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J Am Chem Soc ; 146(4): 2387-2397, 2024 Jan 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38235992


We theoretically investigate the influence of diradical electron spin coupling on the time-resolved X-ray absorption spectra of the photochemical ring opening of furanone. We predict geometry-dependent carbon K-edge signals involving transitions from core orbitals to both singly and unoccupied molecular orbitals. The most obvious features of the ring opening come from the carbon atom directly involved in the bond breaking through its transition to both the newly formed singly occupied and the available lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (SOMO and LUMO, respectively). In addition to this primary feature, the singlet spin coupling of four unpaired electrons that arises in the core-to-LUMO states creates additional geometry dependence in some spectral features with both oscillator strengths and relative excitation energies varying observably as a function of the ring opening. We attribute this behavior to a spin-occupancy-induced selection rule, which occurs when singlet spin coupling is enforced in the diradical state. Notably, one of these geometry-sensitive core-to-LUMO transitions excites core electrons from a backbone carbon not involved in the bond breaking, providing a novel nonlocal X-ray probe of chemical dynamics arising from electron spin coupling.

Science ; 380(6646): 713-717, 2023 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37141314


Understanding the relaxation pathways of photoexcited molecules is essential to gain atomistic-level insight into photochemistry. We performed a time-resolved study of ultrafast molecular symmetry breaking through geometric relaxation (Jahn-Teller distortion) on the methane cation. Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy with soft x-rays at the carbon K-edge revealed that the distortion occurred within 10 ± 2 femtoseconds after few-femtosecond strong-field ionization of methane. The distortion activated coherent oscillations in the asymmetric scissoring vibrational mode of the symmetry-broken cation, which were detected in the x-ray signal. These oscillations were damped within 58 ± 13 femtoseconds because vibrational coherence was lost with the energy redistributing into lower-frequency vibrational modes. This study completely reconstructs the molecular relaxation dynamics of this prototypical example and opens avenues for exploring complex systems.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(3): 634-644, 2023 Jan 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36638240


Intersystem crossings between singlet and triplet states represent a crucial relaxation pathway in photochemical processes. Herein, we probe the intersystem crossing in hexafluoro-acetylacetone with ultrafast X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy at the carbon K-edge. We observe the excited state dynamics following excitation with 266 nm UV light to the 1ππ* (S2) state with element and site-specificity using a broadband soft X-ray pulse produced by high harmonic generation. These results are compared to X-ray spectra computed from orbital optimized density functional theory methods. It is found that the electron-withdrawing fluorine atoms decongest the X-ray absorption spectrum by enhancing separation between features originating from different carbon atoms. This facilitates the elucidation of structural and electronic dynamics at the chromophore. The evolution of the core-to-valence resonances at the carbon K-edge reveals an ultrafast population transfer between the 1nπ* (S1) and 3ππ* (T1) states on a 1.6 ± 0.4 ps time scale, which is similar to the 1.5 ps time scale earlier observed for acetylacetone [ J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 16576-16583, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b07532]. It therefore appears that terminal fluorination has little influence on the intersystem crossing rate of the acetylacetone chromophore. In addition, the significant role of hydrogen-bond opened and twisted rotational isomers is elucidated in the excited state dynamics by comparison of the experimental transient X-ray spectra with theory.

Chem Sci ; 13(32): 9310-9320, 2022 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36093014


X-ray Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (XTAS) and theoretical calculations are used to study CCl4 + prepared by 800 nm strong-field ionization. XTAS simultaneously probes atoms at the carbon K-edge (280-300 eV) and chlorine L-edge (195-220 eV). Comparison of experiment to X-ray spectra computed by orbital-optimized density functional theory (OO-DFT) indicates that after ionization, CCl4 + undergoes symmetry breaking driven by Jahn-Teller distortion away from the initial tetrahedral structure (Td) in 6 ± 2 fs. The resultant symmetry-broken covalently bonded form subsequently separates to a noncovalently bound complex between CCl3 + and Cl over 90 ± 10 fs, which is again predicted by theory. Finally, after more than 800 fs, L-edge signals for atomic Cl are observed, indicating dissociation to free CCl3 + and Cl. The results for Jahn-Teller distortion to the symmetry-broken form of CCl4 + and formation of the Cl-CCl+ 3 complex characterize previously unobserved new species along the route to dissociation.

J Chem Phys ; 153(13): 134108, 2020 Oct 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33032432


State-specific orbital optimized approaches are more accurate at predicting core-level spectra than traditional linear-response protocols, but their utility had been restricted due to the risk of "variational collapse" down to the ground state. We employ the recently developed square gradient minimization [D. Hait and M. Head-Gordon, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16, 1699 (2020)] algorithm to reliably avoid variational collapse and study the effectiveness of orbital optimized density functional theory (DFT) at predicting second period element 1s core-level spectra of open-shell systems. Several density functionals (including SCAN, B3LYP, and ωB97X-D3) are found to predict excitation energies from the core to singly occupied levels with high accuracy (≤0.3 eV RMS error) against available experimental data. Higher excited states are, however, more challenging by virtue of being intrinsically multiconfigurational. We thus present a configuration interaction inspired route to self-consistently recouple single determinant mixed configurations obtained from DFT, in order to obtain approximate doublet states. This recoupling scheme is used to predict the C K-edge spectra of the allyl radical, the O K-edge spectra of CO+, and the N K-edge of NO2 with high accuracy relative to experiment, indicating substantial promise in using this approach for the computation of core-level spectra for doublet species [vs more traditional time dependent DFT, equation of motion coupled cluster singles and doubles (EOM-CCSD), or using unrecoupled mixed configurations]. We also present general guidelines for computing core-excited states from orbital optimized DFT.