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Ecol Evol ; 14(3): e11031, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38435007


During the last 40 years, the volumes of African pangolins feeding the illegal wildlife trade have dramatically increased. We conducted a conservation genetics survey of the most traded African species, the white bellied pangolin (WBP; Phataginus tricuspis), across three West African countries including Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, and Ghana. Our study combining mitochondrial DNA sequencing and microsatellite genotyping is the first to reveal a wide pattern of admixture between two of the six mitochondrial lineages as previously delimited within WBP. We found a signature of isolation by distance but a lack of population genetic structuring, supporting the idea that WBP may have underestimated dispersal abilities. Levels of genetic diversity were low in West African lineages (WAfr and Gha) compared to Central Africa, reinforcing the picture of genetic pauperization shared by West African WBP. We observed a 85%-98% decline in the effective population size of WBP occurring c. 3200 to 400 ya, with current numbers (520-590) at the lower end of the conservative thresholds for minimum viable population size. The microsatellite markers were powerful enough to differentiate between individuals and identify replicated samples, confirming the utility of this approach in tracing the pangolin trade. Genetic diversity estimates confirmed that Yopougon, the main bushmeat market from Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire), was fed by a large trade network as confirmed by vendors reporting 10 different sources situated 62-459 km away from the market. We conclude that WBP distributed in the Upper Guinean Block should be considered a single management unit of high conservation concern, as impacted by genetic diversity erosion, drastic decline in effective population size, and wide range sourcing for feeding urban bushmeat markets. Given the genetic admixture pattern detected within WBP from West Africa, we advocate for a multi-locus strategy to trace the international trade of the species.

Au cours des 40 dernières années, les volumes de pangolins africains alimentant le commerce illégal d'espèces sauvages ont augmenté de façon spectaculaire. Nous avons mené une étude de génétique de la conservation sur l'espèce africaine la plus braconnée, le pangolin à ventre blanc (PVB; Phataginus tricuspis), à travers trois pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest incluant la Guinée, la Côte d'Ivoire et le Ghana. Notre étude combinant le séquençage de l'ADN mitochondrial et le génotypage par microsatellites est la première à révéler un patron généralisé d'admixture entre deux des six lignées mitochondriales précédemment délimitées au sein du PVB. Nous mettons en évidence une signature d'isolement par la distance mais un manque de structuration génétique des populations, soutenant l'idée que le PVB a des capacités de dispersion jusque­là sous­estimées. Les niveaux de diversité génétique observés dans les lignées d'Afrique de l'Ouest (WAfr et Gha) sont faibles par rapport à ceux observés en Afrique Centrale, confirmant la paupérisation génétique des populations de PVB en Afrique de l'Ouest. Nous avons observé un déclin de 85 à 98% de la taille efficace de la population ouest­africaine entre 3200 et 400 ans, les estimations actuelles (520­590) se situant à l'extrémité inférieure des seuils minimums de viabilité. Les marqueurs microsatellites utilisés sont suffisamment puissants pour différencier les individus et identifier les doublons d'échantillons, confirmant l'utilité de ces marqueurs pour tracer le commerce des pangolins. Nos estimations de diversité génétique ont confirmé que Yopougon, le principal marché de viande de brousse d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire), était alimenté par un vaste réseau commercial, comme le confirment les vendeurs signalant 10 sources différentes situées à 62­459 km du marché. Nous concluons que les PVB présents dans le bloc forestier de Haute Guinée devraient être considérés comme une seule unité de gestion à fort intérêt de conservation, étant soumis à une érosion de sa diversité génétique, un déclin drastique de la taille efficace de sa population et un approvisionnement à grande échelle des marchés urbains de viande de brousse. Compte tenu du schéma d'admixture génétique détecté chez les PVB d'Afrique de l'Ouest, nous préconisons une stratégie multi­locus pour tracer le commerce international de l'espèce.

