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J Chem Theory Comput ; 20(11): 4804-4819, 2024 Jun 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38828948


We report the development of a novel diagnostic tool, named wave function overlap tool (WFOT), designed to evaluate the overlap between wave functions computed at single-reference [i.e., time-dependent density functional theory or configuration interaction singles (CIS)] and multireference (i.e., CASSCF/CASPT2) electronic structure levels of theory. It relies on truncating the single- and multireference WFs to CIS-like expansions spanning the same configurational space and maximizing the molecular orbital overlap by means of a unitary transformation. To demonstrate the functionality of the tool, we calculate the transient spectrum of acetylacetone by evaluating excited state absorption signals with multireference quality on top of single-reference on-the-fly dynamics simulations. Semiautomatic spectra generation is facilitated by interfacing the tool with the COBRAMM package, which also allows one to use WFOT with several quantum chemistry codes such as Gaussian, NWChem, and OpenMolcas. Other exciting possibilities for the utilization of the code beyond the simulation of transient absorption spectroscopy are eventually discussed.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 20(3): 1214-1227, 2024 Feb 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38291561


Polariton chemistry has attracted great attention as a potential route to modify chemical structure, properties, and reactivity through strong interactions among molecular electronic, vibrational, or rovibrational degrees of freedom. A rigorous theoretical treatment of molecular polaritons requires the treatment of matter and photon degrees of freedom on equal quantum mechanical footing. In the limit of molecular electronic strong or ultrastrong coupling to one or a few molecules, it is desirable to treat the molecular electronic degrees of freedom using the tools of ab initio quantum chemistry, yielding an approach we refer to as ab initio cavity quantum electrodynamics, where the photon degrees of freedom are treated at the level of cavity quantum electrodynamics. Here, we present an approach called Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Complete Active Space Configuration Interaction theory to provide ground- and excited-state polaritonic surfaces with a balanced description of strong correlation effects among electronic and photonic degrees of freedom. This method provides a platform for ab initio cavity quantum electrodynamics when both strong electron correlation and strong light-matter coupling are important and is an important step toward computational approaches that yield multiple polaritonic potential energy surfaces and couplings that can be leveraged for ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of polariton chemistry.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 20(3): 1306-1323, 2024 Feb 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38086742


Linear cyanide-bridged polymetallic complexes, which undergo photoinduced metal-to-metal charge transfer, represent prototypical systems for studying long-range electron-transfer reactions and understanding the role played by specific solute-solvent interactions in modulating the excited-state dynamics. To tackle this problem, while achieving a statistically meaningful description of the solvent and of its relaxation, one needs a computational approach capable of handling large polynuclear transition-metal complexes, both in their ground and excited states, as well as the ability to follow their dynamics in several environments up to nanosecond time scales. Here, we present a mixed quantum classical approach, which combines large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on an accurate quantum mechanically derived force field (QMD-FF) and self-consistent QMD polarized point charges, with IR and UV-vis spectral calculations to model the solvation dynamics and optical properties of a cyano-bridged trinuclear mixed-valence compound (trans-[(NC)5FeIII(µ-CN)RuII(pyridine)4(µ-NC)FeIII(CN)5]4-). We demonstrate the reliability of the QMD-FF/MD approach in sampling the solute conformational space and capturing the local solute-solvent interactions by comparing the results with higher-level quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) MD reference data. The IR spectra calculated along the classical MD trajectories in different solvents correctly predict the red shift of the CN stretching band in the aprotic medium (acetonitrile) and the subtle differences measured in water and methanol, respectively. By explicitly including the solvent molecules around the cyanide ligands and calculating the thermal averaged absorption spectra using time-dependent density functional theory calculations within the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, the experimental solvatochromic shift is quantitatively reproduced going from water to methanol, while it is overestimated for acetonitrile. This discrepancy can likely be traced back to the lack of important dispersion interactions between the solvent cyano groups and the pyridine substituents in our micro solvation model. The proposed protocol is applied to the ground state in water, methanol, and acetonitrile and can be flexibly generalized to study excited-state nonequilibrium solvation dynamics.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(46): 9684-9694, 2023 Nov 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37938891


