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Phytopathology ; 114(6): 1186-1195, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38105220


This research focused on studying the dynamics of the bacterial pathogen Xylella fastidiosa in almond trees across different developmental stages. The objective was to understand the seasonal distribution and concentration of X. fastidiosa within almond trees. Different tree organs, including leaves, shoots, branches, fruits, flowers, and roots, from 10 X. fastidiosa-infected almond trees were sampled over 2 years. The incidence and concentration of X. fastidiosa were determined using qPCR and isolation. Throughout the study, X. fastidiosa was consistently absent from fruits, flowers, and roots, whereas it was detected in leaves as well as in shoots and branches. We demonstrate that the absence of X. fastidiosa in the roots is likely linked to the inability of this isolate to infect the peach-almond hybrid rootstock GF677. X. fastidiosa incidence in shoots and branches remained consistent throughout the year, whereas in leaf petioles, it varied across developmental stages, with lower detection during the early and late stages of the season. Similarly, viable X. fastidiosa cells were isolated from shoots and branches at all developmental stages, but no successful isolations were achieved from leaf petioles during the vegetative and nut growth stage. Studying the progression of almond leaf scorch symptoms in trees with initial infections showed that once symptoms emerged on one branch, symptomless branches were likely already infected by the bacterium. Therefore, selectively pruning symptomatic branches is unlikely to cure the tree. This study enhances our understanding of X. fastidiosa dynamics in almond trees and may have practical applications for its detection and control.

Plant Diseases , Plant Leaves , Prunus dulcis , Seasons , Xylella , Xylella/physiology , Xylella/genetics , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Prunus dulcis/microbiology , Plant Leaves/microbiology , Plant Roots/microbiology , Trees/microbiology , Plant Shoots/microbiology , Flowers/microbiology , Fruit/microbiology
Front Plant Sci ; 13: 941504, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35968090


Leaves are the major plant tissue for transpiration and carbon fixation in deciduous trees. In harsh habitats, atmospheric CO2 assimilation via stem photosynthesis is common, providing extra carbon gain to cope with the detrimental conditions. We studied two almond species, the commercial Prunus dulcis cultivar "Um-el-Fahem" and the rare wild Prunus arabica. Our study revealed two distinctive strategies for carbon gain in these almond species. While, in P. dulcis, leaves possess the major photosynthetic surface area, in P. arabica, green stems perform this function, in particular during the winter after leaf drop. These two species' anatomical and physiological comparisons show that P. arabica carries unique features that support stem gas exchange and high-gross photosynthetic rates via stem photosynthetic capabilities (SPC). On the other hand, P. dulcis stems contribute low gross photosynthesis levels, as they are designed solely for reassimilation of CO2 from respiration, which is termed stem recycling photosynthesis (SRP). Results show that (a) P. arabica stems are covered with a high density of sunken stomata, in contrast to the stomata on P. dulcis stems, which disappear under a thick peridermal (bark) layer by their second year of development. (b) P. arabica stems contain significantly higher levels of chlorophyll compartmentalized to a mesophyll-like, chloroplast-rich, parenchyma layer, in contrast to rounded-shape cells of P. dulcis's stem parenchyma. (c) Pulse amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorometry of P. arabica and P. dulcis stems revealed differences in the chlorophyll fluorescence and quenching parameters between the two species. (d) Gas exchange analysis showed that guard cells of P. arabica stems tightly regulate water loss under elevated temperatures while maintaining constant and high assimilation rates throughout the stem. Our data show that P. arabica uses a distinctive strategy for tree carbon gain via stem photosynthetic capability, which is regulated efficiently under harsh environmental conditions, such as elevated temperatures. These findings are highly important and can be used to develop new almond cultivars with agriculturally essential traits.

