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Opt Express ; 29(22): 35003-35021, 2021 Oct 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34808946


We have developed and demonstrated an image super-resolution method-XR-UNLOC: X-Ray UNsupervised particle LOCalization-for hard x-rays measured with fast-frame-rate detectors that is an adaptation of the principle of photo-activated localization microscopy (PALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), which enabled biological fluorescence imaging at sub-optical-wavelength scales. We demonstrate the approach on experimental coherent Bragg diffraction data measured with 52 keV x-rays from a nanocrystalline sample. From this sample, we resolve the fine fringe detail of a high-energy x-ray Bragg coherent diffraction pattern to an upsampling factor of 16 of the native pixel pitch of 30 µm of a charge-integrating fastCCD detector. This was accomplished by analysis of individual photon locations in a series of "nearly-dark" instances of the diffraction pattern that each contain only a handful of photons. Central to our approach was the adaptation of the UNLOC photon fitting routine for PALM/STORM to the hard x-ray regime to handle much smaller point spread functions, which required a different statistical test for photon detection and for sub-pixel localization. A comparison to a photon-localization strategy used in the x-ray community ("droplet analysis") showed that XR-UNLOC provides significant improvement in super-resolution. We also developed a metric by which to estimate the limit of reliable upsampling with XR-UNLOC under a given set of experimental conditions in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio of a photon detection event and the size of the point spread function for guiding future x-ray experiments in many disciplines where detector pixelation limits must be overcome.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 4): 1316-1321, 2019 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274460


The factors limiting the performance of alternative polycrystalline solar cells as compared with their single-crystal counterparts are not fully understood, but are thought to originate from structural and chemical heterogeneities at various length scales. Here, it is demonstrated that multimodal focused nanobeam X-ray microscopy can be used to reveal multiple aspects of the problem in a single measurement by mapping chemical makeup, lattice structure and charge collection efficiency simultaneously in a working solar cell. This approach was applied to micrometre-sized individual grains in a Cu(In,Ga)Se2 polycrystalline film packaged in a working device. It was found that, near grain boundaries, collection efficiency is increased, and that in these regions the lattice parameter of the material is expanded. These observations are discussed in terms of possible physical models and future experiments.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 6386, 2019 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31011168


Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) is a powerful technique to explore the local strain state and morphology of microscale crystals. The method can potentially reach nanometer-scale spatial resolution thanks to the advances in synchrotron design that dramatically increase coherent flux. However, there are experimental bottlenecks that may limit the image reconstruction quality from future high signal-to-noise ratio measurements. In this work we show that angular uncertainty of the sample orientation with respect to a fixed incoming beam is one example of such a factor, and we present a method to mitigate the resulting artifacts. On the basis of an alternative formulation of the forward problem, we design a phase retrieval algorithm which enables the simultaneous reconstruction of the object and determination of the exact angular position corresponding to each diffraction pattern in the data set. We have tested the algorithm performance on simulated data for different degrees of angular uncertainty and signal-to-noise ratio.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 1704, 2018 04 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29703980


One of the important challenges in condensed matter science is to understand ultrafast, atomic-scale fluctuations that dictate dynamic processes in equilibrium and non-equilibrium materials. Here, we report an important step towards reaching that goal by using a state-of-the-art perfect crystal based split-and-delay system, capable of splitting individual X-ray pulses and introducing femtosecond to nanosecond time delays. We show the results of an ultrafast hard X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy experiment at LCLS where split X-ray pulses were used to measure the dynamics of gold nanoparticles suspended in hexane. We show how reliable speckle contrast values can be extracted even from very low intensity free electron laser (FEL) speckle patterns by applying maximum likelihood fitting, thus demonstrating the potential of a split-and-delay approach for dynamics measurements at FEL sources. This will enable the characterization of equilibrium and, importantly also reversible non-equilibrium processes in atomically disordered materials.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 4959, 2018 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29563508


Coherent X-ray photons with energies higher than 50 keV offer new possibilities for imaging nanoscale lattice distortions in bulk crystalline materials using Bragg peak phase retrieval methods. However, the compression of reciprocal space at high energies typically results in poorly resolved fringes on an area detector, rendering the diffraction data unsuitable for the three-dimensional reconstruction of compact crystals. To address this problem, we propose a method by which to recover fine fringe detail in the scattered intensity. This recovery is achieved in two steps: multiple undersampled measurements are made by in-plane sub-pixel motion of the area detector, then this data set is passed to a sparsity-based numerical solver that recovers fringe detail suitable for standard Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) reconstruction methods of compact single crystals. The key insight of this paper is that sparsity in a BCDI data set can be enforced by recognising that the signal in the detector, though poorly resolved, is band-limited. This requires fewer in-plane detector translations for complete signal recovery, while adhering to information theory limits. We use simulated BCDI data sets to demonstrate the approach, outline our sparse recovery strategy, and comment on future opportunities.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 9920, 2017 08 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28855571


