediata (MBRI) como tratamiento del cáncer unilateral o como profilaxis en pacientes de alto riesgo. También, analizar la variación en las técnicas quirúrgicas de reconstrucción y las complicaciones en diferentes periodos de tiempo. Métodos: Análisis retrospectivo de pacientes con MBRI como tratamiento y profilaxis de cáncer de mama. Periodos de estudio: 2001-2006, 2007-2011 y 2012-2016. Resultados: En total, se realizaron 332 MBRI: 110 (33,1%) en el primer periodo, 82 (24,7%) en el segundo y 140 (42,2%) en el tercero. En el primer periodo la indicación más frecuente en pacientes con cáncer unilateral fue la elección de la paciente (12 casos [10,9%]), y en el segundo y tercero, la multifocalidad o la multicentricidad, con 20 (24,4%) y 34 casos (24,3%), respectivamente. La mastectomía bilateral profiláctica se practicó por riesgo histológico en 10 (9,1%), 6 (7,3%) y 0 casos; por riesgo familiar sin mutación en 4 (3,6%), 3 (3,7%) y 5 casos (3,6%); y por mutación en los genes BRCA1/2 en 3 (2,7%), 2 (2,4%) y 14 casos (10%). Las técnicas más empleadas fueron Spira (39,1,39,6 y 41,4%) e incisión lateral externa (32,7, 25,6 y 38,9%). Las tasas de complicaciones son similares (25%) y la causa más frecuente de reintervención por secuelas es la contractura capsular en los 3 grupos: 17/110 (15,5%), 10/82 (12,2%) y 14/140 (10%). Conclusiones: Las pacientes con cáncer unilateral siguen demandando la mastectomía contralateral profiláctica, mientras las indicaciones de mastectomía bilateral profiláctica o reductora de riesgo han variado notablemente

Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse changes in bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (BMIR) in the treatment of unilateral cancer or as prophylaxis in high-risk patients. We also analysed variation in surgical reconstruction techniques and complications in different time periods. Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with BMIR in the treatment and prophylaxis of breast cancer. The study periods were 2001-2006, 2007-2011 and 2012-2016. Results: In total, 332 BMIR interventions were performed: 110 (33.1%) in the first period, 82 (24.7%) in the second and 140 (42.2%) in the third. The most frequent indication in unilateral cancer was patient choice in the first period (12 cases [10.9%]), and multifocality and/or multicentricity in the second and third periods; 20 cases (24.4%) and 34 cases (24.3%). BMIR was performed due to histological risk in 10 (9.1%), 6 (7.3%) and 0 patients; family risk without mutation in 4 (3.6%), 3 (3.7%) and 5 patients (3.6%); and mutation in BRCA1/2 genes in 3 (2.7%), 2 (2.4%) and 14 cases (10%) in the different periods, respectively. The most commonly used techniques were Spira (39.1, 39.6, 41.4%) and external lateral incision (32.7, 25.6, 38.9%). Complication rates were similar (25%) and the main cause of reoperation due to sequels was capsular contracture in the 3 groups (17/110 [15.5%], 10/82 [12.2%] and 14/140 [10%]). Conclusions: Patients with unilateral cancer continue to request prophylactic contralateral mastectomy, while the indications for prophylactic bilateral mastectomy have varied markedly

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Prophylactic Mastectomy/methods , Mastectomy/methods , Mammaplasty/methods , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Retrospective Studies , Mutation/genetics , Genes, BRCA1 , Genes, BRCA2 , Elective Surgical Procedures/methods , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/surgery , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Cir. Esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 97(3): 156-161, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-181134


Introducción: La mastectomía bilateral con reconstrucción inmediata (MB + RMI) está aumentando. La radioterapia incrementa las complicaciones, pero se han ampliado los criterios de administración. Queremos evaluar las tasas de complicaciones/secuelas realizando un análisis comparativo con una cohorte sin radioterapia. Métodos: Análisis observacional analítico de cohortes retrospectivo de pacientes tratadas mediante MB como tratamiento de cáncer de mama con RMI entre 2000 y 2016. Se evalúan 3grupos: grupo 1: pacientes previamente tratadas con cirugía local y radioterapia, y MB + RMI posterior; grupo 2: pacientes con MB + RMI y radioterapia posterior por un cáncer de novo, y grupo 3: pacientes con MB + RMI sin radioterapia previa ni posterior. Evaluamos variables demográficas, técnicas quirúrgicas y morbilidad postoperatoria. Resultados: Se intervinieron un total de 296 MB + RMI. Grupo 1: 125 pacientes con radioterapia previa, administrada 21,69 meses antes de media. Tasa de complicaciones del 28,8%, secuelas 33,6% y reintervención 33,6%. Grupo 2:71 pacientes con radioterapia tras reconstrucción 134,2 días de media. Tasa de complicaciones del 29,6%, secuelas 19,9% y reintervención 16,9%. Grupo 3: 100 pacientes. Tasa de complicaciones del 30%, secuelas 21% y reintervención 20%. Encontramos más secuelas en el grupo 1, con casi el doble de reintervenciones que en el grupo 2 (33,6% vs. 16,9%; p = 0,067). Conclusiones: La tasa de complicaciones a largo plazo y la tasa de reintervenciones es mayor en el grupo MB + RMI con radioterapia previa que en los grupos MB + RMI con radioterapia posterior o MB + RMI sin radioterapia

