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Front Psychol ; 14: 1284664, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37849476


The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of social interaction anxiety on satisfaction with life mediated by emotional intelligence. The research design was descriptive, cross-sectional, and non-randomized. In total, 1,164 Mexican physical education students participated (Mage = 21.21; SD = 3.26; 30.0% female; 69.6% male; 0.4% other). The scales used were the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, Trait Meta-Mood Scale and Satisfaction with Life and a structural equation analysis with latent variables was conducted. The results highlight that it can be asserted that emotional clarity and repair had a mediating effect between social interaction anxiety and satisfaction with life, as they did decrease the negative effects of social interaction anxiety on satisfaction with life. In addition, social interaction anxiety had a direct and positive effect on emotional attention and a negative effect on emotional clarity and repair.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1178500, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37519351


The aim of this study was to analyze academic self-efficacy as a mediator between emotional intelligence and academic engagement. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational-causal study was designed in which 1,164 Mexican students participated (Mage = 21.21; SD = 3.26) (30.0% female; 69.6% male; 0.4% other). The scales of emotional intelligence, academic self-efficacy and academic engagement were used, and a structural equation analysis with latent variables was conducted. The results obtained demonstrate that emotional clarity and repair have a positive and direct effect on academic self-efficacy. In addition, emotional repair predicts behavioral and emotional engagement. It was also found that academic self-efficacy is an excellent mediator between emotional clarity and repair, and the dimensions of academic engagement, as it substantially improves behavioral and emotional engagement while decreasing behavioral and emotional disaffection.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31546851


Adolescents' academic performance and the way it is related to their subjective wellbeing are issues of great interest across educational systems. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how satisfaction with high school subjects can predict school satisfaction and academic performance in Mexican students. The sample consisted of 457 high school students in the Baja California and Nuevo León states in Mexico (247 boys, 210 girls); their mean age being 14.10 (SD = 0.84). We used a questionnaire featuring a subject satisfaction scale, an intrinsic school satisfaction scale, and one related to academic grades. We used descriptive analyses, correlations, and structural regression models. In terms of results, the high satisfaction and academic performance levels in physical education, Spanish and English are worth highlighting. Geography and history are the most relevant predictors of academic grades, while Spanish predicts school satisfaction and physical education predicts boredom. In conclusion, satisfaction with mathematics, Spanish, and English are strong predictors of satisfaction (SATF), and the latter in turn predicts Mexican high school students' academic performance.

Academic Performance/psychology , Curriculum , Personal Satisfaction , Students/psychology , Academic Performance/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Mexico , Schools , Students/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires
MHSalud ; 15(1)oct. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506647


En este trabajo se han analizado las relaciones entre las orientaciones de meta y las motivaciones de senderistas y cicloturistas mayores de 15 años para practicar actividad físico-deportiva por el medio natural, en el contexto del Camino de Santiago. La investigación se ha desarrollado mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario autoadministrado a una muestra de un total de 1 071 sujetos. Tras el análisis factorial, los resultados han puesto de manifiesto la importancia de la situación y la correspondencia entre el carácter intrínseco de las motivaciones relacionadas con el ocio, recreación y afiliación, así como con la evasión y válvula de escape, y la orientación a la tarea. La disposición motivacional al ego resulta menos relevante en las actividades físico-deportivas y recreativas en el medio natural, aunque, en este entorno, son aspectos que resultan más importantes para las mujeres. Como conclusión, motivaciones de índole espiritual, cultural, deportivo y de relación con otras personas, son los destacados por los peregrinos del Camino de Santiago.

This paper analyses the relationships between the goal orientations and the hikers and cycle-tourers' motivations older than 15 have to practice physical-sport activity in natural environments in the context of the Way of Saint James. The investigation has been developed by administering a self-administered questionnaire to a sample of 1.071 individuals. After the factorial analysis, the results have shown the importance of the situation and the relationship between the intrinsic character of the motivations related to leisure, recreation, and affiliation, as well as to the escape and escape valve, and the task orientation. The ego orientation is less outstanding in the physical-sport and recreational activities in the natural environment, although these are aspects that are more important for women in this environment.