We report computations of the vertical ionization potentials within the GW approximation of the near-complete series of first-row transition metal (V-Cu) aqua ions in their most common oxidation states, i.e., V3+, Cr3+, Cr2+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+. The d-orbital occupancy of these systems spans a broad range from d2 to d9. All of the structures were first optimized at the density functional theory level using a large cluster of explicit water molecules that are embedded in a continuum solvation model. Vertical ionization potentials were computed with the one-shot G0W0 approach on a range of transition metal ion clusters (6, 18, 40, and 60 explicit water molecules), wherein the convergence with respect to the basis set size was evaluated using the systems with 40 water molecules. We assess the results using three different density functional approximations as starting points for the vertical ionization potential calculations, namely, G0W0@PBE, G0W0@PBE0, and G0W0@r2SCAN. While the predicted ground-state structures are similar to all three exchange-correlation functionals, the vertical ionization potentials were in closer agreement with experiment when using the G0W0@PBE0 and G0W0@r2SCAN approaches, with the r2SCAN-based calculations being significantly less expensive. Computed bond distances and vertical ionization potentials for all structures are in good agreement with available experimental data.

JACS Au ; 3(9): 2487-2497, 2023 Sep 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37772176


In situ Al K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy in conjunction with ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations show that adsorption of 1-propanol alters the structure of the Brønsted acid site through changes in the associated aluminum-oxygen tetrahedron in zeolite H-MFI. The decreasing intensity of the pre-edge signal of the in situ Al K-edge XANES spectra with increasing 1-propanol coverage shows that Al T-sites become more symmetric as the sorbed alcohol molecules form monomers, dimers, and trimers. The adsorption of monomeric 1-propanol on Brønsted acid sites reduces the distortion of the associated Al T-site, shortens the Al-O distance, and causes the formation of a Zundel-like structure. With dimeric and trimeric alcohol clusters, the zeolite proton is fully transferred to the alcohols and the aluminum-oxygen tetrahedron becomes fully symmetric. The subtle changes in Al-K-edge XANES in the presence of sorbate structures, with the use of theory, are used to probe the local zeolite structures and provide a basis to predict the population and chemical state of the sorbed species.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(20): 7056-7076, 2023 Oct 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37769271


The power of quantum chemistry to predict the ground and excited state properties of complex chemical systems has driven the development of computational quantum chemistry software, integrating advances in theory, applied mathematics, and computer science. The emergence of new computational paradigms associated with exascale technologies also poses significant challenges that require a flexible forward strategy to take full advantage of existing and forthcoming computational resources. In this context, the sustainability and interoperability of computational chemistry software development are among the most pressing issues. In this perspective, we discuss software infrastructure needs and investments with an eye to fully utilize exascale resources and provide unique computational tools for next-generation science problems and scientific discoveries.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(38): 21012-21019, 2023 Sep 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37704187


Chirality is a fundamental molecular property that plays a crucial role in biophysics and drug design. Optical circular dichroism (OCD) is a well-established chiral spectroscopic probe in the UV-visible regime. Chirality is most commonly associated with a localized chiral center. However, some compounds such as helicenes (Figure 1) are chiral due to their screwlike global structure. In these highly conjugated systems, some electric and magnetic allowed transitions are distributed across the entire molecule, and OCD thus probes the global molecular chirality. Recent advances in X-ray sources, in particular the control of their polarization and spatial profiles, have enabled X-ray circular dichroism (XCD), which, in contrast to OCD, can exploit the localized and element-specific nature of X-ray electronic transitions. XCD therefore is more sensitive to local structures, and the chirality probed with it can be referred to as local. During the racemization of helicene, between opposite helical structures, the screw handedness can flip locally, making the molecule globally achiral while retaining a local handedness. Here, we use the racemization mechanism of [12]helicene as a model to demonstrate the capabilities of OCD and XCD as time-dependent probes for global and local chiralities, respectively. Our simulations demonstrate that XCD provides an excellent spectroscopic probe for the time-dependent local chirality of molecules.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(34): 22650-22661, 2023 Aug 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37592924