Introduction: The use of bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction is increasing. Radiotherapy increases complications; however, its uses have been extended. We evaluate the profile of the complications and long-term failure of reconstruction through a comparative analysis with a cohort without radiotherapy. Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with breast cancer who underwent mastectomy with immediate reconstruction during 2000-2016. Three groups were evaluated: 1) patients who received radiotherapy and posterior breast reconstruction; 2) patients with bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction following adjuvant radiotherapy; 3) patients who did not receive radiotherapy at all. Demographic variables, surgical techniques and postoperative morbidity were assessed. Outcomes and complications were compared between cohorts. Analysis was done with SPSS Statistics. Results: 296 bilateral mastectomies with immediate reconstruction. Mean age 48.4 ± 9. No differences in comorbidity in the different groups. Group 1: 125 patients. Radiotherapy given 21.69 months before, on average. Complication rate: 20%. Failure of reconstruction rate: 20%. Reoperation rate: 33.6%. Group 2: 71 patients. Radiotherapy after reconstruction: mean 134.2 days. Complication rate: 36.7%. Failure of reconstruction rate: 21.1%. Reoperation rate: 16.9%. Group 3: 100 patients. Complication rate: 25%. Failure of reconstruction rate: 21%. Reoperation rate: 20%. Morbidity published in patients after radiotherapy before or after reconstruction is higher than complications in patients who did not receive radiotherapy. Even so, in our series they were similar. We found a higher sequelae rate in group 1, with almost double the rate of reoperation. Conclusions: Patients who underwent radiotherapy before reconstruction had a higher risk of developing failure of reconstruction and needing reoperation than those patients who received radiotherapy after breast reconstruction or did not receive radiotherapy at all

Humans , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Mammaplasty/methods , Breast Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Mastectomy , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant/adverse effects , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Postoperative Complications , 28599 , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant/methods
Cir Esp (Engl Ed) ; 97(3): 156-161, 2019 Mar.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30545644


INTRODUCTION: The use of bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction is increasing. Radiotherapy increases complications; however, its uses have been extended. We evaluate the profile of the complications and long-term failure of reconstruction through a comparative analysis with a cohort without radiotherapy. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of patients with breast cancer who underwent mastectomy with immediate reconstruction during 2000-2016. Three groups were evaluated: 1) patients who received radiotherapy and posterior breast reconstruction; 2) patients with bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction following adjuvant radiotherapy; 3) patients who did not receive radiotherapy at all. Demographic variables, surgical techniques and postoperative morbidity were assessed. Outcomes and complications were compared between cohorts. Analysis was done with SPSS Statistics. RESULTS: 296 bilateral mastectomies with immediate reconstruction. Mean age 48.4 ± 9. No differences in comorbidity in the different groups. Group 1: 125 patients. Radiotherapy given 21.69 months before, on average. Complication rate: 20%. Failure of reconstruction rate: 20%. Reoperation rate: 33.6%. Group 2: 71 patients. Radiotherapy after reconstruction: mean 134.2 days. Complication rate: 36.7%. Failure of reconstruction rate: 21.1%. Reoperation rate: 16.9%. Group 3: 100 patients. Complication rate: 25%. Failure of reconstruction rate: 21%. Reoperation rate: 20%. Morbidity published in patients after radiotherapy before or after reconstruction is higher than complications in patients who did not receive radiotherapy. Even so, in our series they were similar. We found a higher sequelae rate in group 1, with almost double the rate of reoperation. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who underwent radiotherapy before reconstruction had a higher risk of developing failure of reconstruction and needing reoperation than those patients who received radiotherapy after breast reconstruction or did not receive radiotherapy at all.