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 870207, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35574086


The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a deciduous fruit tree that grows worldwide. However, there are variants, which stay green in mild winter conditions and are determined evergreen. The evergreen trait is of commercial and scientific importance as it extends the period of fruit production and provides opportunity to identify genetic functions that are involved in sensing environmental cues. Several different evergreen pomegranate accessions from different genetic sources grow in the Israeli pomegranate collection. The leaves of deciduous pomegranates begin to lose chlorophyll during mid of September, while evergreen accessions continue to generate new buds. When winter temperature decreases 10°C, evergreen variants cease growing, but as soon as temperatures arise budding starts, weeks before the response of the deciduous varieties. In order to understand the genetic components that control the evergreen/deciduous phenotype, several segregating populations were constructed, and high-resolution genetic maps were assembled. Analysis of three segregating populations showed that the evergreen/deciduous trait in pomegranate is controlled by one major gene that mapped to linkage group 3. Fine mapping with advanced F3 and F4 populations and data from the pomegranate genome sequences revealed that a gene encoding for a putative and unique MADS transcription factor (PgPolyQ-MADS) is responsible for the evergreen trait. Ectopic expression of PgPolyQ-MADS in Arabidopsis generated small plants and early flowering. The deduced protein of PgPolyQ-MADS includes eight glutamines (polyQ) at the N-terminus. Three-dimensional protein model suggests that the polyQ domain structure might be involved in DNA binding of PgMADS. Interestingly, all the evergreen pomegranate varieties contain a mutation within the polyQ that cause a stop codon at the N terminal. The polyQ domain of PgPolyQ-MADS resembles that of the ELF3 prion-like domain recently reported to act as a thermo-sensor in Arabidopsis, suggesting that similar function could be attributed to PgPolyQ-MADS protein in control of dormancy. The study of the evergreen trait broadens our understanding of the molecular mechanism related to response to environmental cues. This enables the development of new cultivars that are better adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 779970, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34899807


Almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb] is a major deciduous fruit tree crop worldwide. During dormancy, under warmer temperatures and inadequate chilling hours, the plant metabolic activity increases and may lead to carbohydrate deficiency. Prunus arabica (Olivier) Meikle is a bushy wild almond species known for its green, unbarked stem, which stays green even during the dormancy period. Our study revealed that P. arabica green stems assimilate significantly high rates of CO2 during the winter as compared to P. dulcis cv. Um el Fahem (U.E.F.) and may improve carbohydrate status throughout dormancy. To uncover the genetic inheritance and mechanism behind the P. arabica stem photosynthetic capability (SPC), a segregated F1 population was generated by crossing P. arabica to U.E.F. Both parent's whole genome was sequenced, and SNP calling identified 4,887 informative SNPs for genotyping. A robust genetic map for U.E.F. and P. arabica was constructed (971 and 571 markers, respectively). QTL mapping and association study for the SPC phenotype revealed major QTL [log of odd (LOD) = 20.8] on chromosome 7 and another minor but significant QTL on chromosome 1 (LOD = 3.9). As expected, the P. arabica allele in the current loci significantly increased the SPC phenotype. Finally, a list of 64 candidate genes was generated. This work sets the stage for future research to investigate the mechanism regulating the SPC trait, how it affects the tree's physiology, and its importance for breeding new cultivars better adapted to high winter temperatures.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 642019, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33719321


Anthocyanins are important dietary and health-promoting substances present in high quantities in the peel and arils of the pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit. Yet, there is a high variation in the content of anthocyanin among different pomegranate varieties. The 'Black' pomegranate variety (P.G.127-28) found in Israel contains exceptionally high levels of anthocyanins in its fruit peel which can reach up to two orders of magnitude higher content as compared to that of other pomegranate varieties' peel anthocyanins. Biochemical analysis reveals that delphinidin is highly abundant in the peel of 'Black' variety. The pattern of anthocyanin accumulation in the fruit peel during fruit development of 'Black' variety differs from that of other pomegranates. High anthocyanin levels are maintained during all developmental stages. Moreover, the accumulation of anthocyanin in the fruit peel of 'Black' variety is not dependent on light. Genetic analysis of an F2 population segregating for the "black" phenotype reveals that it is determined by a single recessive gene. Genetic mapping of the F2 population using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers identified few markers tightly linked to the "black" phenotype. Recombination analysis of the F2 population and F3 populations narrowed the "black" trait to an area of 178.5 kb on the draft genome sequence of pomegranate cv. 'Dabenzi.' A putative anthocyanidin reductase (ANR) gene is located in this area. Only pomegranate varieties displaying the "black" trait carry a base pair deletion toward the end of the gene, causing a frame shift resulting in a shorter protein. We propose that this mutation in the ANR gene is responsible for the different anthocyanin composition and high anthocyanin levels of the "black" trait in pomegranate.

