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An Acad Bras Cienc ; 92(3): e20200343, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33331397


The aim was to evaluate the use of mixture of microencapsulated carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde as a replacement for growth-promoting antibiotics in broiler diets on performance, intestinal quality, organ development, carcass yields and cuts, and meat quality. In the trial were used 600 male chicks, allocated in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and eight replicates of 15 birds, reared up to 41 days of age. The treatments were: Negative Control (NC), Positive Control (PC) 30 mg/kg of virginiamycin, NC+100 mg/kg of essential oils, NC+200 mg/kg of essential oils and NC+400 mg/kg of essential oils. Essential oils were composed by a micro-encapsulated blend, with of 60% cinnamaldehyde, 30% carvacrol and 10% carrier. Birds received essential oils achieved performance equivalent to those birds received PC diets, having better development than NC broilers. No differences were found on relative organ weight, intestinal mucosa and meat quality parameters, however, higher villus:cript ratio was found in PC, NC+200 and NC+400 groups. Meat crude protein and yellowness were influenced by inclusion of carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde. It was concluded microencapsulated carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde can replace growth-promoting antibiotic in broiler diets, ensuring performance, intestinal integrity and broiler meat quality.

Animal Feed , Chickens , Acrolein/analogs & derivatives , Animal Feed/analysis , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Animals , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Cymenes , Diet , Dietary Supplements , Male , Meat/analysis
Ciênc. rural ; 43(1): 139-144, jan. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-659683


Foi avaliado o potencial produtivo de uma pastagem de Cynodon dactylon var.dactylon manejada em um sistema de pastoreio com lotação contínua com ovinos. Testou-se o efeito de três níveis de oferta (3, 6 ou 9kg de matéria seca (MS) 100kg-1 de peso corporal (PC)) de lâminas foliares verdes (OFLV) sobre os atributos da pastagem e sobre o desempenho de borregos de dois grupos genéticos (Texel × Ile de France e Lacaune × Texel × Ile de France). O período experimental foi de 53 dias sendo utilizados 18 borregos de cada grupo genético distribuídos ao acaso em nove piquetes experimentais (três por tratamento). A OFLV real foi próxima à pretendida em cada tratamento (i.e. 3,2, 6,7 e 9,5% do PC). A massa de forragem (média de 3474kg de MS ha-1) teores de MS, fibra em detergente neutro e proteína bruta das amostras coletadas por simulação de pastejo (médias de 49,4, 76,1 e 12,9, respectivamente) não foram afetados pelos tratamentos. A taxa de acúmulo de lâminas foliares verdes aumentou (P<0,05) de 12,1 para 20,5kg de MS ha-1 dia-1 e a carga animal reduziu de 1178 para 609kg de PC ha-1 quando a OFLV aumentou de 3,2 para 9,5% do PC. A produtividade animal por área de pastagem foi em média negativa (ganho de PC de -551g ha-1dia-1), altamente variável (coeficiente de variação de 280%) e não foi afetada pelos tratamentos. O desempenho individual dos animais foi afetado pela interação entre tratamento e grupo genético (P<0,05). O ganho médio diário de peso pelos ovinos cruzados com Lacaune foi positivo (34g dia-1) e mais alto (P<0,05) na maior oferta, nulo na menor oferta e negativo (-62g dia-1) na oferta intermediária de pasto. Diferentemente, o ganho de peso dos animais Texel × Ile de France foi negativo e similar em todos os tratamentos (média de -18g dia-1). Independentemente do grupo genético, o tempo diário de pastejo foi similar nos tratamentos de menor e maior oferta, mas foi menor na oferta intermediária de pasto (P<0,05). Em conclusão, a pastagem de Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon apresentou um baixo potencial produtivo, principalmente quando a OFLV foi igual ou inferior a 6% do PC dos animais. Contudo, os resultados indicam também que a estrutura da pastagem e o potencial genético dos animais interagem com a oferta de forragem para determinar o desempenho de animais a pasto.

The productive potential of a Cynodon dactylon var.dactylon pasture managed under continuous stocking with wethers was evaluated. The effect of three (3, 6 or 9kg of dry matter (DM) 100kg-1 of body weight (BW)) green leaf allowances (GLAL) on pasture attributes and animal performance of two genetic groups (Texel × Ile de France and Lacaune × Texel × Ile de France) was tested. Experiment was carried out through a 53 days period with 18 wethers of each genetic group randomly distributed in nine pasture plots (three pasture plots per treatment). Actual GLAL were near to those planned for each treatment (i.e. 3.2, 6.7 e 9.5% of BW). Forage mass (mean of 3474kg of DM ha-1) and the content of DM, neutral detergent fibre and crude protein of samples taken through grazing simulation (mean of 49.4, 76.1 and 12.9%, respectively) were not affected by treatments. The green leaf growth rate increased (P<0.05) from 12.1 to 20.5kg of DM ha-1day-1 and stocking rate decreased (P<0.05) from 1178 to 609kg of BW ha-1 when GLAL increased from 3.2 to 9.5% of BW. Animal production per area was in average negative (mean BW gain of -551g ha-1day-1), highly variable (variation coefficient of 280%) and not affected by treatments. Individual animal performance was affected by interaction between treatments and animal breed (P<0.05). Daily BW gain by Lacaune-crossed wethers was positive (34g day-1) and higher (P<0.05) for the highest allowance, null for the lowest allowance and negative (-62g day-1) for the intermediary allowance treatment. Differently, the daily BW gain by Texel × Ile de France wethers was negative and similar for all treatments (mean of -18g day-1). Independently of animal breeding, the daily grazing time was similar for the lowest and highest forage allowance treatments whereas it was lower for the intermediary level of forage allowance (P<0.05). In conclusion, the Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon pasture showed a low productive potential, mainly when the GLAL was similar or lower than 6% of animal BW. However, results also indicate that pasture structure and animal breed interact with forage allowance to determine animal performance.