PLoS One ; 18(12): e0295909, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38100405


Lyme disease cases reported in seven Canadian provinces from 2009 to 2019 through the Lyme Disease Enhanced Surveillance System are described herein by demographic, geography, time and season. The proportion of males was greater than females. Bimodal peaks in incidence were observed in children and older adults (≥60 years of age) for all clinical signs except cardiac manifestations, which were more evenly distributed across age groups. Proportions of disease stages varied between provinces: Atlantic provinces reported mainly early Lyme disease, while Ontario reported equal proportions of early and late-stage Lyme disease. Early Lyme disease cases were mainly reported between May through November, whereas late Lyme disease were reported in December through April. Increased awareness over time may have contributed to a decrease in the proportion of cases reporting late disseminated Lyme disease. These analyses help better describe clinical features of reported Lyme disease cases in Canada.

Lyme Disease , Child , Male , Female , Humans , Aged , Lyme Disease/diagnosis , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Ontario/epidemiology , Incidence , Seasons
One Health ; 16: 100503, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36875888


Social media provides a platform for wildlife crime syndicates to access a global consumer-driven market. Whilst studies have uncovered the online trade in wildlife, the availability of wild meat (bushmeat) has not been assessed. To investigate the sale of wild meat online, we analysed 563 posts published between 2018 and 2022 from six West African Facebook pages selected using predetermined search criteria. Across 1511 images and 18 videos, we visually identified 25 bushmeat species-level taxa including mammals (six Rodentia, five Artiodactyla, three Carnivora, two Pholidota, one Primate, two Lagomorpha, one Hyracoidea), birds (three Galliformes) and reptiles (two Squamata), predominately advertised as smoked (63%) or fresh (30%) whole carcasses or portions. Among the species identified, 16% feature a status of concern on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List (Near Threatened to Endangered), 16% are listed on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES; Appendix I and II) and 24% are either fully or partially protected by local legislation. Images were commonly used as propaganda rather than to display inventory, where additional taxa protected from game hunting in West Africa, such as hornbill, were exclusively listed in captions. The advertisement of these protected and vulnerable species on the surface web indicates weak local and international legislative enforcement. Comparatively, when the same search criteria were applied to the deep web browser Tor no results were generated, reinforcing the idea that bushmeat vendors have no need to hide their activities online. Despite local and international trade restrictions, the taxa advertised feature similarities with bushmeat seizures reported in Europe, alluding to the interconnectedness of the trade facilitated by social media. We conclude that enhanced policy enforcement is essential to combat the online sale of bushmeat and mitigate the potential biodiversity and public health impacts.

Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22283285


In West Africa, the bushmeat trade is a major societal issue with contrasting implications on biodiversity, health and economy. We studied perceptions of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the bushmeat trade dynamics through questionnaires addressed to 377 vendors across three West African countries. We showed that bushmeat vendors constitute a socio-economic category driven by ethnicity and gender bias, engaged in profitable, long-term careers. There was a general consensus among vendors that the COVID-19 pandemic and related governmental measures had a negative impact on their activities and the number of clients, a cost still perceived as visible at the time of the survey. However, we observed large discrepancies among the national trade dynamics relative to the constraints of the pandemic. Cote dIvoire was hardly hit by the bushmeat ban and perceived governmental measures as rather negative, whereas Cameroon generally did not report a temporary stop of bushmeat activities and engaged in the stockpiling of pangolins, and Benin mostly suffered from a weakened supply chain. Because such differences are rooted in the geography and political agenda of each country, predicting the impact of mitigation measures on the global dynamics of bushmeat markets might be an unrealistic task if national specificities are not taken into account. West African vendors generally did not believe that pangolins were involved in the pandemic, for the reason that people have always been eating pangolins and have never been sick. We recommend that future awareness campaigns through television and social networks also include education on microbial evolution and host shift.

Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis ; 22(7): 361-369, 2022 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35727121


Range expansion of the vector tick species, Ixodes scapularis, has been detected in Ontario over the last two decades. This has led to elevated risk of exposure to Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. Previous research using passive surveillance data suggests that I. scapularis populations establish before the establishment of B. burgdorferi transmission cycles, with a delay of ∼5 years. The objectives of this research were to examine spatial and temporal patterns of I. scapularis and its pathogens from 2017 to 2019 in southwestern, eastern, and central Ontario, and to explore patterns of B. burgdorferi invasion. Over the 3-year study period, drag sampling was conducted at 48 sites across Ontario. I. scapularis ticks were tested for B. burgdorferi, Borrelia miyamotoi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Babesia species, including Babesia microti and Babesia odocoilei, and Powassan virus. I. scapularis was detected at 30 sites overall, 22 of which had no history of previous tick detection. B. burgdorferi was detected at nine sites, eight of which tested positive for the first time during this study and five of which had B. burgdorferi detected concurrently with initial tick detection. Tick and pathogen hotspots were identified in eastern Ontario in 2017 and 2018, respectively. These findings provide additional evidence on the range expansion and population establishment of I. scapularis in Ontario and help generate hypotheses on the invasion of B. burgdorferi in Ontario. Ongoing public health surveillance is critical to monitor changes in I. scapularis and its pathogens in Ontario.

