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J Environ Qual ; 51(1): 101-111, 2022 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34875100


This study evaluates spatiotemporal relationships between water quality parameters (WQPs), nutrients, suspended solids, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) concentrations within an engineered wastewater treatment wetland system in the Georgia Piedmont, USA. We explored factors related to treatment efficiency within a heavily loaded 630-m2 surface flow wetland system over a 2-yr period. Relationships between temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) were observed; relationships were also seen between these WQPs and nutrient concentrations. Because temperature, DO, and ORP affect nitrogen (N) cycling rates, seasonal trends in N forms were evident in the system. Organic N and inorganic/organic phosphorus concentrations correlated with solids concentrations in the vegetated system without exhibiting seasonal trends. Surface water within the vegetated section generally exhibited anoxic conditions, leading to removal of nitrate-N within the system; however, limited mineralization and nitrification occurred, which greatly limited overall N removal. Plant selection and lack of maintenance likely led to high solids and BOD contributions to treatment wetland surface water, which varied substantially between and along monitored transects. Because so few studies have investigated treatment dynamics within treatment wetland cells, focusing solely on influent/effluent characterization, radical spatiotemporal variability may be the norm as opposed to the commonly accepted assumptions of relatively uniform pollutant degradation across treatment wetland cells. This spatiotemporal variability in WQPs underscores the dynamic nature of treatment wetlands and the need for routine maintenance, including sludge removal and plant harvesting.

Water Purification , Wetlands , Nitrogen/analysis , Sewage , Waste Disposal, Fluid , Wastewater , Water Quality
Plant Dis ; 105(12): 4074-4083, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34114888


Investigations of the susceptibility of aquatic plants to species of Phytophthora are limited. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the potential susceptibility of six aquatic plant species, frequently used in constructed wetlands or vegetated channels, to infection by five species of Phytophthora commonly found at nurseries in the southeastern United States. In a greenhouse experiment, roots of each plant species (Agrostis alba, Carex stricta, Iris ensata 'Rising Sun', Panicum virgatum, Pontederia cordata, and Typha latifolia) growing in aqueous solutions were exposed to zoospores of each of the species of Phytophthora (Phytophthora cinnamomi, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora cryptogea, Phytophthora nicotianae, and Phytophthora palmivora). Zoospore presence and activity in solution were monitored with a standard baiting bioassay with rhododendron leaf discs as baits. Experiments were initiated in 2016 and repeated in 2017 and 2018. During the 2016 trials, Phytophthora spp. were not isolated from the roots of any of the plants, but some roots of C. stricta, P. virgatum, and T. latifolia were infected with multiple species of Phytophthora during trials in 2017 and 2018. Presence of plant roots reduced the percentage of rhododendron leaf discs infected by zoospores of four of the species of Phytophthora but not those infected by P. cinnamomi, which suggested that roots of these plants negatively affected the presence or activity of zoospores of these four species of Phytophthora in the aqueous growing solution. Results from this study demonstrated that certain aquatic plant species may be sources of inoculum at ornamental plant nurseries if these plants are present naturally in waterways or used in constructed wetlands treating water flowing off production areas, which could be of concern to plant producers who recycle irrigation water.

Phytophthora , Rhododendron , Plant Leaves , Plant Roots , Plants
Water Air Soil Pollut ; 228(4): 151, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28386151


While governments and individuals strive to maintain the availability of high-quality water resources, many factors can "change the landscape" of water availability and quality, including drought, climate change, saltwater intrusion, aquifer depletion, population increases, and policy changes. Specialty crop producers, including nursery and greenhouse container operations, rely heavily on available high-quality water from surface and groundwater sources for crop production. Ideally, these growers should focus on increasing water application efficiency through proper construction and maintenance of irrigation systems, and timing of irrigation to minimize water and sediment runoff, which serve as the transport mechanism for agrichemical inputs and pathogens. Rainfall and irrigation runoff from specialty crop operations can contribute to impairment of groundwater and surface water resources both on-farm and into the surrounding environment. This review focuses on multiple facets of water use, reuse, and runoff in nursery and greenhouse production including current and future regulations, typical water contaminants in production runoff and available remediation technologies, and minimizing water loss and runoff (both on-site and off-site). Water filtration and treatment for the removal of sediment, pathogens, and agrichemicals are discussed, highlighting not only existing understanding but also knowledge gaps. Container-grown crop producers can either adopt research-based best management practices proactively to minimize the economic and environmental risk of limited access to high-quality water, be required to change by external factors such as regulations and fines, or adapt production practices over time as a result of changing climate conditions.