Hortic Res ; 8(1): 11, 2021 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33384415


Loss of genetic variability is an increasing challenge in tree breeding programs due to the repeated use of a reduced number of founder genotypes. However, in almond, little is known about the genetic variability in current breeding stocks, although several cases of inbreeding depression have been reported. To gain insights into the genetic structure in modern breeding programs worldwide, marker-verified pedigree data of 220 almond cultivars and breeding selections were analyzed. Inbreeding coefficients, pairwise relatedness, and genetic contribution were calculated for these genotypes. The results reveal two mainstream breeding lines based on three cultivars: "Tuono", "Cristomorto", and "Nonpareil". Descendants from "Tuono" or "Cristomorto" number 76 (sharing 34 descendants), while "Nonpareil" has 71 descendants. The mean inbreeding coefficient of the analyzed genotypes was 0.041, with 14 genotypes presenting a high inbreeding coefficient, over 0.250. Breeding programs from France, the USA, and Spain showed inbreeding coefficients of 0.075, 0.070, and 0.037, respectively. According to their genetic contribution, modern cultivars from Israel, France, the USA, Spain, and Australia trace back to a maximum of six main founding genotypes. Among the group of 65 genotypes carrying the Sf allele for self-compatibility, the mean relatedness coefficient was 0.125, with "Tuono" as the main founding genotype (24.7% of total genetic contribution). The results broaden our understanding about the tendencies followed in almond breeding over the last 50 years and will have a large impact into breeding decision-making process worldwide. Increasing current genetic variability is required in almond breeding programs to assure genetic gain and continuing breeding progress.

J Sci Food Agric ; 100(4): 1678-1686, 2020 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31803940


BACKGROUND: Nitrogen (N) fertilization influences plant growth and yield, and may also affect fruit quality. For two consecutive seasons, we examined the effects of various N fertilization levels - 5 to 200 mg L-1  - on pomegranate fruit, aril and juice quality. Evaluations included fruit and aril weight, size and color, appearance of peel blemishes, internal black rot and nutritional composition of extracted juices. RESULTS: Nitrogen fertilization affected pomegranate fruit, aril and juice quality. The most pronounced effects were observed in trees grown under the lowest N fertilization level, which bore smaller fruit and arils, the latter with lighter color; the fruit suffered from sunburn, and the juice had lower total soluble solid, acidity and anthocyanin contents. The proportion of edible aril weight per total fruit weight gradually increased with an increase in N fertilization concentration. In contrast, N fertilization did not affect peel color, roughness or cracking incidence. Black rot incidence increased with increasing N concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Nitrogen fertilization affected pomegranate fruit, aril and juice quality, and the total number of marketable fruits per tree. The optimal N fertilization levels, which were most beneficial for achieving high-quality marketable fruit, were between 40 and 100 mg L-1 . © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

Fruit and Vegetable Juices/analysis , Nitrogen/metabolism , Pomegranate/metabolism , Fertilizers/analysis , Fruit/chemistry , Fruit/growth & development , Fruit/metabolism , Pomegranate/chemistry , Pomegranate/growth & development , Quality Control
BMC Plant Biol ; 19(1): 476, 2019 Nov 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31694546


BACKGROUND: The outer peels of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) possess two groups of polyphenols that have health beneficial properties: anthocyanins (ATs, which also affect peel color); and hydrolysable tannins (HTs). Their biosynthesis intersects at 3-dehydroshikimate (3-DHS) in the shikimate pathway by the activity of shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH), which converts 3-DHS to shikimate (providing the precursor for AT biosynthesis) or to gallic acid (the precursor for HTs biosynthesis) using NADPH or NADP+ as a cofactor. The aim of this study is to gain more knowledge about the factors that regulate the levels of HTs and ATs, and the role of SDH. RESULTS: The results have shown that the levels of ATs and HTs are negatively correlated in the outer fruit peels of 33 pomegranate accessions, in the outer peels of two fruits exposed to sunlight, and in those covered by paper bags. When calli obtained from the outer fruit peel were subjected to light/dark treatment and osmotic stresses (imposed by different sucrose concentrations), it was shown that light with high sucrose promotes the synthesis of ATs, while dark at the same sucrose concentration promotes the synthesis of HTs. To verify the role of SDH, six PgSDHs (PgSDH1, PgSDH3-1,2, PgSDH3a-1,2 and PgSDH4) were identified in pomegranate. The expression of PgSDH1, which presumably contributes to shikimate biosynthesis, was relatively constant at different sucrose concentrations. However, the transcript levels of PgSDH3s and PgSDH4 increased with the accumulation of gallic acid and HTs under osmotic stress, which apparently accumulates to protect the cells from the stress. CONCLUSIONS: The results strongly suggest that the biosynthesis of HTs and ATs competes for the same substrate, 3-DHS, and that SDH activity is regulated not only by the NADPH/NADP+ ratio, but also by the expression of the PgSDHs. Since the outer peel affects the customer's decision regarding fruit consumption, such knowledge could be utilized for the development of new genetic markers for breeding pomegranates having higher levels of both ATs and HTs.

