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Phys Rev E ; 106(5): L053201, 2022 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559377


We report on measurements of the ion-electron energy-transfer cross section utilizing low-velocity ion stopping in high-energy-density plasmas at the OMEGA laser facility. These measurements utilize a technique that leverages the close relationship between low-velocity ion stopping and ion-electron equilibration. Shock-driven implosions of capsules filled with D^{3}He gas doped with a trace amount of argon are used to generate densities and temperatures in ranges from 1×10^{23} to 2×10^{24} cm^{-3} and from 1.4 to 2.5 keV, respectively. The energy loss of 1-MeV DD tritons and 3.7-MeV D^{3}He alphas that have velocities lower than the average velocity of the thermal electrons is measured. The energy loss of these ions is used to determine the ion-electron energy-transfer cross section, which is found to be in excellent agreement with quantum-mechanical calculations in the first Born approximation. This result provides an experimental constraint on ion-electron energy transfer in high-energy-density plasmas, which impacts the modeling of alpha heating in inertial confinement fusion implosions, magnetic-field advection in stellar atmospheres, and energy balance in supernova shocks.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(9): 093517, 2022 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36182496


K-shell x-ray emission spectroscopy is a standard tool used to diagnose the plasma conditions created in high-energy-density physics experiments. In the simplest approach, the emissivity-weighted average temperature of the plasma can be extracted by fitting an emission spectrum to a single temperature condition. It is known, however, that a range of plasma conditions can contribute to the measured spectra due to a combination of the evolution of the sample and spatial gradients. In this work, we define a parameterized model of the temperature distribution and use Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling of the input parameters, yielding uncertainties in the fit parameters to assess the uniqueness of the inferred temperature distribution. We present the analysis of time-integrated S and Fe x-ray spectroscopic data from the Orion laser facility and demonstrate that while fitting each spectral region to a single temperature yields two different temperatures, both spectra can be fit simultaneously with a single temperature distribution. We find that fitting both spectral regions together requires a maximum temperature of 1310-70 +90 eV with significant contributions from temperatures down to 200 eV.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(1): 015002, 2019 Jan 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31012651


We report on the first accurate validation of low-Z ion-stopping formalisms in the regime ranging from low-velocity ion stopping-through the Bragg peak-to high-velocity ion stopping in well-characterized high-energy-density plasmas. These measurements were executed at electron temperatures and number densities in the range of 1.4-2.8 keV and 4×10^{23}-8×10^{23} cm^{-3}, respectively. For these conditions, it is experimentally demonstrated that the Brown-Preston-Singleton formalism provides a better description of the ion stopping than other formalisms around the Bragg peak, except for the ion stopping at v_{i}∼0.3v_{th}, where the Brown-Preston-Singleton formalism significantly underpredicts the observation. It is postulated that the inclusion of nuclear-elastic scattering, and possibly coupled modes of the plasma ions, in the modeling of the ion-ion interaction may explain the discrepancy of ∼20% at this velocity, which would have an impact on our understanding of the alpha energy deposition and heating of the fuel ions, and thus reduce the ignition threshold in an ignition experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(20): 205001, 2015 Nov 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26613448


For the first time, quantitative measurements of ion stopping at energies around the Bragg peak (or peak ion stopping, which occurs at an ion velocity comparable to the average thermal electron velocity), and its dependence on electron temperature (T(e)) and electron number density (n(e)) in the range of 0.5-4.0 keV and 3×10(22) to 3×10(23) cm(-3) have been conducted, respectively. It is experimentally demonstrated that the position and amplitude of the Bragg peak varies strongly with T(e) with n(e). The importance of including quantum diffraction is also demonstrated in the stopping-power modeling of high-energy-density plasmas.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(5): 054801, 2015 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26274422


The first self-consistent hybrid particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation of intense proton beam transport and energy deposition in solid-density matter is presented. Both the individual proton slowing-down and the collective beam-plasma interaction effects are taken into account with a new dynamic proton stopping power module that has been added to a hybrid PIC code. In this module, the target local stopping power can be updated at each time step based on its thermodynamic state. For intense proton beams, the reduction of target stopping power from the cold condition due to continuous proton heating eventually leads to broadening of the particle range and energy deposition far beyond the Bragg peak. For tightly focused beams, large magnetic field growth in collective interactions results in self-focusing of the beam and much stronger localized heating of the target.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(21): 215002, 2015 May 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26066441


We measured the stopping of energetic protons in an isochorically heated solid-density Be plasma with an electron temperature of ∼32 eV, corresponding to moderately coupled [(e^{2}/a)/(k_{B}T_{e}+E_{F})∼0.3] and moderately degenerate [k_{B}T_{e}/E_{F}∼2] "warm-dense matter" (WDM) conditions. We present the first high-accuracy measurements of charged-particle energy loss through dense plasma, which shows an increased loss relative to cold matter, consistent with a reduced mean ionization potential. The data agree with stopping models based on an ad hoc treatment of free and bound electrons, as well as the average-atom local-density approximation; this work is the first test of these theories in WDM plasma.