Arachnid Vectors/physiology , Borrelia burgdorferi/physiology , Ixodes/physiology , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Anaplasma phagocytophilum/classification , Anaplasma phagocytophilum/isolation & purification , Animals , Arachnid Vectors/microbiology , Babesia/classification , Babesia/isolation & purification , Encephalitis Viruses, Tick-Borne/isolation & purification , Ixodes/microbiology , Lyme Disease/transmission , Ontario/epidemiology
Can Commun Dis Rep ; 48(5): 208-218, 2022 May 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37325256


Background: The primary vectors of the agent of Lyme disease in Canada are Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus ticks. Surveillance for ticks and the pathogens they can transmit can inform local tick-borne disease risk and guide public health interventions. The objective of this article is to characterize passive and active surveillance of the main Lyme disease tick vectors in Canada in 2019 and the tick-borne pathogens they carry. Methods: Passive surveillance data were compiled from the National Microbiology Laboratory Branch and provincial public health data sources. Active surveillance was conducted in selected sentinel sites in all provinces. Descriptive analysis of ticks submitted and infection prevalence of tick-borne pathogens are presented. Seasonal and spatial trends are also described. Results: In passive surveillance, specimens of I. scapularis (n=9,858) were submitted from all provinces except British Columbia and I. pacificus (n=691) were submitted in British Columbia and Alberta. No ticks were submitted from the territories. The seasonal distribution pattern was bimodal for I. scapularis adults, but unimodal for I. pacificus adults. Borrelia burgdorferi was the most prevalent pathogen in I. scapularis (18.8%) and I. pacificus (0.3%). In active surveillance, B. burgdorferi was identified in 26.2% of I. scapularis; Anaplasma phagocytophilum in 3.4% of I. scapularis, and Borrelia miyamotoi and Powassan virus in 0.5% or fewer of I. scapularis. These same tick-borne pathogens were not found in the small number of I. pacificus tested. Conclusion: This surveillance article provides a snapshot of the main Lyme disease vectors in Canada and their associated pathogens, which can be used to monitor emerging risk areas for exposure to tick-borne pathogens.

Can Commun Dis Rep ; 48(5): 219-227, 2022 May 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38105769


Background: Lyme disease (LD) is a multisystem infection that can affect the skin, heart, joints and nervous system. In Canada, the incidence of LD cases has increased over the past decade making this a disease of public health concern. The objective of this study is to summarize the epidemiology of LD cases reported in Canada from 2009 through 2019. Methods: Incidence over time, case classification (confirmed and probable), seasonal and geographic distribution, demographic and clinical characteristics of reported LD cases were determined. Logistic regression was used to explore potential demographic risk factors for the occurrence of LD. Results: During 2009-2019, a total of 10,150 LD cases were reported by the provinces to the Public Health Agency of Canada, of which 7,242 (71.3%) were confirmed and 2,908 (28.7%) were probable cases. The annual count increased from 144 in 2009 to 2,634 in 2019, mainly due to an increase in locally acquired infections, from 65.3% to 93.6%, respectively. The majority of cases (92.1%) were reported from three provinces: Ontario (46.0%); Nova Scotia (28.0%); and Québec (18.1%). Most of the locally acquired cases (74.0%) were reported in the summer months of June (20.0%), July (35.4%) and August (18.6%). The highest incidence rates (cases per 100,000 population) were in children aged 5-9 years (45.0) and in adults aged 65-69 years (74.3), with 57.3% of all reported cases occurring among males. The most common presenting symptoms were single erythema migrans rash (75.1%) and arthritis (34.1%). The frequency of reported clinical manifestations varied among age groups and seasons with erythema migrans and arthritis at presentation reported more frequently in children than older patients. Conclusion: The results of this report highlight the continued emergence of LD in Canada and the need for further development and implementation of targeted awareness campaigns designed to minimize the burden of LD.

