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Public Health Rev ; 43: 1604429, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36189187


Objectives: To explore nursing health education interventions for non-communicable disease patients. Methods: The design was a systematic review of research work published between 2008 and 2018. The data sources included the Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, COCHRANE, and LILACS. The studies that met the inclusion were assessed, and the analysis for methodological quality through the recommended tools CASPe, and JADAD. Results: Fifteen original studies from eight counties were included in the review; Findings revealed 13 studies with randomized samples and six used power analysis. Nurses' interventions included house calls, home care, and individual and group health education. Conclusion: Nursing interventions showed 76.4% the effectiveness of results in patient outcomes to promote and improve healthier lifestyles and quality of life of non-communicable disease patients. This review discloses the significant impact of nursing health education interventions. Nursing leadership and political decision-makers should consider providing programs to enhance health education knowledge and abilities. All of this can favor the sustainability of the global economy by changing the life style of thousands of people worldwide. Systematic Review Registration:, identifier CRD42020208809.

Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 25(1): 13-18, febrero 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-210558


Objetivo: Comprobar la eficacia educativa del libro fórum para evaluar a los alumnos del grado de Enfermería de la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria sobre las competencias y la prevención de la violencia de género.Materiales y métodos.Estudio cuasi experimental, longitudinal y prospectivo. La estrategia educativa ha sido el libro fórum El faro de Santa Cruz. Mil destellos de esperanza para la mujer maltratada. Se han medido los conocimientos sobre violencia de género en dos fases, una antes de la formación y otra después. Además, se ha realizado una rúbrica de habilidades individual y grupal. Se ha hecho de manera híbrida, presencial y en remoto por la situación de pandemia de la COVID-19. Para el análisis, se ha utilizado el programa SAS 9.4, para estadística descriptiva, y un análisis inferencial utilizando la t de Student para contrastar las posibles diferencias.Resultados.La evaluación previa a la formación (promedio ± desviación estándar) fue 5,15 ± 1,14, y en la evaluación posterior se obtuvieron unos resultados de 7,49 ± 0,86. En la rúbrica de habilidades individual, sobre una calificación de 20 puntos, se obtuvo un resultado de 19,22 ± 1,27, y en la rúbrica de habilidades grupal, sobre una calificación de 16 puntos, se obtuvo uno de 15,27 ± 1,16. Siguiendo con el análisis de las rúbricas, la calificación individual fue de 9,64 ± 0,6 frente a la grupal, de 9,61 ± 0,67.Conclusión.La estrategia educativa libro fórum es eficaz para la adquisición de competencias por parte de los alumnos de enfermería respecto a la lacra de la violencia de género. (AU)

Objective: Evaluate the educational efficacy of the forum book activity in students of the Nursing Degree of the Francisco de Vitoria University, on competences and prevention of gender violence.Materials and methods.Quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective study. The educational strategy was the forum book El faro de Santa Cruz. A thousand glimmers of hope for battered women. Knowledge about gender violence has been measured in two phases, one before and one after the training. In addition, a rubric of individual and group skills was used. For the analysis, the SAS 9.4 program was used for descriptive statistics and an inferential analysis using Student’s t-test to contrast possible differences.Results.The pre-training evaluation (mean ± standard deviation) was (5.15 ± 1.14) and in the post-training evaluation the results were (7.49 ± 0.86). In the individual skills rubric, on a score of 20 points a result of (19.22 ± 1.27) was obtained and in the group skills rubric, on a score of 16 points a (15.27 ± 1.16) was obtained. Continuing with the analysis of the rubrics, the individual score was (9.64 ± 0.60) compared to the group (9.61 ± 0.67).Conclusion.The educational strategy forum book is effective for the acquisition of skills by nursing students regarding the scourge of gender violence. (AU)

Humans , 34600 , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Gender-Based Violence , Nursing , World Health Organization
Educ. med. (Ed. impr.) ; 20(4): 221-230, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-191580


INTRODUCCIÓN: Evaluar las competencias es una cuestión de importancia que ocupa un lugar primordial en el contexto de la educación superior. Para ello, es necesario disponer de instrumentos que reúnan criterios de validez y fiabilidad, y que puedan ser utilizados en escenarios de desempeño, capacidad y actuación profesional. Por esta razón, nos planteamos el siguiente objetivo: determinar la concordancia intra e interobservador de una escala para la evaluación de competencias enfermeras (ECOEnf) en España. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal para evaluar la fiabilidad mediante el análisis de concordancia intra e interobservadores de la escala «ECOEnf». Se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica Tau-b de Kendall para establecer la correlación, aplicada a la misma población, en el mismo tiempo, por 2observadores diferentes. RESULTADO: La concordancia intraobservador se obtuvo una excelente consistencia interna (r = 0,98). Respecto a la concordancia entre observadores se mostraron escasos ítems con una correlación menor de 0,5; sin embargo, todos los ítems cumplen con una buena fiabilidad, estadísticamente significativa, p valor < 0,05. CONCLUSIÓN: En general, al realizar la correlación entre los resultados de la herramienta medido 2veces por diferentes observadores en el mismo momento se encontró estadísticamente una buena concordancia, por lo cual se considera un instrumento fiable para ser utilizado en la evaluación de las competencias enfermeras en España

INTRODUCTION: Competences assessment is an important issue, playing a key role in higher education. It is necessary to have an evaluation instrument that meet validity and reliability criteria and can be used in different clinical scenarios for professional performance measurement. For this reason, we set ourselves the following objective: Establishing the intra- and inter-observer concordance of a scale for the evaluation of nursing competencies (ECOEnf) in Spain. MATERIAL AND METHOD: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the reliability of the "ECOEnf" scale using intra- and inter-observer analysis. Kendall's Tau-b non-parametric test was used for establishing correlation, applied to the same population, at the same time, by 2different observers. RESULTS: Intra-observer concordance was obtained an excellent degree of internal consistency (r=0.98), Regarding inter-observer concordance, few items had a correlation lower than 0.5. However, all items display a sound statistically significant reliability with a p-value <0.05. CONCLUSION: In general, when establishing the correlation between the results of the instrument measured twice by different observers at the same time, was found a statistically good concordance. For this reason, it is regarded as a reliable instrument to be used in the evaluation of nursing competencies

Humans , Competency-Based Education , Educational Measurement , Education, Nursing , Cross-Sectional Studies , Certification/standards , Confidence Intervals