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J Phys Chem A ; 125(28): 6263-6272, 2021 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34236877


Organic-organic interactions play important roles in secondary organic aerosol formation, but the interactions are complex and poorly understood. Here, we use environmental molecular beam experiments combined with molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the interactions between methanol and nopinone, as atmospheric organic proxies. In the experiments, methanol monomers and clusters are sent to collide with three types of surfaces, i.e., graphite, thin nopinone coating on graphite, and nopinone multilayer surfaces, at temperatures between 140 and 230 K. Methanol monomers are efficiently scattered from the graphite surface, whereas the scattering is substantially suppressed from nopinone surfaces. The thermal desorption from the three surfaces is similar, suggesting that all the surfaces have weak or similar influences on methanol desorption. All trapped methanol molecules completely desorb within a short experimental time scale at temperatures of 180 K and above. At lower temperatures, the desorption rate decreases, and a long experimental time scale is used to resolve the desorption, where three desorption components are identified. The fast component is beyond the experimental detection limit. The intermediate component exhibits multistep desorption character and has an activation energy of Ea = 0.18 ± 0.03 eV, in good agreement with simulation results. The slow desorption component is related to diffusion processes due to the weak temperature dependence. The molecular dynamics results show that upon collisions the methanol clusters shatter, and the shattered fragments quickly diffuse and recombine to clusters. Desorption involves a series of processes, including detaching from clusters and desorbing as monomers. At lower temperatures, methanol forms compact cluster structures while at higher temperatures, the methanol molecules form layered structures on the nopinone surface, which are visible in the simulation. Also, the simulation is used to study the liquid-liquid interaction, where the methanol clusters completely dissolve in liquid nopinone, showing ideal organic-organic mixing.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(18): 3652-3661, 2020 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32281376


Water and organics are omnipresent in the atmosphere, and their interactions influence the properties and lifetime of both aerosols and clouds. Nopinone is one of the major reaction products formed from ß-pinene oxidation, a compound emitted by coniferous trees, and it has been found in both gas and particle phases in the atmosphere. Here, we investigate the interactions between water molecules and nopinone surfaces by combining environmental molecular beam (EMB) experiments and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The EMB method enables detailed studies of the dynamics and kinetics of water interacting with solid nopinone at 170-240 K and graphite coated with a molecularly thin nopinone layer at 200-270 K. MD simulations that mimic the experimental conditions have been performed to add insights into the molecular-level processes. Water molecules impinging on nopinone surfaces are efficiently trapped (≥97%), and only a minor fraction scatters inelastically while maintaining 35-65% of their incident kinetic energy (23.2 ± 1.0 kJ mol-1). A large fraction (60-80%) of the trapped molecules desorbs rapidly, whereas a small fraction (20-40%) remains on the surface for more than 10 ms. The MD calculations confirm both rapid water desorption and the occurrence of strongly bound surface states. A comparison of the experimental and computational results suggests that the formation of surface-bound water clusters enhances water uptake on the investigated surfaces.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(3): 1141-1151, 2019 Jan 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30607418


The interactions between water molecules and condensed n-butanol surfaces are investigated at temperatures from 160 to 240 K using the environmental molecular beam experimental method and complementary molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In the experiments hyperthermal water molecules are directed onto a condensed n-butanol layer and the flux from the surface is detected in different directions. A small fraction of the water molecules scatters inelastically from the surface while losing 60-90% of their initial kinetic energy in collisions, and the angular distributions of these molecules are broad for both solid and liquid surfaces. The majority of the impinging water molecules are thermalized and trapped on the surface, while subsequent desorption is governed by two different processes: one where molecules bind briefly to the surface (residence time τ < 10 µs), and another where the molecules trap for a longer time τ = 0.8-2.0 ms before desorbing. Water molecules trapped on a liquid n-butanol surface are substantially less likely to escape from the surface compared to a solid layer. The MD calculations provide detialed insight into surface melting, adsorption, absorption and desorption processes. Calculated angular distributions and kinetic energy of emitted water molecules agree well with the experimental data. In spite of its hydrophobic tail and enhanced surface organization below the melting temperature, butanol's hydrophilic functional groups are concluded to be surprisingly accessible to adsorbed water molecules; a finding that may be explained by rapid diffusion of water away from hydrophobic surface structures towards more strongly bound conformational structures.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(35): 6614-6619, 2017 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28792755


Water and organic molecules are omnipresent in the environment, and their interactions are of central importance in many Earth system processes. Here we investigate molecular-level interactions between water and a nopinone surface using an environmental molecular beam (EMB) technique. Nopinone is a major reaction product formed during oxidation of ß-pinene, a prominent compound emitted by coniferous trees, which has been found in both the gas and particle phases of atmospheric aerosol. The EMB method enables detailed studies of the dynamics and kinetics of D2O molecules interacting with a solid nopinone surface at 202 K. Hyperthermal collisions between water and nopinone result in efficient trapping of water molecules, with a small fraction that scatter inelastically after losing 60-80% of their incident kinetic energy. While the majority of the trapped molecules rapidly desorb with a time constant τ less than 10 µs, a substantial fraction (0.32 ± 0.09) form strong bonds with the nopinone surface and remain in the condensed phase for milliseconds or longer. The interactions between water and nopinone are compared to results for recently studied water-alcohol and water-acetic acid systems, which display similar collision dynamics but differ with respect to the kinetics of accommodated water. The results contribute to an emerging surface science-based view and molecular-level description of organic aerosols in the atmosphere.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(3): 035112, 2017 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28372415


Molecular beam techniques are commonly used to obtain detailed information about reaction dynamics and kinetics of gas-surface interactions. These experiments are traditionally performed in vacuum and the dynamic state of surfaces under ambient conditions is thereby excluded from detailed studies. Herein we describe the development and demonstration of a new vacuum-gas interface that increases the accessible pressure range in environmental molecular beam (EMB) experiments. The interface consists of a grating close to a macroscopically flat surface, which allows for experiments at pressures above 1 Pa including angularly resolved measurements of the emitted flux. The technique is successfully demonstrated using key molecular beam experiments including elastic helium and inelastic water scattering from graphite, helium and light scattering from condensed adlayers, and water interactions with a liquid 1-butanol surface. The method is concluded to extend the pressure range and flexibility in EMB studies with implications for investigations of high pressure interface phenomena in diverse fields including catalysis, nanotechnology, environmental science, and life science. Potential further improvements of the technique are discussed.

J Phys Chem B ; 118(47): 13378-86, 2014 Nov 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25079605


Water uptake on aerosol and cloud particles in the atmosphere modifies their chemistry and microphysics with important implications for climate on Earth. Here, we apply an environmental molecular beam (EMB) method to characterize water accommodation on ice and organic surfaces. The adsorption of surface-active compounds including short-chain alcohols, nitric acid, and acetic acid significantly affects accommodation of D2O on ice. n-Hexanol and n-butanol adlayers reduce water uptake by facilitating rapid desorption and function as inefficient barriers for accommodation as well as desorption of water, while the effect of adsorbed methanol is small. Water accommodation is close to unity on nitric-acid- and acetic-acid-covered ice, and accommodation is significantly more efficient than that on the bare ice surface. Water uptake is inefficient on solid alcohols and acetic acid but strongly enhanced on liquid phases including a quasi-liquid layer on solid n-butanol. The EMB method provides unique information on accommodation and rapid kinetics on volatile surfaces, and these studies suggest that adsorbed organic and acidic compounds need to be taken into account when describing water at environmental interfaces.