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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(21): 218301, 2024 May 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38856251


We study two models of overdamped self-propelled disks in two dimensions, with and without aligning interactions. Both models support active mesoscale flows, leading to chaotic advection and transport over large length scales in their homogeneous dense fluid states, away from dynamical arrest. They form streams and vortices reminiscent of multiscale flow patterns in turbulence. We show that the characteristics of these flows do not depend on the specific details of the active fluids, and result from the competition between crowding effects and persistent propulsions. This observation suggests that dense active suspensions of self-propelled particles present a type of "active turbulence" distinct from collective flows reported in other types of active systems.

Phys Rev E ; 109(2): L022401, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491648


Periodical cicadas exhibit life cycles with durations of 13 or 17 years, and it is now accepted that large prime cycles arose to avoid synchrony with predators. Less well explored is how, in the face of intrinsic biological and environmental noise, insects within a brood emerge together in large successive swarms from underground during springtime warming. Here, we consider the decision-making process of underground cicadas experiencing random, spatially correlated thermal microclimates such as those in nature. Introducing short-range communication between insects leads to an Ising model of consensus building with a quenched, spatially correlated random magnetic field and annealed site dilution, which displays the kinds of collective swarms seen in nature. These results highlight the need for fieldwork to quantify the spatial fluctuations in thermal microclimates and their relationship to the spatiotemporal dynamics of swarm emergence.

Hemiptera , Animals , Consensus
Phys Rev E ; 109(2-1): 024123, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38491710


We consider mixtures of oppositely driven particles, showing that their nonequilibrium steady states form lanes parallel to the drive, which coexist with transient jammed clusters where particles are temporarily immobilized. We analyze the interplay between these two types of nonequilibrium pattern formation, including their implications for macroscopic demixing perpendicular to the drive. Finite-size scaling analysis indicates that there is no critical driving force associated with demixing, which appears as a crossover in finite systems. We attribute this effect to the disruption of long-ranged order by the transient jammed clusters.

Soft Matter ; 20(9): 2060-2074, 2024 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38345308


We study wetting droplets formed of active Brownian particles in contact with a repulsive potential barrier, in a wedge geometry. Our numerical results demonstrate a transition between partially wet and completely wet states, as a function of the barrier height, analogous to the corresponding surface phase transition in passive fluids. We analyse partially wet configurations characterised by a nonzero contact angle θ between the droplet surface and the barrier including the average density profile and its fluctuations. These findings are compared with two equilibrium systems: a Lennard-Jones fluid and a simple contour model for a liquid-vapour interface. We locate the wetting transition where cos(θ) = 1, and the neutral state where cos(θ) = 0. We discuss the implications of these results for possible definitions of surface tensions in active fluids.

J Chem Phys ; 159(24)2023 Dec 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38149735


We investigate the nucleation dynamics of the three-dimensional random field Ising model under an external field. We use umbrella sampling to compute the free-energy cost of a critical nucleus and use forward flux sampling for the direct estimation of nucleation rates. For moderate to strong disorder, our results indicate that the size of the nucleating cluster is not a good reaction coordinate, contrary to the pure Ising model. We rectify this problem by introducing a coordinate that also accounts for the location of the nucleus. Using the free energy barrier to predict the nucleation rate, we find reasonable agreement, although deviations become stronger as disorder increases. We attribute this effect to cluster shape fluctuations. We also discuss finite-size effects on the nucleation rate.

Soft Matter ; 19(38): 7412-7428, 2023 Oct 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37743690


"Sticky" spheres with a short-ranged attraction are a basic model of a wide range of materials from the atomic to the granular length scale. Among the complex phenomena exhibited by sticky spheres is the formation of far-from-equilibrium dynamically arrested networks which comprise "strands" of densely packed particles. The aging and failure of such gels under load is a remarkably challenging problem, given the simplicity of the model, as it involves multiple length- and time-scales, making a single approach ineffective. Here we tackle this challenge by addressing the failure of a single strand with a combination of methods. We study the mechanical response of a single strand of a model gel-former to deformation, both numerically and analytically. Under elongation, the strand breaks by a necking instability. We analyse this behaviour at three different length scales: a rheological continuum model of the whole strand; a microscopic analysis of the particle structure and dynamics; and the local stress tensor. Combining these different approaches gives a coherent picture of the necking and failure. The strand has an amorphous local structure and has large residual stresses from its initialisation. We find that neck formation is associated with increased plastic flow, a reduction in the stability of the local structure, and a reduction in the residual stresses; this indicates that the system loses its solid character and starts to behave more like a viscous fluid. These results will inform the development of more detailed models that incorporate the heterogeneous network structure of particulate gels.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(1): 017102, 2023 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37478424


We identify a new scenario for dynamical phase transitions associated with time-integrated observables occurring in diffusive systems described by the macroscopic fluctuation theory. It is characterized by the pairwise meeting of first- and second-order bias-induced phase transition curves at two tricritical points. We formulate a simple, general criterion for its appearance and derive an exact Landau theory for the tricritical behavior. The scenario is demonstrated in three examples: the simple symmetric exclusion process biased by an activity-related structural observable; the Katz-Lebowitz-Spohn lattice gas model biased by its current; and in an active lattice gas biased by its entropy production.

