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Enferm Clin (Engl Ed) ; 34(4): 330-342, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39032784


Case report is a narrative description of the problem of one or several patients. The CARE checklist (CAse REport) is the consensus document for reporting clinical case reports and through adaptations to the different CARE disciplines is used to define standards for authors in scientific journals; however, the specificity of the nursing process makes it difficult to adjust nursing case reports to CARE. The aim was to analyze the publications of clinical cases with a nursing perspective in scientific journals, as well as the quality standards and evaluation systems used. Few journals reviewed agreed to publish nursing case reports or stated standards for authors to adjust to CARE. Preliminary results indicated average or poor adherence to CARE, with the most reported elements being: Keywords, patient information and introduction. Adherence was lower for the elements: Timeline, therapeutic intervention, follow-up and outcomes, and patient perspective. The characteristics of the nursing process implies a low adherence to CARE, so it is necessary to unify criteria to guide researchers, authors, reviewers and editors of scientific journals, as well as to improve the rigor and quality of the reports. Currently, there are no specific guidelines for reporting clinical case reports with a nursing perspective available. These normative gaps could be solved by developing a CARE extension adapted to the methodological characteristics of the nursing process.

Checklist , Humans , Publishing/standards , Nursing Process/standards
Nurs Rep ; 14(2): 1193-1211, 2024 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38804424


Escape room games are educational gamification technologies that consist of introducing a team of players into a physical or digital space in search of clues to answer puzzles, riddles or enigmas and solve a mystery or problem. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of escape room games on the training of nursing students in an international context. A systematic review was carried out in MEDLINE, WOS, SCOPUS, CINAHL and LILACS databases using the MeSH terms "Education, Nursing" and "Educational Technology", and the free term "Escape room", combined with Boolean operators AND/OR. Intervention studies in Spanish, English and Portuguese were included, without limitation for the year of publication. Selection and critical appraisal were conducted by two independent reviewers. A total of n = 13 interventional studies were included (n = 2 Randomized Clinical Trials and n = 11 quasi-experimental design). Escape rooms are a recent and growing educational methodology, increasingly used in academia and in the training of nurses and nursing students. However, it is necessary to expand their use and the quality of the studies in a greater number of contexts. Furthermore, it is necessary to homogenize and standardize validated instruments to evaluate the effectiveness of escape rooms in the nursing education area.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(17)2023 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37685482


The decision-making in clinical nursing, regarding diagnoses, interventions and outcomes, can be assessed using standardized language systems such as NANDA International, the Nursing Interventions Classification and the Nursing Outcome Classification; these taxonomies are the most commonly used by nurses in informatized clinical records. The purpose of this review is to synthesize the evidence on the effectiveness of the nursing process with standardized terminology using the NANDA International, the Nursing Interventions Classification and the Nursing Outcome Classification in care practice to assess the association between the presence of the related/risk factors and the clinical decision-making about nursing diagnosis, assessing the effectiveness of nursing interventions and health outcomes, and increasing people's satisfaction. A systematic review was carried out in Medline and PreMedline (OvidSP), Embase (Embase-Elsevier), The Cochrane Library (Wiley), CINAHL (EbscoHOST), SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI and Scielo (WOS), LILACS (Health Virtual Library) and SCOPUS (SCOPUS-Elsevier) and included randomized clinical trials as well as quasi-experimental, cohort and case-control studies. Selection and critical appraisal were conducted by two independent reviewers. The certainty of the evidence was assessed with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation Methodology. A total of 17 studies were included with variability in the level and certainty of evidence. According to the outcomes, 6 studies assessed diagnostic decision-making and 11 assessed improvements in individual health outcomes. No studies assessed improvements in intervention effectiveness or population satisfaction. There is a need to increase studies with rigorous methodologies that address clinical decision-making about nursing diagnoses using NANDA International and individuals' health outcomes using the Nursing Interventions Classification and the Nursing Outcome Classification as well as implementing studies that assess the use of these terminologies for improvements in the effectiveness of nurses' interventions and population satisfaction with the nursing process.

