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Asian J Neurosurg ; 13(1): 83-85, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29492129


Lipomas and lipoblastomas are benign tumors of mesenchymal origin in contrast to liposarcoma that is a malignant tumor. Atypical lipomatous lesion arising from embryonal fat cells is termed as lipoblastoma. In the present case report 9-month-old male presented to us with painless, rapidly progressing mass over back, power was normal in all four limbs, fine needle aspiration cytology was suggestive of cellular tissue, magnetic resonance imaging suggestive of well-defined enhancing mass in paravertebral location, extending from D3 to D10 vertebrae with intraspinal extension, communicating through neural foramina at level of D7. Intraoperatively, it was dumbbell-shaped, looked like neurofiboma based on the gross findings and it was adherent to dorsal nerve root also. Single level laminectomy with complete surgical excision of lesion done with sacrifice of dorsal nerve root. Histopathology was suggestive of lipoblastoma. Postoperative recovery was uneventful.

J Clin Diagn Res ; 8(4): DD01-5, 2014 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24959445


Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis is a rare disease caused by dematiaceous fungi. It has poor prognosis irrespective of the immune status of the patient. Cladophialophora bantiana is the most commonly isolated species. We report a case of multiple brain abscesses caused by C. bantiana in an immune competent patient. The diagnosis was based on CT scan of head, direct examination and culture of the aspirate from the abscess. Despite complete surgical resection of the abscesses and antifungal therapy with amphotericin B and voriconazole the patient could not be saved. All the cases of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis due to this rare neurotropic fungus reported from India between 1962 and 2009 have also been reviewed.