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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408502


RESUMEN Introducción: Existe una relación estrecha entre el sistema inmune y el sueño. Objetivo: Exponer elementos que demuestren la relación entre el sistema inmune y el proceso de sueño. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos en línea, relacionadas con las alteraciones del sueño y el estado de inmunidad. Se incluyeron artículos originales de investigaciones prospectivas o retrospectivas y trabajos de revisión. El período analizado fue de 46 años, desde 1974 hasta 2020. Análisis e integración de la información: El sistema inmune y el proceso de sueño tienen una organización circadiana regida por el núcleo supraquiasmático del hipotálamo, por otro lado, interactúan entre sí modificando sus funciones mutuamente. Numerosas investigaciones concuerdan en que un sueño normal aumenta la defensa inmune mientras que la privación del sueño favorece su detrimento. Durante la pandemia por la COVID 19 se han descrito modificaciones en los estilos de vida implicando reducción de las horas de sueño todo lo cual puede repercutir de forma negativa en la adecuada respuesta inmune en el presente contexto. Conclusiones: La regulación del sistema inmune, así como del ciclo sueño vigilia se encuentran bajo un orden circadiano común. Diversos factores que favorecen la privación de sueño exponen a los individuos a tener respuestas inmunológicas desfavorables. Los cambios en nuestros hábitos y costumbres provocados por la situación actual de la pandemia por la COVID-19, han favorecido el desarrollo de diversas alteraciones del sueño en la población las cuales pueden tener repercusiones en nuestra respuesta inmune.

ABSTRACT Introduction: A close relationship exists between the immune system and sleep. Objective: Present elements showing the relationship between the immune system and the sleep process. Methods: A bibliographic review was conducted in online databases related to sleep alterations and the immune status. The publications selected were original papers about prospective or retrospective studies and review papers. The period analyzed covered 46 years: from 1974 to 2020. Data analysis and integration: The immune system and sleep are circadian processes governed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus which interact with one another modifying their mutual functions. Numerous studies agree that normal sleep enhances immune defenses, whereas sleep deprivation tends to lower them. During the COVID-19 pandemic, lifestyle changes have been described which include a reduction in the number of sleep hours, which may negatively impact an adequate immune response in the current context. Conclusions: Regulation of the immune system and the sleep/wake cycle share a common circadian rhythm. A number of factors leading to sleep deprivation expose individuals to displaying unfavorable immune responses. Changes in our habits and customs caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic situation have led to the appearance of various sleep alterations in the population which may have a negative impact on our immune response.

Rev cuba neurol neurocir ; 10(1)Ene-Abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-76947


Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de presentación de los trastornos del sueño según edad, sexo y tiempo de evolución.Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal por medio de una entrevista, examen clínico y estudio de polisomnografía a 77 pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedadde Parkinson, remitidos al Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica, La Habana, Cuba, en el periodo comprendido entre septiembre de 2014 a enero de 2018. Se evaluóla edad, sexo y el tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad de Parkinson en función de los trastornos del sueño diagnosticados por polisomnografía. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva, así como el análisis no paramétrico (Kruskal-Wallis).Resultados: La evaluación mostró resultados dentro de parámetros normales en 6,49 Por ciento de los pacientes, trastorno del comportamiento del sueño de movimientos oculares rápidos en 29,87 Por ciento, insomnio en 29,87 Por ciento (principalmente, el tipo de mantenimiento del sueño),síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño en 25,97 Por ciento y el síndrome de piernas inquietas asociado con el movimiento periódico de las piernas durante el sueño en 7,79 Por ciento. Estos trastornos presentaron un comportamiento similar entre ambos sexos, así como una tendencia a empeorar con la edad y el tiempo de evolución.Conclusiones: Se detectó una alta prevalencia de trastornos del sueño en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson, los cuales no reflejan variaciones de acuerdo con el sexo; sin embargo, fueron más frecuentes en los pacientes de mayor edad o de mayor tiempo deevolución(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the frequency of sleep disorders occurrence according to age, sex and period of evolution.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted through interview, clinical examination and polysomnography study of 77 patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease,these subjects were referred to the International Center for Neurological Restoration, Havana, Cuba, from September 2014 to January 2018. Age, sex, and evolution time of Parkinson's disease were evaluated based on sleep disorders diagnosed by polysomnography. Descriptive statistics were used, as well as non-parametric analysis (Kruskal-Wallis).Results: The evaluation showed results within normal parameters in 6.49 Per cent of the patients, rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder in 29.87 Per cent, insomnia in 29.87 Per cent (mainly, type of sleep maintenance insomnia) , obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in 25.97 Per cent and restlesslegs syndrome associated with periodic movement of the legs during sleep in 7.79 Per cent. These disorders showed similar behavior in both sexes, as well as a tendency to worsen with ageand time of evolution.Conclusions: High prevalence of sleep disorders was detected in patients with Parkinson's disease, which do not reflect variations according to sex; however, they were more frequentin older patients or patients with a longer evolution period(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Parkinson Disease/diagnosis , Sleep Wake Disorders/diagnosis , Polysomnography , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 91(2): e518, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1003961