Ene ; 17(2)2023. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-226714


Objetivos: Analizar el uso de len guajes normalizados en los informes de enfermería identificando tipologías, eti quetas y contenidos diagnósticos. Méto do: Estudio descriptivo transversal sobre una muestra aleatoria simple (n = 370) de informes al alta hospitalaria en el Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insu lar Materno-Infantil (Islas Canarias, Es paña). Se han calculado media y desvia ción estándar para las variables cuantita tivas y frecuencias para las cualitativas usando SPSS® (versión 25). Resulta dos: Menos de la mitad de los informes (49,23%) incorporaron terminología nor malizada, incluyendo n = 1922 diagnósti cos activos, n = 93 diagnósticos resuel tos, n = 72 intervenciones y n = 103 re sultados enfermeros. Conclusiones: Los informes que usan lenguajes normaliza dos son insuficientes, mostrando elevado número de etiquetas diagnósticas que revelan escasa resolución de diagnósti cos focalizados en el problema, con me nor registro de intervenciones y resulta dos enfermeros (AU)

Objectives: To analyse the use of standardised language in nursing care reports identifying typologies, labels and diagnostic content. Methods: Cross-sec tional descriptive study of a simple ran dom sample (n = 370) in the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Ma terno-Infantil (Canary Islands, Spain). The mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, and frequency for qualitative variables were calculated using SPSS® (version 25). Results: Less than half of the reports (49.23%) incorpo rated standardized terminology, including n = 1922 active diagnoses, n = 93 resol ved diagnoses, n = 72 interventions, and n = 103 nurses outcomes. Conclusions: Reports using standardized languages are insufficient, showing a high number of diagnostic labels that reveal poor reso lution of problem-focused nursing diag noses, with less recording of interven tions and nurses outcomes (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Nursing Diagnosis/methods , Electronic Health Records , Patient Discharge/standards , National Health Systems , Standardized Nursing Terminology , Cross-Sectional Studies
Int J Nurs Knowl ; 34(1): 21-34, 2023 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35420728


PURPOSE: To develop and validate a tool to evaluate the NANDA International, Inc. diagnostic classification. METHODS: The tool, EVALUAN-I, was validated in a non-probabilistic sample (N = 460) on Spanish Registered Nurses (September-December 2019) in two phases. First, design and construct the instrument in three steps: (1) literature review to define the construct focusing on the orientation toward nursing concepts and theoretical foundations, the level of scientific evidence, the structural configuration, the applicability, the nurses' clinical reasoning skills, and the attitudes toward nursing diagnosis, (2) substantiation of the questionnaire items and design according to the criteria for a diagnostic classification, (3) expert test to establish the face validity and content validity. The second phase revolved around (4) conducting a pilot test and measuring the temporal stability (test-retest) and Cohen's kappa coefficient; assessing psychometric properties by measuring (5) reliability (internal consistency using Cronbach alpha and interfactor correlation) and (6) construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis). The manuscript follows the STROBE checklist. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee with registration number 2019-190-1. FINDINGS: EVALUAN-I displayed moderate test-retest stability, adequate construct validity, and excellent reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence about the configuration of EVALUAN-I in relation to nine analytical dimensions: clinical competence, nurses' reasoning skills, attitudes towards nursing diagnosis, discipline's central concepts, classification's contents, physiopathological attributes, level of scientific evidence, diagnostic precision, and conceptual correspondence between terminologies. CONCLUSIONS: EVALUAN-I is a valid and reliable instrument, which can be used to improve the epistemological, normative, and intuitive configuration of NANDA International, Inc. in a structured, systematic manner. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Comprehensive evaluation of NANDA International, Inc. in different clinical settings around the world using a validated instrument, like EVALUAN-I, would allow strengths and weaknesses to be identified and contribute to the classification's development and practical application.