Alcohol Oxidoreductases/metabolism , Anthocyanins/biosynthesis , Hydrolyzable Tannins/metabolism , Pomegranate/enzymology , Fruit/enzymology
Plant Sci ; 287: 110187, 2019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31481200


Almond (Prunus dulcis) is an agricultural and economically important fruit tree from the Rosaceae family used in the food industry. The monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes perform important ecological functions such as insecticidal and antifeedant activities against various insects. The young fruits of the different almond varieties were found to produce considerable amounts of terpene volatiles, including linalool and geraniol. To identify terpene synthases (TPSs) involved in the production of these volatile terpenes, existing genome databases of the Rosaceae were screened for almond genes with significant sequence similarity to other plants TPSs. Bioinformatics analysis led to the identification of seven putative TPSs genes with complete open reading frames. We characterized the enzymes encoded by these seven complementary DNAs: the monoterpene synthases PdTPS1, PdTPS3, PdTPS5, and PdTPS6 belong to the TPS-b clade, which catalyzes the formation of ß-phellandrene, geraniol, linalool, and farnesene, respectively. The sesquiterpene synthases PdTPS2 and PdTPS4, which belong to the TPS-a clade mainly catalyze the formation of bergamotene, while another sesquiterpene synthase, PdTPS7, from the TPS-g clade showed nerolidol synthase activity. The qRT-PCR analysis revealed that the various tissues of almond varieties showed differential transcription for all these PdTPSs genes.

Alkyl and Aryl Transferases/metabolism , Prunus dulcis/enzymology , Terpenes/metabolism , Volatile Organic Compounds/metabolism , Acyclic Monoterpenes/metabolism , Alkyl and Aryl Transferases/genetics , Computational Biology , Cyclohexane Monoterpenes/metabolism , Fruit/enzymology , Fruit/genetics , Phylogeny , Plant Proteins/genetics , Plant Proteins/metabolism , Prunus dulcis/genetics
J Sci Food Agric ; 99(13): 5617-5623, 2019 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31321784


Cold storage of pomegranates is essential for prolonging postharvest storage and for the implementation of cold-quarantine insect disinfestation treatments required for international trading. However, pomegranates are chilling sensitive; they may develop chilling injuries upon exposure to unfavorable low temperatures. In this mini-review, we summarize molecular data obtained from three different RNA Seq transcriptome analyses of responses of pomegranate fruits to cold storage. These experiments included comparisons among the transcriptomic responses following a 2-week exposure to 1 °C in three different model systems: 1) unconditioned chilling-sensitive fruits versus relatively chilling-tolerant low-temperature-conditioned fruits; 2) chilling-sensitive early harvested fruits versus relatively chilling-tolerant late-harvested ones; and 3) chilling-sensitive 'Ganesh' variety versus the relatively chilling-tolerant 'Wonderful' variety. Comparisons among differentially expressed transcripts that were exclusively and significantly up-regulated in the relatively chilling-tolerant fruits in all three model systems enabled identification of 573 common chilling tolerance-associated genes in pomegranates. Functional categorization and classification of the differentially expressed transcripts revealed several regulatory, metabolic, and stress-adaptation pathways that were uniquely activated in response to cold storage in relatively chilling-tolerant fruits. More specifically, we identified common up-regulation of transcripts involved in activation of jasmonic acid and ethylene hormone biosynthesis and signaling, stress-related transcription factors, calcium and MAPK signaling, starch degradation and galactinol and raffinose biosynthesis, phenol biosynthesis, lipid metabolism, and heat-shock proteins. We hypothesized these pathways to be involved in imparting chilling tolerance to pomegranate fruits. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

