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J. Oral Investig ; 9(2): 33-42, jul.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1342442


Objetivos: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a associação das bactérias Prevotella Melaninogênica e Actinomyces ao biofilme escuro em dentes permanentes. Relato de Caso: Um paciente apresentou manchas enegrecidas ao longo do contorno cervical dos dentes foi convidado a participar do presente estudo. Foi coletado com o auxílio de uma cureta estéril, uma parte deste biofilme que transferido para um eppendorff contendo soro fisiológico. O material coletado foi agitado em um Vórtex por 15 segundos e em seguida, inoculadas em 100 microlitros (µl) da solução em um meio de ágar sangue suplementado com Canamicina 5%, seguido de cultivo por 72 horas. A partir do crescimento bacteriano, as mesmas foram isoladas em ágar macconkey, chocolate e sangue em anaerobiose. Em seguida foram realizados testes de bioquimismo, utilizando-se os meios MIO (motilidade, indol e ornitina), citrato, TSI (triplo açúcar com ferro) e LIA (ágar lisina com ferro). Conclusão: Através das características clínicas associadas ao bioquimismo empregado nos testes, podemos concluir que a bactéria que está associada as manchas negras presentes no paciente é do gênero prevotella spp(AU)

Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the association of Prevotella Melaninogenic and Actinomyces bacteria with dark biofilm in permanent teeth. Case Report: A patient with black spots along the cervical contour of the teeth was invited to participate in the present study. After its clarification and acceptance, completing the IC, was collected with the aid of a sterile curette, a part of this biofilm that was inserted into an eppendorff containing saline. The collected material was vortexed for 15 seconds and then inoculated into 100 microliters (µl) of the solution in a 5% kanamycin supplemented blood agar medium, followed by cultivation for 72 hours. From bacterial growth, they were isolated on macconkey agar, chocolate and anaerobic blood. Biochemical tests were then performed using MIO (motility, indole and ornithine), citrate, TSI (triple sugar with iron) and LIA (iron lysine agar) media. Conclusion: Through the clinical characteristics associated with the biochemism employed in the tests, we can conclude that the bacteria that is associated with black spots present in the patient is of the genus prevotella spp(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Prevotella melaninogenica , Actinomyces , Biofilms , Dentition, Permanent , Bacteria , Dental Plaque
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 41(2): 52-57, maio-ago.2020. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1102702


Objetivo: avaliar a adesão bacteriana do Streptococcus mutans na superfície de uma resina composta do tipo incremento único submetida a diferentes protocolos de polimento. Materiais e métodos: foram realizadas 60 amostras nas quais foram divididas aleatoriamente em 6 grupos (n=10) de diferentes tratamentos de superfície. Cinco amostras de cada grupo foram separadas e submetidas ao estudo de adesão bacteriana, das quais duas foram analisadas pela microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foram contabilizadas as unidades formadoras de colônias UFC/ml de modo manual e realizada a média e desvio padrão de cada grupo. De acordo com os resultados analisados através do teste de One Way ANOVA e comparações múltiplas de Tukey observou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Resultados: os valores de UFC/ mL variaram de 0 para o grupo American Burrs a 8,64 para o grupo Dhpro. Os grupos Jota e Dhpro não diferiram estatisticamente entre si (p=0,71), porém diferiram dos demais grupos avaliados (p=0,45). Os grupos American Burrs e o controle negativo não diferiram estatisticamente entre si (p>0.999) e diferiram dos demais grupos testados (p=0,20). O grupo de controle positivo diferiu estatisticamente dos outros grupos (p=0,02) assim como o grupo KG (p=0,01). Conclusão: Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que, a superfície da resina Bulk Fill One submetida a diferentes protocolos de polimento e mesmo sem ter passado por nenhum tratamento de superfície é passível de adesão bacteriana seja por contagem manual ou microscopia eletrônica de varredura(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the bacterial adhesion of Streptococcus mutans on the surface of a single increment composite resin submitted to different polishing protocols. Materials and methods: 60 samples were randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 10) of different surface treatments. Five samples from each group were separated and submitted to the bacterial adhesion study, two of which were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The UFC/ml colony forming units were accounted for manually and the mean and standard deviation of each group were performed. According to the results analyzed by the One Way ANOVA test and Tukey's multiple comparisons, a statistically significant difference was observed between the groups. Results: The values ranged from 0 for the American Burrs group to 8.64 for the Dhpro group. The Jota and Dhpro groups did not differ statistically (p = 0.71), but differed from the other groups evaluated (p = 0.45). The American Burrs and negative control groups did not differ statistically (p> 0.999) and differed from the other groups tested (p = 0.20). The positive control group differed statistically from the other groups (p = 0.02) as did the KG group (p = 0.01). Conclusion: It can be concluded that the surface of the Bulk Fill One resin submitted to different polishing protocols and even without any surface treatment is susceptible to bacterial adhesion either by manual counting or scanning electron microscopy(AU)

