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Chem Mater ; 35(7): 2752-2761, 2023 Apr 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37063596


Ba2CuTeO6 has attracted significant attention as it contains a two-leg spin ladder of Cu2+ cations that lies in close proximity to a quantum critical point. Recently, Ba2CuTeO6 has been shown to accommodate chemical substitutions, which can significantly tune its magnetic behavior. Here, we investigate the effects of substitution for non-magnetic Zn2+ impurities at the Cu2+ site, partitioning the spin ladders. Results from bulk thermodynamic and local muon magnetic characterization on the Ba2Cu1 - x Zn x TeO6 solid solution (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.6) indicate that Zn2+ partitions the Cu2+ spin ladders into clusters and can be considered using the percolation theory. As the average cluster size decreases with increasing Zn2+ substitution, there is an evolving transition from long-range order to spin-freezing as the critical cluster size is reached between x = 0.1 to x = 0.2, beyond which the behavior became paramagnetic. This demonstrates well-controlled tuning of the magnetic disorder, which is highly topical across a range of low-dimensional Cu2+-based materials. However, in many of these cases, the chemical disorder is also relatively strong in contrast to Ba2CuTeO6 and its derivatives. Therefore, Ba2Cu1 - x Zn x TeO6 provides an ideal model system for isolating the effect of defects and segmentation in low-dimensional quantum magnets.

Nat Mater ; 21(6): 627-633, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35228661


(Ba,K)BiO3 constitute an interesting class of superconductors, where the remarkably high superconducting transition temperature Tc of 30 K arises in proximity to charge density wave order. However, the precise mechanism behind these phases remains unclear. Here, enabled by high-pressure synthesis, we report superconductivity in (Ba,K)SbO3 with a positive oxygen-metal charge transfer energy in contrast to (Ba,K)BiO3. The parent compound BaSbO3-δ shows a larger charge density wave gap compared to BaBiO3. As the charge density wave order is suppressed via potassium substitution up to 65%, superconductivity emerges, rising up to Tc = 15 K. This value is lower than the maximum Tc of (Ba,K)BiO3, but higher by more than a factor of two at comparable potassium concentrations. The discovery of an enhanced charge density wave gap and superconductivity in (Ba,K)SbO3 indicates that strong oxygen-metal covalency may be more essential than the sign of the charge transfer energy in the main-group perovskite superconductors.

Inorg Chem ; 61(9): 4033-4045, 2022 Mar 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35187928


Isovalent nonmagnetic d10 and d0 B″ cations have proven to be a powerful tool for tuning the magnetic interactions between magnetic B' cations in A2B'B″O6 double perovskites. Tuning is facilitated by the changes in orbital hybridization that favor different superexchange pathways. This can produce alternative magnetic structures when B″ is d10 or d0. Furthermore, the competition generated by introducing mixtures of d10 and d0 cations can drive the material into the realms of exotic quantum magnetism. Here, Te6+ d10 was substituted by W6+ d0 in the hexagonal perovskite Ba2CuTeO6, which possesses a spin ladder geometry of Cu2+ cations, creating a Ba2CuTe1-xWxO6 solid solution (x = 0-0.3). We find W6+ is almost exclusively substituted for Te6+ on the corner-sharing site within the spin ladder, in preference to the face-sharing site between ladders. The site-selective doping directly tunes the intraladder, Jrung and Jleg, interactions. Modeling the magnetic susceptibility data shows the d0 orbitals modify the relative intraladder interaction strength (Jrung/Jleg) so the system changes from a spin ladder to isolated spin chains as W6+ increases. This further demonstrates the utility of d10 and d0 dopants as a tool for tuning magnetic interactions in a wide range of perovskites and perovskite-derived structures.

Dalton Trans ; 51(5): 1866-1873, 2022 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35018920


KBiNb2O7 was prepared from RbBiNb2O7 by a sequence of cation exchange reactions which first convert RbBiNb2O7 to LiBiNb2O7, before KBiNb2O7 is formed by a further K-for-Li cation exchange. A combination of neutron, synchrotron X-ray and electron diffraction data reveal that KBiNb2O7 adopts a polar, layered, perovskite structure (space group A11m) in which the BiNb2O7 layers are stacked in a (0, ½, z) arrangement, with the K+ cations located in half of the available 10-coordinate interlayer cation sites. The inversion symmetry of the phase is broken by a large displacement of the Bi3+ cations parallel to the y-axis. HAADF-STEM images reveal that KBiNb2O7 exhibits frequent stacking faults which convert the (0, ½, z) layer stacking to (½, 0, z) stacking and vice versa, essentially switching the x- and y-axes of the material. By fitting the complex diffraction peak shape of the SXRD data collected from KBiNb2O7 it is estimated that each layer has approximately a 9% chance of being defective - a high level which is attributed to the lack of cooperative NbO6 tilting in the material, which limits the lattice strain associated with each fault.