Neste trabalho analisaram-se as relações entre as orientações de objetivos e as motivações de caminhantes e ciclistas com mais de 15 anos de idade para a prática de atividade física junto a natureza, no contexto do Caminho de Santiago. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida aplicando-se um questionário autoadministrado a uma amostra de 1.071 sujeitos. Depois da análise fatorial, os resultados mostraram a importância da situação e a relação entre a natureza intrínseca das motivações relacionadas ao lazer, recreação e adesão, bem como a evasão e a válvula de escape, e a orientação à tarefa. A orientação ao ego resulta menos relevante em as atividades físico-esportivas e recreativas junto a natureza, ainda que, neste meio, são aspectos que resultam mais importantes para as mulheres. Como conclusão, motivações de índole espiritual, cultural, esportivo e de relação com outras pessoas, são as destacadas pelos peregrinos do Caminho de Santiago.

Psychol Rep ; 120(4): 760-779, 2017 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28558543


The aim of this study is to analyze a set of socializing agents for sport and physical activities and to establish their relationship with leisure time sport and physical activities behaviors and practice patterns in samples of teenage students with different sociocultural backgrounds. The sample included 2168 students in their first year of secondary education, 423 of them being from Costa Rica, 408 from Mexico, and 1337 from Spain (1052 male students, 1037 female students, and 79 students who did not specify gender) aged 11-16 years old (M = 12.49; SD = .81). A validated questionnaire with questions about leisure time sport and physical activities and socializing agents was used. Descriptive, inferential, and multinomial logistic regression analyses were carried out with SPSS 17.0 to compare all three countries. Costa Rica had the most active students, best friends' inactivity, and unsupportive parents being the agents predicting inactivity and a low level of sport and physical activities. Mexico has a high dropout rate and inactive students exceed active ones; no agent predicts inactivity or sport and physical activities pattern. Spain has the highest level of sport and physical activities practice, and parents, siblings, and friends are predicting agents of inactivity together with unsupportive parents and friends.

Univ. psychol ; 15(2): 39-49, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-963141


El objetivo de este trabajo fue hallar un modelo de predicción de la satisfacción y diversión hacia la Educación Física partiendo del clima de aprendizaje y teniendo en cuenta el apoyo a la autonomía del profesorado y la propia percepción de autonomía del alumnado. Se utilizó una muestra de 758 alumnos de secundaria con edades entre 13 y 18 años. Se aplicó a los participantes de la investigación, la versión española adaptada a la educación física, de los siguientes instrumentos: Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Learning Climate Questionnaire, Sport Satisfaction Instrument y el factor autonomía del Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale. Los resultados señalaron que el clima motivacional implicado en el aprendizaje predecía positivamente el apoyo a la autonomía por parte del profesor y esta predecía la propia percepción de autonomía del alumno. Asimismo, la percepción de autonomía predijo positivamente la satisfacción/diversión y negativamente el aburrimiento en las clases. Como conclusión, los docentes deben favorecer un clima de aprendizaje que apoye la autonomía y favorezca la percepción de esta en el alumno para conseguir que se diviertan en las clases de Educación Física.

The aim of this work was to find a model to predict satisfaction and fun to the physical education based on learning climate and considering supporting to the autonomy of teachers and the perception of autonomy of students. A sample of 758 secondary school students aged between 13 and 18 was used. The following instruments were used: the Spanish version adapted to Physical Education of Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Learning Climate Questionnaire, Sport Satisfaction Instrument and autonomy factor in Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale. The results showed that learning motivational climate positively predicted perceived autonomy support on the teacher part and this predicted the self perception of autonomy on the part of students. In the same way, the perceived autonomy positively predicted satisfaction/fun and negatively boredom in class. In conclusion, teachers should foster a learning climate that supports and promotes the autonomy perceived autonomy in students for them to have fun in physical education classes.

Cien Saude Colet ; 21(4): 1105-12, 2016 Apr.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27076009


In view of the rise in sedentary lifestyle amongst young people, knowledge regarding their intention to partake in physical activity can be decisive when it comes to instilling physical activity habits to improve the current and future health of school students. Therefore, the object of this study was to find a predictive model of the intention to partake in leisure- time physical activity based on motivation, satisfaction and competence. The sample consisted of 347 Spanish, male, high school students and 411 female students aged between 13 and 18 years old. We used a questionnaire made up of the Sport Motivation Scale, Sport Satisfaction Instrument, and the competence factor in the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and Intention to Partake in Leisure-Time Physical Activity, all of them adapted to school Physical Education. We carried out confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation models. The intention to partake in leisure-time physical activity was predicted by competence and the latter by satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation was revealed to be the best predictor of satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation should be enhanced in order to predict an intention to partake in physical activity in Physical Education students.