Transfusion ; 61(10): 2958-2968, 2021 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34272882


BACKGROUND: Babesia microti has gained a foothold in Canada as tick vectors become established in broader geographic areas. B. microti infection is associated with mild or no symptoms in healthy individuals but is transfusion-transmissible and can be fatal in immunocompromised individuals. This is the first estimate of clinically significant transfusion-transmitted babesiosis (TTB) risk in Canada. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The proportion of B. microti-antibody (AB)/nucleic acid amplification test (NAT)-positive whole blood donations was estimated at 5.5% of the proportion of the general population with reported Lyme Disease (also tick-borne) based on US data. Monte Carlo simulation estimated the number and proportion of infectious red cell units for three scenarios: base, localized incidence (risk in Manitoba only), and donor study informed (prevalence from donor data). The model simulated 1,029,800 donations repeated 100,000 times for each. RESULTS: In the base scenario 0.5 (0.01, 1.75), B. microti-NAT-positive donations would be expected per year, with 0.08 (0, 0.38) recipients suffering clinically significant TTB (1 every 12.5 years). In the localized incidence scenario, there were 0.21(0, 0.7) B. microti-NAT-positive donations, with 0.04 (0, 0.14) recipient infections (about 1 every 25 years). In the donor study informed scenario, there were 4.6 (0.3, 15.8) B. microti-NAT-positive donations expected, and 0.81 (0.05, 3.14) clinically significant TTB cases per year. DISCUSSION: The likelihood of clinically relevant TTB is low. Testing would have very little utility in Canada at this time. Ongoing pathogen surveillance in tick vectors is important as B. microti prevalence appears to be slowly increasing in Canada.

Babesia microti/isolation & purification , Babesiosis/etiology , Transfusion Reaction/etiology , Babesiosis/parasitology , Babesiosis/transmission , Blood Donors , Blood Transfusion , Canada/epidemiology , Humans , Monte Carlo Method , Risk Factors , Transfusion Reaction/parasitology
PLoS One ; 16(2): e0246484, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33539458


Canadians face an emerging threat of Lyme disease due to the northward expansion of the tick vector, Ixodes scapularis. We evaluated the degree of I. scapularis population establishment and Borrelia burgdorferi occurrence in the city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from 2017-2019 using active surveillance at 28 sites. We used a field indicator tool developed by Clow et al. to determine the risk of I. scapularis establishment for each tick cohort at each site using the results of drag sampling. Based on results obtained with the field indicator tool, we assigned each site an ecological classification describing the pattern of tick colonization over two successive cohorts (cohort 1 was comprised of ticks collected in fall 2017 and spring 2018, and cohort 2 was collected in fall 2018 and spring 2019). Total annual site-specific I. scapularis density ranged from 0 to 16.3 ticks per person-hour. Sites with the highest density were located within the Greenbelt zone, in the suburban/rural areas in the western portion of the city of Ottawa, and along the Ottawa River; the lowest densities occurred at sites in the suburban/urban core. B. burgdorferi infection rates exhibited a similar spatial distribution pattern. Of the 23 sites for which data for two tick cohorts were available, 11 sites were classified as "high-stable", 4 were classified as "emerging", 2 were classified as "low-stable", and 6 were classified as "non-zero". B. burgdorferi-infected ticks were found at all high-stable sites, and at one emerging site. These findings suggest that high-stable sites pose a risk of Lyme disease exposure to the community as they have reproducing tick populations with consistent levels of B. burgdorferi infection. Continued surveillance for I. scapularis, B. burgdorferi, and range expansion of other tick species and emerging tick-borne pathogens is important to identify areas posing a high risk for human exposure to tick-borne pathogens in the face of ongoing climate change and urban expansion.