Soft Matter ; 19(21): 3871-3883, 2023 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37195636


We use numerical simulations to study the dynamics of dense assemblies of self-propelled particles in the limit of extremely large, but finite, persistence times. In this limit, the system evolves intermittently between mechanical equilibria where active forces balance interparticle interactions. We develop an efficient numerical strategy allowing us to resolve the statistical properties of elastic and plastic relaxation events caused by activity-driven fluctuations. The system relaxes via a succession of scale-free elastic events and broadly distributed plastic events that both depend on the system size. Correlations between plastic events lead to emergent dynamic facilitation and heterogeneous relaxation dynamics. Our results show that dynamical behaviour in extremely persistent active systems is qualitatively similar to that of sheared amorphous solids, yet with some important differences.

J Chem Phys ; 157(20): 204503, 2022 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36456236


We consider unsupervised learning methods for characterizing the disordered microscopic structure of supercooled liquids and glasses. Specifically, we perform dimensionality reduction of smooth structural descriptors that describe radial and bond-orientational correlations and assess the ability of the method to grasp the essential structural features of glassy binary mixtures. In several cases, a few collective variables account for the bulk of the structural fluctuations within the first coordination shell and also display a clear connection with the fluctuations of particle mobility. Fine-grained descriptors that characterize the radial dependence of bond-orientational order better capture the structural fluctuations relevant for particle mobility but are also more difficult to parameterize and to interpret. We also find that principal component analysis of bond-orientational order parameters provides identical results to neural network autoencoders while having the advantage of being easily interpretable. Overall, our results indicate that glassy binary mixtures have a broad spectrum of structural features. In the temperature range we investigate, some mixtures display well-defined locally favored structures, which are reflected in bimodal distributions of the structural variables identified by dimensionality reduction.

J Chem Phys ; 157(12): 124109, 2022 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36182417


We present a multilevel Monte Carlo simulation method for analyzing multi-scale physical systems via a hierarchy of coarse-grained representations, to obtain numerically exact results, at the most detailed level. We apply the method to a mixture of size-asymmetric hard spheres, in the grand canonical ensemble. A three-level version of the method is compared with a previously studied two-level version. The extra level interpolates between the full mixture and a coarse-grained description where only the large particles are present-this is achieved by restricting the small particles to regions close to the large ones. The three-level method improves the performance of the estimator, at fixed computational cost. We analyze the asymptotic variance of the estimator and discuss the mechanisms for the improved performance.

Phys Rev E ; 106(2-1): 024129, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36110007


We study three different lattice models in which two species of diffusing particles are driven in opposite directions by an electric field. We focus on dynamical phase transitions that involve phase separation into domains that may be parallel or perpendicular to a driving field. In all cases, the perpendicular state appears for weak driving, consistent with previous work. For strong driving, we introduce two models that support the parallel state. In one model, this state occurs because of the inclusion of dynamical rules that enhance lateral diffusion during collisions; in the other, it is a result of a nearest-neighbor attractive or repulsive interaction between particles of the same or opposite species. We discuss the connections between these results and the behavior found in off-lattice systems, including laning and freezing by heating.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(4): 048002, 2022 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35939008


We explore the emergence of nonequilibrium collective motion in disordered nonthermal active matter when persistent motion and crowding effects compete, using simulations of a two-dimensional model of size polydisperse self-propelled particles. In stark contrast with monodisperse systems, we find that polydispersity stabilizes a homogeneous active liquid at arbitrary large persistence times, characterized by remarkable velocity correlations and irregular turbulent flows. For all persistence values, the active fluid undergoes a nonequilibrium glass transition at large density. This is accompanied by collective motion, whose nature evolves from near-equilibrium spatially heterogeneous dynamics at small persistence, to a qualitatively different intermittent dynamics when persistence is large. This latter regime involves a complex time evolution of the correlated displacement field.

J Chem Phys ; 156(21): 214907, 2022 Jun 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35676121


Colloidal dispersions are prized as model systems to understand the basic properties of materials and are central to a wide range of industries from cosmetics to foods to agrichemicals. Among the key developments in using colloids to address challenges in condensed matter is to resolve the particle coordinates in 3D, allowing a level of analysis usually only possible in computer simulations. However, in amorphous materials, relating mechanical properties to microscopic structure remains problematic. This makes it rather hard to understand, for example, mechanical failure. Here, we address this challenge by studying the contacts and the forces between particles as well as their positions. To do so, we use a colloidal model system (an emulsion) in which the interparticle forces and local stress can be linked to the microscopic structure. We demonstrate the potential of our method to reveal insights into the failure mechanisms of soft amorphous solids by determining local stress in a colloidal gel. In particular, we identify "force chains" of load-bearing droplets and local stress anisotropy and investigate their connection with locally rigid packings of the droplets.

