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J Chem Phys ; 145(23): 234310, 2016 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28010106


Threshold-photoionization spectroscopy of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) and its 15N isotopologue has been investigated in the vacuum-ultraviolet range with a synchrotron-based experiment allowing to record threshold-photoelectron spectrum and photoion yield over a large energy range (from 88 500 to 177 500 cm-1, i.e., from 11 to 22 eV). Adiabatic ionization energies towards the three lowest electronic states X+2Π, A+ Σ+2, and B+ Π2 are derived from the threshold-photoelectron spectrum. A detailed description of the vibrational structure of these states is proposed leading to the determination of the vibrational frequencies for most modes. The vibrational assignments and the discussion about the electronic structure are supported by multireference ab initio calculations (CASPT2, MRCI). Unprecedented structures are resolved and tentatively assigned in the region of the B+← X transition. Exploratory calculations highlight the complexity of the electronic landscape of the cation up to approximately 10 eV above its ground state.

J Chem Phys ; 141(17): 174317, 2014 Nov 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25381524


The first quantitative description of the Rydberg and valence singlet electronic states of vinylidene lying in the 0-10 eV region is performed by using large scale ab initio calculations. A deep analysis of Rydberg-valence interactions has been achieved thanks to the comprehensive information contained in the accurate Multi-Reference Configuration Interaction wavefunctions and an original population analysis highlighting the respective role played by orbital and state mixing in such interactions. The present theoretical approach is thus adequate for dealing with larger than diatomic Rydberg systems. The nine lowest singlet valence states have been optimized. Among them, some are involved in strong Rydberg-valence interactions in the region of the Rydberg state equilibrium geometry. The Rydberg states of vinylidene present a great similarity with the acetylene isomer, concerning their quantum defects and Rydberg molecular orbital character. As in acetylene, strong s-d mixing is revealed in the n = 3 s-d supercomplex. Nevertheless, unlike in acetylene, the close-energy of the two vinylidene ionic cores (2)A1 and (2)B1 results into two overlapped Rydberg series. These Rydberg series exhibit local perturbations when an accidental degeneracy occurs between them and results in avoided crossings. In addition, some Δl = 1 (s-p and p-d) mixings arise for some Rydberg states and are rationalized in term of electrostatic interaction from the electric dipole moment of the ionic core. The strongest dipole moment of the (2)B1 cationic state also stabilizes the lowest members of the n = 3 Rydberg series converging to this excited state, as compared to the adjacent series converging toward the (2)A1 ionic ground state. The overall energies of vinylidene Rydberg states lie above their acetylene counterpart. Finally, predictions for optical transitions in singlet vinylidene are suggested for further experimental spectroscopic characterization of vinylidene.

J Phys Chem A ; 115(21): 5387-96, 2011 Jun 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21548615


The absolute photoionization cross section of C(2)H(5) has been measured at 10.54 eV using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser photoionization. The C(2)H(5) radical was produced in situ using the rapid C(2)H(6) + F → C(2)H(5) + HF reaction. Its absolute photoionization cross section has been determined in two different ways: first using the C(2)H(5) + NO(2) → C(2)H(5)O + NO reaction in a fast flow reactor, and the known absolute photoionization cross section of NO. In a second experiment, it has been measured relative to the known absolute photoionization cross section of CH(3) as a reference by using the CH(4) + F → CH(3) + HF and C(2)H(6) + F → C(2)H(5) + HF reactions successively. Both methods gave similar results, the second one being more precise and yielding the value: σ(C(2)H(5))(ion) = (5.6 ± 1.4) Mb at 10.54 eV. This value is used to calibrate on an absolute scale the photoionization curve of C(2)H(5) produced in a pyrolytic source from the C(2)H(5)NO(2) precursor, and ionized by the VUV beam of the DESIRS beamline at SOLEIL synchrotron facility. In this latter experiment, a recently developed ion imaging technique is used to discriminate the direct photoionization process from dissociative ionization contributions to the C(2)H(5)(+) signal. The imaging technique applied on the photoelectron signal also allows a slow photoelectron spectrum with a 40 meV resolution to be extracted, indicating that photoionization around the adiabatic ionization threshold involves a complex vibrational overlap between the neutral and cationic ground states, as was previously observed in the literature. Comparison with earlier photoionization studies, in particular with the photoionization yield recorded by Ruscic et al. is also discussed.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(18): 8140-52, 2011 May 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21340077