Attitude to Health , Intention , Leisure Activities , Physical Education and Training , Adolescent , Exercise , Female , Humans , Male , Motivation , Motor Activity , Students , Surveys and Questionnaires
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);21(4): 1105-1112, Abr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-778597


Resumen Debido al aumento del sedentarismo entre los jóvenes, conocer la intención de práctica de actividad física en esta población puede ser determinante a la hora de inculcar futuros hábitos de práctica física para mejorar la salud actual y futura de los escolares. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue hallar un modelo predictivo de la intención de práctica de actividad física en tiempo libre a partir de la motivación, la satisfacción y la competencia. La muestra fue de 347 hombres y 411 mujeres de educación secundaria en España, con edades de entre 13 y 18 años. Se utilizó un cuestionario compuesto por el Sport Motivation Scale, Sport Satisfaction Instrument, el factor competencia de Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scalee Intention to partake in leisure-time physicalactivity, todos ellos adaptados a la Educación Física escolar. Se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios y modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. La intención de práctica fue predicha por la competencia y ésta por la satisfacción/diversión. La motivación intrínseca se mostró como el mejor predictor de la satisfacción/diversión. Para predecir la intención de práctica física se debería potenciar la motivación intrínseca entre el alumnado de Educación Física.

Abstract In view of the rise in sedentary lifestyle amongst young people, knowledge regarding their intention to partake in physical activity can be decisive when it comes to instilling physical activity habits to improve the current and future health of school students. Therefore, the object of this study was to find a predictive model of the intention to partake in leisure- time physical activity based on motivation, satisfaction and competence. The sample consisted of 347 Spanish, male, high school students and 411 female students aged between 13 and 18 years old. We used a questionnaire made up of the Sport Motivation Scale, Sport Satisfaction Instrument, and the competence factor in the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and Intention to Partake in Leisure-Time Physical Activity, all of them adapted to school Physical Education. We carried out confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation models. The intention to partake in leisure-time physical activity was predicted by competence and the latter by satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation was revealed to be the best predictor of satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation should be enhanced in order to predict an intention to partake in physical activity in Physical Education students.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Physical Education and Training , Attitude to Health , Intention , Leisure Activities , Students , Exercise , Surveys and Questionnaires , Motivation , Motor Activity
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(2): 222-231, abr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: lil-746600


El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las diferencias motivacionales del alumnado en las clases de Educación Física, según las estrategias de disciplina del profesor y analizar las relaciones de los conglomerados con el clima motivacional, orientaciones de meta y satisfacción. Participaron 2002 alumnos (970 varones y 1032 mujeres) de educación secundaria de entre 12-19 años. Como instrumentos se utilizaron la versión española de: Strategies to Sustain Discipline Scale, Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Perception of Success Questionnaire y Sport Satisfaction Instrument. Se realizó un análisis de conglomerados que reveló tres perfiles de disciplina: uno con énfasis en estrategias autodeterminadas para mantener la disciplina en clase y dos con énfasis en estrategias no autodeterminadas Se hallaron el nº de horas semanales que practican ejercicio físico en su tiempo libre en función del perfil. El conglomerado de estrategias autodeterminadas está compuesto fundamentalmente por mujeres y los no autodeterminados por varones. En el de estrategias autodeterminadas se ubica el mayor número de estudiantes que practican dos o más horas semanales de ejercicio físico. Para mejorar el ambiente de clase y reducir las conductas de indisciplina, se deberían utilizar estrategias de disciplina fundamentadas en razones intrínsecas, de preocupación y responsabilidad.