The emergence of cation-anion species, or contact ion pairs, is fundamental to understanding the physical properties of aqueous solutions when moving from the ideal, low-concentration limit to the manifestly non-ideal limits of very high solute concentration or constituent ion activity. We focus here on Zn halide solutions both as a model system and also as an exemplar of the applications spanning from (i) electrical energy storage via the paradigm of water in salt electrolyte (WiSE) to (ii) the physical chemistry of brines in geochemistry to (iii) the long-standing problem of nucleation. Using a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches we quantify the halide coordination number and changing coordination geometry without embedded use of theoretical equilibrium constants. These results and the associated methods, notably including the use of valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy, provide new insights into the Zn halide system and new research directions in the physical chemistry of concentrated electrolytes.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(20): 7077-7096, 2023 Oct 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37458314


This paper summarizes developments in the NWChem computational chemistry suite since the last major release (NWChem 7.0.0). Specifically, we focus on functionality, along with input blocks, that is accessible in the current stable release (NWChem 7.2.0) and in the "master" development branch, interfaces to quantum computing simulators, interfaces to external libraries, the NWChem github repository, and containerization of NWChem executable images. Some ongoing developments that will be available in the near future are also discussed.

Inorg Chem ; 62(25): 9904-9911, 2023 Jun 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37314410


The electronic structure and dynamics of ruthenium complexes are widely studied given their use in catalytic and light-harvesting materials. Here we investigate three model Ru complexes, [RuIII(NH3)6]3+, [RuII(bpy)3]2+, and [RuII(CN)6]4-, with L3-edge 2p3d resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) to probe unoccupied 4d valence orbitals and occupied 3d orbitals and to gain insight into the interactions between these levels. The 2p3d RIXS maps contain a higher level of spectral information than the L3 X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). This study provides a direct measure of the 3d spin-orbit splittings of 4.3, 4.0, and 4.1 eV between the 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 orbitals of the [RuIII(NH3)6]3+, [RuII(bpy)3]2+, and [RuII(CN)6]4- complexes, respectively.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3384, 2023 Jun 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37291130


Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy using ultrafast optical and infrared pulses has become an essential tool to discover and understand complex electronic and structural dynamics in solvated molecular, biological, and material systems. Here we report the experimental realization of an ultrafast two-color X-ray pump X-ray probe transient absorption experiment performed in solution. A 10 fs X-ray pump pulse creates a localized excitation by removing a 1s electron from an Fe atom in solvated ferro- and ferricyanide complexes. Following the ensuing Auger-Meitner cascade, the second X-ray pulse probes the Fe 1s → 3p transitions in resultant novel core-excited electronic states. Careful comparison of the experimental spectra with theory, extracts +2 eV shifts in transition energies per valence hole, providing insight into correlated interactions of valence 3d with 3p and deeper-lying electrons. Such information is essential for accurate modeling and predictive synthesis of transition metal complexes relevant for applications ranging from catalysis to information storage technology. This study demonstrates the experimental realization of the scientific opportunities possible with the continued development of multicolor multi-pulse X-ray spectroscopy to study electronic correlations in complex condensed phase systems.

Coordination Complexes , X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy , X-Rays
J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(22): 5203-5209, 2023 Jun 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37257001


The prediction of X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) of transition metal complexes has important and broad application areas in chemistry and biology. In this letter, we have investigated the predictive ability of multiconfiguration pair-density functional theory (MC-PDFT) for X-ray absorption spectra by calculating the metal K pre-edge features of aquated 3d transition metal ions in common oxidation states. MC-PDFT results were compared with experimentally measured spectra as well as analyzed against results from restricted active-space second-order perturbation theory (RASPT2) and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). As expected, TDDFT performs well for excited states that can be accurately represented by singly excited configurations but fails for excited states where higher order excitations become important. On the other hand, both RASPT2 and MC-PDFT provide quantitatively accurate results for all excited states irrespective of their character. While core-level spectroscopy with RASPT2 is accurate, it is computationally expensive. Our results show that MC-PDFT performs equally well with significantly lower computational cost and is an encouraging alternate approach for X-ray spectroscopies.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(20): 4526-4537, 2023 May 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37193645