Streptococcus mutans , Bacterial Adhesion , Composite Resins , Resins, Synthetic , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 48: e20190051, 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1043183


Resumo Introdução O tratamento endodôntico tem como objetivo erradicar microrganismos bacterianos e fúngicos do canal radicular, ou pelo menos possibilitar sua redução para níveis compatíveis com a saúde do tecido perirradicular, uma vez que, após o tratamento endodôntico, colônias de microrganismos residuais podem estar presentes nos túbulos dentinários e no cemento. Objetivo Avaliar o potencial antimicrobiano de diferentes tipos de retentores intrarradicularess em dentes bovinos. Material e método 50 dentes unirradiculares após tratamento endodôntico concluído foram desobturados, bem como tiveram seus condutos preparados para a cimentação dos retentores intrarradiculares. Posteriormente, os dentes foram contaminados por Enterococcus faecalis por meio da montagem de um dispositivo, o qual permitiu a infiltração bacteriana. Os dados resultantes da contagem das Unidades Formadoras de Colônia foram analisados utilizando o teste de ANOVA one-way, seguido pela análise de comparações múltiplas de Tukey. Resultado Decorrido o período de 14 dias, o grupo que apresentou a maior infiltração bacteriana foi o grupo-controle, o qual não continha nenhum tipo de retentor intrarradicular, seguido do G1-FV (grupo de continha retentor radicular de fibra de vidro) e G2-FC (grupo de que continha retentores radiculares de fibra de carbono). O menor grau de recuperação bacteriana foi encontrado nos grupos G3-Ni-Cr e G4-Cu-Al, os quais continham retentores intrarradiculares metálicos formados por ligas de níquel-cromo e cobre-alumínio, respectivamente. Conclusão Os retentores aqui avaliados apresentam diferentes efeitos antimicrobianos. Assim, a utilização de um pino com melhores resultados antimicrobianos favorece maiores chances de sucesso nos tratamentos reabilitadores.

Abstract Introduction The ultimate goal of endodontic treatment is the eradication of microorganism from the root canal space, or at least their reduction to levels compatible with periradicular tissue health since after endodontic treatment colonies of residual microorganisms may be present in the dentinal tubules and cementum. Objective To evaluate the antibacterial activity of different fiber posts in the root canal system of bovine teeth. Material and method Here, 90 uniradicular bovine teeth were randomly assigned after complete endodontic therapy. The samples were unthreaded, as well as had their conduits prepared for the cementation of the intracanal retainers. Subsequently, the teeth were exposed to Enterococcus faecalis by means of the assembly of a device, which allowed bacterial infiltration. The data of the amount by colony forming unit (CFU) per ml assay were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's HSD post hoc test (p<0,05). Result After the 14-day period, the group that presented the highest bacterial infiltration was the control group, which did not contain any type of intrarradicular retainer, followed by G1-FV (group of contained fiber glass post) and G2- FC (group containing carbon fiber reinforced post). Results of the smallest degree of bacterial recovery was found in the G3-Ni-Cr and G4-Cu-Al groups, which contained metallic intracanal retainers by nickel-chromium and copper-aluminum alloys respectively. Conclusion The intracanal retainers evaluated here presented different antimicrobial effects. Thus, the use of intracanal post with better antimicrobial results, favors greater chances of success in rehabilitation treatments.

