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Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441753


Un resultado refractivo no esperado luego de una cirugía de catarata puede tener múltiples causas, ya sean preoperatorias, operatorias y posoperatorias. Como las más importantes se han descrito los errores en el cálculo biométrico en el preoperatorio y también las menos probables o infrecuentes como: inadecuada selección del poder del LIO, ausencia de precisión en la manufactura de los LIOs, intervención quirúrgica en paciente equivocado o en el ojo equivocado y el uso de un lente de contacto blando al momento de la biometría. Presentamos el caso de un paciente operado de catarata por facoemulsificación con implante de lente intraocular (LIO) monofocal plegable en saco capsular, que a los 30 días posoperatorios presentó un astigmatismo total o refractivo de - 1.00 dioptrías (D) x 110° pero a los 90 días de la cirugía, regresó por disminución de la agudeza visual con un astigmatismo refractivo de -5.50 D x 165° que no se relacionaba con el astigmatismo corneal medido por queratometría y topografía (-0.94 D x 82°). El ojo tenía medios transparentes y sin reportes de complicaciones posoperatorias inmediatas y mediatas. En este caso encontramos un mecanismo de inclinación del LIO provocado por una háptica deficientemente desplegada al momento de la inserción del LIO que no se evidenció en el acto quirúrgico asociado a desplazamiento de este, ocasionado por la fibrosis y contracción pupilar manifestando un efecto astigmático de manera tardía. Esto fue corroborado por ecografía con ultrabiomicroscopía y reposición quirúrgica del LIO logrando solucionar el caso(AU)

An unexpected refractive outcome after cataract surgery may have multiple causes, whether preoperative, operative or postoperative. The most important ones have been described as errors in the preoperative biometric calculation and also the less probable or infrequent ones such as: inadequate selection of IOL power, lack of precision in the manufacture of IOLs, surgical intervention in the wrong patient or in the wrong eye and the use of a soft contact lens at the time of the biometry test. We present the case of a patient who underwent cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with a monofocal foldable intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in the capsular bag, who 30 days after the operation presented a total or refractive astigmatism of - 1.00 diopters (D) x 110°. Sometime later, 90 days after surgery, he returned due to decreased visual acuity with a refractive astigmatism of -5.50 D x 165° which was not related to the corneal astigmatism measured by keratometry and topography (-0.94 D x 82°). The eye had clear mediums and showed no reports of immediate and gradual postoperative complications. In this case we found a mechanism of IOL tilt caused by a poorly deployed haptic at the time of IOL insertion that was not evident at the time of surgery associated with IOL displacement caused by fibrosis and pupillary contraction, which generated a late astigmatic effect. This was corroborated by ultrasound with ultrabiomicroscopy and surgical repositioning of the IOL, which allowed the case to be solved(AU)

Humans , Haptic Technology
Case Rep Ophthalmol ; 10(2): 256-266, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31692535


PURPOSE: We present a case of a patient with progressive open angle glaucoma who presented changes suggestive of improvement in the Heidelberg retinal tomography 3 (HRT3) analysis after a cardiac catheterization. OBSERVATION: A 69-year-old woman presented with progressive open angle glaucoma despite maximum tolerable antiglaucomatous topical treatment. A filtering surgery (trabeculectomy) was performed and successfully achieved intraocular pressure (IOP) levels of 10 mm Hg on average. Despite this, changes were evidenced in the HRT3 protocols (trend analysis and topographic change analysis) suggesting marked progression. Brimonidine 0.2% twice a day was initiated, and a cardiovascular examination was requested. A cardiac catheterism was performed in the following weeks, and afterward, all structural parameters improved until the last control. Medication was not discontinued, and no signs of apparent progression on the HRT3 parameters have been evidenced up until the time of writing this case report. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPORTANCE: There was a marked improvement in the HRT3 parameters (trend and topographic change analysis), suggesting that the progression stopped after a cardiac catheterism in a patient with progressive glaucoma despite having the IOP controlled. To our knowledge, this is the first case of a patient with progressive glaucoma that was medically and surgically managed, and despite achieving low IOP levels, the progression detected by the HRT3 analysis could not be stopped until a cardiac catheterization was performed.

Adv Biomed Res ; 7: 156, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30662885


BACKGROUND: We report the effect of micropulse laser trabeculoplasty (MLT) in the intraocular pressure (IOP) of patients with uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma (OAG). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective review, 30 eyes with OAG were treated with a single session of MLT at the Vista Clinic in Lima Perú. We used a 532 nm frequency doubled Nd: YAG laser to 360° of the trabecular meshwork with a power of 1000 mW, 15% of the duty cycle, and 300 ms of exposure. The IOP was measured at baseline and at 1 day, 1 week, 3 months, and 6 months post-treatment and were followed up for one last control. RESULTS: The mean baseline IOP was 15.6 mmHg and in the last control was 12.8 mmHg, mean follow-up time of 19 months (±10 standard deviation [SD]). The mean reduction of IOP in the 1st day was 1.6 mmHg (±2.6 SD) and 1.2 mmHg (±3.3 SD) in the last follow-up. The mean percentage of IOP reduction was 17.9% and 7 eyes (40%) had IOP reduction >20%. No statistical significant difference in relation to demographic characteristics of the patients. The greatest reduction was achieved in the 1st day with a median of 2.00 (P < 0.001). A tendency to achieve a higher reduction of IOP in patients with higher baseline IOP was found but was not statistically significant. No adverse reactions occurred. CONCLUSIONS: MLT slightly reduced the IOP in a few patients with uncontrolled OAG for a very short time and may not be suitable for these patients.