Fruit/physiology , Lythraceae/genetics , Cold-Shock Response , Fruit/chemistry , Fruit/genetics , Fruit/growth & development , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Lythraceae/chemistry , Lythraceae/growth & development , Lythraceae/physiology , Plant Proteins/genetics , Plant Proteins/metabolism , Transcription Factors/genetics , Transcription Factors/metabolism
Front Plant Sci ; 10: 620, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31164897


Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is an important and interesting fruit tree that is cultivated in many parts of the world. In recent years, along with the increase in its cultivation and consumption there has been a dramatic increase in the scientific interest in its biology, methods of cultivation, adaptation to environmental cues and its health-promoting properties. Quite a large proportion of the various metabolites produced in the pomegranate were determined and their content in the bark, roots, leaves, and fruit was reported. Many reviews on polyphenolic compound content, antioxidant activity and health-promoting compounds were published recently. However, only very few recent reports were dedicated to primary metabolites, despite the fact that much work was done on organic acids, sugars, proteins, lipids, and amino acids of the pomegranate fruit. In this review, a special effort was made to present these recent studies and the review is devoted to primary metabolites. The reported data show high variation in the content of primary metabolites within the pomegranate fruit; therefore the data is presented (whenever possible) according to fruit tissues (peel, arils, and seeds), developmental stages of the fruit, environmental and climatic conditions, and genetic background. Most of the data on pomegranate is based on metabolic content and contains no genetic or molecular analysis except for work done on anthocyanins and hydrolyzable tannins. In those cases, gene assignment and genetic control studies were pointed out in the review. The recent publication of the genome sequences from several pomegranate varieties and transcriptomic data from fruits, flowers, and leaves is expected to facilitate the understanding of genetic control of metabolites in pomegranate.

Phytochemistry ; 161: 107-116, 2019 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30825705


Styrene analogs are known to be naturally synthesized in the leaves of pears and in other plant species, including several trees in the Styracaceae family. Styrene analogs are potential contributors to the aroma of wine, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, and other fermented foods and beverages. In addition, styrene analogs perform important ecological functions such as insecticidal and antifeedant activities against insects. We showed here that exogenous applications of styrene and p-hydroxystyrene caused a dramatic reduction the number of eggs laid by psylla and of subsequent nymph survival. Despite their importance specific reactions that lead to the biosynthesis of the styrene analogs in pear are unknown. To identify genes involved in the synthesis of these metabolites, existing genome databases of the Rosaceae were screened for pear genes with significant sequence similarity to bacterial phenolic acid decarboxylase. Herein described are the isolation and characterization of a pear phenolic acid decarboxylase, designated PyPAD1, which catalyzed the decarboxylation of p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid to p-hydroxystyrene and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxystyrene respectively. Its apparent Km values for p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid were 34.42 and 84.64 µM, respectively. The PyPAD1 preferred p-coumaric acid to ferulic acid as a substrate by a factor of 2.4 when comparing catalytic efficiencies in vitro. Expression analysis of PyPAD1 showed that the gene was transcribed in all five pear genotypes examined. However, transcript abundance was increased in correlation with the presence of p-hydroxystyrene in resistant cultivars Py-701 and Py-760 and in the sensitive cultivar Spadona when grafted on these resistant cultivars. Thus, PyPAD1 appears to be responsible for the decarboxylation of the p-coumaric acid, and for the production of metabolites that are active against pear psylla.

Bidens/drug effects , Hemiptera/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Pyrus/metabolism , Styrenes/pharmacology , Animals , Bidens/metabolism , Hemiptera/metabolism , Insecticides/chemistry , Insecticides/metabolism , Pyrus/genetics , Styrenes/chemistry , Styrenes/metabolism
J Agric Food Chem ; 67(2): 760-771, 2019 Jan 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30567435


We found great variability in chilling tolerance among 84 pomegranate varieties from the Newe Ya'ar collection; among them, 'Ganesh' was chilling-sensitive, whereas 'Wonderful' was relatively chilling-tolerant. To evaluate the different molecular responses of these varieties to cold storage, we analyzed the transcriptomic changes in the inner membrane tissues of 'Ganesh' and 'Wonderful' fruit after 2 weeks of cold storage at 1 °C. By functional categorization of the differentially expressed transcripts using MapMan, we found that many transcripts related to various pathways, such as jasmonic acid biosynthesis and signaling, galactinol, raffinose, phenol, and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, calcium and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling, lipid metabolism, and various transcription factors and heat-shock proteins, have been massively upregulated in 'Wonderful' but not in 'Ganesh' fruit. Thus, it is suggested that these pathways most likely participate in imparting chilling tolerance in pomegranate fruit.