Dalton Trans ; 50(42): 15359-15369, 2021 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34642733


Solid state compounds which exhibit non-centrosymmetric crystal structures are of great interest due to the physical properties they can exhibit. The 'hybrid improper' mechanism - in which two non-polar distortion modes couple to, and stabilize, a further polar distortion mode, yielding an acentric crystal structure - offers opportunities to prepare a range of novel non-centrosymmetric solids, but examples of compounds exhibiting acentric crystal structures stabilized by this mechanism are still relatively rare. Here we describe a series of bismuth-containing layered perovskite oxide phases, RbBiNb2O7, LiBiNb2O7 and NaBiNb2O7, which have structural frameworks compatible with hybrid-improper ferroelectricity, but also contain Bi3+ cations which are often observed to stabilize acentric crystal structures due to their 6s2 electronic configurations. Neutron powder diffraction analysis reveals that RbBiNb2O7 and LiBiNb2O7 adopt polar crystal structures (space groups I2cm and B2cm respectively), compatible with stabilization by a trilinear coupling of non-polar and polar modes. The Bi3+ cations present are observed to enhance the magnitude of the polar distortions of these phases, but are not the primary driver for the acentric structure, as evidenced by the observation that replacing the Bi3+ cations with Nd3+ cations does not change the structural symmetry of the compounds. In contrast the non-centrosymmetric, but non-polar structure of NaBiNb2O7 (space group P212121) differs significantly from the centrosymmetric structure of NaNdNb2O7, which is attributed to a second-order Jahn-Teller distortion associated with the presence of the Bi3+ cations.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 4945, 2021 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34400623


Preparing materials which simultaneously exhibit spontaneous magnetic and electrical polarisations is challenging as the electronic features which are typically used to stabilise each of these two polarisations in materials are contradictory. Here we show that by performing low-temperature cation-exchange reactions on a hybrid improper ferroelectric material, Li2SrTa2O7, which adopts a polar structure due to a cooperative tilting of its constituent TaO6 octahedra rather than an electronically driven atom displacement, a paramagnetic polar phase, MnSrTa2O7, can be prepared. On cooling below 43 K the Mn2+ centres in MnSrTa2O7 adopt a canted antiferromagnetic state, with a small spontaneous magnetic moment. On further cooling to 38 K there is a further transition in which the size of the ferromagnetic moment increases coincident with a decrease in magnitude of the polar distortion, consistent with a coupling between the two polarisations.

Nano Lett ; 21(7): 2786-2792, 2021 Apr 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33797261


A key property of many quantum materials is that their ground state depends sensitively on small changes of an external tuning parameter, e.g., doping, magnetic field, or pressure, creating opportunities for potential technological applications. Here, we explore tuning of the ground state of the nonsuperconducting parent compound, Fe1+xTe, of the iron chalcogenides by uniaxial strain. Iron telluride exhibits a peculiar (π, 0) antiferromagnetic order unlike the (π, π) order observed in the Fe-pnictide superconductors. The (π, 0) order is accompanied by a significant monoclinic distortion. We explore tuning of the ground state by uniaxial strain combined with low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. We demonstrate that, indeed under strain, the surface of Fe1.1Te undergoes a transition to a (π, π)-charge-ordered state. Comparison with transport experiments on uniaxially strained samples shows that this is a surface phase, demonstrating the opportunities afforded by 2D correlated phases stabilized near surfaces and interfaces.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(10)2021 Mar 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33653958


A key question regarding the unconventional superconductivity of [Formula: see text] remains whether the order parameter is single- or two-component. Under a hypothesis of two-component superconductivity, uniaxial pressure is expected to lift their degeneracy, resulting in a split transition. The most direct and fundamental probe of a split transition is heat capacity. Here, we report measurement of heat capacity of samples subject to large and highly homogeneous uniaxial pressure. We place an upper limit on the heat-capacity signature of any second transition of a few percent of that of the primary superconducting transition. The normalized jump in heat capacity, [Formula: see text], grows smoothly as a function of uniaxial pressure, favoring order parameters which are allowed to maximize in the same part of the Brillouin zone as the well-studied van Hove singularity. Thanks to the high precision of our measurements, these findings place stringent constraints on theories of the superconductivity of [Formula: see text].