In Vitro Techniques , Disinfection/methods , Post and Core Technique , Enterococcus faecalis , Dental Pulp Cavity , Root Canal Obturation , Dental Alloys , Dental Leakage
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 45(4): 219-226, July-Aug. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-795230


Introdução: A habilidade da Candida spp. em produzir enzimas proteolíticas, tais como fosfolipase e proteinases, tem um papel importante na patogenicidade destas leveduras. Objetivo: Determinar as espécies causadoras das infecções orais por Candida spp., além de investigar a atividade in vitro das fosfolipases e proteinases em isolados clínicos do gênero Candida, provenientes de pacientes com candidíase oral. Material e método: Isolados de Candida spp., pertencentes à Coleção de Cultivos Fúngicos do Laboratório de Microbiologia e Patologia Oral do Departamento de Odontologia da Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha, foram analisados. Produção de fosfolipases foi analisada utilizando-se Ágar gema de ovo. Liberação de proteinases foi medida utilizando-se extrato de levedura adicionado à albumina bovina. Resultado: Um total de 35 isolados clínicos do gênero Candida foi testado. C. albicans foi a espécie predominante (77%). Os demais isolados identificados foram: C. parapsilosis (20%) e C. tropicalis (2%). Ao comparar a atividade de fosfolipase do grupo C. albicans com o grupo Candida não-albicans, foi encontrada diferença significativa (P=0,04). Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre a C. albicans e a C. não-albicans, para a produção de proteinase. A liberação de proteinase foi significativamente maior quando comparada à produção de fosfolipase para o gênero Candida (P=0,04). Diferença estatisticamente significativa foi encontrada quando a atividade de fosfolipase e proteinase da C. albicans foi comparada à atividade das espécies de C. não-albicans (P=0,02). Conclusão: Diferentes quantificações de fosfolipase extracelular e atividade de proteinase têm sido atribuídas aos isolados clínicos de C. albicans quando comparados a outras espécies de Candida.

Introduction: The ability of the genus Candida to produce secretory enzimes such as proteinase and phospholipases to play an important role in the patogenicity of these yeasts. Objective: To determine the Candida species isolates from oral cavity infections and to investigate in vitro phospholipase and protease activities in clinically important of the genus Candida isolated in oral candidiasis patients. Material and method: Candida species isolated of the Fungal Culture Collection of Oral Microbiology and Pathology Testing Service Laboratory of the Dentistry Departament of Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha were evaluated. The phospholipases detection was assayed using the egg yolk agar plate method. Determination of protease production was performed in agar plates containing bovine serum albumine and yeasts extract. Result: A total of 35 isolates of the genus Candida were tested. C. albicans was the species predominant (77% of isolates), followed by C. parapsilosis (20%) and C. tropicalis (2%). When compared the phospholipase activity of the C. albicans group with the non-albicans Candida species types group was observed significant difference among of this groups (P=0.04). No statiscally significant difference between the C.albicans and non-albicans Candida species types when was compared to proteinase production. Proteinase production was higher and statiscally significant when compared to phospholipase activity in the genus Candida isolates (P=0.04). Statiscally significant differences were found between phosphoplipases and proteases activity for C. albicans when compared to non-albicans Candida species types (P=0.02). Conclusion: Differences in the secretion rates of phospholipase extracellular and proteases activity have been attributed to clinical strains of C. albicans when compared to others Candida species types.

