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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551107


The industrialization of papaya generates a large amount of organic waste, which is rich in antioxidant compounds, especially carotenoids. The purpose of the present article was to study the influence of carotenoid pigments extracted from the papaya epicarp as a partial substitute for nitrites in Frankfurt sausages. Four concentrations of lipid extract of papaya epicarp were analyzed in said sausages. While the control sample had 0 % substitution, 25 %, 50 % and 75 % substitution of nitrite was added to the other samples. The sausages were kept at 6 ± 2 °C for 30 days. The chemical composition, pH, water holding capacity, water activity, emulsion stability, color coordinates, texture profile and sensory appearance were analyzed, and for the sausage that presented the best physicochemical parameters, the stability in the time at 0, 10, 20 and 30 days of storage. It was obtained that adding the papaya epicarp extract to a concentration of 25 % did not affect the physicochemical parameters. In addition, the texture and color characteristics, as well as the sensory evaluation showed the best results for said concentration, guaranteeing stability up to a period of 30 days of storage under vacuum packing conditions and under refrigeration (6 ± 2 °C). A new alternative is proposed to minimize the negative action of nitrites in analyzed Frankfurt sausages, replacing them with antioxidant compounds obtained from a raw material of vegetable origin.

La industrialización de la papaya genera residuos orgánicos, ricos en compuestos antioxidantes, especialmente, en carotenoides. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue estudiar la influencia de los pigmentos carotenoides extraídos de epicarpio de la papaya, como sustituto parcial de los nitritos en salchichas Frankfurt. En dichos embutidos, se analizaron cuatro concentraciones de extracto lipídico de epicarpio de papaya; mientras que la mezcla control tenía 0 % de sustitución, se añadió 25, 50 y 75 % de reemplazo de nitrito a las otras muestras. Las salchichas se mantuvieron a 6 ± 2 °C durante 30 días. Se analizó la composición química, el pH, la capacidad de retención de humedad, la actividad de agua, la estabilidad de la emulsión, las coordenadas de color, el perfil de textura y la apariencia sensorial y para el embutido que presentó los mejores parámetros fisicoquímicos, la estabilidad en el tiempo a 0, 10, 20 y 30 días de almacenamiento. Se obtuvo que la adición del extracto de epicarpio de papaya a una concentración del 25 % no afectó los parámetros fisicoquímicos. Además, las características de textura y color, así como la evaluación sensorial, mostraron los mejores resultados para dicha concentración, garantizando la estabilidad, hasta un periodo de 30 días de almacenamiento, en condiciones de envasado al vacío y en refrigeración (6 ± 2°C). Se propone una nueva alternativa para minimizar la acción negativa de los nitritos en las salchichas Frankfurt, sustituyéndolos por compuestos antioxidantes, obtenidos a partir de una materia prima de origen vegetal.

Food Technol Biotechnol ; 59(2): 185-193, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34316279


RESEARCH BACKGROUND: The industrial transformation of tropical fruits, and in particular guava, generates a large quantity of by-products that are generally disposed of as organic waste. In these by-products a large quantity of bioactive substances is concentrated, such as carotenoids, which can be used for the partial substitution of nitrites in meat sausages without affecting their physicochemical, colour and conservation characteristics. Although there are some studies in this regard, there is still a lack of research, especially on guava residues, to verify this hypothesis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the components of the guava epicarp extract on the physicochemical, textural, colour and sensory properties of frankfurters. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: There treatments were investigated (25, 50 and 75% nitrite replacement with guava epicarp flour extract), along with a control treatment without the extract. The physicochemical properties, colour coordinates, and texture parameters were analysed, and a sensory evaluation was also carried out. The treatment that gave the best results was subjected to stability analysis over 30 days. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The addition of 25% guava epicarp flour extract gave the best results, since it did not affect the colouration of the sausages or their physicochemical and textural properties. Likewise, during the stability analysis over time, the parameters related to fat oxidation were not affected, and final products had a residual nitrite load of (23.6±0.2) mg/kg, lower than the maximum allowed (150 mg/kg). NOVELTY AND SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION: The partial substitution of the nitrites in frankfurters with the carotenoids from the guava epicarp flour added in a mass fraction up to 25% can be a viable alternative to produce sausages with lower content of nitrites, without affecting their colouration or shelf life. This is important for the meat industry, which favours the development of new products using substances of natural origin.

Food Sci Technol Int ; 27(4): 344-352, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32954799


Current pressure on the need to reduce nitrite content in meat products without affecting sensory properties such as color requires research for the development of healthy foods and the improvement of the quality of life of human beings. Fruit by-products are an important source of bioactive compounds, which can be used as natural additives in food processing. The objective of this study was to evaluate papaya epicarp flour as a natural ingredient in nitrite reduction of beef burger. Papaya epicarp samples after lyophilized were ground. A composite central design and a response surface methodology were used in order to analyze the process variables (nitrite and papaya epicarp flour concentrations) on the color of the beef burger. Response variables were carotenoid fractions and CIEL*a*b*. The optimal color-maximizing nitrite/flour ratio in beef burger was found corresponding to 150 mg/kg nitrite/40 mg/kg flour, where the maximum values for ß-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and lycopene were 0.451, 0.447, and 0.251 mg/100 g of sample, respectively, together with the lower value of L* (64.38). This study showed the agro-industrial potential of papaya epicarp flour to reduce nitrite concentrations in this food, in addition, the valuation of this by-product could bring economic and environmental benefits.