Ciênc. rural ; 42(8): 1477-1482, ago. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-647772


Avaliou-se o efeito de níveis de glicerina bruta sobre o consumo de suplemento e o desempenho de cordeiros lactentes mantidos a pasto, além das características quali-quantitativas do pasto de azevém. Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros lactentes distribuídos nos tratamentos: 0, 10, 20 e 30% de glicerina bruta, em substituição ao milho, no suplemento isoproteico (18% PB) fornecido diariamente em quantidade equivalente a 2% do peso corporal. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) dos níveis de glicerina bruta sobre as características qualitativas e quantitativas do pasto, na composição de proteína bruta e fibra detergente neutro e na carga animal suportada pela pastagem, nem no consumo de suplemento, ganho de peso médio diário e o número de dias até o abate dos cordeiros. Níveis de até 30% de glicerina bruta, em substituição ao milho, no suplemento fornecido para cordeiros lactentes pastejando azevém não comprometem o consumo de suplemento, desempenho e período de terminação dos animais.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of levels of crude glycerin in the supplement intake and performance of suckling lambs on ryegrass pasture, beyond the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of ryegrass pastures. It was used 32 suckling lambs distributed between the treatments: 0, 10, 20 and 30% of crude glycerin, replacing corn, in the isoproteic supplement (18% CP) offered daily in an amount equivalent to 2% of body weight. There was no effect (P>0.05) of the levels of crude glycerin on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of pastures, composition of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber, stocking rate supported by ryegrass pasture, neither on supplement intake, average weight gain and number of days to slaughter the lambs. Levels up to 30% of crude glycerin, replacing corn, provided in the supplement to suckling lambs grazing ryegrass didn't compromise the supplement intake, performance and termination period of the animals.

Ciênc. rural ; 39(9): 2584-2589, dez. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-534721


Avaliou-se a inclusão de diferentes níveis de carne de ovelhas de descarte (animais Texel × Ile de France com idade superior a seis anos) em relação à carne suína sobre a qualidade de embutidos fermentados do tipo salame. Os embutidos foram elaborados com 0, 15, 35, 55 ou 75 por cento de carne da perna, paleta e pescoço das ovelhas, acrescidos de pernil suíno e 10 por cento de toucinho suíno. A evolução do pH e da atividade de água (a w) foi avaliada nos dias zero, três, sete e 14 após o embutimento. Após a maturação dos salames, foram determinadas, ainda, a perda de peso, a qualidade microbiológica e as características sensoriais dos embutidos prontos. A inclusão de carne ovina na formulação não alterou a evolução do pH e a w. Entretanto, influenciou (P<0,05) os valores finais de pH, a w e a perda de peso. Os embutidos com carne ovina na formulação apresentaram valores de pH final inferiores àquele observado para o embutido elaborado somente com carne suína. Este último apresentou a w inferior e maior perda de peso, em comparação ao produto contendo 15 por cento de carne ovina na formulação. Todas as formulações atenderam a legislação quanto à qualidade microbiológica. Na análise sensorial, o embutido elaborado com 15 por cento de carne ovina foi considerado superior ao embutido elaborado somente com carne suína para os aspectos cor, sabor e textura; contudo, não diferiu dos demais embutidos elaborados com carne ovina. Assim, é possível elaborar embutido fermentado com até 75 por cento de carne de ovelhas de descarte na formulação.

The influence of including different proportions of meat from swine and culling ewes on the quality of fermented sausage type salami was evaluated. Five different formulations were prepared containing 0, 15, 35, 55, or 75 percent of meat from leg, shoulder, and neck of the ewes, added of swine meat and 10 percent of swine fat. Evolution of pH and water activity (a w) was evaluated on days 0, 3, 7, and 14 of the maturation period. After that, it was still determined the weight loss, microbiological quality, and the sensorial features of the sausages. The inclusion of sheep meat in the formulation did not changed pH and a w evolution. However, differences in final values of pH, a w, and weight loss were found (P<0.05). Sausages with sheep meat in the formulation had lower pH than that without sheep meat. The control sausage (0 percent sheep meat) also showed lower a w and a greater weight loss than sausage with 15 percent of sheep meat. All formulations attended the actual legislation about microbiological quality. In the sensorial analysis, the sausage prepared with 15 percent of sheep meat in the formulation was considered better than that formulated just with swine meat in relation to color, flavor, and texture features. However, there were no differences in sensorial characteristics among sausages with sheep meat. Thus, it is possible to produce fermented sausages with until 75 percent of meat from culling ewes in the formulation.