The aim of the study was to detect the motivational profiles of high school students of Physical Education (PE) according to the teacher's discipline strategies and to analyze the relationships between the clusters and the motivational atmosphere, goal guidelines and satisfaction with lessons. A sample of 2002 students (970 male students and 1032 female students) was used. The instruments used were the Spanish versions of the scales: Strategies to Sustain Discipline Scale, Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, Perception of Success Questionnaire and Sport Satisfaction Instrument. A cluster analysis was applied revealing three motivational profiles, one of them with emphasis on self-determined strategies to maintain discipline in class and the other two profiles with emphasis on non-self- determined-strategies. Profiles were determined according to the number of hours of exercise practiced in a week. The self-determined strategies cluster consists mainly of women, and the non- self-determined clusters were composed of men. In the self-determined strategies cluster, we can find the largest number of students who practice two or more hours of physical exercise per week in their free time. To improve the classroom environment and reduce indiscipline behaviors, the teacher should use discipline strategies founded on intrinsic reasons for concern and responsibility.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Motivation , Physical Education and Training , Education, Primary and Secondary , Faculty , Students
Int. j. morphol ; 33(1): 375-381, Mar. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-743813


El objetivo fue comparar el rendimiento en el aprendizaje de alumnado de secundaria en clase de Educación Física tras recibir dos unidades didácticas en las que la formación teórica de los contenidos de Anatomía, Fisiología y Salud Corporal, fue impartida con el apoyo de Moodle 2.0 y Mahara. Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental, descriptivo y seccional. La muestra total se compuso por 122 alumnos de 4 de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), 57 varones y 65 mujeres. Se trabajó con un grupo experimental de 72 personas que recibieron la formación teórica de dos unidades didácticas con apoyo de Moodle 2.0 y Mahara, y otro grupo control de 50 alumnos que recibió las clases sin apoyo de plataformas virtuales. Las clases prácticas fueron igual en ambos grupos. El instrumento de medida fue un cuestionario de evaluación tipo test. Se obtuvo una medida pretest antes de la formación y otra medida después de la intervención (postest). Se han analizado las mejoras de cada grupo según el método de enseñanza teórica empleado y se han comparado los resultados obtenidos mediante análisis de la puntuación de ganancia (postest-pretest) con T de Student para muestras relacionadas. Tras la intervención, la media de respuestas correctas es superior al cincuenta por ciento en ambos grupos, siendo mayores las puntuaciones de ganancia de fisiología, anatomía y salud en el grupo experimental. Estos datos corroboran que la utilización de las plataformas LMS contribuyen en mayor medida a la adquisición de estos contenidos entre el alumnado. Una importante aportación en el campo de la EF lo constituye el hecho de que sean necesarias menos horas presenciales de carácter teórico, pues el alumnado trabaja en horario extralectivo sobre los contenidos prácticos realizados en clase, disponiendo así de más horas de práctica lectiva.

The aim of this study was to compare the learning performance of students in secondary physical education lessons after receiving two teaching units in which the theoretical content of Anatomy, Physiology and Body Health, was given with the support of Moodle and Mahara 2.0. We used a quasi-experimental, descriptive and sectional design. The total sample consisted of 122 students in the 4th year of Secondary Education (ESO), 57 males and 65 females. We worked with an experimental group of 72 people who received theoretical training of two teaching units supported by Moodle 2.0 and Mahara, and a control group of 50 students who received no support classes of virtual platforms. Practical classes were similar in both groups. The measuring instrument was a multiple choice assessment questionnaire. Pretest measure was obtained before training and other measures after the intervention (posttest). Improvements were analyzed in each group according to the theoretical method used and compared the results obtained by analysis of gain score (posttest-pretest) with T-test for related samples. After intervention, the average score is greater than fifty percent in both groups, without significant gain scores of physiology, anatomy and health in the experimental group. These data confirm that the use of LMS platforms contribute more to the acquisition of this content among students. An important contribution in the field of EF is the fact that less theoretical contact hours are necessary, as the students work on time on the practical elective content made in class, thus having more hours of practice teaching time.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Anatomy/education , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Health Education/methods , Physiology/education , Education, Primary and Secondary , Educational Measurement , Information Technology , Learning , Physical Education and Training , Software , Surveys and Questionnaires
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(4): 625-633, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: lil-728835


El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ) adaptado a la Educación Física (EF) en una muestra española. Se pretende determinar si es un instrumento válido y fiable para su utilización en futuras investigaciones. Se administró a un total de 758 estudiantes de secundaria de 12 a 18 años, analizándose la estructura del instrumento mediante procedimientos confirmatorios. Los análisis apoyan el modelo teórico hipotetizado de un factor (apoyo a la autonomía). La versión española del instrumento para EF mostró niveles aceptables de consistencia interna y estabilidad temporal. La validez concurrente se exploró examinando la relación de la escala estudiada con los distintos tipos de motivación autodeterminada, mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. (AU)

