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Arch Gerontol Geriatr ; 102: 104750, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35714474


PURPOSE: Personal mastery is a psychological resource recognized as a domain of quality of life that helps individuals cope with life strains. Despite its relevance, there is a lack surrounding the relationship between mobility disability and personal mastery. This study aimed to investigate the influence of personal mastery on mobility disability among older adults and identify the mechanisms that underlie this influence. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted by searching four databases (i.e., PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and the Virtual Health Library of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information) using combinations of the following words: mastery, personal mastery, self-control, mobility, disability, older adults, older people, and aging. We summarized and analyzed the findings of cross-sectional and longitudinal/prospective studies. RESULTS: Twenty-one studies were included. There was high heterogeneity in how the studies had assessed mobility disability. Although a majority of the studies had used the Pearlin's Self-Mastery Scale (PSMS) to assess personal mastery, there were variations in the number of response anchors and scoring strategies that were used. Nevertheless, findings revealed that personal mastery influences mobility disability by acting as a protective resource against adverse outcomes among older adults. The authors of the reviewed articles had provided physiological and behavioral explanations for their findings. CONCLUSIONS: Higher level of personal mastery can protect older adults from mobility disability, because it confers a sense of personal control, which in turn promotes positive physiological functioning and health behaviors. This knowledge contributes to the maintenance of physical functioning in old age.

Disabled Persons , Quality of Life , Adaptation, Psychological , Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Disabled Persons/psychology , Humans , Prospective Studies
Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; 26(1): 223-237, nov.2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1417575


Os efeitos do sedentarismo nos sistemas musculoesquelético e neuromuscular podem influenciar negativamente o desempenho dos idosos em atividades com dupla-tarefa, o que aumenta o risco de quedas, declínio funcional e morte. O objetivo foi investigar as relações entre sedentarismo e mobilidade com e sem dupla tarefa em idosos usuários da atenção básica em saúde. Trata-se de estudo transversal, com 139 idosos que frequentam três unidades matriciais de saúde aleatoriamente selecionadas, em Uberaba, Minas Gerais. O sedentarismo foi avaliado pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), sendo classificados como sedentários os idosos inativos ou insuficientemente ativos. O estado cognitivo foi avaliado pela Prova Cognitiva de Leganés. A mobilidade com e sem dupla tarefa, bem como, a força muscular foram avaliadas por testes de desempenho físico. As características sociodemográficas e o número de medica- mentos foram avaliados por autorrelato. Os modelos multivariados foram testados por regressão linear múltipla em blocos, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. A maioria era mulheres (81,3%); idade média 66,96 (8,24) anos; 17,3% eram sedentários. Pior desempenho na mobilidade com dupla tarefa motora (p=0,040) e com dupla tarefa cognitiva (p=0,040) foi observado entre os idosos sedentários. O sedentarismo foi preditor de baixa mobilidade com dupla-tarefa motora e cognitiva controlado por variáveis sociodemográficas, entretanto, tais efeitos não se mantiveram após inclusão de variáveis de saúde. Não foram observadas relações entre sedentarismo e mobilidade sem dupla tarefa. Conclui-se que o sedentarismo influencia a mobilidade com dupla tarefa motora e cognitiva em idosos, porém outras condições de saúde podem interferir nessas relações.(AU)

The effects of sedentarism on the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems may negatively influence performance of older adults in dual-task activities, which increases risk of falls, functional decline, and death. The objective was to investigate the relationships between sedentarism and mobility with and without double tasks among older adult usersof primary health care. This is a cross-sectional study with 139 older adults from three health care units randomly selected in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais. Sedentarism was identified by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Inactive or insuf- ficiently active elderly individuals were classified as sedentary. Cognitive status was assessed by the Leganés Cognitive Test. Mobility with and without double tasks, as well as, muscle strength were assessed by physical performance tests. Sociodemographic characteristics and number of medications were assessed by self-report. Multiple linear regressions were performed in blocks, with 95% confidence interval. Most participants were women (81.3%); whose average age was 66.96 (8.24) years; 17.3% were sedentary. Poorer performance in mobility with double motor task (p = 0.040) and double cognitive task (p = 0.040) was observed among sedentary participants. In multivariate models, physical inactivity influenced the motor and cognitive double-tasks performance controlled by sociodemographic variables; however, such effects were not remained after inclusion of health variables. No relationships were observed between sedentarism and mobility without double tasks. In conclusion, sedentarism influences mobility with dual motor and cognitive tasks among older adults, but other health conditions may play a role in these relationships.(AU)

Quality of Life , Public Health , Health of the Elderly
Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 30(3): 625-637, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891994


Abstract Introduction: Under the new conceptual model described by the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) for a biopsychosocial health analysis, it is necessary to consider that it is not arising only from biological conditions, but also environmental, social, cultural and politics involved in this process. Objective: To review the publications that had the Brazilians elderly functioning as outcome by analyzing the instruments used and to verify its consistency with the ICF model. Methods: A systematic review of the Brazilian literature on elderly was performed in SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, and Lilacs databases. Publications starting in 2001, in English, Portuguese or Spanish, studies with experimental design or intervention, having the Brazilian elderly as the only subject. For evaluating the quality of the papers, the Downs and Black checklist were used. Results: From 3070 items first found in the research, 29 articles remained for this study. Of these, 25 instruments were used to measure the eldery functioning. The frequency of the ICF domains were: health condition (0.28%), body structure and function (1.71%), activity (82.34%), participation (3.42%), environmental factors (12.25%) and personal factors (0%). Conclusion: Despite the ICF be much discussed today, it was possible to detect remaining gaps in the studies about the subject. The results of this study indicate that the conceptual model has not being fully and equitably used when it comes to the eldery functioning.

Resumo Introdução: Sob o novo modelo conceitual descrito pela Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF), para uma análise biopsicossocial da saúde, torna-se necessário considerar que ela não é advinda apenas das condições biológicas, mas também de fatores ambientais, sociais, culturais e políticos envolvidos neste processo. Objetivo: Revisar as publicações que possuem como desfecho a funcionalidade de idosos brasileiros analisando os instrumentos utilizados para sua avaliação e verificar sua coerência com o modelo da CIF. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa de revisão sistemática da literatura, nas bases de dados SciELO, PubMed, Scopus e Lilacs. Foram incluídas publicações a partir de 2001, nos idiomas inglês, português ou espanhol, estudos com desenho experimental ou de intervenção, tendo como sujeitos de estudo apenas idosos brasileiros. Para a avaliação da qualidade dos artigos incluídos, foi utilizado o Checklist de Downs e Black. Resultados: Dos 3070 artigos encontrados, após leitura minuciosa, restaram 29. Destes, foram selecionados 25 instrumentos que foram utilizados para medir a funcionalidade do idoso, onde a frequência dos domínios da CIF foi: condição de saúde (0,28%), função e estrutura do corpo (1,71%), atividade (82,34%), participação (3,42%), fatores ambientais (12,25%) e fatores pessoais (0%). Conclusão: Apesar da CIF ser muito discutida na atualidade, foi possível detectar lacunas ainda existentes nos estudos acerca do tema. Os resultados da presente pesquisa apontam que o modelo conceitual não está sendo utilizado em sua totalidade e de forma equânime quando se trata de funcionalidade em idosos.