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Sci Total Environ ; 912: 168804, 2024 Feb 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38036117


Brine pools in deep-sea environments provide unique perspectives into planetary and geological processes, extremophile microbial communities, and sedimentary records. The NEOM Brine Pool Complex was the first deep-sea brine pool system found in the Gulf of Aqaba, representing a significant extension of the geographical range and depositional setting of Red Sea brine pools. Here, we use a combination of brine pool samples collected via cast using a conductivity, temperature, depth instrument (CTD), as well as interstitial porewaters extracted from a sediment core collected in the NEOM Brine Pool to characterize the chemical composition and subsurface evolution of the brine. New results indicate that the NEOM brines and the subsurface porewaters may originate from different sources. Elemental concentrations suggest the brines in the NEOM pool are likely derived from dissolution of sub-seabed evaporites. In contrast, the sedimentary porewaters appear to have been influenced by periodic turbidite flows, generated either by earthquakes, submarine landslides, or flash floods, in which normal marine waters from the overlying Red Sea became entrained, periodically disturbing the chemistry of the brine pool. Thus, sediment porewaters beneath brine pools may record transient and dynamic changes in these deep marine depositional environments, reflecting the interplay between climate, tectonics, and sedimentation patterns along a rapidly urbanizing coastline. In concert, new results from NEOM extend the range and chemical constraints on Red Sea Brine Pools and highlight the dynamic interplay between Red Sea Deep water, dissolving evaporites, turbidites, and subsurface fluids that produce these unique depositional environments which host microbial life at the edge of habitability. In concert with sedimentological indicators, the chemistry of porewaters beneath deep-sea brine pools may present detailed records of natural hazards arising from interactions between the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and anthroposphere.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(43): e2210617119, 2022 10 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36252022


Carbonate mud represents one of the most important geochemical archives for reconstructing ancient climatic, environmental, and evolutionary change from the rock record. Mud also represents a major sink in the global carbon cycle. Yet, there remains no consensus about how and where carbonate mud is formed. Here, we present stable isotope and trace-element data from carbonate constituents in the Bahamas, including ooids, corals, foraminifera, and algae. We use geochemical fingerprinting to demonstrate that carbonate mud cannot be sourced from the abrasion and mixture of any combination of these macroscopic grains. Instead, an inverse Bayesian mixing model requires the presence of an additional aragonite source. We posit that this source represents a direct seawater precipitate. We use geological and geochemical data to show that "whitings" are unlikely to be the dominant source of this precipitate and, instead, present a model for mud precipitation on the bank margins that can explain the geographical distribution, clumped-isotope thermometry, and stable isotope signature of carbonate mud. Next, we address the enigma of why mud and ooids are so abundant in the Bahamas, yet so rare in the rest of the world: Mediterranean outflow feeds the Bahamas with the most alkaline waters in the modern ocean (>99.7th-percentile). Such high alkalinity appears to be a prerequisite for the nonskeletal carbonate factory because, when Mediterranean outflow was reduced in the Miocene, Bahamian carbonate export ceased for 3-million-years. Finally, we show how shutting off and turning on the shallow carbonate factory can send ripples through the global climate system.

Carbonates , Geologic Sediments , Bayes Theorem , Calcium Carbonate , Carbonates/analysis , Seawater
Microsc Microanal ; : 1-16, 2022 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36268627


The three-dimensional characterization of internal features, via metrics such as orientation, porosity, and connectivity, is important to a wide variety of scientific questions. Many spatial and morphological metrics only can be measured accurately through direct in situ three-dimensional observations of large (i.e., big enough to be statistically representative) volumes. For samples that lack material contrast between phases, serial grinding and imaging­which relies solely on color and textural characteristics to differentiate features­is a viable option for extracting such information. Here, we present the Grinding, Imaging, Reconstruction Instrument (GIRI), which automatically serially grinds and photographs centimeter-scale samples at micron resolution. Although the technique is destructive, GIRI produces an archival digital image stack. This digital image stack is run through a supervised machine-learning-based image processing technique that quickly and accurately segments data into predefined classes. These classified data then can be loaded into three-dimensional visualization software for measurement. We share three case studies to illustrate how GIRI can address questions with a significant morphological component for which two-dimensional or small-volume three-dimensional measurements are inadequate. The analyzed metrics include: the morphologies of objects and pores in a granular material, the bulk mineralogy of polyminerallic solids, and measurements of the internal angles and symmetry of crystals.