Ixodes/microbiology , Ixodes/pathogenicity , Lyme Disease/transmission , Animals , Borrelia burgdorferi/pathogenicity , Humans , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Lyme Disease/microbiology , Ontario/epidemiology
Can Commun Dis Rep ; 46(10): 354-361, 2020 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33315999


BACKGROUND: Lyme disease is an emerging vector-borne zoonotic disease of increasing public health importance in Canada. As part of its mandate, the Canadian Lyme Disease Research Network (CLyDRN) launched a pan-Canadian sentinel surveillance initiative, the Canadian Lyme Sentinel Network (CaLSeN), in 2019. OBJECTIVES: To create a standardized, national sentinel surveillance network providing a real-time portrait of the evolving environmental risk of Lyme disease in each province. METHODS: A multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach was used in the selection of sentinel regions. Within each sentinel region, a systematic drag sampling protocol was performed in selected sampling sites. Ticks collected during these active surveillance visits were identified to species, and Ixodes spp. ticks were tested for infection with Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia miyamotoi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Babesia microti and Powassan virus. RESULTS: In 2019, a total of 567 Ixodes spp. ticks (I. scapularis [n=550]; I. pacificus [n=10]; and I. angustus [n=7]) were collected in seven provinces: British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The highest mean tick densities (nymphs/100 m2) were found in sentinel regions of Lunenburg (0.45), Montréal (0.43) and Granby (0.38). Overall, the Borrelia burgdorferi prevalence in ticks was 25.2% (0%-45.0%). One I. angustus nymph from British Columbia was positive for Babesia microti, a first for the province. The deer tick lineage of Powassan virus was detected in one adult I. scapularis in Nova Scotia. CONCLUSION: CaLSeN provides the first coordinated national active surveillance initiative for tick-borne disease in Canada. Through multidisciplinary collaborations between experts in each province, the pilot year was successful in establishing a baseline for Lyme disease risk across the country, allowing future trends to be detected and studied.

Ticks Tick Borne Dis ; 11(2): 101347, 2020 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31859223


BACKGROUND: Lyme disease (LD) is an infectious disease that is emerging in eastern and central Canada associated with the spread of the tick vector Ixodes scapularis. National surveillance shows that children are an at-risk age group. OBJECTIVES: To study the epidemiology of LD in Canadian children using the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program (CPSP) to better understand exposure history, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of paediatric LD cases in Canada. METHODS: A structured questionnaire was completed by paediatricians for each LD case reported as part of the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program from 2014 to 2017. RESULTS: There were 95 cases that met inclusion criteria as confirmed or probable cases. The median age was 7 years; 38 % were 5-9 years and 35 % were 10-15 years of age. Most cases were acquired in known Canadian endemic locations; 5 were acquired during travel to the US. Most cases were reported from Nova Scotia and Ontario (46 % and 38 % respectively). The most common clinical presentation was arthritis (59 % of all cases), which is a manifestation of the late disseminated stage of LD. Late disseminated disease presented through the year, whereas early LD (Erythema migrans) and early disseminated LD presented during the summer and fall. Antibiotic choice and duration of therapy generally followed accepted guidelines. CONCLUSION: This study of the clinical spectrum of LD in Canadian children underlines the need for preventive measures to protect children in Canada from emerging LD, and the need for health care provider awareness.

Epidemiological Monitoring , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Adolescent , Canada/epidemiology , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Lyme Disease/microbiology , Male , Seasons
Sci Rep ; 9(1): 16652, 2019 11 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31723147


In eastern North America, including Canada, Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto and transmitted to humans by the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis. The last decade has seen a growing incidence of Lyme disease in Canada, following the northward range expansion of I. scapularis tick populations from endemic areas in eastern United States. This may be attributable to movement of the many hosts that they parasitize, including songbirds, deer and small mammals. In this study, we wanted to test the effect of spatial, temporal and ecological variables, on blacklegged tick density and infection rates, near the northern limit of their distribution in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. We found an effect of both proportion of forested areas and distance to roads, on density of I. scapularis ticks and prevalence of infection by B. burgdorferi. We also found an effect of both sampling year and ordinal sampling data on prevalence of infection by B. burgdorferi. In six adjacent sites showing evidence of reproducing I. scapularis populations, we found that forest composition and structure influenced density of I. scapularis ticks. Our results suggest that blacklegged tick density and infection rate in Canada may be influenced by a variety of factors.

