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PLoS One ; 13(4): e0191755, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29617379


Recent shifts in the ecological condition of Walden Pond, MA, are of potentially wide interest due to the lake's importance as a cultural, historical, and recreational resource in addition to its scientific value as an indicator of local and global environmental change. Algal microfossils in six sediment cores document changes in hydroclimate and trophic status of the lake during the last 1800 years and extend two previous sediment core records of shorter length. Low percentages of planktonic diatoms in the longest cores (WAL-3, WAL-15) indicate shallowing and/or greater water clarity associated with a relatively arid interval during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, ca. A.D. 1150-1300, Cultural eutrophication of the lake since the A.D. 1920s caused diatoms in the genera Asterionella and Synedra to increase in relative abundance at the expense of Cyclotella, Discostella, and the chrysophyte alga Mallomonas allorgei. Percentages of Asterionella and Synedra have remained fairly stable since A.D. 2000 when a previous sediment core study was conducted, but scaled chrysophytes have become more numerous. These findings suggest that, although mitigation efforts have curtailed anthropogenic nutrient inputs to Walden Pond, the lake has not returned to the pre-impact condition described by Henry David Thoreau and may become increasingly vulnerable to further changes in water quality in a warmer and possibly wetter future.

Climate Change , Eutrophication , Ponds , Fossils , Massachusetts
Sci Total Environ ; 574: 629-641, 2017 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27657989


Turbidity is a water quality parameter that is known to adversely affect aquatic systems, however the causes of turbid water are often elusive. We present results of a study designed to constrain the source of particulate matter in a coastal embayment that has suffered from increased turbidity over past decades. Our approach utilized monitoring buoys to quantify turbidity at high temporal resolution complemented by geochemical isotope analysis of suspended sediment samples and meteorological data. Results reveal a complex system in which multiple sources are associated with particulate matter. Weight of evidence demonstrates that phytoplankton productivity in the water column, however, is the dominant source of particulate matter associated with elevated turbidity in Salem Harbor, Massachusetts. Allochthonous matter from the watershed was observed to mix into the pool of suspended particulate matter near river mouths, especially in spring and summer. Resuspension of harbor surface sediments likely provides additional particulates in the regions of boat moorings, especially during summer when recreational boats are attached to moorings. Our approach allows us to constrain the causes of turbidity events in this embayment, is helping with conservation efforts of environmental quality in the region, and can be used as a template for other locations.

Estuaries Coast ; 41(2): 404-420, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31595167


Salem, MA, located north of Boston, has a rich, well-documented history dating back to settlement in 1626 CE, but the associated anthropogenic impacts on Salem Sound are poorly constrained. This project utilized dated sediment cores from the sound to assess the proxy record of anthropogenic alterations to the system and compared the proxy records to the known history. Proxies included bulk stable isotopes of organic matter, magnetic susceptibility, and trace metal concentrations. Our data reveal clear changes in organic matter composition and concentration associated with land use changes and twentieth century sewage disposal practices. Further, metals data correspond with local industrial activity, particularly the historic tanning industry in Peabody, MA. Although conservation practices of past decades have improved the state of Salem Sound, the stratigraphic record demonstrates that the environment is still affected by anthropogenic influences, and has not attained conditions consistent with pre-anthropogenic baseline. The approach and results of this study are applicable to coastal embayments that are being assessed for remediation, especially those with scant historic or monitoring data.

Sci Total Environ ; 569-570: 1087-1097, 2016 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27401277


The ecological response of shallow oxbow lakes to variability in hydrology and catchment development in large river floodplain ecosystems (RFE) in Arkansas remains largely unknown. Investigating these responses will advance our understanding of ecological evolution of oxbow lakes in response to the major environmental drivers, which will establish baseline conditions required to develop effective management practices for RFE. In this pilot study, we examined the potential of using a dated surface sediment core from Adams Bayou, a floodplain lake located within the Cache-Lower White River Ramsar site in SE Arkansas. Stratigraphic records of diatoms and sediment geochemistry were used to ascertain variation in Adams Bayou's ecological condition. During 1968-2008, in response to hydrological and anthropogenic changes, Adams Bayou's diatom assemblages progressed from predominantly benthic (Gomphonema parvulum and Meridion circulare) to primarily planktonic assemblage (Aulacoseira granulata and Cyclotella meneghiniana), along with a decrease in magnetic susceptibility (k) and % silt. Statistical analyses reveled that during 1968-2000, higher hydrological connectivity and catchment alterations drove Adams Bayou's ecosystem. After 2000, lower hydrological connectivity and increase in cultivation were the major drivers. The potential impact of increasing air temperature was also noted. The shift in Adams Bayou from a connected, clear, mesotrophic state to a relatively isolated, turbid and nutrient enriched state is consistent with regime shift models and highlights its sensitivity to a combination of environmental stresses prevalent in the catchment. Although fluvial systems pose challenges in establishing clear chronologies, oxbow lake sediments can be a effective paleoecological archives. Our work provides clear evidence for the change in the ecological character of this wetland of international significance and flags the need for a wider assessment of water bodies across this site under obligations to the Ramsar Convention.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 108(44): 17895-900, 2011 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22011576


A more thorough understanding of regional to hemispheric hydroclimate variability and associated climate patterns is needed in order to validate climate models and project future conditions. In this study, two annually laminated (varved) sediment records spanning the last millennium were analyzed from Rhode Island and New York. Lamination thickness time series from the two locations are significantly correlated to hydroclimate indicators over the period of instrument overlap, demonstrating their usefulness in reconstructing past conditions. Both records are correlated to climate teleconnection indices, most strongly the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern, suggesting regional to hemispheric influences on hydroclimate. Such a linkage is interpreted to be due to tropospheric circulation patterns in which positive PNA periods are associated with meridional circulation, leading to the dominance of southern moist air masses in the Northeast United States. Alternatively, the zonal flow over North America associated with negative PNA periods produces dominant dry continental air masses over the region. A composite record from the two locations reveals variability of hydroclimate and atmospheric circulation over the late Holocene and shows similarities to previously published reconstructions of the circumpolar vortex and of the Aleutian Low-pressure system, supporting the hypothesized PNA linkage. The record is correlated to continental-scale droughts, many of which have been reconstructed in the American Southwest. These results demonstrate the PNA's influence on hydroclimate over North America, and suggest that this teleconnected pattern may have a significant role in continental drought dynamics.