Colloids , Mechanical Phenomena , Anisotropy , Colloids/chemistry , Computer Simulation , Gels
Phys Rev E ; 106(6): L062101, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36671167


We analyze the long-lasting effects of initial conditions on dynamical fluctuations in one-dimensional diffusive systems. We consider the mean-squared displacement of tracers in homogeneous systems with single-file diffusion, and current fluctuations for noninteracting diffusive particles. In each case we show analytically that the long-term memory of initial conditions is mediated by a single static quantity: a generalized compressibility that quantifies the density fluctuations of the initial state. We thereby identify a universality class of hyperuniform initial states whose dynamical variances coincide with the quenched cases studied previously, alongside a continuous family of other classes among which equilibrated (or annealed) initial conditions are but one member. We verify our predictions through extensive Monte Carlo simulations.

Memory, Long-Term , Diffusion , Monte Carlo Method
PLoS One ; 16(11): e0258968, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34818345


We apply Bayesian inference methods to a suite of distinct compartmental models of generalised SEIR type, in which diagnosis and quarantine are included via extra compartments. We investigate the evidence for a change in lethality of COVID-19 in late autumn 2020 in the UK, using age-structured, weekly national aggregate data for cases and mortalities. Models that allow a (step-like or graded) change in infection fatality rate (IFR) have consistently higher model evidence than those without. Moreover, they all infer a close to two-fold increase in IFR. This value lies well above most previously available estimates. However, the same models consistently infer that, most probably, the increase in IFR preceded the time window during which variant B.1.1.7 (alpha) became the dominant strain in the UK. Therefore, according to our models, the caseload and mortality data do not offer unequivocal evidence for higher lethality of a new variant. We compare these results for the UK with similar models for Germany and France, which also show increases in inferred IFR during the same period, despite the even later arrival of new variants in those countries. We argue that while the new variant(s) may be one contributing cause of a large increase in IFR in the UK in autumn 2020, other factors, such as seasonality, or pressure on health services, are likely to also have contributed.

Bayes Theorem , COVID-19/mortality , Models, Statistical , SARS-CoV-2/pathogenicity , Severity of Illness Index , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19/virology , Humans , Prognosis , Quarantine , Survival Rate , United Kingdom/epidemiology
Phys Rev E ; 104(4-1): 044603, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34781560


We use a two-level simulation method to analyze the critical point associated with demixing of binary hard-sphere mixtures. The method exploits an accurate coarse-grained model with two- and three-body effective interactions. Using this model within the two-level methodology allows computation of properties of the full (fine-grained) mixture. The critical point is located by computing the probability distribution for the number of large particles in the grand canonical ensemble and matching to the universal form for the 3D Ising universality class. The results have a strong and unexpected dependence on the size ratio between large and small particles, which is related to three-body effective interactions and the geometry of the underlying hard-sphere packings.

R Soc Open Sci ; 8(8): 211065, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34430050


Epidemiological forecasts are beset by uncertainties about the underlying epidemiological processes, and the surveillance process through which data are acquired. We present a Bayesian inference methodology that quantifies these uncertainties, for epidemics that are modelled by (possibly) non-stationary, continuous-time, Markov population processes. The efficiency of the method derives from a functional central limit theorem approximation of the likelihood, valid for large populations. We demonstrate the methodology by analysing the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, based on age-structured data for the number of deaths. This includes maximum a posteriori estimates, Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling of the posterior, computation of the model evidence, and the determination of parameter sensitivities via the Fisher information matrix. Our methodology is implemented in PyRoss, an open-source platform for analysis of epidemiological compartment models.

Phys Rev E ; 103(5-1): 052132, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34134232


In systems of diffusing particles, we investigate large deviations of a time-averaged measure of clustering around one particle. We focus on biased ensembles of trajectories, which realize large-deviation events. The bias acts on a single particle, but elicits a response that spans the whole system. We analyze this effect through the lens of macroscopic fluctuation theory, focusing on the coupling of the bias to hydrodynamic modes. This explains that the dynamical free energy has nontrivial scaling relationships with the system size, in 1 and 2 spatial dimensions. We show that the long-ranged response to a bias on one particle also has consequences when biasing two particles.

Phys Rev E ; 103(2-1): 022603, 2021 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736055


We analyze collective motion that occurs during rare (large deviation) events in systems of active particles, both numerically and analytically. We discuss the associated dynamical phase transition to collective motion, which occurs when the active work is biased towards larger values, and is associated with alignment of particles' orientations. A finite biasing field is needed to induce spontaneous symmetry breaking, even in large systems. Particle alignment is computed exactly for a system of two particles. For many-particle systems, we analyze the symmetry breaking by an optimal-control representation of the biased dynamics, and we propose a fluctuating hydrodynamic theory that captures the emergence of polar order in the biased state.

Phys Rev E ; 104(6-1): 064137, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35030867


For nonequilibrium systems described by finite Markov processes, we consider the number of times that a system traverses a cyclic sequence of states (a cycle). The joint distribution of the number of forward and backward instances of any given cycle is described by universal formulas which depend on the cycle affinity, but are otherwise independent of system details. We discuss the similarities and differences of this result to fluctuation theorems, and generalize the result to families of cycles, relevant under coarse graining. Finally, we describe the application of large deviation theory to this cycle-counting problem.