Arachnid Vectors/microbiology , Bird Diseases/parasitology , Borrelia burgdorferi/isolation & purification , Ixodes/microbiology , Lyme Disease/transmission , Tick Infestations/veterinary , Animals , Bird Diseases/epidemiology , Deer/parasitology , Ixodes/classification , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Population Density , Prevalence , Quebec/epidemiology , Songbirds/parasitology , Tick Infestations/epidemiology , Tick Infestations/parasitology
PLoS One ; 14(2): e0212637, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30779789


Lyme disease, the most commonly reported vector-borne disease in North America, is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, which is transmitted by Ixodes scapularis in eastern Canada and Ixodes pacificus in western Canada. Recently, the northward range expansion of I. scapularis ticks, in south-eastern Canada, has resulted in a dramatic increase in the incidence of human Lyme disease. Detecting emerging areas of Lyme disease risk allows public health to target disease prevention efforts. We analysed passive tick surveillance data from Ontario and Manitoba to i) assess the relationship between the total numbers of I. scapularis submissions in passive surveillance from humans, and the number of human Lyme disease cases, and ii) develop province-specific acarological indicators of risk that can be used to generate surveillance-based risk maps. We also assessed associations between numbers of nymphal I. scapularis tick submissions only and Lyme disease case incidence. Using General Estimating Equation regression, the relationship between I. scapularis submissions (total numbers and numbers of nymphs only) in each census sub-division (CSD) and the number of reported Lyme disease cases was positively correlated and highly significant in the two provinces (P ≤ 0.001). The numbers of I. scapularis submissions over five years discriminated CSDs with ≥ 3 Lyme disease cases from those with < 3 cases with high accuracy when using total numbers of tick submission (Receiver Operating Characteristics area under the curve [AUC] = 0.89) and moderate accuracy (AUC = 0.78) when using nymphal tick submissions only. In Ontario the optimal cut-off point was a total 12 tick submissions from a CSD over five years (Sensitivity = 0.82, Specificity = 0.84), while in Manitoba the cut-off point was five ticks (Sensitivity = 0.71, Specificity = 0.79) suggesting regional variability of the risk of acquiring Lyme disease from an I. scapularis bite. The performances of the acarological indicators developed in this study for Ontario and Manitoba support the ability of passive tick surveillance to provide an early signal of the existence Lyme disease risk areas in regions where ticks and the pathogens they transmit are expanding their range.

Arachnid Vectors/microbiology , Borrelia burgdorferi/isolation & purification , Ixodes/microbiology , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Animals , Female , Humans , Lyme Disease/diagnosis , Male , Manitoba/epidemiology , Ontario/epidemiology , Risk Assessment
PLoS One ; 13(8): e0201924, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30133502


Climate change is driving emergence and establishment of Ixodes scapularis, the main vector of Lyme disease in Québec, Canada. As for the black-legged tick, I. scapularis Say, global warming may also favor northward expansion of other species of medically important ticks. The aims of this study were to determine (1) current diversity and abundance of ticks of public health significance other than I. scapularis, (2) sex and age of the human population bitten by these ticks (3), and the seasonal and geographic pattern of their occurrence. From 2007 to 2015, twelve tick species other than I. scapularis were submitted in the Québec passive tick surveillance program. Of these 9243 ticks, 91.2% were Ixodes cookei, 4.1% were Dermacentor variabilis, 4.0% were Rhipicephalus sanguineus and 0.7% were Amblyomma americanum. The combined annual proportion of submitted I. cookei, D. variabilis, R. sanguineus and A. americanum ticks in passive surveillance rose from 6.1% in 2007 to 16.0% in 2015 and an annual growing trend was observed for each tick species. The number of municipalities where I. cookei ticks were acquired rose from 104 to 197 during the same period. Of the 862 people bitten by these ticks, 43.3% were I. cookei ticks removed from children aged < 10 years. These findings demonstrate the need for surveillance of all the tick species of medical importance in Québec, particularly because climate may increase their abundance and geographic ranges, increasing the risk to the public of the diseases they transmit.

