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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(4)oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530332


The monotypic Peruvian genus Anqasha with type species Anqasha picta (Pocock 1903) is revised. A female of A. picta from the type locality of Caraz is herein described for the first time. The recently described females of A. picta coming from Recuay are transferred to the new taxon, which is herein described, diagnosed, and illustrated. Males of A. minaperinensis sp. nov. differ from that of A. picta in the shape of retrolateral branch of subapical apophyses on male tibia I, which is apically flattened and having three short spines. Females of A. minaperinensis sp. nov. differ from A. picta in the shape of seminal receptacles.

Se revisa el género monotípico peruano Anqasha, con la espécie tipo Anqasha picta (Pocock 1903). Se describe por primera vez una hembra de A. picta de la localidad de tipo en Caraz. Las hembras recientemente descritas de A. picta procedentes de Recuay son transferidas al nuevo taxon, el cual se describe, diagnostica e illustra aquí. Los machos de A. minaperinensis sp. nov. se differencían de A. picta en la forma de la rama retrolateral de la apófísis subapical en la tibia I del macho, la cual está aplanada apicalmente y llevando tres espinas cortas. Las hembras de A. minaperinensis sp. nov. se differencían de A. picta en la forma de los receptaculos seminales.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(4): 441-450, Oct-Dec 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150085


Resumen Se describe, diagnostica e ilustra Neischnocolus iquitos sp. nov. de la región de Loreto, Perú. Los machos de N. iquitos sp. nov. se diferencian del resto de sus congéneres conocidos a la fecha por tener dos apófisis retrolaterales en la tibia palpal, en combinación con la presencia de una quilla retrolateral en el émbolo, y la ausencia de granulación o micropicos en el émbolo o tegulum. Las hembras de N. iquitos sp. nov. se diferencian de las otras hembras de Neischnocolus en la morfología de la genitalia, consistiendo de una parte inferior esclerotizada con dos receptáculos seminales separados, y una parte superior transparente y con muescas.

Abstract Neischnocolus iquitos sp. nov. from Loreto region, Peru, is described, diagnosed and figured. Males of N. iquitos sp. nov. differ from all known congeners in the presence of two retrolateral processes on palpal tibia, in combination with the presence of a retrolateral keel on embolus and the absence of granulation or microspikes on embolus or tegulum. Females of N. iquitos sp. nov. differ from all known Neischnocolus females in the morphology of the genitalia consisting of a lower sclerotized part with two short, separate seminal receptacles, and an upper part, which is transparent and notched.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 273-282, jul-sep 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144961


Resumen Se describe, diagnostica e ilustra una nueva especie de Bistriopelma Kaderka 2015, Bistriopelma fabianae sp. nov., para la región de Arequipa en el sur de Perú. Los especímenes se encontraron en un bosque de Queñua (Polylepis rugulosa Bitter) ubicado en las faldas del volcán Pichu Pichu en la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca. Se presentan datos biológicos y ecológicos de B. fabianae sp. nov. y también notas adicionales sobre B. kiwicha y B. peyoi, dos nuevas especies recientemente descritas de las regiones de Apurímac y Cusco.

Abstract A new species of Bistriopelma Kaderka 2015, Bistriopelma fabianae sp. nov., from the Arequipa region in southern Peru is described, diagnosed, and illustrated. Specimens were found in a Queñua forest (Polylepis rugulosa Bitter) spread out on the slopes of Pichu Pichu volcano in the buffer zone of Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve. Biological and ecological data of B. fabianae sp. nov. are provided as well as notes on B. kiwicha and B. peyoi, two new species recently described from Apurimac and Cusco regions.

