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Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE003542, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1364224


Resumo Objetivo Mapear as medidas de segurança ocupacional recomendadas aos profissionais envolvidos no atendimento transoperatório de pacientes submetidos à Quimioterapia Intraperitoneal Hipertérmica. Métodos Estudo qualitativo com ênfase em scoping review, fundamentado no Instituto Joanna Briggs. Realizou-se buscas nas bases de dados Pubmed, BVS, ScIELO, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, The Chocrane Library e literatura cinzenta. Pergunta de pesquisa utilizou o acrônimo PCC: quais medidas de segurança ocupacional são necessárias no Centro Cirúrgico para profissionais que atuam, direta ou indiretamente, no transoperatório da HIPEC? A Busca de artigos ocorreu entre 2015 a 2019. Resultados Evidenciou-se escassa literatura sobre a temática. Selecionados dez artigos: uma revisão sistemática; dois casos-controle; dois estudos descritivos; quatro estudos de revisão bibliográfica; um relato de experiência. Análise dos artigos evidenciou as medidas de segurança recomendadas para profissionais que atuam direta ou indiretamente nesse procedimento cirúrgico, a saber: educação e capacitação da equipe envolvida; utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual e coletiva; oferecer infraestrutura e orientações gerais. Conclusão Medidas de segurança recomendadas para os profissionais envolvidos no atendimento transoperatório do paciente submetido à Quimioterapia Intraperitoneal Hipertérmica são: capacitação da equipe; utilização de equipamentos específicos de proteção individual e coletiva; infraestrutura necessária como ajuste do ar condicionado com pressão maior dentro da sala cirúrgica; e orientações gerais em relação à organização da sala cirúrgica, descarte dos resíduos, limpeza da sala/materiais utilizados e acompanhamento da saúde ocupacional da equipe envolvida em procedimento cirúrgico.

Resumen Objetivo Mapear las medidas de seguridad ocupacional recomendadas a los profesionales involucrados en la atención transoperatoria de pacientes sometidos a Quimioterapia Intraperitoneal Hipertérmica. Métodos Estudio cualitativo con énfasis en el scoping review, fundamentado en el Instituto Joanna Briggs. Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos Pubmed, BVS, ScIELO, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, The Chocrane Library y literatura gris. Pregunta de encuesta utilizó el acrónimo PCC: ¿qué medidas de seguridad ocupacional se hacen necesarias en el Quirófano para profesionales que actúan, directa o indirectamente, en el transoperatorio de la HIPEC? La búsqueda de los artículos ocurrió entre el 2015 y el 2019. Resultados Se puso en evidencia una escasa literatura sobre la temática. Seleccionados diez artículos: una revisión sistemática; dos casos-control; dos estudios descriptivos; cuatro estudios de revisión bibliográfica; un relato de experiencia. Análisis de los artículos evidenció las medidas de seguridad recomendadas para profesionales que actúan directa o indirectamente en ese procedimiento quirúrgico, a saber: educación y capacitación del equipo involucrado; utilización de equipos de protección individual y colectiva; brindar infraestructura y orientaciones generales. Conclusión Representan medidas de seguridad recomendadas para los profesionales involucrados en la atención transoperatoria del paciente sometido a Quimioterapia Intraperitoneal Hipertérmica: capacitación del equipo; utilización de equipos específicos de protección individual y colectiva; infraestructura necesaria como ajuste del aire acondicionado con una presión más alta dentro del quirófano; y orientaciones generales con relación a la organización del quirófano, descarte de los deshechos, limpieza de la sala/materiales utilizados y acompañamiento de la salud ocupacional por el equipo involucrado en el procedimiento quirúrgico.

Abstract Objective To map the occupational safety measures recommended to professionals involved in the intraoperative care of patients undergoing Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. Methods Qualitative scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute. Searches were performed in Pubmed, VHL, ScIELO, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, The Chocrane Library databases and gray literature. The PCC acronym was used in the research question: what occupational safety measures are necessary in the operating room for professionals working directly or indirectly in the intraoperative period of HIPEC? A search for articles published between 2015 and 2019 was performed. Results Literature on the subject was scarce. Ten articles were selected: a systematic review; two control cases; two descriptive studies; four literature review studies; an experience report. In the analysis of articles, the recommended safety measures for professionals who work directly or indirectly in this surgical procedure was evidenced, namely: education and training of the staff involved; use of individual and collective protective equipment; provision of infrastructure and general guidelines. Conclusion Recommended safety measures for professionals involved in the intraoperative care of patients undergoing Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy are: team training; use of specific individual and collective protection equipment; necessary infrastructure, such as adjusting the air conditioning to higher pressure inside the operating room; and general guidelines regarding the organization of the operating room, waste disposal, cleaning of the room/materials used, and monitoring of the occupational health of the team involved in the surgical procedure.

Humans , Peritoneal Neoplasms/drug therapy , Security Measures , Surgicenters , Occupational Health , Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Rev Bras Med Trab ; 18(4): 407-414, 2021 Mar 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33688322


INTRODUCTION: Health care professionals are part of a group that is more exposed to a wide range of sources of risk that are very harmful to their own health. Antineoplastic drugs are widely used to treat many different types of cancer and are very aggressive to both patients and health care professionals. OBJECTIVES: To identify occupational risks and assess knowledge in health care professionals from Porto Alegre whose work involves handling antineoplastic drugs. METHODS: This was a prospective, descriptive, and cross-sectional study with qualitative and quantitative analyses. It was conducted in two stages. A questionnaire containing objective questions was administered in stage one. In stage two, observations were made during regular visits to the sites studied at different times, following a checklist based on the requirements of health regulation standards relating to handling of antineoplastic drugs. RESULTS: A total of 40 health care professionals took part in the study, 11 nurses, 14 pharmacists, and 15 nursing and/or pharmacy technicians. Twenty-seven of them had been involved in some type of accident during their professional practice. It was also observed that the institutions were making efforts to comply with legal requirements, since 32 reported that they took part in the Program for Medical Control of Occupational Health and 29 of the employees stated they had had some type of training in the antineoplastic area. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to antineoplastic drugs through contact, aerosols, ingestion, and inhalation was detected. Additionally, ergonomic, physical, and biological risks were also present, since working with different pathological organisms and working processes impacts on these workers' health. Assessment of the health care professionals' knowledge identified a lack of knowledge and weaknesses with relation to handling this class of drugs.