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Nano Lett ; 24(34): 10624-10630, 2024 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39140493


Ferroelectricity has recently been demonstrated in germanium-based halide perovskites. We use first-principles-based simulations to study 4-18 nm CsGeBr3 films and develop a theory for ferroelectric ultrathin films. The theory introduces (i) a local order parameter, which identifies phase transitions into both monodomain and polydomain phases, and (ii) a dipole pattern classifier, which allows efficient and reliable identification of dipole patterns. Application of the theory to both halides CsGeBr3 and CsGeI3 and oxide BiFeO3 ultrathin ferroelectrics reveals two distinct scenarios. First, the films transition into a monodomain phase below the critical value of the residual depolarizing field. Above this critical value, the second scenario occurs, and the film undergoes a transition into a nanodomain phase. The two scenarios exhibit opposite responses of Curie temperature to thickness reduction. Application of a dipole pattern classifier reveals rich nanodomain phases in halide films: nanostripes, labyrinths, zig-zags, pillars, and lego domains.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(19): 13105-13112, 2024 May 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38690965


Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are famous for the diversity of their chemical compositions, phases, phase transitions, and associated physical properties. We use a combination of experimental and computational techniques to reveal a strong coupling between structure, magnetism, and spin splitting in a representative of the largest family of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites: the formates. With the help of first-principles simulations, we find spin splitting in both conduction and valence bands of [NH2NH3]Co(HCOO)3 induced by spin-orbit interactions, which can reach up to 14 meV. Our magnetic measurements reveal that this material exhibits canted antiferromagnetism below 15.5 K. The direction of the associated antiferromagnetic order parameter is strongly coupled with spin splitting in the centrosymmetric phase, allowing for the creation and annihilation of spin splitting through the application of a magnetic field. Furthermore, the structural phase transition to the experimentally observed polar Pna21 phase completely changes the aforementioned spin splitting and its coupling to magnetic degrees of freedom. This reveals that in [NH2NH3]Co(HCOO)3, the structure and magnetism are strongly coupled to spin splitting and can be manipulated through electric and magnetic fields. We believe that our findings offer an important step toward a fundamental understanding and practical applications of materials with coupled properties.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(6): 7522-7530, 2024 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38290474


The piezoelectric response is a measure of the sensitivity of a material's polarization to stress or its strain to an applied field. Using in operando X-ray Bragg coherent diffraction imaging, we observe that topological vortices are the source of a 5-fold enhancement of the piezoelectric response near the vortex core. The vortices form where several low-symmetry ferroelectric phases and phase boundaries coalesce. Unlike bulk ferroelectric solid solutions in which a large piezoelectric response is associated with coexisting phases in the proximity of the triple point, the largest responses for pure BaTiO3 at the nanoscale are in spatial regions of extremely small spontaneous polarization at vortex cores. The response decays inversely with polarization away from the vortex, analogous to the behavior in bulk ceramics as the cation compositions are varied away from the triple point. We use first-principles-based molecular dynamics to augment our observations, and our results suggest that nanoscale piezoelectric materials with a large piezoelectric response can be designed within a parameter space governed by vortex cores. Our findings have implications for the development of next-generation nanoscale piezoelectric materials.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(38): 8541-8547, 2023 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37724873


Persistent spin textures are highly desirable for applications in spintronics, as they allow for long carrier spin lifetimes. However, they are also rare, as they require a delicate balance between spin-momentum coupling parameters. We used density functional theory simulations to predict the possibility of achieving these desirable spin textures through the application of uniaxial stress. Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite MPSnBr3 (MP = CH3PH3) is a ferroelectric semiconductor which exhibits persistent spin textures near its conduction band minimum and mostly Rashba type spin textures in the vicinity of its valence band maximum. Application of uniaxial stress leads to the gradual evolution of the valence band spin textures from mostly Rashba type to quasipersistent ones under a tensile load and to pure Rashba or quasipersistent ones under a compressive load. The material exhibits flexibility, a rubber-like response, and both positive and negative piezoelectric constants. A combination of such properties may create opportunities for flexible and rubbery spintronic devices.

J Chem Phys ; 159(7)2023 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37589410


Hybrid organic-inorganic formate perovskites, AB(HCOO)3, are a large family of compounds that exhibit a variety of phase transitions and diverse properties, such as (anti)ferroelectricity, ferroelasticity, (anti)ferromagnetism, and multiferroism. While many properties of these materials have already been characterized, we are not aware of any study that focuses on the comprehensive property assessment of a large number of formate perovskites. A comparison of the properties of materials within the family is challenging due to systematic errors attributed to different techniques or the lack of data. For example, complete piezoelectric, dielectric, and elastic tensors are not available. In this work, we utilize first-principles density functional theory based simulations to overcome these challenges and to report structural, mechanical, dielectric, piezoelectric, and ferroelectric properties of 29 formate perovskites. We find that these materials exhibit elastic stiffness in the range 0.5-127.0 GPa; highly anisotropic linear compressibility, including zero and even negative values; dielectric constants in the range 0.1-102.1; highly anisotropic piezoelectric response with the longitudinal values in the range 1.18-21.12 pC/N; and spontaneous polarizations in the range 0.2-7.8 µC/cm2. Furthermore, we propose and computationally characterize a few formate perovskites that have not been reported yet.

J Chem Phys ; 154(10): 104706, 2021 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33722012


The halide perovskites have truly emerged as efficient optoelectronic materials and show the promise of exhibiting nontrivial topological phases. Since the bandgap is the deterministic factor for these quantum phases, here, we present a comprehensive electronic structure study using first-principle methods by considering nine inorganic halide perovskites CsBX3 (B = Ge, Sn, Pb; X = Cl, Br, I) in their three structural polymorphs (cubic, tetragonal, and orthorhombic). A series of exchange-correlation (XC) functionals are examined toward accurate estimation of the bandgap. Furthermore, while 13 orbitals are active in constructing the valence and conduction band spectra, here, we establish that a 4 orbital based minimal basis set is sufficient to build the Slater-Koster tight-binding (SK-TB) model, which is capable of reproducing the bulk and surface electronic structures in the vicinity of the Fermi level. Therefore, like the Wannier based TB model, the presented SK-TB model can also be considered an efficient tool to examine the bulk and surface electronic structures of the halide family of compounds. As estimated by comparing the model study and DFT band structure, the dominant electron coupling strengths are found to be nearly independent of XC functionals, which further establishes the utility of the SK-TB model.