The objective of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ) adapted to Physical Education (PE) in a Spanish sample. The purpose is to determine whether it is a valid and reliable tool to be used in future research. It was administered to a total of 758 high school students from 12 to 18 years old, analyzing the structure of the instrument using confirmatory procedures. Analyses support the hypothesized theoretical model of a specific factor, the autonomy support. The Spanish version of the instrument for PE showed acceptable levels of internal consistency and temporal stability. Concurrent validity was explored by examining the relationship of the dimension studied with different types of self-determined motivation, using structural equation modeling. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Physical Education and Training , Translating , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Personal Autonomy , Psychometrics , Spain , Students , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Education, Primary and Secondary , Motivation
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(3): 443-451, 2014. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: lil-722217


El objetivo de esta investigación fue doble: (a) analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ) adaptado a la Educación Física (EF); y (b) analizar la predicción de la importancia y utilidad concedida a la EF a partir de las orientaciones de meta, percepción de competencia y satisfacción del alumnado. El cuestionario estuvo compuesto por los siguientes instrumentos: POSQ, Escala de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en el Ejercicio, Satisfacción con la EF e Importancia de la EF. Se administró a 846 estudiantes españoles de secundaria de 12 a 19 años. La estructura del POSQ se analizó mediante procedimientos confirmatorios y mostró una consistencia interna fiable y una estructura factorial estable (apoyando el modelo teórico hipotetizado: orientación al ego y a la tarea). Así, se considera un instrumento válido para medir la orientación de meta disposicional en EF. Para la predicción de la importancia de la EF a partir de las orientaciones de meta, competencia y satisfacción, se halló un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que confirmó que la orientación a la tarea es la que más influye en la percepción de competencia y ésta en la satisfacción/diversión, lo que predice que el alumnado considere más importante y útil la asignatura. (AU)

The present research has two main goals: (a) to analyze psychometric properties of the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ) adapted to Physical Education (PE), and (b) to analyze the prediction of importance and usefulness granted to PE from goal orientations, perceived competence and student satisfaction. The questionnaire consisted of the following instruments: POSQ, Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale, Satisfaction with PE and the Importance of PE. They were administered to 846 Spanish high school students aged 12 to 19 years. POSQ structure was analyzed by confirmatory procedures and it showed reliable internal consistency and a stable factor structure which supports the hypothesized theoretical model: ego and task orientation. Thus, it is considered a valid instrument to measure dispositional goal orientation in PE. For predicting the importance of PE from goal orientations, competence and satisfaction, it was used a structural equation model which confirmed that task orientation is the most influential on perceived competence, and the latter in satisfaction/fun. Fact that predicts the students consider the subject more important and useful. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Physical Education and Training , Psychometrics , Students , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Personal Satisfaction , Spain , Education, Primary and Secondary
Int. j. morphol ; 31(2): 505-511, jun. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-687093


Esta investigación tuvo como objetivos, mostrar una propuesta de trabajo de contenidos de anatomía con iBook y valorar la experiencia tanto en los profesores como en los alumnos. La muestra utilizada fue de 375 alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (179 hombres y 196 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 15 años (M = 14.56; DT =0,78) pertenecientes a cinco centros de enseñanza pública de la provincia de Almería y Granada (España). En relación al profesorado, la muestra fue de 11 docentes de Educación Física (7 hombres y 4 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre los 27 y 51 años (M=37,57; DT=8,36). Se utilizaron dos cuestionarios, uno para el alumno y otro para los profesores, validados previamente, realizando posteriormente análisis descriptivos. Los resultados muestran que la experiencia del trabajo con ibook es valorada como muy novedosa e interesante; no obstante, los profesores consideran estas herramientas poco aplicables. En relación a la eficacia, los docentes piensan que solamente son algo eficaces mientras que los alumnos creen que son muy eficaces en su aprendizaje. Los principales problemas encontrados son: la propia elaboración del ibook, el coste y la accesibilidad para su uso. Posteriormente, los resultados son discutidos.