Inorg Chem ; 59(17): 12595-12607, 2020 Sep 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32791841


The impact of Li doping on the temperature-induced phase transitions in silver niobates Ag1-xLixNbO3 has been investigated using a combination of high-resolution powder neutron diffraction and synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Considering both the cell metric and distortions of the NbO6 octahedra, estimated by Rietveld refinements, it is shown that the sequence of temperature-induced phases in AgNbO3 is P21am → Pcam → Cmcm → P4/mbm → Pm3̅m. This sequence is simpler than that proposed in earlier studies. Evidence is presented for a second-order Jahn-Teller distortion in the Pcam phase. At x > 0.05, Li doping favors the formation of a rhombohedral phase in space group R3c, and such samples display the temperature-induced sequence R3c → Pbnm → Cmcm → P4/mbm → Pm3̅m. Unusual volume changes associated with the phase transitions point to the potential importance of lattice matching in optimizing the properties of thin films of doped AgNbO3.

Adv Mater ; 31(40): e1903620, 2019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31389099


Since the observation that the properties of ferroic domain walls (DWs) can differ significantly from the bulk materials in which they are formed, it has been realized that domain wall engineering offers exciting new opportunities for nanoelectronics and nanodevice architectures. Here, a novel improper ferroelectric, CsNbW2 O9 , with the hexagonal tungsten bronze structure, is reported. Powder neutron diffraction and symmetry mode analysis indicate that the improper transition (TC = 1100 K) involves unit cell tripling, reminiscent of the hexagonal rare earth manganites. However, in contrast to the manganites, the symmetry breaking in CsNbW2 O9 is electronically driven (i.e., purely displacive) via the second-order Jahn-Teller effect in contrast to the geometrically driven tilt mechanism of the manganites. Nevertheless CsNbW2 O9 displays the same kinds of domain microstructure as those found in the manganites, such as the characteristic six-domain "cloverleaf" vertices and DW sections with polar discontinuities. The discovery of a completely new material system, with domain patterns already known to generate interesting functionality in the manganites, is important for the emerging field of DW nanoelectronics.

IUCrJ ; 6(Pt 3): 438-446, 2019 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31098024


The high-temperature phase behaviour of the ferroelectric layered perovskite Bi4Ti3O12 has been re-examined by high-resolution powder neutron diffraction. Previous studies, both experimental and theoretical, had suggested conflicting structural models and phase transition sequences, exacerbated by the complex interplay of several competing structural instabilities. This study confirms that Bi4Ti3O12 undergoes two separate structural transitions from the aristotype tetragonal phase (space group I4/mmm) to the ambient-temperature ferroelectric phase (confirmed as monoclinic, B1a1). An unusual, and previously unconsidered, intermediate paraelectric phase is suggested to exist above T C with tetragonal symmetry, space group P4/mbm. This phase is peculiar in displaying a unique type of octahedral tilting, in which the triple perovskite blocks of the layered structure alternate between tilted and untilted. This is rationalized in terms of the bonding requirements of the Bi3+ cations within the perovskite blocks.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 75(Pt 5): 815-821, 2019 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32830760


The ambient-temperature structures (orthorhombic, space group Cmc21) of the polar hexagonal tungsten bronzes RbNbW2O9 and KNbW2O9 have been determined by high-resolution powder neutron diffraction. Displacement of the A-site cation along the polar c axis with concomitant octahedral tilting occurs to optimize the A cation bonding environment, hence reducing the coordination from 18 to 16. This effect is more evident in KNbW2O9 due to decreased A cation size. The octahedral tilting in both compositions results in a doubling of the c axis that has not previously been reported, highlighting the importance of neutron diffraction as a complementary technique for structural determination of such systems.

J Am Chem Soc ; 140(46): 15690-15700, 2018 Nov 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30347981