OBJETIVO: Diseñar y validar un instrumento de medida para evaluar la taxonomía diagnóstica NANDA International, Inc. MÉTODOS: La herramienta, EVALUAN-I, ha sido validada con una muestra no probabilística (N = 460) de enfermeras españolas (septiembre-diciembre 2019) en dos fases. Primera, diseño y construcción del instrumento en tres etapas: (1) definición del constructo a través de una revisión bibliográfica centrada en la orientación hacia los conceptos y fundamentos teóricos de la enfermería, el nivel de evidencia científica, la configuración estructural, la aplicabilidad, las habilidades de razonamiento clínico de las enfermeras y las actitudes hacia los diagnósticos enfermeros, (2) fundamentación normativa de los criterios que debe reunir una clasificación diagnóstica y (3) prueba de expertos para establecer la validez aparente y validez de contenido. La segunda fase se centra en (4) el desarrollo de un pilotaje y medición de la estabilidad temporal a través del test-retest y cálculo del coeficiente Kappa de Cohen; evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas a través de la (5) fiabilidad (consistencia interna mediante Alfa de Cronbach y correlación interfactorial) y (6) validez de constructo (análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio). El manuscrito se ajusta a los criterios STROBE. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Investigación con el número de registro 2019-190-1. [Correction added on 20 April 2022, after first online publication: In point (4) of the 'Methods' section, "Kappa de ohen" has been corrected to "Kappa de Cohen" in this version.] RESULTADOS: EVALUAN-I mostró moderada estabilidad test-retest, adecuada validez de constructo y excelente fiabilidad. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró evidencias acerca de la configuración de EVALUAN-I en 9 dimensiones de análisis: competencia clínica, aptitudes para el razonamiento diagnóstico, actitudes ante el diagnóstico enfermero, conceptos centrales de la disciplina, contenidos de la clasificación, atributos fisiopatológicos, nivel de evidencia científica, precisión diagnóstica y comparativa conceptual entre terminologías. CONCLUSIONES: EVALUAN-I constituye un instrumento válido y fiable para mejorar la configuración epistemológica, normativa e intuitiva de NANDA International, Inc. de una manera estructurada y sistematizada. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA CLÍNICA: La valoración global de la taxonomía NANDA International, Inc. en los distintos contextos clínicos a nivel internacional a través de una herramienta validada como EVALUAN-I permitiría identificar las fortalezas y debilidades necesarias para contribuir a su desarrollo y aplicación práctica.

Standardized Nursing Terminology , Humans , Spain , Reproducibility of Results , Vocabulary, Controlled , Psychometrics , Surveys and Questionnaires
Enferm. glob ; 21(67): 301-310, jul. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-209765


Introducción: Las enfermeras tienen opiniones y actitudes diferentes sobre la funcionalidad clínica de los Diagnósticos Enfermeros. Objetivo: Describir las actitudes de los profesionales de Enfermería ante el Diagnóstico Enfermero. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en un hospital de las Islas Canarias (España). Position on Nursing Diagnosis constituye un instrumento validado con excelente fiabilidad. Conformado por una escala codificada de 20 parejas de adjetivos opuestos; puntuaciones extremas 1 (más negativa) y 7 (más positiva); valor central 4. Puntuación máxima 140 y mínima 20. Se realizó análisis de fiabilidad mediante Alfa de Cronbach y correlación interelementos. Distribución de frecuencias para variables cualitativas y de proporción para cuantitativas. Análisis de asociación. Resultados: Población muestral n=170. La escala ha expuesto alta fiabilidad (α=0,955) y adecuado poder de explicación de la varianza (66,13%). La puntuación media global fue 74,41 (sd=23,53); la peor actitud correspondió a Rutinario (µ=2,91; sd=1,55) mientras que la mejor fue Positivo (µ=4,20; sd=1,56). Conclusiones: Las actitudes de las enfermeras son similares a las observadas en otras realidades, con puntuaciones globales inferiores a la media. El incremento de la formación académica y del uso del Diagnóstico Enfermero en el entorno laboral parecen mejorar las actitudes de estos profesionales, principalmente en lo que respecta a su aceptación, comodidad, facilidad, relevancia, validez, creatividad y gratificación.

Introduction: Nurses have different opinions and attitudes about the clinical functionality of Nursing Diagnosis. Objective: To describe the attitudes of Nursing professionals towards the Nursing Diagnosis. Method: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in a hospital in the Canary Islands (Spain). Position on Nursing Diagnosis is a validated instrument to measure the attitudes of nurses towards the Nursing Diagnosis with excellent reliability. It is made up by a coded scale of 20 pairs of opposite adjectives in which the interviewed must position himself; extreme scores 1 (most negative attitude) and 7 (most positive attitude); 4 middle value; 140 maximum score and 20 minimum one. Reliability analysis was performed using Cronbach's alpha and inter-element correlation. Frequency distribution for qualitative variables and proportion for quantitative variables. Association analysis. Results: The study population was N=170. The scale has shown high reliability (α=0.955) as well as adequate power to explain the total variance (66.13%). The global mean score was 74.41 (sd=23.53); the worst attitude was Routine (µ=2.91; sd=1.55) while the best attitude was Positive (µ=4.20; sd=1.56). Conclusions: The attitudes of the nurses in our environment are similar to other contexts, with global scores lower than the average. The increase in academic training and the use of the Nursing Diagnosis in the work environment seem to improve the attitudes of this professionals, mainly with regard to acceptance, comfort, ease, relevance, validity, creativity and gratification. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Nursing Diagnosis , Nurses , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Surveys and Questionnaires