This study aims, to show a work proposal content iBook anatomy and assess the experience of both teachers and the students. The sample consisted of 375 students of secondary school (179 boys and 196 girls) aged between 14 and 15 years (M=14.56, SD =0.78) from five public schools in the province of Almeria and Granada (Spain). In relation to teachers, the sample was 11 physical education teachers (7 men and 4 women), aged between 27 and 51 years (M=37.57, SD=8.36). Two questionnaires were used, one for the student and one for teachers, previously validated and subsequently to descriptive analyzes. The results show that the experience of working with ibook is valued as highly novel and interesting, however, teachers consider these tools very applicable. Regarding efficacy, teachers think that they are only somewhat effective while students think they are very effective in their learning. The main concerns are: the proper development of the ibook, cost and accessibility for use. Subsequently, the results are discussed.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Anatomy/education , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Education, Primary and Secondary , Teaching/methods , Textbooks as Topic , Multimedia , Physical Education and Training
Univ. psychol ; 12(2): 421-431, may.-agos. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-689605


Las altas tasas de sedentarismo y abandono deportivo y la escasez de estudios sobre motivos de práctica en el ámbito de la actividad física no competitiva han generado la necesidad de llevar a cabo investigaciones que establezcan perfiles motivacionales de usuarios de servicios deportivos. La finalidad de esta investigación fue diferenciar los perfiles motivacionales con respecto a la práctica físico-deportiva y analizar su relación con variables sociodemográficas (edad y sexo). La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por un total de 2707 usuarios de servicios deportivos, públicos y privados, de Andalucía (España), que cumplimentaron la escala de Motivos de Actividad Física-Revisada (Motives for Physical Activity Measure-Revised [MPAM-R]). Se realizó un análisis por conglomerados y, seguidamente, la prueba ji-cuadrado. Los resultados obtenidos en este análisis establecieron la existencia de tres perfiles motivacionales: uno altamente motivado, especialmente hacia la salud, con sujetos principalmente varones jóvenes de organizaciones públicas; un segundo grupo con motivación por debajo de la media en todas sus dimensiones, e inducido, especialmente por razones de salud, disfrute y apariencia, con un perfil de usuario privado, mujer, de edad media o avanzada; un tercer grupo en el que primaron los motivos sociales y de disfrute, conformado mayoritariamente por usuarios de organizaciones privadas y de sexo masculino.

High rates of inactivity and sport neglect and the lack of studies on the basis of practicing in the field of non- competitive physical activity has generated the need to carry out researches to establish motivational profiles in the users of sport services. The purpose of this research was to differentiate motivational profiles respect to physical and sport practice and analyze its relationship with sociodemographic variables (age and sex). The study sample comprised a total of 2707 users of sports services, public and private, of Andalusia (Spain), who completed scale Motives for Physical Activity Measure-Revised (MPAM-R). A cluster analysis was performed an then ji-square test. The results of this analysis established the existence of three motivational profiles: a highly motivated, especially on health, mainly young male subjects of public organizations, a second group with motivation below average in all its dimensions, and induced especially for health, taste and appearance reasons, with a private user profile, female, middle or advanced age, a third group in which social and enjoyment motives prevailed, composed mainly by users of private sport services and male.

Psychology, Sports , Motivation
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 55-61, jan.-mar. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-671463


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as propriedades psicométricas do Sport Satisfation Instrument (SSI) adaptado para a Educação Física (EF) por meio de uma análise fatorial exploratória da estrutura bidimensional do instrumento em uma amostra espanhola. Com isso, buscou-se determinar, de maneira preliminar, se o SSI constitui um instrumento válido e fiável para ser utilizado em futuras pesquisas. O instrumento foi elaborado em um modelo teórico de dois fatores: Satisfação/Diversão e Tédio. A amostra constituiu-se de um total de 224 alunos de secundária entre 12 e 19 anos. A versão [espanhola] do instrumento adaptado para a EF demonstrou níveis aceitáveis de consistência interna.

The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of Sport Satisfaction Instrument (SSI) adapted physical education (PE) using exploratory factor analysis of the dimensional structure of the instrument in a Spanish sample. It was intended to determine, on a preliminary basis, whether it constitutes a valid and reliable for use in future research. Was administered to a total of 224 high school students 12 to 19 years. This analysis supports the hypothesized theoretical model of two factors (satisfaction / fun and boredom). The Spanish version of the instrument for PE showed acceptable levels of internal consistency.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Motivation , Physical Education and Training , Psychometrics/methods
Int. j. morphol ; 30(1): 230-237, mar. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638791