Peptide Hydrolases , Phospholipases , In Vitro Techniques , Candida , Candida albicans , Candidiasis, Oral , Serum Albumin, Bovine , Virulence Factors , Enzymes , Yeasts , Infections , Mouth
Rev. bras. odontol ; 73(2): 101-106, Abr.-Jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-844011


Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a prevalência de cárie e sua associação com escolaridade materna e índice socioeconômico em escolares de Nova Roma do Sul (RS). Material e Métodos: Foram avaliadas 120 crianças de 7 a 10 anos pertencentes a duas escolas do município para compilar índice CPO-D e ceo-d. Foi enviado às mães um questionário para avaliar escolaridade materna e renda familiar. Resultados: A prevalência da cárie foi 2,45%. A média de CPO-D foi 0,41±0,83, enquanto a média de ceo-d foi 2,94 ± 2,96. Observou-se que tanto CPO-D quanto ceo-d não apresentaram associação com escolaridade materna e renda familiar, porém valores de ceo-d foram altos. Conclusão: Resultados apontam que a alta prevalência de cárie no estudo independe da escolaridade materna e do nível socioeconômico das famílias.

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries and investigate its association with socioeconomic status of family and parents's education among schoolchildren in Nova Roma do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. Material and Methods: We evaluated 120 schoolchildren aged 7 to 10 years old belonging to two schools of this city to be evaluated for the DMFT index (dental caries) and early chilhood caries (ECC) by clinical examination. Socioeconomic data (years of education of the mothers and family income) were collected through a questionnaire that was completed by the mothers. Results: The prevalence rate of dental caries was 2,45%. The mean DMFT index was 0.41± 0.83, while the mean ECC was higher and equal to 2.94 ± 2.96. Both the DMFT index and ECC there were no statistically significant associated with socioeconomic indicators, since the rates found for DMFT were high. Conclusion: Results indicate that high prevalence rate was an independent factor of the maternal education and socioeconomic status of families.

Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo ; 52(3): 145-9, 2010.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20602024


Ten cases of cryptococcosis due to unusual microscopic forms of Cryptococcus sp. observed over a twenty-eight year period (1981-2009) are presented. The most important clinicopathological and laboratory data are tabulated. The uncommon forms of cryptococcal cells given are: structures resembling germ tube (one case), chains of budding yeasts (one case), pseudohyphae (two cases) and nonencapsulated yeast-like organisms (eight cases). The diagnosis was based on the histopathological findings. The causative organism was isolated and identified in seven cases; five were due to C. neoformans, and two to C. gattii. In addition, the importance of using staining histochemical techniques - Grocott's silver stain (GMS), Mayer's mucicarmine stain (MM) and Fontana-Masson stain (FM) - in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is argued.

Cryptococcosis/pathology , Cryptococcus/isolation & purification , Adult , Biopsy , Cryptococcosis/microbiology , Cryptococcus/classification , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 52(3): 145-149, May-June 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-550345


Ten cases of cryptococcosis due to unusual microscopic forms of Cryptococcus sp. observed over a twenty-eight year period (1981-2009) are presented. The most important clinicopathological and laboratory data are tabulated. The uncommon forms of cryptococcal cells given are: structures resembling germ tube (one case), chains of budding yeasts (one case), pseudohyphae (two cases) and nonencapsulated yeast-like organisms (eight cases). The diagnosis was based on the histopathological findings. The causative organism was isolated and identified in seven cases; five were due to C. neoformans, and two to C. gattii. In addition, the importance of using staining histochemical techniques - Grocott's silver stain (GMS), Mayer's mucicarmine stain (MM) and Fontana-Masson stain (FM) - in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is argued.

A criptococose é a mais comum infecção fúngica oportunística observada em pacientes com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS). Relatamos 13 casos da infecção baseados no diagnóstico histopatológico, sorológico e cultivo. Foram analisadas: a epidemiologia, as técnicas histoquímicas básicas de hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e coloração pela prata (GMS), bem como as técnicas histoquímicas especiais de mucicarmim de Mayer (MM) e Fontana-Masson (FM), o teste do antígeno criptocóccico (CrAg) e o isolamento em cultivos em ágar-Sabouraud (SAB), ágar infusão de cérebro-coração (BHI) e meio com canavanina azul de bromotimol (CGB). Em quatro casos, resultados tintoriais insatisfatórios pela coloração de MM associados a títulos negativos pelo teste do CrAg, a coloração de FM confirmou a infecção pelo Cryptococcus deficiente de cápsula. Oito isolados foram identificados: seis casos apresentaram a infecção por Cryptococcus neoformans e dois casos apresentaram a infecção por Cryptococcus gattii.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cryptococcosis/pathology , Cryptococcus/isolation & purification , Biopsy , Cryptococcosis/microbiology , Cryptococcus/classification , Retrospective Studies
J Bras Pneumol ; 35(11): 1136-44, 2009 Nov.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20011850