Ixodes , Population Density , Public Health Surveillance , Tick Infestations/epidemiology , Animals , Female , Humans , Ixodes/classification , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Lyme Disease/transmission , Quebec/epidemiology
Environ Health Perspect ; 126(4): 047008, 2018 04 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29671475


BACKGROUND: The risk of contracting Lyme disease (LD) can vary spatially because of spatial heterogeneity in risk factors such as social-behavior and exposure to ecological risk factors. Integrating these risk factors to inform decision-making should therefore increase the effectiveness of mitigation interventions. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to develop an integrated social-behavioral and ecological risk-mapping approach to identify priority areas for LD interventions. METHODS: The study was conducted in the Montérégie region of Southern Quebec, Canada, where LD is a newly endemic disease. Spatial variation in LD knowledge, risk perceptions, and behaviors in the population were measured using web survey data collected in 2012. These data were used as a proxy for the social-behavioral component of risk. Tick vector population densities were measured in the environment during field surveillance from 2007 to 2012 to provide an index of the ecological component of risk. Social-behavioral and ecological components of risk were combined with human population density to create integrated risk maps. Map predictions were validated by testing the association between high-risk areas and the current spatial distribution of human LD cases. RESULTS: Social-behavioral and ecological components of LD risk had markedly different distributions within the study region, suggesting that both factors should be considered for locally adapted interventions. The occurrence of human LD cases in a municipality was positively associated with tick density (p<0.01) but was not significantly associated with social-behavioral risk. CONCLUSION: This study is an applied demonstration of how integrated social-behavioral and ecological risk maps can be created to assist decision-making. Social survey data are a valuable but underutilized source of information for understanding regional variation in LD exposure, and integrating this information into risk maps provides a novel approach for prioritizing and adapting interventions to the local characteristics of target populations.

Geographic Mapping , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Risk Assessment/methods , Humans , Lyme Disease/microbiology , Prevalence , Quebec/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors
J Med Entomol ; 55(4): 1016-1026, 2018 06 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29522180


Lyme disease is an emerging public health threat in Canada. In this context, rapid detection of new risk areas is essential for timely application of prevention and control measures. In Canada, information on Lyme disease risk is collected through three surveillance activities: active tick surveillance, passive tick surveillance, and reported human cases. However, each method has shortcomings that limit its ability to rapidly and reliably identify new risk areas. We investigated the relationships between risk signals provided by human cases, passive and active tick surveillance to assess the performance of tick surveillance for early detection of emerging risk areas. We used regression models to investigate the relationships between the reported human cases, Ixodes scapularis (Say; Acari: Ixodidae) ticks collected on humans through passive surveillance and the density of nymphs collected by active surveillance from 2009 to 2014 in the province of Quebec. We then developed new risk indicators and validated their ability to discriminate risk levels used by provincial public health authorities. While there was a significant positive relationship between the risk signals provided all three surveillance methods, the strongest association was between passive tick surveillance and reported human cases. Passive tick submissions were a reasonable indicator of the abundance of ticks in the environment (sensitivity and specificity [Se and Sp] < 0.70), but were a much better indicator of municipalities with more than three human cases reported over 5 yr (Se = 0.88; Sp = 0.90). These results suggest that passive tick surveillance provides a timely and reliable signal of emerging risk areas for Lyme disease in Canada.

Ixodes/physiology , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Population Surveillance/methods , Tick Infestations/epidemiology , Animals , Epidemiological Monitoring , Humans , Ixodes/growth & development , Lyme Disease/microbiology , Nymph/growth & development , Nymph/physiology , Population Density , Quebec/epidemiology , Regression Analysis , Risk Factors , Tick Infestations/parasitology
J Med Entomol ; 54(4): 862-868, 2017 07 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28399276


Lyme disease is emerging in Canada due to geographic range expansion of the tick vector Ixodes scapularis Say. Recent areas of emergence include parts of the southeastern Canadian Prairie region. We developed a map of potential risk areas for future I. scapularis establishment in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Six I. scapularis risk algorithms were developed using different formulations of three indices for environmental suitability: temperature using annual cumulative degree-days > 0 °C (DD > 0 °C; obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite data as an index of conditions that allow I. scapularis to complete its life cycle), habitat as a combined geolayer of forest cover and agricultural land use, and rainfall. The relative performance of these risk algorithms was assessed using receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) analysis with data on presence-absence of I. scapularis obtained from recent field surveillance in the Prairie Provinces accumulated from a number of sources. The ROC AUC values for the risk algorithms were significantly different (P < 0.01). The algorithm with six categories of DD > 0 °C, habitat as a simple dichotomous variable of presence or absence of forest, and normalized rainfall had the highest AUC of 0.74, representing "fair to good" performance of the risk algorithm. This algorithm had good (>80%) sensitivity in predicting positive I. scapularis surveillance sites, but low (50%) specificity as expected in this region where not all environmentally suitable habitats are expected to be occupied. Further prospective studies are needed to validate and perhaps improve the risk algorithm.