Lythraceae/genetics , Plant Proteins/genetics , Transcriptome , Cold Temperature , Food Storage , Fruit/chemistry , Fruit/classification , Fruit/genetics , Fruit/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Lythraceae/chemistry , Lythraceae/classification , Lythraceae/metabolism , Plant Proteins/metabolism
Pest Manag Sci ; 74(3): 617-626, 2018 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28967187


BACKGROUND: Pear psylla is a major obstacle to efficient integrated pest management in pear orchards in Israel and around the world. We used two accessions with natural resistance to pear psylla Cacopsylla bidens (Sulc) - Py.760-261 (760) and Py.701-202 (701), both apparently of Pyrus communis L. origin - as interstock grafts to confer psylla resistance to the commercially important 'Spadona Estiva' (Pyrus communis) scion (Spadona) cultivar. The interaction of the interstocks with quince (Cydonia oblong Mill.) and Pyrus betulifolia Bunge rootstocks was also tested. RESULTS: Usage of Py.760-261 (760) and Py.701-202 (701) as interstocks for the psylla-sensitive Spadona resulted in a five-fold decrease in the C. bidens population, apparently as a consequence of antibiosis affecting nymph survival. Additionally, psylla survival was negatively correlated with the interstock length and amount of foliage. The yield and fruit quality of Spadona grafted on the '701' interstock equaled or even exceeded those of the control in fruit quantity, fruit size and soluble solids content, especially on P. betulifolia rootstock. CONCLUSION: Susceptibility to pear psylla decreased significantly following grafting of commercial Spadona on resistant interstock. This is the first demonstration of increased resistance to pear psylla conferred by the use of resistant interstock in pear trees and among the few examples demonstrating transfer of resistance to insects from the interstock in fruit trees. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

Antibiosis , Hemiptera/physiology , Herbivory , Pyrus/physiology , Animals , Hemiptera/growth & development , Nymph/growth & development , Nymph/physiology , Plant Roots/genetics , Plant Roots/physiology , Pyrus/genetics , Rosaceae/genetics , Rosaceae/physiology
Biochemistry ; 56(48): 6389-6400, 2017 Dec 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29140084


Galloylated plant specialized metabolites play important roles in plant-environment interactions and in the promotion of human and animal health. The galloylation reactions are mediated by the formation of galloylglucose esters from gallic acid and UDP-glucose, catalyzed by the plant UGT84 family glycosyltransferases. To explore and exploit the structural determinants of UGT84 activities, we performed homology modeling and substrate docking of PgUGT84A23, a galloylglucose ester-forming family 84 UGT, as well as sequence comparisons of PgUGT84A23 with other functionally characterized plant UGTs. By employing site-directed mutagenesis of candidate amino acids, enzyme assays with analogous substrates, and kinetic analysis, we elucidated key amino acid sites for PgUGT84A23 substrate binding and reactivity. The galloylglucose ester-forming UGT84s have not been shown to glycosylate genistein (an isoflavonoid) in vivo. Unexpectedly, amino acids highly conserved among UGT84s that affect specifically the binding of genistein but not gallic acid or other tested sugar acceptors were identified. This result suggests that genistein may resemble the substrate profile for the enzyme ancestor of the galloylglucose ester-forming UGTs and recruited during transition from a general to a more specialized defense function. Overall, a better understanding of the structure-function relationship of UGT84s will facilitate enzyme engineering for the production of pharmaceutically and industrially valuable glycosylated compounds.

Glucosyltransferases/metabolism , Hydrolyzable Tannins/chemistry , Hydrolyzable Tannins/metabolism , Plant Proteins/metabolism , Amino Acid Sequence , Cloning, Molecular , Gene Expression Regulation, Enzymologic , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Glucosyltransferases/genetics , Kinetics , Lythraceae/enzymology , Models, Molecular , Mutagenesis, Site-Directed , Phylogeny , Plant Proteins/genetics , Protein Binding , Protein Conformation , Substrate Specificity
PLoS One ; 10(11): e0142777, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26581077