Hybrid improper ferroelectricity, which utilizes nonpolar but ubiquitous rotational/tilting distortions to create polarization, offers an attractive route to the discovery of new ferroelectric and multiferroic materials because its activity derives from geometric rather than electronic origins. Design approaches blending group theory and first principles can be utilized to explore the crystal symmetries of ferroelectric ground states, but in general, they do not make accurate predictions for some important parameters of ferroelectrics, such as Curie temperature ( TC). Here, we establish a predictive and quantitative relationship between TC and the Goldschmidt tolerance factor, t, by employing n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) A3B2O7 as a prototypical example of hybrid improper ferroelectrics. The focus is placed on an RP system, (Sr1- xCa x)3Sn2O7 ( x = 0, 0.1, and 0.2), which allows for the investigation of the purely geometric (ionic size) effect on ferroelectric transitions, due to the absence of the second-order Jahn-Teller active (d0 and 6s2) cations that often lead to ferroelectric distortions through electronic mechanisms. We observe a ferroelectric-to-paraelectric transition with TC = 410 K for Sr3Sn2O7. We also find that the TC increases linearly up to 800 K upon increasing the Ca2+ content, i.e., upon decreasing the value of t. Remarkably, this linear relationship is applicable to the suite of all known A3B2O7 hybrid improper ferroelectrics, indicating that the  TC correlates with the simple crystal chemistry descriptor, t, based on the ionic size mismatch. This study provides a predictive guideline for estimating the TC of a given material, which would complement the convergent group-theoretical and first-principles design approach.

Inorg Chem ; 56(16): 9988-9995, 2017 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28777561


Calcium-for-strontium cation substitution of the a-b0c0/b0a-c0-distorted, cation-ordered, n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper phase, YSr2Mn2O7, leads to separation into two phases, which both retain an a-b0c0/b0a-c0-distorted framework and have the same stoichiometry but exhibit different degrees of Y/Sr/Ca cation order. Increasing the calcium concentration to form YSr0.5Ca1.5Mn2O7 leads to a change in the cooperative tilting on the MnO6 units to a novel a-b-c-/b-a-c- arrangement described in space group P21/n11. Low-temperature, topochemical fluorination of YSr2Mn2O7 yields YSr2Mn2O5.5F3.5. In contrast to many other fluorinated n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper oxide phases, YSr2Mn2O5.5F3.5 retains the a-b0c0/b0a-c0 lattice distortion and P42/mnm space group symmetry of the parent oxide phase. The resilience of the a-b0c0/b0a-c0-distorted framework of YSr2Mn2O7 to resist symmetry-changing deformations upon both cation substitution and anion insertion/exchange is discussed on the basis the A-site cation order of the lattice and the large change in the ionic radius of manganese upon oxidation from Mn3+ to Mn4+. The structure property relations observed in the Y-Sr-Ca-Mn-O-F system provide insight into assisting in the synthesis of n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper phases, which adopt cooperative structural distortions that break the inversion symmetry of the extended lattice and therefore act as a route for the preparation of ferroelectric and multiferroic materials.

Science ; 355(6321)2017 01 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28082534


Sr2RuO4 is an unconventional superconductor that has attracted widespread study because of its high purity and the possibility that its superconducting order parameter has odd parity. We study the dependence of its superconductivity on anisotropic strain. Applying uniaxial pressures of up to ~1 gigapascals along a 〈100〉 direction (a axis) of the crystal lattice results in the transition temperature (Tc) increasing from 1.5 kelvin in the unstrained material to 3.4 kelvin at compression by ≈0.6%, and then falling steeply. Calculations give evidence that the observed maximum Tc occurs at or near a Lifshitz transition when the Fermi level passes through a Van Hove singularity, and open the possibility that the highly strained, Tc = 3.4 K Sr2RuO4 has an even-parity, rather than an odd-parity, order parameter.

Science ; 344(6181): 283-5, 2014 Apr 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24744371


A sensitive probe of unconventional order is its response to a symmetry-breaking field. To probe the proposed p(x) ± ip(y) topological superconducting state of Sr2RuO4, we have constructed an apparatus capable of applying both compressive and tensile strains of up to 0.23%. Strains applied along ⟨100⟩ crystallographic directions yield a strong, strain-symmetric increase in the superconducting transition temperature T(c). ⟨110⟩ strains give a much weaker, mostly antisymmetric response. As well as advancing the understanding of the superconductivity of Sr2RuO4, our technique has potential applicability to a wide range of problems in solid-state physics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(11): 116401, 2012 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23005653


We present de Haas-van Alphen and resistivity data on single crystals of the delafossite PdCoO(2). At 295 K we measure an in-plane resistivity of 2.6 µΩ cm, making PdCoO(2) the most conductive oxide known. The low-temperature in-plane resistivity has an activated rather than the usual T(5) temperature dependence, suggesting a gapping of effective scattering that is consistent with phonon drag. Below 10 K, the transport mean free path is ∼20 µm, approximately 10(5) lattice spacings and an astoundingly high value for flux-grown crystals. We discuss the origin of these properties in light of our data.