Cryptococcosis is a systemic mycosis caused by two species of the encapsulated basidiomycetes, Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii, which, respectively, cause infection in immunocompromised individuals and in immunologically normal hosts. Patients with T-cell deficiencies are more susceptible to this infection. The spectrum of the disease ranges from asymptomatic pulmonary lesions to disseminated infection with meningoencephalitis. The medical relevance of cryptococcosis increased dramatically as a consequence of the AIDS epidemic and organ transplants.

Cryptococcosis/diagnosis , Lung Diseases, Fungal/diagnosis , Cryptococcosis/drug therapy , Cryptococcosis/microbiology , Humans , Lung Diseases, Fungal/drug therapy , Lung Diseases, Fungal/microbiology
Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo ; 51(5): 255-9, 2009.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19893977


Cryptococcosis is one of the most common opportunistic fungal infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We report 13 cases of cryptococcal infection based on histopathology, serology and cultures. Epidemiological analysis, histochemical techniques of hematoxilin and eosin (HE) and Grocot's silver (GMS), as well special histochemical techniques such as Mayer's mucicarmine (MM) and Fontana-Masson (FM), cryptococcal antigen test (CrAg) and isolation on fungal media: Sabouraud's (SAB), brain-heart infusion agar (BHI) and canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue (CGB) agar were analyzed. Unsatisfactory staining results by MM stain associated to negative titers by CrAg test, which FM stain confirmed that capsule-deficient Cryptococcus infections were observed in four cases. Eight isolated cases were identified as follows: six cases were infection with Cryptococcus neoformans and two cases were Cryptococcus gattii.

Cryptococcosis/diagnosis , Cryptococcus/isolation & purification , Adolescent , Adult , Biopsy , Child , Coloring Agents , Cryptococcosis/microbiology , Cryptococcosis/pathology , Cryptococcus/classification , Female , Histocytochemistry , Humans , Immunocompromised Host , Male , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Staining and Labeling , Young Adult
Paediatr Respir Rev ; 10(4): 166-71, 2009 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19879505


Cryptococcosis is a systemic-opportunistic mycosis caused by two species of the encapsulated yeast-like organism, Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii, which cause infection in immunocompromised individuals and in immunologically normal hosts, respectively. Most susceptible to infection are patients with T-cell deficiencies. The spectrum of disease ranges from asymptomatic pulmonary lesions to disseminated infection with meningoencephalitis. After the emergence of AIDS, cryptococcal infections have become much more common. The mycosis occurs less frequently in children than in adults. The purpose of this article is to discuss the aetiology, clinical presentation, predisposing conditions and outcomes in cases of cryptococcosis in children. Emphasis is placed upon paediatric cases occuring in Brazil and in particular to highlight the difference between cases diagnosed in Porto Alegre (South - subtropical climate) and in Belem (North - equatorial climate).

Cryptococcosis , Immunocompromised Host , Brazil/epidemiology , Child , Cryptococcosis/diagnosis , Cryptococcosis/epidemiology , Cryptococcosis/immunology , Cryptococcosis/therapy , Humans
J. bras. pneumol ; 35(11): 1136-1144, nov. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-533293


Criptococose é uma micose sistêmica causada por duas espécies do basidiomiceto encapsulado, Cryptococcus neoformans e C. gattii, que, respectivamente, causam infecção em indivíduos imunocomprometidos e em hospedeiros imunocompetentes, respectivamente. Pacientes com deficiência em células T são mais suscetíveis. A infecção se inicia por lesões pulmonares assintomáticas e a doença disseminada frequentemente cursa com meningoencefalite. A importância médica da criptococose aumentou significativamente em consequência da epidemia da AIDS e dos transplantes de órgãos.