Methane photolysis has been performed at the two Vacuum UltraViolet (VUV) wavelengths, 121.6 nm and 118.2 nm, via a spectrally pure laser pump-probe technique. The first photon is used to dissociate methane (either at 121.6 nm or at 118.2 nm) and the second one is used to ionise the CH(2) and CH(3) fragments. The radical products, CH(3)(X), CH(2)(X), CH(2)(a) and C((1)D), have been selectively probed by mass spectrometry. In order to quantify the fragment quantum yields from the mass spectra, the photoionisation cross sections have been carefully evaluated for the CH(2) and CH(3) radicals, in two steps: first, theoretical ab initio approaches have been used in order to determine the pure electronic photoionisation cross sections of CH(2)(X) and CH(2)(a), and have been rescaled with respect to the measured absolute photoionisation cross section of the CH(3)(X) radical. In a second step, in order to take into account the substantial vibrational energy deposited in the CH(3)(X) and CH(2)(a) radicals, the variation of their cross sections near threshold has been simulated by introducing the pertinent Franck-Condon overlaps between neutral and cation species. By adding the interpolated values of CH quantum yields measured by Rebbert and Ausloos [J. Photochem., 1972, 1, 171-176], a complete set of fragment quantum yields has been derived for the methane photodissociation at 121.6 nm, with carefully evaluated 1σ uncertainties: Φ[CH(3)(X)] = 0.42 ± 0.05, Φ[CH(2)(a)] = 0.48 ± 0.05, Φ[CH(2)(X)] = 0.03 ± 0.08, Φ[CH(X)] = 0.07 ± 0.01. These new data have been measured independently of the H atom fragment quantum yield, subject to many controversies in the literature. From our results, we evaluate Φ(H) = 0.55 ± 0.17 at 121.6 nm. The quantum yields for the photolysis at 118.2 nm differ notably from those measured at 121.6 nm, with a substantial production of the CH(2)(X) fragment: Φ[CH(3)(X)] = 0.26 ± 0.04, Φ[CH(2)(a)] = 0.17 ± 0.05, Φ[CH(2)(X)] = 0.48 ± 0.06, Φ[CH(X)] = 0.09 ± 0.01, Φ(H) = 1.31 ± 0.13. These new data should bring reliable and essential inputs for the photochemical models of the Titan atmosphere.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(9): 3237-46, 2010 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19947606


A pyrolysis source coupled to a supersonic expansion has been used to produce the CH3 radical from two precursors, iodomethane CH3I and nitromethane CH3NO2. The relative ionization yield of CH3 has been recorded at the SOLEIL Synchrotron Radiation source in the range 9.0-11.6 eV, and its ionization threshold has been modeled by taking into account the vibrational and rotational temperature of the radical in the molecular beam. The relative photoionization yield has been normalized to an absolute cross section scale at a fixed wavelength (118.2 nm, sigma(i)(CH3) = 6.7(-1.8)(+2.4) Mb, 95% confidence interval) in an independent laboratory experiment using the same pyrolysis source, a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser, and a carefully calibrated detection chain. The resulting absolute cross section curve is in good agreement with the recently published measurements by Taatjes et al., although with an improved signal-to-noise ratio. The absolute photoionization cross section of CH3I at 118.2 nm has also been measured to be sigma(i)(CH3I) = (48.2 +/- 7.9) Mb, in good agreement with previous electron impact measurements. Finally, the photoionization yield of the iodine atom in its ground state 2P(3/2) has been recorded using the synchrotron source and calibrated for the first time on an absolute cross section scale from our fixed 118.2 nm laser measurement, sigma(i)(I2P(3/2)) = 74(-23)(+33) Mb (95% confidence interval). The ionization curve of atomic iodine is in good agreement, although with slight variations, with the earlier relative ionization yield measured by Berkowitz et al. and is also compared to an earlier calculation of the iodine cross section by Robicheaux and Greene. It is demonstrated that, in the range of pyrolysis temperature used in this work, all the ionization cross sections are temperature-independent. Systematic care has been taken to include all uncertainty sources contributing to the final confidence intervals for the reported results.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(47): 13210-20, 2009 Nov 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19639976