Crystallographic defects such as dislocations can significantly alter material properties and functionality. However, imaging these imperfections during operation remains challenging due to the short length scales involved and the reactive environments of interest. Bragg coherent diffractive imaging (BCDI) has emerged as a powerful tool capable of identifying dislocations, twin domains, and other defects in 3D detail with nanometer spatial resolution within nanocrystals and grains in reactive environments. However, BCDI relies on phase retrieval algorithms that can fail to accurately reconstruct the defect network. Here, we use numerical simulations to explore different guided phase retrieval algorithms for imaging defective crystals using BCDI. We explore different defect types, defect densities, Bragg peaks, and guided algorithm fitness metrics as a function of signal-to-noise ratio. Based on these results, we offer a general prescription for phasing of defective crystals with no a priori knowledge.

Nano Lett ; 17(3): 1595-1601, 2017 03 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28186775


Dissolution is critical to nanomaterial stability, especially for partially dealloyed nanoparticle catalysts. Unfortunately, highly active catalysts are often not stable in their reactive environments, preventing widespread application. Thus, focusing on the structure-stability relationship at the nanoscale is crucial and will likely play an important role in meeting grand challenges. Recent advances in imaging capability have come from electron, X-ray, and other techniques but tend to be limited to specific sample environments and/or two-dimensional images. Here, we report investigations into the defect-stability relationship of silver nanoparticles to voltage-induced electrochemical dissolution imaged in situ in three-dimensional detail by Bragg coherent diffractive imaging. We first determine the average dissolution kinetics by stationary probe rotating disk electrode in combination with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, which allows in situ measurement of Ag+ ion formation. We then observe the dissolution and redeposition processes in single nanocrystals, providing unique insight about the role of surface strain, defects, and their coupling to the dissolution chemistry. The methods developed and the knowledge gained go well beyond a "simple" silver electrochemistry and are applicable to all electrocatalytic reactions where functional links between activity and stability are controlled by structure and defect dynamics.

Nat Mater ; 16(5): 565-571, 2017 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28092689


Crystallographic imperfections significantly alter material properties and their response to external stimuli, including solute-induced phase transformations. Despite recent progress in imaging defects using electron and X-ray techniques, in situ three-dimensional imaging of defect dynamics remains challenging. Here, we use Bragg coherent diffractive imaging to image defects during the hydriding phase transformation of palladium nanocrystals. During constant-pressure experiments we observe that the phase transformation begins after dislocation nucleation close to the phase boundary in particles larger than 300 nm. The three-dimensional phase morphology suggests that the hydrogen-rich phase is more similar to a spherical cap on the hydrogen-poor phase than to the core-shell model commonly assumed. We substantiate this using three-dimensional phase field modelling, demonstrating how phase morphology affects the critical size for dislocation nucleation. Our results reveal how particle size and phase morphology affects transformations in the PdH system.

Nat Mater ; 16(2): 244-251, 2017 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27869823


Coherent X-ray microscopy by phase retrieval of Bragg diffraction intensities enables lattice distortions within a crystal to be imaged at nanometre-scale spatial resolutions in three dimensions. While this capability can be used to resolve structure-property relationships at the nanoscale under working conditions, strict data measurement requirements can limit the application of current approaches. Here, we introduce an efficient method of imaging three-dimensional (3D) nanoscale lattice behaviour and strain fields in crystalline materials with a methodology that we call 3D Bragg projection ptychography (3DBPP). This method enables 3D image reconstruction of a crystal volume from a series of two-dimensional X-ray Bragg coherent intensity diffraction patterns measured at a single incident beam angle. Structural information about the sample is encoded along two reciprocal-space directions normal to the Bragg diffracted exit beam, and along the third dimension in real space by the scanning beam. We present our approach with an analytical derivation, a numerical demonstration, and an experimental reconstruction of lattice distortions in a component of a nanoelectronic prototype device.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(22): 225501, 2016 Nov 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27925753


We present and demonstrate a formalism by which three-dimensional (3D) Bragg x-ray coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) can be implemented without moving the sample by scanning the energy of the incident x-ray beam. This capability is made possible by introducing a 3D Fourier transform that accounts for x-ray wavelength variability. We demonstrate the approach by inverting coherent Bragg diffraction patterns from a gold nanocrystal measured with an x-ray energy scan. Variable-wavelength BCDI will expand the breadth of feasible in situ 3D strain imaging experiments towards more diverse materials environments, especially where sample manipulation is difficult.