El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido comparar el rendimiento en el aprendizaje de alumnos que se prepararon la oposición para el acceso el cuerpo de profesorado de secundaria en la especialidad de Educación Física, tras recibir la formación de distintos bloques temáticos de anatomía y fisiología a través de diferentes métodos en enseñanza-aprendizaje: mapas conceptuales (CMaps), aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) y utilización combinada de ambos métodos. Metodología: Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental, descriptivo y seccional. La muestra total se compuso por 180 estudiantes, 95 varones y 85 mujeres. Se trabajó con un grupo de 64 personas que recibieron formación a través de CMaps, otro de 61 alumnos que recibió formación a través de ABP, y un tercer grupo de 55 que trabajaron combinando ambos métodos. El instrumento de medida fue un cuestionario de evaluación tipo test para cada bloque de contenidos. Se obtuvo una medida pretest antes de la formación y otra medida después de la intervención (postest). Se han analizado las mejoras de cada grupo según el método de enseñanza aplicado y se han comparado los resultados obtenidos mediante análisis de la puntuación de ganancia (postest-pretest) con T de Student para muestras relacionadas. Tras la intervención la media de respuestas correctas es superior al ochenta por ciento en los cinco bloques analizados, siendo los de fisiología y anatomía en los que más se evolucionó. El ABP ha resultado más efectivo que el CMaps, pero las mejoras más altas respecto al pretest corresponden al grupo que ha estudiado combinando CMaps+ABP. Los resultados se discutieron con otros autores, coincidiendo en la necesidad de plantearse una mayor utilización del ABP como método de enseñanza-aprendizaje y que mediante un enfoque metodológico mixto el alumnado adquiere mayores habilidades y competencias.

The aim of this study was to compare the learning achievement of students who prepared the opposition to be teachers in Secondary Education in the speciality of Physical Education, after receiving training in different thematic areas of anatomy and physiology through different teaching and learning methods: concept mapping (CMaps), problem-based learning (PBL) and combined use of both methods. Methodology: We used a quasi-experimental, descriptive and sectional methodological design. The total sample consisted of 180 students, 95 males and 85 females. We worked with a group of 64 people who received training through CMaps, another 61 students who received training PBL, and a third group of 55 which works by combining both methods. The measuring instrument was a questionnaire type assessment test for each content block. Pretest measure was obtained before training and other measures after the intervention (posttest). Improvements were analyzed in each group according to the method of teaching applied and compared the results obtained by analysis of gain scores (posttest-pretest) with T-test for related samples. Results: After intervention the mean score is above eighty percent in the five blocks analyzed, with the physiology and anatomy in the most evolved. PBL has proven more effective than CMaps, but the highest improvements, compared to pretest, are in the group that has studied combining CMaps + PBL. The results were discussed, in agreement with other authors, the need to consider greater use of PBL as a method of teaching and learning and using a mixed methodological approach students acquire greater skills and competencies.

Young Adult , Problem-Based Learning/methods , Education, Primary and Secondary , Physical Education and Training/methods , Methodology as a Subject
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;41(3): 519-532, dic. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-541079


El objetivo de este trabajo es el de profundizar en las características de los universitarios, conociendo losmotivos que determinan su interés por la realización de actividades físico-deportivas e identificando los factoresmotivacionales como practicantes. Para ello se implementó el cuestionario sobre el análisis de los hábitos deportivosy estilos de vida a 664 universitarios que respondieron ser activos en el momento del estudio, del total de 1834 que conformaban la muestra representativa. Los resultadosmanifiestan que no existe un único motivo que impulse a los estudiantes a adquirir o mantener un comportamientoactivo, y expresan la importancia que tiene para ellos las motivaciones de carácter intrínseco, como el placer, lasalud y la evasión. Se confirma un cambio de tendencia, pues los varones se sienten más motivados por aspectosrelacionados con la salud, mientras que las mujeres son activas fundamentalmente por el placer o diversión que surge de la propia práctica físico-deportiva.

The objective of this work is to deep the characteristics of the university student, knowing the reasons that determine their interest in conducting physical andsporting activities and identifying the motivational factors as practitioners. This questionnaire was administered toanalyze sporting habits and lifestyles to 664 university student who answered to be active at the time of the study’s total of 1834 students who formed the core sample. The results demonstrate that there is no single reason that drives the university to acquire or maintainan active behaviour, along with the importance to them of intrinsic motivations, such as pleasure, health and evasion. It confirms a change in trend, because men feel more motivated by health aspects, while women are primarily active in the fun or pleasure that arises from the very practical physical sport.

Humans , Motivation , Sports