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Biodivers Data J ; 8: e50451, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32269479


BACKGROUND: The Biological Field Station of Paimpont (Station Biologique de Paimpont, SBP), owned by the University of Rennes and located in the Brocéliande Forest of Brittany (France), has been hosting student scientific research and field trips during the last 60 years. The study area of the SBP is a landscape mosaic of 17 ha composed of gorse moors, forests, prairies, ponds and creeks. Land use has evolved over time. Historical surveys by students and researchers focused on insects and birds. With this study, we aimed to increase the range of taxa observations, document changes in species composition and landscape and provide a basis for interdisciplinary research perspectives. We gathered historical data, implemented an all-taxon biodiversity inventory (ATBI) in different habitats of the SBP study area, measured abiotic factors in the air, water and soil and performed a photographical landscape observation during the BioBlitz held in July 2017. NEW INFORMATION: During the 24 h BioBlitz, organised by the SBP and the EcoBio lab from the University of Rennes and the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), different habitats were individually sampled. Seventy-seven experts, accompanied by 120 citizens and 12 young people participating in the European Volunteer Service, observed, identified and databased 660 species covering 5 kingdoms, 8 phyla, 21 classes, 90 orders and 247 families. In total, there were 1819 occurrences including records identified to higher taxon ranks, thereby adding one more kingdom and four more phyla. Historical data collection resulted in 1176 species and 4270 occurrences databased. We also recorded 13 climatic parameters, 10 soil parameters and 18 water parameters during the BioBlitz. Current habitats were mapped and socio-ecological landscape changes were assessed with a diachronic approach using 32 historical photographs and historical maps. The coupling of historical biodiversity data with new biotic and abiotic data and a photographic comparison of landscape changes allows an integrative understanding of how the SBP changed from agriculturally-used land to a managed natural area within the last 60 years. Hence, this BioBlitz represents an important holistic sampling of biodiversity for studies on trophic webs or on trophic interactions or on very diverse, but connected, habitats. The integration of social, biotic and abiotic data opens innovative research opportunities on the evolution of socio-ecosystems and landscapes.

Sci Total Environ ; 598: 421-431, 2017 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28448934


In agricultural landscapes, establishment of vegetated buffer zones in riparian wetlands (RWs) is promoted to decrease phosphorus (P) emissions because RWs can trap particulate P from upslope fields. However, long-term accumulation of P risks the release of dissolved P, since the unstable hydrological conditions in these zones may mobilize accumulated particulate P by transforming it into a mobile dissolved P species. This study evaluates how hydroclimate variability, topography and soil properties interact and influence this mobilization, using a three-year dataset of molybdate-reactive dissolved P (MRDP) and total dissolved P (TDP) concentrations in soil water from two RWs located in an agricultural catchment in western France (Kervidy-Naizin), along with stream P concentrations. Two main drivers of seasonal dissolved P release were identified: i) soil rewetting during water-table rise after dry periods and ii) reductive dissolution of soil Fe (hydr)oxides during prolonged water saturation periods. These mechanisms were shown to vary greatly in space (according to topography) and time (according to intra- and interannual hydroclimate variability). The concentration and speciation of the released dissolved P also varied spatially depending on soil chemistry and local topography. Comparison of sites revealed a similar correlation between soil P speciation (percentage of organic P ranging from 35-70%) and the concentration and speciation of the released P (MRDP from <0.10 to 0.40mgl-1; percentage of MRDP in TDP from 25-70%). These differences propagated to stream water, suggesting that the two RWs investigated were the main sources of dissolved P to streams. RWs can be critical areas due to their ability to biogeochemically transform the accumulated P in these zones into highly mobile and highly bioavailable dissolved P forms. Hydroclimate variability, local topography and soil chemistry must be considered to decrease the risk of remobilizing legacy soil P when establishing riparian buffer zones in agricultural landscapes.

Water Res ; 84: 307-14, 2015 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26255128


Because of the high sorption affinity of phosphorus (P) for the soil solid phase, mitigation options to reduce diffuse P transfer usually focus on trapping particulate P delivered via surface flow paths. Therefore, placing riparian buffers between croplands and watercourses has been promoted worldwide, sometimes in wetland areas. To investigate the risk of P-accumulating riparian wetlands (RWs) releasing dissolved P into streams, we monitored molybdate-reactive P (MRP) in the soil pore water of two RWs in an agricultural watershed. Two main mechanisms released MRP under the control of groundwater dynamics. First, soil rewetting after the dry summer period was associated with the presence of a pool of mobile P, limited in size. Its mobilization started under water saturated conditions caused by a rise in groundwater. Second, anoxic conditions at the end of winter caused reductive dissolution of Fe (hydr)oxides along with a release of MRP. Comparison of sites revealed that the first MRP release occurred only in RWs with P-enriched soils, whereas the second was observed even in RWs with low soil P status. Seasonal variations in stream MRP concentrations were similar to concentrations in RW soils. Hence, RWs can act as a key component of the P transfer continuum in agricultural landscapes by converting particulate P from croplands into MRP transferred to streams.

Groundwater/chemistry , Phosphorus/chemistry , Wetlands , Environmental Monitoring