Animal Distribution , Arachnid Vectors/physiology , Geographic Mapping , Ixodes/physiology , Alberta , Animals , Manitoba , Models, Biological , Risk , Saskatchewan
Ticks Tick Borne Dis ; 8(1): 112-118, 2017 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27771334


Lyme disease (LD) risk is increasing in Canada. In 2014, the government of Canada launched a national communication campaign to raise awareness and promote the adoption of individual preventive behaviours toward ticks and LD. The objectives of this study were to evaluate and compare the adoption of LD preventive behaviours and the exposure to tick bites of Canadians in the five main targeted regions (British Columbia, Prairie provinces, Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces). A national survey was conducted in December 2014 (n=2876) to collect data on LD awareness, behaviours and risk factors. Overall, the proportion of respondents reporting tick exposure was high (20%). The results suggest that even though LD awareness was found to be high (with only 12% of the respondents reporting that they never heard about LD), less than half of the Canadians who heard about it have adopted specific preventive behaviours toward tick bites, such as regular tick checks (reported by 52%), protective clothing (50%), using tick repellent (41%) or shower or bath (41%) after visiting a wooded area in a LD risk area. Moreover, significant differences were found between regions, gender, age groups and dog ownership status, regarding preventive behaviours and factors of exposure. A high level of knowledge of Lyme disease, living in the Prairie region, as well as having found a tick on oneself or a relative, were found to be associated with the adoption of preventive behaviours. This study underlines the importance to take into account specific regional characteristics of risk and to maintain public health communication efforts through time in order to increase the adoption of preventive behaviours of Canadians.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Lyme Disease/prevention & control , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Animals , Canada/epidemiology , Data Collection , Female , Humans , Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Male , Middle Aged , Socioeconomic Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Tick Bites/prevention & control , Tick Control , Ticks , Young Adult
Ticks Tick Borne Dis ; 7(6): 1067-1074, 2016 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27665265


Lyme disease (LD) is emerging in Canada. A key preventive strategy is promoting the adoption by the general public of personal preventive behaviors regarding tick bites. The aim of this study was to measure the changes in public awareness toward ticks and LD before and after the launch of a national communication campaign in Canada using data from two surveys conducted in March and December 2014. The results show a significant increase in awareness of LD after compared to before the campaign, but also suggest that the importance of this increase is not equal amongst Canadian regions. Moreover, respondents whose level of awareness increased most significantly were those who lived in regions with low entomologic risk. The findings underline the importance of risk communications for emerging diseases and reinforce the need to understand the specific characteristics of the targeted populations before the implementation of communication campaigns to increase their efficacy.

Lyme Disease/epidemiology , Lyme Disease/prevention & control , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Canada/epidemiology , Data Collection , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , National Health Programs , Socioeconomic Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
Can Vet J ; 56(7): 693-9, 2015 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26130829


There is an increasing risk of Lyme disease in Canada due to range expansion of the tick vector, Ixodes scapularis. The objectives of this article are to i) raise public awareness with the help of veterinarians on the emerging and expanding risk of Lyme disease across Canada, ii) review the key clinical features of Lyme disease in dogs, and iii) provide recommendations for veterinarians on the management of Lyme disease in dogs.

Risque accru de maladie de Lyme au Canada. Il existe un risque grandissant de maladie de Lyme au Canada en raison d'un élargissement de la portée de la tique vectrice, Ixodes scapularis. Les objectifs du présent article consistent à i) rehausser la sensibilisation du public avec l'aide des vétérinaires quant au risque émergent et grandissant de la maladie de Lyme au Canada, ii) examiner les principales caractéristiques cliniques de la maladie de Lyme chez les chiens et iii) présenter des recommandations aux vétérinaires pour la gestion de la maladie de Lyme chez les chiens.(Traduit par Isabelle Vallières).

Communicable Diseases, Emerging/veterinary , Dog Diseases/microbiology , Lyme Disease/veterinary , Animal Distribution , Animals , Canada/epidemiology , Communicable Diseases, Emerging/epidemiology , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Dogs , Ixodes/physiology