Carica , Meat Products , Animals , Cattle , Fruit , Humans , Nitrites
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 23(2): e1202, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1157030


RESUMEN La explotación pesquera, con fines de comercialización y consumo en la Cíenaga de Zapatosa, Cesar, Colombia, genera residuos representados en vísceras y otros subproductos. Se estudió la posibilidad de aprovechamiento de dichas vísceras, para la producción de harina, con fines de alimentación animal. A los subproductos de las seis especies de mayor importancia en la Ciénaga de Zapatosa, se les determinó su composición proximal y se procedió a elaborar la respectiva harina, utilizando una mezcla de las mismas, en proporciones iguales. El producto final fue evaluado, mediante parámetros bromatológicos, microbiológicos y de estabilidad. La harina se elaboró, a través de los procedimientos de cocción, prensado, centrifugación, para la eliminación de grasa y humedad, secado, molienda, empaque y almacenamiento. Los resultados mostraron un alto valor nutricional estable durante el tiempo de medición, lo que la convierte en una opción proteica favorable, para la elaboración de piensos para alimentación animal, debido a su digestibilidad del 80%, su contenido de proteína del 54%, su aporte en ácidos grasos esenciales eicosapentaenoico (EPA), docosapentaenoico (DPA), docosahexaenoico (DHA) y su aporte en aminoácidos esenciales. La harina fue evaluada en la elaboración de alimentos concentrados para alimentación in vivo de pollos de engorde y se incluyó en las dietas, en comparación con piensos comerciales. El resultado mostró un mejor rendimiento productivo, representado en mejor ganancia de peso diario y mejor índice de conversión alimenticia. Se concluyó, que la harina de vísceras de pescado evaluadas son una alternativa importante para la alimentación de pollos de engorde.

ABSTRACT Fishing exploitation, for the purpose of marketing and consumption in the Cíenaga de Zapatosa, Cesar, Colombia, generates a large amount of waste represented in viscera and other by-products. The possibility of using these viscera for the production of flour for animal feed was studied. For the by-products from the six most important fish species in the Cíenaga de Zapatosa, their proximal composition was determined, and the respective flour, using a mixture in equal proportions elaborated evaluated. The final product was evaluated through bromatological, microbiological and stability parameters. The flour was elaborated through the procedures of cooking, pressing, centrifugation for the elimination of fat and humidity, draying, grinding, packaging and storage. The results showed a stable nutritional value during the measurement time, which makes it a favorable protein option for the production of animal feed, due to its digestibility of 80%, its protein content of 54%, its contribution in essential fatty acids eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosapentaenoic (DPA), docosahexaenoic (DHA) and its contribution in essential amino acids. This flour was evaluated in the preparation of concentrated feeds for in vivo feeding of broilers, compared with commercial feed. The result showed a better productive performance represented in better daily weight gain and better feed conversion index. The results allow to conclude that the meal of fish viscera of the six most commercially important species obtained in the Cíenaga de Zapatosa, are an important alternative for feeding broilers.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 23(1): e1149, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127543


RESUMEN La disminución del consumo de grasas saturadas aportadas por los alimentos de origen animal y la búsqueda de alimentos más sanos es una tendencia, a nivel mundial. La producción de tilapia en Colombia ha venido en franco crecimiento en las últimas décadas, lo cual, plantea la necesidad de búsqueda de alternativas para su procesamiento. Se evaluó la sustitución de grasas por una mezcla de piel de cerdo, agua y fibra de quinua (PCFQ) en salchichas de filete de tilapia. Se determinó la composición química de las salchichas elaboradas, el contenido calórico, el pH, las coordenadas de color CIELab, las pérdidas de humedad por cocción, la estabilidad de la emulsión, el perfil de textura y se estableció la apreciación sensorial. La adición de PCFQ conllevó a un aumento en la humedad y en las proteínas totales, gracias a la capacidad de retención de agua de la fibra de quinua. La salchicha con mayor adición de PCFQ (20%) obtuvo un 48,2% menos de grasas, un 32,3% menos de calorías y un 31,1% de pérdida de humedad por cocción, con relación a la salchicha control. Se obtuvieron emulsiones cárnicas más estables, con buenos parámetros de perfil de textura - TPA. Con relación a los parámetros sensoriales, no se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre las salchichas elaboradas y la salchicha control. Por lo anterior, se concluye que, la mezcla, se puede usar como sustituto de grasas en la elaboración de salchichas de filete de tilapia, sin afectar sus propiedades fisicoquímicas y sensoriales.

ABSTRACT The decrease in the consumption of saturated fats provided by animal foods and the search for healthier foods is a worldwide trend. Tilapia production in Colombia has been growing rapidly in recent decades, which raises the need to find alternatives for processing. The substitution of fats for a mixture of pork skin, water and quinoa fiber (PCFQ) in tilapia fillet sausages was evaluated. The chemical composition of the processed sausages, the caloric content, the pH, the CIELab color coordinates, the cooking moisture losses, the emulsion stability, the texture profile and the sensory assessment were determined. The addition of PCFQ led to an increase in moisture and total proteins, thanks to the water retention capacity of quinoa fiber. The sausage with the highest PCFQ addition (20%), obtained 48.2% less fat, 32.3% less calories and 31.1% loss of moisture from cooking compared to the control sausage. More stable meat emulsions were obtained with good texture profile parameters -TPA. Regarding sensory parameters, no significant differences were observed between processed sausages and control sausage. Therefore, it is concluded that the mixture can be used as a fat substitute in the preparation of tilapia fillet sausages, without affecting its physicochemical and sensory properties.