A quantitative characterization of the Rydberg and valence singlet electronic states of acetylene lying in the 5-10.7 eV region is performed by using large-scale ab initio calculations. A special attention is paid on the comparison between the present calculations and Mulliken's concepts for Rydberg states, based on single-electron and single-configuration description. Most of the properties of the Rydberg states have been qualitatively understood via this comparison, mainly shown by the shape and size of the outer Rydberg molecular orbital. More quantitatively, Rydberg-valence mixing has been evaluated in several excited energy regions, as for instance, the interaction between the ' (1pig)2 1Ag doubly excited valence state and the manifold of electronic components of the np series, or the interaction between the 1pig 1Bu valence state and the 3dpig 1Sigma(u)+ Rydberg state. The rapid predissociation of the lowest 3s(sigma) 1Piu Rydberg state has been interpreted as a case of Rydbergization, earlier predicted by Mulliken.

Acetylene/chemistry , Quantum Theory
J Chem Phys ; 126(4): 044304, 2007 Jan 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17286467


The photolysis of allene and propyne, two isomers of C(3)H(4), has been investigated in the excitation energy range of 7-30 eV using vacuum ultraviolet synchrotron radiation. The visible fluorescence excitation spectra of the excited neutral photofragments of both isomers were recorded within the same experimental conditions. Below the first ionization potential (IP), this fluorescence was too weak to be dispersed and possibly originated from C(2)H or CH(2) radicals. Above IP, three excited photofragments have been characterized by their dispersed emission spectra: the CH radical (A (2)Delta-X (2)Pi), the C(2) radical (d (3)Pi(g)-a (3)Pi(u), "Swan's bands"), and the H atom (4-2 and 3-2 Balmer lines). A detailed analysis of the integrated emission intensities allowed us to determine several apparition thresholds for these fragments, all of them being interpreted as rapid and barrierless dissociation processes on the excited potential energy surfaces. In the low energy range explored in this work, both isomers exhibit different intensity distributions in their fragment emission as a function of the photolysis energy, indicating that mutual allene<-->propyne isomerization is not fully completed before dissociation occurs. The effect of isomerization on the dissociation into excited fragments is present in the whole excitation energy range albeit less important in the 7-16 eV region; it gradually increases with increasing excitation energy. Above 19 eV, the fragment distribution is very similar for the two isomers.

J Chem Phys ; 124(21): 214305, 2006 Jun 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16774405


The planar isomerization routes of the vinylidene/acetylene cation in the lowest electronic states are accurately examined for the first time, by using large scale MRCI and CCSDT calculations in a complementary way. They are compared with the similar calculations performed for the neutral ground state isomerization. An accurate value of the adiabatic ionization potential of vinylidene (11.26 eV) is predicted. The vinylidene cation lowest state, 1 2A1, follows an almost flat pathway with a shallow secondary minimum on the 1 2A' potential energy surface, before suddenly dropping to the stable acetylene cation ground state, X 2Piu. It is therefore confirmed to be completely unstable with respect to isomerization. The first excited state of the vinylidene cation, 1 2B1, which also correlates with the 2Piu ground state of acetylene cation along a 2A' isomerization route, has been studied at the same level of calculation. This 1 2B1 state is lying only 0.15 eV above the 1 2A1 state, and exhibits a potential energy barrier of 0.55 eV which explains the earlier assignment of this symmetry to the ground state of vinylidene cation. In addition to large scale calculations, a comprehensive description of the important steps of isomerization drawn from a very simple model involving monoconfigurational states is presented. In particular, the behavior of one unique orbital, namely, the 5a1 outer molecular orbital, is shown to completely govern the molecular geometry and energy evolution along the isomerization route of the ground state cation C2H2+.