Opt Lett ; 40(14): 3241-4, 2015 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26176439


X-ray Bragg diffraction experiments that utilize tightly focused coherent beams produce complicated Bragg diffraction patterns that depend on scattering geometry, characteristics of the sample, and properties of the x-ray focusing optic. Here, we use a Fourier-transform-based method of modeling the 2D intensity distribution of a Bragg peak and apply it to the case of thin films illuminated with a Fresnel zone plate in three different Bragg scattering geometries. The calculations agree well with experimental coherent diffraction patterns, demonstrating that nanodiffraction patterns can be modeled at nonsymmetric Bragg conditions with this approach--a capability critical for advancing nanofocused x-ray diffraction microscopy.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 372(2010): 20130118, 2014 Mar 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24470418


Bragg coherent diffraction with nanofocused hard X-ray beams provides unique opportunities for quantitative in situ studies of crystalline structure in nanoscale regions of complex materials and devices by a variety of diffraction-based techniques. In the case of coherent diffraction imaging, a major experimental challenge in using nanoscale coherent beams is maintaining a constant scattering volume such that coherent fringe visibility is maximized and maintained over the course of an exposure lasting several seconds. Here, we present coherent Bragg diffraction patterns measured from different nanostructured thin films at the Sector 26 Nanoprobe beamline at the Advanced Photon Source and demonstrate that with nanoscale positional control, coherent diffraction patterns can be measured with source-limited fringe visibilities more than 50% suitable for imaging by coherent Bragg ptychography techniques.

Opt Express ; 21(21): 24647-64, 2013 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24150309


The single shot based coherence properties of hard x-ray pulses from the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) were measured by analyzing coherent diffraction patterns from nano-particles and gold nanopowder. The intensity histogram of the small angle x-ray scattering ring from nano-particles reveals the fully transversely coherent nature of the LCLS beam with a number of transverse mode 〈Ms〉 = 1.1. On the other hand, the speckle contrasts measured at a large wavevector yields information about the longitudinal coherence of the LCLS radiation after a silicon (111) monochromator. The quantitative agreement between our data and the simulation confirms a mean coherence time of 2.2 fs and a x-ray pulse duration of 29 fs. Finally the observed reduction of the speckle contrast generated by x-rays with pulse duration longer than 30 fs indicates ultrafast dynamics taking place at an atomic length scale prior to the permanent sample damage.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(17): 177601, 2013 Apr 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679778


We used x-ray Bragg projection ptychography (BPP) to map spatial variations of ferroelectric polarization in thin film PbTiO3, which exhibited a striped nanoscale domain pattern on a high-miscut (001) SrTiO3 substrate. By converting the reconstructed BPP phase image to picometer-scale ionic displacements in the polar unit cell, a quantitative polarization map was made that was consistent with other characterization. The spatial resolution of 5.7 nm demonstrated here establishes BPP as an important tool for nanoscale ferroelectric domain imaging, especially in complex environments accessible with hard x rays.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(18): 185502, 2012 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23215295


The availability of ultrafast pulses of coherent hard x rays from the Linac Coherent Light Source opens new opportunities for studies of atomic-scale dynamics in amorphous materials. Here, we show that single ultrafast coherent x-ray pulses can be used to observe the speckle contrast in the high-angle diffraction from liquid Ga and glassy Ni(2)Pd(2)P and B(2)O(3). We determine the thresholds above which the x-ray pulses disturb the atomic arrangements. Furthermore, high contrast speckle is observed in scattering patterns from the glasses integrated over many pulses, demonstrating that the source and optics are sufficiently stable for x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy studies of dynamics over a wide range of time scales.

Glass/chemistry , Models, Theoretical , X-Ray Diffraction/methods , Boron Compounds/chemistry , Gallium/chemistry , Nickel/chemistry , Palladium/chemistry , Phosphorus/chemistry , Photons
Nano Lett ; 12(10): 5148-54, 2012 Oct 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22998744


We imaged nanoscale lattice strain in a multilayer semiconductor device prototype with a new X-ray technique, nanofocused Bragg projection ptychography. Applying this technique to the epitaxial stressor layer of a SiGe-on-SOI structure, we measured the internal lattice behavior in a targeted region of a single device and demonstrated that its internal strain profile consisted of two competing lattice distortions. These results provide the strongest nondestructive test to date of continuum modeling predictions of nanoscale strain distributions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(12): 123706, 2010 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21198031


Diffraction artifacts from imperfect x-ray windows near the sample are an important consideration in the design of coherent x-ray diffraction measurements. In this study, we used simulated and experimental diffraction patterns in two and three dimensions to explore the effect of phase imperfections in a beryllium window (such as a void or inclusion) on the convergence behavior of phasing algorithms and on the ultimate reconstruction. A predictive relationship between beam wavelength, sample size, and window position was derived to explain the dependence of reconstruction quality on beryllium defect size. Defects corresponding to this prediction cause the most damage to the sample exit wave and induce signature error oscillations during phasing that can be used as a fingerprint of experimental x-ray window artifacts. The relationship between x-ray window imperfection size and coherent x-ray diffractive imaging reconstruction quality explored in this work can play an important role in designing high-resolution in situ coherent imaging instrumentation and will help interpret the phasing behavior of coherent diffraction measured in these in situ environments.