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Phys Rev Lett ; 99(10): 100401, 2007 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17930377


We study a mixture of fermionic and bosonic cold atoms on a two-dimensional optical lattice, where the fermions are prepared in two isospin states and the bosons have Bose-Einstein condensed. Number density fluctuations of the condensate form delocalized bosonic modes which couple to the fermionic atoms similarly to the electron-phonon coupling in crystals. We study the phase diagram for this system at fixed fermion density of one per site. We find that tuning of the lattice parameters and interaction strengths drives the system to undergo antiferromagnetic ordering, s-wave and d-wave pairing superconductivity, or a charge density-wave phase. We use functional renormalization group analysis where retardation effects are fully taken into account. We calculate response functions and also provide estimates of the energy gap associated with the dominant order, and how it depends on different parameters of the problem.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(19): 196802, 2006 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16803124


We study the collective states formed by two-dimensional electrons in Landau levels of index n > or = near half filling. By numerically solving the self-consistent Hartree-Fock (HF) equations for a set of oblique two-dimensional lattices, we find that the stripe state is an anisotropic Wigner crystal (AWC), and determine its precise structure for varying values of the filling factor. Calculating the elastic energy, we find that the shear modulus of the AWC is small but finite (nonzero) within the HF approximation. This implies, in particular, that the long-wavelength magnetophonon mode in the stripe state vanishes q(3/2) like as in an ordinary Wigner crystal, and not like q(5/2) as was found in previous studies where the energy of shear deformations was neglected.