Breast Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty/methods , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant/adverse effects , Adult , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Comorbidity , Female , Humans , Mammaplasty/statistics & numerical data , Mastectomy/adverse effects , Mastectomy/methods , Middle Aged , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Reoperation/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies
World J Surg ; 41(10): 2559-2565, 2017 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28466362


Breast prostheses exposure is probably the most devastating complication after a skin sparing mastectomy (SSM) and implant-based, one-stage, breast reconstruction. This complication may occur in the immediate post-operative period or in the weeks and even months after the procedure. In most cases, the cause is poor skin coverage of the implant due to skin necrosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eight consecutive cases of implant exposure (or risk of exposure) due to skin necrosis in SSM patients over a period of 5 years, all patients were treated using a random epigastric rotation flap, executed by the same medical team. RESULTS: A random epigastric flap (island or conventional rotation flap) was used to cover the skin defect. All the patients completed the procedure and all prostheses were saved; there were no cases of flap necrosis or infection. CONCLUSIONS: Cases of skin necrosis after SSM and immediate implant reconstruction, in which the implant is at risk of exposure, can be successfully treated with a random epigastric rotation flap.

Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty/adverse effects , Mastectomy/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Skin/pathology , Surgical Flaps , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Necrosis
Metas enferm ; 20(4): 49-54, mayo 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-163493


Objetivo: valorar la evolución a corto plazo de parámetros psicosociales y clínicos de mujeres con macromastia tras la reducción mamaria. Metodología: estudio observacional prospectivo en mujeres con macromastia tras la reducción mamaria atendidas en el Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Bless de Zaragoza. Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos, clínicos, parámetros psicosociales y de calidad de vida. La información se recogió en dos momentos, antes de la intervención (momento basal) y al mes de la misma, a través de varios cuestionarios: identificación de síntomas específicos de la macromastia, calidad de vida mediante cuestionario de salud SF-36, estados de ansiedad y de depresión mediante el instrumento HADS, y la subescala de insatisfacción corporal del EDI-2. Para estimar si hubo cambios en el estado de las pacientes se compararon los resultados de las escalas pre y postoperatorias mediante el test no paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Resultados: participaron 20 mujeres en el estudio. La media de edad de 39,8 años (desviación estándar 11,11). La media del tejido extirpado fue 1.794 g (rango 477-3.000 g). la estancia media hospitalaria fue de 3,1 días (rango 1-7 días). Al mes de la reducción mamaria se observó una mejoría significativa del estado de ansiedad (p<0,0001) y de depresión (p=0,016), así como del dolor en hombros y espalda (p<0,0001). La salud mental de las mujeres mejoró significativamente después de la cirugía. El 90% se mostró satisfecha con los resultados de la intervención, y el 95% manifestó que le gustaban sus pechos después de la cirugía. Conclusiones: la macromastia afecta negativamente a la calidad de vida de las mujeres que la padecen. La reducción mamaria produce una mejoría significativa en un corto plazo de tiempo, tanto en los síntomas físicos como en los aspectos psíquicos (AU)

Objectives: to assess the evolution at short term of psychosocial and clinical parameters in women with macromastia after breast reduction. Methodology: an observational prospective study in women with macromastia after breast reduction managed in the Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa, in Zaragoza. Sociodemographical and clinical data were collected, as well as psychosocial and quality of life parameters. This information was collected at two time points: before the procedure (baseline) and at one month after the procedure, through different questionnaires: identification of specific symptoms of macromastia, quality of life through the SF-36 Health Questionnaire, anxiety and depression through the HADS tool, and the Body Dissastisfaction sub-scale in EDI-2. In order to estimate if there were changes in patient status, the scale outcomes before and after the surgical procedure were compared through Non-parametric Wilcoxon Test. Results: twenty (20) women were included in the study. Their mean age was 39.8 years (standard deviation: 11.11). The mean tissue removed was 39.8 years (standard deviation: 11.11). The mena tissue removed was 1,794 g (477-3.000 g range). The mean hospital stay was 3.1 days (1-7 days range). At one month of breast reduction, a significant improvement was observed in the level of anxiety (p< 0.001) and depression (p= 0.016), as well as in shoulder and back pain (p< 0.0001). There was a significant improvement in the mental health of women after surgery; 90% were satisfied with the surgical procedure outcomes, and 95% stated that they liked their breasts after surgery. Conclusions: macromastia has a negative impact on the quality of life of those women who suffer it. Breast reduction causes a significant improvement at short term, both in physical symptoms and in psychological aspects (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Breast Diseases/surgery , Body Image/psychology , Mammaplasty/psychology , Prospective Studies , Quality of Life , Breast Diseases/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Depression/epidemiology , Treatment Outcome