Color is an important determinant of pomegranate fruit quality and commercial value. To understand the genetic factors controlling color in pomegranate, chemical, molecular and genetic characterization of a "white" pomegranate was performed. This unique accession is lacking the typical pomegranate color rendered by anthocyanins in all tissues of the plant, including flowers, fruit (skin and arils) and leaves. Steady-state gene-expression analysis indicated that none of the analyzed "white" pomegranate tissues are able to synthesize mRNA corresponding to the PgLDOX gene (leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase, also called ANS, anthocyanidin synthase), which is one of the central structural genes in the anthocyanin-biosynthesis pathway. HPLC analysis revealed that none of the "white" pomegranate tissues accumulate anthocyanins, whereas other flavonoids, corresponding to biochemical reactions upstream of LDOX, were present. Molecular analysis of the "white" pomegranate revealed the presence of an insertion and an SNP within the coding region of PgLDOX. It was found that the SNP does not change amino acid sequence and is not fully linked with the "white" phenotype in all pomegranate accessions from the collection. On the other hand, genotyping of pomegranate accessions from the collection and segregating populations for the "white" phenotype demonstrated its complete linkage with the insertion, inherited as a recessive single-gene trait. Taken together, the results indicate that the insertion in PgLDOX is responsible for the "white" anthocyanin-less phenotype. These data provide the first direct molecular, genetic and chemical evidence for the effect of a natural modification in the LDOX gene on color accumulation in a fruit-bearing woody perennial deciduous tree. This modification can be further utilized to elucidate the physiological role of anthocyanins in protecting the tree organs from harmful environmental conditions, such as temperature and UV radiation.

Anthocyanins/genetics , Lythraceae/enzymology , Oxygenases/genetics , Amino Acid Sequence , Flowers/genetics , Fruit/genetics , Fruit/growth & development , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Lythraceae/genetics , Lythraceae/growth & development , Open Reading Frames/genetics
PLoS One ; 9(2): e88998, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24558460


Pomegranate is a valuable crop that is grown commercially in many parts of the world. Wild species have been reported from India, Turkmenistan and Socotra. Pomegranate fruit has a variety of health-beneficial qualities. However, despite this crop's importance, only moderate effort has been invested in studying its biochemical or physiological properties or in establishing genomic and genetic infrastructures. In this study, we reconstructed a transcriptome from two phenotypically different accessions using 454-GS-FLX Titanium technology. These data were used to explore the functional annotation of 45,187 fully annotated contigs. We further compiled a genetic-variation resource of 7,155 simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) and 6,500 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A subset of 480 SNPs was sampled to investigate the genetic structure of the broad pomegranate germplasm collection at the Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), which includes accessions from different geographical areas worldwide. This subset of SNPs was found to be polymorphic, with 10.7% loci with minor allele frequencies of (MAF<0.05). These SNPs were successfully used to classify the ARO pomegranate collection into two major groups of accessions: one from India, China and Iran, composed of mainly unknown country origin and which was more of an admixture than the other major group, composed of accessions mainly from the Mediterranean basin, Central Asia and California. This study establishes a high-throughput transcriptome and genetic-marker infrastructure. Moreover, it sheds new light on the genetic interrelations between pomegranate species worldwide and more accurately defines their genetic nature.

Genetic Variation , Lythraceae/genetics , Phenotype , Transcriptome/genetics , Gene Expression Profiling , Gene Frequency , Lythraceae/anatomy & histology , Lythraceae/metabolism , Models, Genetic , Molecular Sequence Annotation , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics , Species Specificity
Pest Manag Sci ; 70(2): 234-9, 2014 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23554331


BACKGROUND: The pear psylla, Cacopsylla bidens (Sulc), is one of the most damaging pests of commercial pear orchards in Israel. Psylla control is a major obstacle to efficient integrated pest management, necessitating research on cultivars with natural resistance to pear psylla. Recently, two pear accessions (Py.760-261 and Py.701-202) from the local Newe Ya'ar fruit tree live collection were identified as having apparent resistance to pear psylla. Our goal was to evaluate the resistance of these two accessions relative to the commercial cultivar Spadona Estiva, and to identify whether the resistance mechanisms in the former interfere with insect colonisation of the plant (antixenosis) or inhibit insect growth, development, reproduction and survival (antibiosis). RESULTS: Settlement and development of C. bidens was evaluated under natural conditions (pear orchard), semi-natural conditions (potted plants), and on detached branches and leaves (laboratory). Our results indicate that the selection Py.760-261 is 10 times more resistant than Spadona while Py.701-202 is five times more resistant. CONCLUSIONS: The resistance mechanism in both accessions appears to be antibiosis affecting nymph survival. These resistant accessions may be used as rootstock or as a source of resistant genes in breeding programmes.