Introducción: Los trastornos del sueño en la infancia constituyen un fenómeno de elevada frecuencia. Los cuestionarios de sueño constituyen un instrumento de innegable valor que complementa los estudios objetivos del sueño. Objetivo: Validar al español un cuestionario que indaga acerca de los hábitos de sueño en niños en el contexto sociocultural cubano. Métodos: Se seleccionó el cuestionario CHILDREN'S SLEEP HABITS QUESTIONNAIRE (NICHD SECCYD-Wisconsin) para su uso en el laboratorio de neurofisiología del Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica. En una primera etapa del estudio, el cuestionario se tradujo y adaptó al español según las reglas internacionales. Se entregaron 330 cuestionarios a los padres en una muestra poblacional cubana de niños en edades comprendidas entre los 2 a 10 años. Estos se distribuyeron en escuelas y círculos infantiles con una tasa de respuesta de 93 por ciento. Se recuperaron 295 (96 por ciento) cuestionarios útiles, 25 atendieron a los criterios de exclusión, 270 se aceptaron para estudios de validación. Resultados: La consistencia interna del cuestionario (alfa de Cronbach) fue de 0,67 para la escala completa y varió de 0,42 a 0,61 para las subescalas. Para la confiabilidad test-retes de las subescalas se aplicó una t de students para muestras dependientes, con una n= de 86. Las diferencias fueron significativas en las subescalas 3 y 8 (p= 0,04) Conclusiones: El cuestionario según su versión original y en comparación con la de otros países presentó propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para evaluar los problemas de sueño en niños cubanos entre 2 y 10 años de edad(AU)

Introduction: Sleep disorders in childhood constitute a highly frequent phenomenon. The sleep habits´ questionnaires are instruments of undeniable value that complement the sleep's objective studies. Objective: To validate the Spanish version of a Questionnaire (NICHD SECCYD-Wisconsin) and compare it with the results of previous studies in other countries. Methods: It was selected the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire for its use in the neurophysiology laboratory of the International Center of Neurological Restoration (CIREN, by its acronym in Spanish). In the first stage of the study, the questionnaire was translated and adapted to Spanish according to the international standards. 330 questionnaires were delivered to the parents of a Cuban community sample of children aged 2 to10 years old, with a response rate of 93 percent. 295 (96 percent) useful questionnaires were obtained, 25 met the exclusion criteria, 270 were accepted for validation studies. The results were compared with the results of other countries. Results: The Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire´s internal consistency (Cronbach) was 0.67 for the total scale and ranged from 0.42 to 0.61 for subscales. The test-retest reliability for subscales used t for students in dependent samples, being n= 86.The differences were meaningful for subscales 3 y 8 (p= 0,4). Conclusion: The questionnaire according to its original version and in comparison with that of other countries has adequate psychometric properties to evaluate sleep problems in Cuban children between 2 and 10 years(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Sleep Wake Disorders/therapy , Sleep/physiology , Translating , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards
Behav Sci (Basel) ; 9(2)2019 Jan 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30678363


Sleep disturbances are very common in children with autism; it is for this reason that instruments that facilitate their evaluation are necessary. OBJECTIVES: Perform sleep assessment from a subjective perspective in a group of children with primary autism and compare them with a control group, using the Sleep Habits in Children Survey (CSHQ), with the purpose of determining sleep disturbances according to the subscales used. METHOD: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in a group of 21 patients with primary autism. For the evaluation of sleep disturbances, we chose the CSHQ survey. The differences between the independent groups were calculated by applying a Mann⁻Whitney U test. RESULTS: In the group of children with autism, higher values of the total scale were observed in comparison with the control group (p = 0.00) which It is congruent with a large sleep dysfunction. Significant differences were observed for all subscales (p = 0.00), with the exception of the subscale number 7. CONCLUSIONS: A high presence of sleep disturbances was observed in children with primary autism, with the exception of sleep breathing disorders, which did not show significant differences between the groups.

Behav Sci (Basel) ; 9(1)2019 Jan 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30625988


Patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease present sleep disorders with a higher frequency than the general population. The sleep architecture in these patients shows variations with respect to the normal population, so in this work it was decided to investigate the characteristics of the macroarchitecture of sleep in patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. A polysomnographic study was carried out on 77 patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. All the studies were processed according to the AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events v.2.2, and to the criteria of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders 3rd ed. (2014). Processing was carried out using descriptive statistics, as well as non-parametric analysis for comparison between cases and controls. The group of patients showed significant reductions of the N2, N3, and REM sleep stages when compared with a control group, as well as a significant increase in intra-sleep wakefulness. The number of REM⁻NoREM sleep cycles and sleep efficiency showed marked reduction compared to the control group. There was a statistically significant difference in the macroarchitecture of sleep between patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and healthy controls.