PLoS One ; 14(11): e0224384, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31710616


Tarantula urticating setae are modified setae located on the abdomen or pedipalps, which represent an effective defensive mechanism against vertebrate or invertebrate predators and intruders. They are also useful taxonomic tools as morphological characters facilitating the classification of New World theraphosid spiders. In the present study, the morphology of urticating setae was studied on 144 taxa of New World theraphosids, including ontogenetic stages in chosen species, except for species with urticating setae of type VII. The typology of urticating setae was revised, and types I, III and IV were redescribed. The urticating setae in spiders with type I setae, which were originally among type III or were considered setae of intermediate morphology between types I and III, are newly considered to be ontogenetic derivatives of type I and are described as subtypes. Setae of intermediate morphology between that of body setae and type II urticating setae that were found in Iridopelma hirsutum and Antillena rickwesti may provide another evidence that type II urticating setae evolved from body setae. It is supposed that the fusion of barbs with the shaft may lead to the morphology of type II setae. As the type II setae of Aviculariinae evolved independently to the UrS of Theraphosinae and both subfamilies represent two non-sister groups, this should explain the differences in the morphology of body setae in Aviculariinae and Theraphosinae. The terminology of "barbs" and "reversed barbs" was revised and redefined, newly emphasizing the real direction of barbs.

Sensilla/anatomy & histology , Spiders/anatomy & histology , Animals , Spiders/classification
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 26(4): 443-460, Oct.-Dec 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144909


A female of Cyriocosmus giganteus Kaderka 2016 is described and illustrated for the first time, a new diagnosis of this species is proposed. Cyriocosmus paredesi sp. nov. from Quebrada Putuiman (Marañon River) and Cyriocosmus foliatus sp. nov. from Umaral near Iquitos, both from Loreto Department in Peru, are described, diagnosed, illustrated and keyed. The male of Cyriocosmus sellatus (Simon 1889) from Rio Blanco, the tributary of Rio Tahuyao, Loreto Department in Peru, is redescribed and figured. The distribution area of this species is updated, and difficulties in the identification of this species are discussed.

Se describe e ilustra por la primera vez la hembra de Cyriocosmus giganteus Kaderka 2016, la diagnosis de esta especie es nuevamente propuesta. Se describe, diagnostica e ilustra a Cyriocosmus paredesi sp. nov. de la Quebrada Putuiman (Río Marañón) y Cyriocosmus foliatus sp. nov. de Umaral cerca de Iquitos, ambos del Departamento de Loreto en Perú. Se presenta una clave para las especies. Se redescribe e ilustra el macho de Cyriocosmus sellatus (Simon 1889) de Río Blanco, el afluente del Río Tahuyao, Departamento de Loreto en Perú. Se presenta el área actualizada de distribución de esta especie y se discuten dificultades para su identificación.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 24(3)sept. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508824


The male of Bistriopelma matuskai Kaderka 2015 is described and illustrated, the species is rediagnosed and complemented by new biogeographical data. Additionally, a new species of Bistriopelma, B. titicaca sp. nov., from the Puno region in Peru is described, diagnosed and illustrated. An updated general description and distribution map of Bistriopelma are provided

Se describe e ilustra el macho de Bistriopelma matuskai Kaderka 2015, se presenta una nueva diagnosis de la especie junto con nuevos datos biogeográficos. Adicionalmente, se describe, diagnostica e ilustra una nueva especie de Bistriopelma, B. titicaca sp. nov., del departamento de Puno en Perú. Se provee una descripción general actualizada y un mapa de distribución para el género

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 21(3)dic. 2014.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522370


Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. from Cuzco region, Peru is described, diagnosed and figured. Males of Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. differ from all other congeners, except A. pijaos, by the presence of only one retrolateral process on male palpal tibia, from A. pijaos by the granulation in tegular area of male palpal bulb. Additionally, photographs of A. yupanquii spermatheca are for the first time presented in order to emphasize the characteristic shape of spermathecae in this genus.

Se describe, diagnostica e ilustra Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. de la región de Cuzco, Perú. Los machos de Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. se diferencian del resto de sus congéneres, excepto A. pijaos, por tener una sola apófisis retrolateral en la tibia pedipalpal y de A. pijaos por la granulación en el área tegular de los bulbos pedipalpales de los machos. Adicionalmente, se presentan por primera vez fotografía de la espermateca de A. yupanquii para resaltar la forma característica de las espermatecas en este género.