One of the commonly used chemically inspired approaches in variational quantum computing is the unitary coupled-cluster (UCC) ansätze. Despite being a systematic way of approaching the exact limit, the number of parameters in the standard UCC ansätze exhibits unfavorable scaling with respect to the system size, hindering its practical use on near-term quantum devices. Efforts have been taken to propose some variants of the UCC ansätze with better scaling. In this paper, we explore the parameter redundancy in the preparation of unitary coupled-cluster singles and doubles (UCCSD) ansätze employing spin-adapted formulation, small amplitude filtration, and entropy-based orbital selection approaches. Numerical results of using our approach on some small molecules have exhibited a significant cost reduction in the number of parameters to be optimized and in the time to convergence compared with conventional UCCSD-VQE simulations. We also discuss the potential application of some machine learning techniques in further exploring the parameter redundancy, providing a possible direction for future studies.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(44): 20400-20410, 2022 11 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36301840


The ultrafast photoinduced chirality loss of 2-iodobutane is studied theoretically by time- and frequency-resolved X-ray circular dichroism (TRXCD) spectroscopy. Following an optical excitation, the iodine atom dissociates from the chiral center, which we capture by quantum non-adiabatic molecular dynamics simulations. At variable time delays after the pump, the resonant X-ray pulse selectively probes the iodine and carbon atom involved in the chiral dissociation through a selected core-to-valence transition. The TRXCD signal at the iodine L1 edge accurately captures the timing of C-I photodissociation and thereby chirality loss, c.a 70 fs. The strong electric dipole-electric quadrupole (ED-EQ) response makes this signal particularly sensitive to vibronic coherence at the high X-ray regime. At the carbon K-edges, the signals monitor the molecular chirality of the 2-butyl radical photoproduct and the spin state of the iodine atom. The ED-EQ response is masked under the strong electric dipole-magnetic dipole response, making this signal intuitive for the electronic population. The evolution of the core electronic states and its chiral sensitivity is discussed. Overall, the element-specific TRXCD signal provides a detailed picture of molecular dynamics and offers a unique sensitive window into the time-dependent chirality of molecules.

Carbon , Iodine , Circular Dichroism , X-Rays
J Cheminform ; 14(1): 64, 2022 Sep 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36138446


The majority of primary and secondary metabolites in nature have yet to be identified, representing a major challenge for metabolomics studies that currently require reference libraries from analyses of authentic compounds. Using currently available analytical methods, complete chemical characterization of metabolomes is infeasible for both technical and economic reasons. For example, unambiguous identification of metabolites is limited by the availability of authentic chemical standards, which, for the majority of molecules, do not exist. Computationally predicted or calculated data are a viable solution to expand the currently limited metabolite reference libraries, if such methods are shown to be sufficiently accurate. For example, determining nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy spectra in silico has shown promise in the identification and delineation of metabolite structures. Many researchers have been taking advantage of density functional theory (DFT), a computationally inexpensive yet reputable method for the prediction of carbon and proton NMR spectra of metabolites. However, such methods are expected to have some error in predicted 13C and 1H NMR spectra with respect to experimentally measured values. This leads us to the question-what accuracy is required in predicted 13C and 1H NMR chemical shifts for confident metabolite identification? Using the set of 11,716 small molecules found in the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB), we simulated both experimental and theoretical NMR chemical shift databases. We investigated the level of accuracy required for identification of metabolites in simulated pure and impure samples by matching predicted chemical shifts to experimental data. We found 90% or more of molecules in simulated pure samples can be successfully identified when errors of 1H and 13C chemical shifts in water are below 0.6 and 7.1 ppm, respectively, and below 0.5 and 4.6 ppm in chloroform solvation, respectively. In simulated complex mixtures, as the complexity of the mixture increased, greater accuracy of the calculated chemical shifts was required, as expected. However, if the number of molecules in the mixture is known, e.g., when NMR is combined with MS and sample complexity is low, the likelihood of confident molecular identification increased by 90%.

