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Acta Mater ; 97: 245-256, 2015 Sep 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27099566


Currently, there is significant interest in magnetocaloric materials for solid state refrigeration. In this work, polycrystalline Heusler alloys belonging to the Ni2+xMn1-xGa family, with x between 0.08 and 0.24, were evaluated for the purpose of finding composition(s) with an enhanced magnetocaloric effect (MCE) close to room temperature. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was successfully used to screen alloy composition for simultaneous magnetic and structural phase transformations; this coupling needed for a giant MCE. The alloy with x = 0.16 showed an excellent match of transformation temperatures and exhibited the highest magnetic entropy change, ΔSM, in the as-annealed state. Furthermore, the MCE increased by up to 84 % with a 2 Tesla (T) field change when the samples were thermally cycled through the martensite to austenite transformation temperature while held under a constant mechanical load. The highest ΔSM measured for our x = 0.16 alloy for a 2 T magnetic field change was -18 J/kg-K. Texture measurements suggest that preferential orientation of martensite variants contributed to the enhanced MCE in the stress-assisted thermally cycled state.

Inorg Chem ; 47(7): 2569-75, 2008 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18321041


Crystal structures of a series of La(1-x)Ce(x)In(3) (x = 0.02, 0.2, 0.5, or 0.8) intermetallic compounds have been investigated by both neutron and X-ray diffraction, and their physical properties have been characterized by magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements. Our results emphasize atypical atomic displacement parameters (ADP) for the In and the rare-earth sites. Depending on the x value, the In ADP presents either an "ellipsoidal" elongation (La-rich compounds) or a "butterfly-like" distortion (Ce-rich compounds). These deformations have been understood by theoretical techniques based on the band theory and are the result of hybridization between conduction electrons and 4f-electrons.

Inorg Chem ; 40(12): 2898-904, 2001 Jun 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11375710


We examined why the 1T-VS(2) layer of the layered compound Sr(6)V(9)S(22)O(2) has the x superstructure in terms of electronic band structure calculations and metal-metal bonding across the shared edges of adjacent VS(6) octahedra. On the basis of this analysis we explored how the anomalous magnetic and transport properties of Sr(6)V(9)S(22)O(2) can be explained. Our work shows that the x superstructure is not caused by a charge density wave instability associated with Fermi surface nesting but by the metal-metal bonding through the shared edges of adjacent VS(6) octahedra. The weak and strong electron localizations observed for Sr(6)V(9)S(22)O(2) were discussed in terms of three-center two-electron and two-center two-electron V-V bonds in the 1T-VS(2) layers.

Acta Crystallogr B ; 56 (Pt 3): 409-18, 2000 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10877348


Sr(9/8)TiS3, strontium titanium sulfide, a new phase in the hexagonal perovskite-like Sr(x)TiS3 system, has been prepared and its structure solved from single-crystal X-ray data within the (3 + 1)-dimensional [(3 + 1)D] formalism. Sr(9/8)TiS3 crystallizes with trigonal symmetry [R3m(00gamma)0s superspace group], with the following lattice parameters: a(s) = 11.482 (3), c(s) = 2.9843 (8) A, q = 0.56247 (7)c* and Vs = 340.7 (3) A3. The structure was considered as commensurate [R3c three-dimensional (3D) space group], but refined within the (3 + 1)D formalism to a residual factor R = 2.79% for 64 parameters and 1084 independent reflections. Original crenel functions were used for the sulfur and strontium description. The structure is different from that of the hexagonal perovskite-like oxide counterparts. The main difference is related to the presence of a new type of polyhedron in the [MS3] transition metal chains, intermediate between the octahedra classically found in such chains and the trigonal prismatic sites encountered in the oxides.

Inorg Chem ; 39(7): 1398-409, 2000 Apr 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12526442


The incommensurately modulated structure of a square Te-net, namely that of K1/3Ba2/3AgTe2, is determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data within a (3+1)D higher dimension formalism. The phase is shown to crystallize in the monoclinic symmetry, P2(1)(alpha 0 gamma) superspace group with the following lattice parameters: a = 4.6441(10) A, b = 4.6292(12) A, c = 23.765(9) A, and beta = 101.28(2) degrees with q = 0.3248(6)a* -0.071(8)c*, that is, in a symmetry different from that reported for the average structure (tetragonal) or that assumed from electron diffraction measurements (orthorhombic). After the introduction of a crenel function for the Te displacive description, the refinement converged to a residual factor R = 0.033 for 2583 observed reflections and 115 parameters (R = 0.024 and 0.101 for 1925 main reflections and 658 first-order satellites, respectively). The [Ag2-Te2] and the Ba/K layers are found to be only weakly modulated. The modulation of the square Te-net is, however, both substantial and unique. Namely, it results in two different units: a "V"-shaped Te3 trimer and a "W"-shaped Te5 pentamer. To examine both unit types, which are segregated in domains that aperiodically alternate within the Te layers, first principles electronic band structure calculations were carried out for three model commensurate structures using the tight-binding linear-muffin-tin-orbital method (LMTO). The calculations show that the distorted structures of V-pattern (model 2) and W-pattern (model 3) are more stable than the average structure (model 1) and that the V-pattern distortion provides a slightly larger stabilization than does the W-pattern distortion. The Fermi surface calculated for the average structure shows nesting vectors that are consistent with the occurrence of the V- and W-pattern distortions in the Te layers. However, these vectors do not predict the observed modulation vector of the incommensurately distorted structure, because the stabilization energy associated with the distortion is not mainly dominated by the energy lowering of the occupied band levels near the Fermi level.

Acta Crystallogr B ; 55(Pt 6): 841-848, 1999 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10927425


Sr(14/11)CoO(3) (i.e. Sr(14)Co(11)O(33), tetradecastrontium undecacobalt tritriacontaoxide), a new phase in the hexagonal perovskite Sr(x)CoO(3) system, has been prepared and its structure solved from single-crystal X-ray data within the (3 + 1)-dimensional formalism. Sr(14/11)CoO(3) crystallizes in the trigonal symmetry, R3;m(00gamma)0s superspace group with the following lattice parameters: a(s) = 9.508 (2), c(s) = 2.5343 (7) Å, q = 0.63646 (11)c(*) and V(s) = 198.40 (13) Å(3). With the commensurate versus incommensurate test not being conclusive, the structure was considered as commensurate (P32 three-dimensional space group), but refined within the (3 + 1)-dimensional formalism to a residual factor R = 0.0351 for 47 parameters and 1169 independent reflections. Crenel functions were used for the oxygen and cobalt description and a Gram-Charlier expansion up to the third order of the atomic displacement parameter was employed for one Co atom. The structure is similar to that of Sr(6/5)CoO(3), but with a different sequence of the octahedra and trigonal prism polyhedra along the [CoO(3)] chains. An interesting feature evidenced by the non-harmonic expansion is the displacement of the prismatic Co atoms from the site center, towards the prism rectangular faces.