Cryptococcosis is a systemic mycosis caused by two species of the encapsulated basidiomycetes, Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii, which, respectively, cause infection in immunocompromised individuals and in immunologically normal hosts. Patients with T-cell deficiencies are more susceptible to this infection. The spectrum of the disease ranges from asymptomatic pulmonary lesions to disseminated infection with meningoencephalitis. The medical relevance of cryptococcosis increased dramatically as a consequence of the AIDS epidemic and organ transplants.

Humans , Cryptococcosis/diagnosis , Lung Diseases, Fungal/diagnosis , Cryptococcosis/drug therapy , Cryptococcosis/microbiology , Lung Diseases, Fungal/drug therapy , Lung Diseases, Fungal/microbiology
Mycopathologia ; 167(4): 197-202, 2009 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19052915


Here we report an unusual case of disseminated cryptococcosis in a patient with AIDS. Although typical Cryptococcus neoformans micromorphology was observed in tongue biopsy, cervical lymph node examination revealed atypical histopathologic findings. These included pseudohyphae, chains of budding yeasts and structures resembling germ tubes. Cryptococcus neoformans infection in supraclavicular lymph nodes was also confirmed by culture. The importance of using special histochemical techniques-Mayer's mucicarmine stain for mucicarminophilic capsule and Grocott's silver stain-in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is reinforced.

AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/pathology , Cryptococcosis/pathology , Cryptococcus neoformans/pathogenicity , Cryptococcus neoformans/ultrastructure , Histocytochemistry/methods , Lymph Nodes/microbiology , Tongue/microbiology , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/diagnosis , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/microbiology , Adult , Carmine , Cryptococcosis/diagnosis , Cryptococcosis/microbiology , Cryptococcus neoformans/growth & development , Humans , Lymph Nodes/pathology , Male , Neck , Silver Staining , Staining and Labeling , Tongue/pathology
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop ; 41(1): 76-8, 2008.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18368276


A case of cryptococcosis due to capsule-deficient Cryptococcus is presented, in which culturing of the clinical specimen and tests for capsular antigen in cerebrospinal fluid and serum were negative. The histopathological techniques evaluated were hematoxylin-eosin, Grocott methenamine silver, Mayers mucicarmine and Fontana-Masson. The diagnosis of cryptococcosis due to capsule-deficient Cryptococcus was confirmed by means of the Fontana-Masson technique and by direct immunofluorescence. The potential of the histochemical techniques is discussed.

Cryptococcosis/pathology , Lung Diseases, Fungal/pathology , Staining and Labeling/methods , Adult , Female , Humans
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 41(1): 76-78, jan.-fev. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-478900


Caso de criptococose por Cryptococcus deficiente de cápsula, no qual cultivo do espécime clínico e pesquisa do antígeno capsular no líquor e soro foram negativos. As técnicas histopatológicas foram: Hematoxilina-eosina, Grocott, Mucicarmim de Mayer e Fontana-Masson. Confirmou-se o diagnóstico do Cryptococcus deficiente de cápsula pela técnica de Fontana-Masson e pela imunofluorescência direta. É discutida a potencialidade das técnicas histoquímicas.

A case of cryptococcosis due to capsule-deficient Cryptococcus is presented, in which culturing of the clinical specimen and tests for capsular antigen in cerebrospinal fluid and serum were negative. The histopathological techniques evaluated were hematoxylin-eosin, Grocott methenamine silver, Mayer’s mucicarmine and Fontana-Masson. The diagnosis of cryptococcosis due to capsule-deficient Cryptococcus was confirmed by means of the Fontana-Masson technique and by direct immunofluorescence. The potential of the histochemical techniques is discussed.

Adult , Female , Humans , Cryptococcosis/pathology , Lung Diseases, Fungal/pathology , Staining and Labeling/methods