Hemiptera/physiology , Pyrus/immunology , Animals , Disease Resistance , Disease Susceptibility , Israel , Reproduction , Survival Analysis
J Agric Food Chem ; 60(19): 4841-8, 2012 May 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22533815


Aqueous extracts of pomegranate peels were assayed in vitro for their antifungal activity against six rot fungi that cause fruit and vegetable decay during storage. The growth rates of Alternaria alternata , Stemphylium botryosum , and Fusarium spp. were significantly inhibited by the extracts. The growth rates were negatively correlated with the levels of total polyphenolic compounds in the extract and particularly with punicalagins, the major ellagitannins in pomegranate peels. Ellagitannins were also found to be the main compounds in the bioactive fractions using bioautograms, and punicalagins were identified as the main bioactive compounds using chromatographic separation. These results suggest that ellagitannins, and more specifically punicalagins, which are the dominant compounds in pomegranate peels, may be used as a control agent of storage diseases and to reduce the use of synthetic fungicides.

Fruit/chemistry , Fungicides, Industrial/chemistry , Lythraceae/chemistry , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Alternaria/drug effects , Alternaria/physiology , Ascomycota/drug effects , Ascomycota/physiology , Fungicides, Industrial/isolation & purification , Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Fusarium/drug effects , Fusarium/physiology , Hydrolyzable Tannins/chemistry , Hydrolyzable Tannins/isolation & purification , Hydrolyzable Tannins/pharmacology , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Plant Extracts/isolation & purification , Plant Extracts/pharmacology
Planta ; 234(5): 865-81, 2011 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21643990


Anthocyanins are the major pigments responsible for the pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit skin color. The high variability in fruit external color in pomegranate cultivars reflects variations in anthocyanin composition. To identify genes involved in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in the pomegranate fruit skin we have isolated, expressed and characterized the pomegranate homologue of the Arabidopsis thaliana TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 (TTG1), encoding a WD40-repeat protein. The TTG1 protein is a regulator of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins (PAs) biosynthesis in Arabidopsis, and acts by the formation of a transcriptional regulatory complex with two other regulatory proteins: bHLH and MYB. Our results reveal that the pomegranate gene, designated PgWD40, recovered the anthocyanin, PAs, trichome and seed coat mucilage phenotype in Arabidopsis ttg1 mutant. PgWD40 expression and anthocyanin composition in the skin were analyzed during pomegranate fruit development, in two accessions that differ in skin color intensity and timing of appearance. The results indicate high positive correlation between the total cyanidin derivatives quantity (red pigments) and the expression level of PgWD40. Furthermore, strong correlation was found between the steady state levels of PgWD40 transcripts and the transcripts of pomegranate homologues of the structural genes PgDFR and PgLDOX. PgWD40, PgDFR and PgLDOX expression also correlated with the expression of pomegranate homologues of the regulatory genes PgAn1 (bHLH) and PgAn2 (MYB). On the basis of our results we propose that PgWD40 is involved in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis during pomegranate fruit development and that expression of PgWD40, PgAn1 and PgAn2 in the pomegranate fruit skin is required to regulate the expression of downstream structural genes involved in the anthocyanin biosynthesis.

Anthocyanins/biosynthesis , Fruit/growth & development , Lythraceae/genetics , RNA, Plant/genetics , Agrobacterium tumefaciens/genetics , Agrobacterium tumefaciens/metabolism , Amino Acid Sequence , Anthocyanins/analysis , Anthocyanins/genetics , Arabidopsis/genetics , Arabidopsis Proteins/genetics , Cloning, Molecular , Fruit/genetics , Fruit/physiology , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Genes, Plant , Genes, Regulator , Lythraceae/growth & development , Lythraceae/metabolism , Lythraceae/physiology , Molecular Sequence Data , Phenotype , Pigmentation , Plant Leaves/genetics , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Plant Leaves/physiology , Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics , Plants, Genetically Modified/growth & development , Plants, Genetically Modified/metabolism , Plants, Genetically Modified/physiology , Proanthocyanidins/biosynthesis , Proanthocyanidins/genetics , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Seeds/genetics , Seeds/growth & development , Seeds/physiology , Sequence Alignment , Time Factors , Transformation, Genetic