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Chem Sci ; 13(15): 4377-4387, 2022 Apr 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35509471


Enhanced rates and selectivity in enzymes are enabled in part by precisely tuned electric fields within active sites. Analogously, the use of charged groups to leverage electrostatics in molecular systems is a promising strategy to tune reactivity. However, separation of the through space and through bond effects of charged functional groups is a long standing challenge that limits the rational application of electric fields in molecular systems. To address this challenge we developed a method using the phosphorus selenium coupling value (J P-Se) of anionic phosphine selenides to quantify the electrostatic contribution of the borate moiety to donor strength. In this analysis we report the synthesis of a novel anionic phosphine, PPh2CH2BF3K, the corresponding tetraphenyl phosphonium and tetraethyl ammonium selenides [PPh4][SePPh2CH2BF3] and [TEA][SePPh2CH2BF3], and the Rh carbonyl complex [PPh4][Rh(acac)(CO)(PPh2(CH2BF3))]. Solvent-dependent changes in J P-Se were fit using Coulomb's law and support up to an 80% electrostatic contribution to the increase in donor strength of [PPh4][SePPh2CH2BF3] relative to SePPh2Et, while controls with [TEA][SePPh2CH2BF3] exclude convoluting ion pairing effects. Calculations using explicit solvation or point charges effectively replicate the experimental data. This J P-Se method was extended to [PPh4][SePPh2(2-BF3Ph)] and likewise estimates up to a 70% electrostatic contribution to the increase in donor strength relative to SePPh3. The use of PPh2CH2BF3K also accelerates C-F oxidative addition reactivity with Ni(COD)2 by an order of magnitude in comparison to the comparatively donating neutral phosphines PEt3 and PCy3. This enhanced reactivity prompted the investigation of catalytic fluoroarene C-F borylation, with improved yields observed for less fluorinated arenes. These results demonstrate that covalently bound charged functionalities can exert a significant electrostatic influence under common solution phase reaction conditions and experimentally validate theoretical predictions regarding electrostatic effects in reactivity.

Chem Sci ; 9(19): 4493-4499, 2018 May 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29896391


We report an unusual series of discrete iodosyl- and iodoxyarene adducts of Co. The formation of these adducts was confirmed by a suite of techniques including single crystal X-ray diffraction. The reactivity of these adducts with O-atom acceptors and an H-atom donor has been investigated with particular focus on elucidating mechanistic details. Detailed kinetic analysis allows for discrimination between proposed oxo and adduct mediated mechanisms. In particular, these reactions have been interrogated by competition experiments with isotopically labelled mixtures which shows that all of the studied adducts display a large KIE. These studies suggest different mechanisms may be relevant depending on subtle substituent changes in the adduct complexes. Reactivity data are consistent with the involvement of a transient oxo complex in one case, while the two other systems appear to react with substrates directly as iodosyl- or iodoxyarene adducts. These results support that reactivity typically ascribed to metal-oxo complexes, such as O-atom transfer and C-H activation, can also be mediated by discrete transition metal iodosyl- or iodoxyarene adducts that are frequent intermediates in the generation of oxo complexes. The influence of additional Lewis acids such as Sc3+ on the reactivity of these systems has also been investigated.