Inorg Chem ; 61(38): 14987-14996, 2022 Sep 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36099562


The aqueous hydration structure of the Bi3+ ion is probed using a combination of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) simulations of ion-water clusters and condensed-phase solutions. Anomalous features in the EXAFS spectra are found to be associated with a highly asymmetric first-solvent water shell. The aqueous chemistry and structure of the Bi3+ ion are dramatically controlled by the water stabilization of a lone-pair electronic state involving the mixed 6s and 6p orbitals. This leads to a distinct multimodal distribution of water molecules in the first shell that are separated by about 0.2 Å. The lone-pair structure is stabilized by a collective response of multiple waters that are localized near the lone-pair anti-bonding site. The findings indicate that the lone-pair stereochemistry of aqueous Bi3+ ions plays a major role in the binding of water and ligands in aqueous solutions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(33): 19975, 2022 Aug 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35946599


Correction for 'Computational approaches for XANES, VtC-XES, and RIXS using linear-response time-dependent density functional theory based methods' by Daniel R. Nascimento et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 14680-14691,

J Phys Chem Lett ; 13(27): 6323-6330, 2022 Jul 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35793526


The solvation structure of transition metal ions is important for applications in geochemistry, biochemistry, energy storage, and environmental chemistry. We study the X-ray absorption pre-edge and near-edge spectra at the K-edge of a nearly complete series of hydrated first-row transition metal ions with d orbital occupancy from d2 to d10. We optimize all of the structures at the density functional theory (DFT) level with explicit solvation and then compute the pre-edge X-ray absorption spectra with time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) and restricted active space second-order perturbation theory (RASPT2). TDDFT provides accurate results for spectra that are dominated by single excitations, while RASPT2 correctly distinguishes between singly and doubly excited states with quantitative accuracy compared with experiment. We analyze the pre-edge features for each metal ion to reveal the impact of the variations in d orbital occupancy on the first-shell coordination environment. We also report the lowest-energy ligand field d-d transitions using complete active space second-order perturbation theory.

Transition Elements , Ions , Ligands , Transition Elements/chemistry , X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy , X-Rays
J Chem Theory Comput ; 18(8): 4919-4926, 2022 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35816679


The GW approximation has been recently gaining popularity among the methods for simulating molecular core-level X-ray photoemission spectra. Traditionally, Gaussian-type orbital GW core-level binding energies have been computed using either the cc-pVnZ or def2-nZVP basis set families, extrapolating the obtained results to the complete basis set limit, followed by an element-specific relativistic correction. Despite achieving rather good accuracy, it has been previously stated that these binding energies are chronically underestimated. In the present work, we show that those previous studies obtained results that were not well-converged with respect to the basis set size and that, once basis set convergence is achieved, there seems to be no such underestimation. Standard techniques known to offer a good cost-accuracy ratio in other theories demonstrate that the cc-pVnZ and def2-nZVP families exhibit contraction errors and might lead to unreliable complete basis set extrapolations for absolute binding energies, often deviating about 200-500 meV from the putative basis set limit found in this work. On the other hand, uncontracted versions of these basis sets offer vastly improved convergence. Even faster convergence can be obtained using core-rich property-optimized basis set families like pcSseg-n, pcJ-n, and ccX-nZ. Finally, we also show that the improvement observed for core properties using these specialized basis sets does not degrade their description of valence excitations: vertical ionization potentials and electron affinities computed with these basis sets converge as fast as the ones obtained with the aug-cc-pVnZ family, thus offering a balanced description of both core and valence regions.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(29): 4862-4872, 2022 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35839329


We analyze an ensemble of organophosphorus compounds to form an unbiased characterization of the information encoded in their X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and valence-to-core X-ray emission spectra (VtC-XES). Data-driven emergence of chemical classes via unsupervised machine learning, specifically cluster analysis in the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) embedding, finds spectral sensitivity to coordination, oxidation, aromaticity, intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and ligand identity. Subsequently, we implement supervised machine learning via Gaussian process classifiers to identify confidence in predictions that match our initial qualitative assessments of clustering. The results further support the benefit of utilizing unsupervised machine learning as a precursor to supervised machine learning, which we term Unsupervised Validation of Classes (UVC), a result that goes beyond the present case of X-ray spectroscopies.

Organophosphorus Compounds , Unsupervised Machine Learning , Humans , Ligands , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy