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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221978


Synthesis experiments were conducted in the quaternary system K2O-Na2O-CaO-SiO2, resulting in the formation of a previously unknown compound with the composition K0.72Na1.71Ca5.79Si6O19. Single crystals of sufficient size and quality were recovered from a starting mixture with a K2O:Na2O:CaO:SiO2 molar ratio of 1.5:0.5:2:3. The mixture was confined in a closed platinum tube and slowly cooled from 1150°C at a rate of 0.1°C min-1 to 700°C before being finally quenched in air. The structure has tetragonal symmetry and belongs to space group P4122 (No. 91), with a = 7.3659 (2), c = 32.2318 (18) Å, V = 1748.78 (12) Å3, and Z = 4. The silicate anion consists of highly puckered, unbranched six-membered oligomers with the composition [Si6O19] and point group symmetry 2 (C2). Although several thousands of natural and synthetic oxosilicates have been structurally characterized, this compound is the first representative of a catena-hexasilicate anion, to the best of our knowledge. Structural investigations were completed using Raman spectroscopy. The spectroscopic data was interpreted and the bands were assigned to certain vibrational species with the support of density functional theory at the HSEsol level of theory. To determine the stability properties of the novel oligosilicate compared to those of the chemically and structurally similar cyclosilicate combeite, we calculated the electronegativity of the respective structures using the electronegativity equalization method. The results showed that the molecular electronegativity of the cyclosilicate was significantly higher than that of the oligostructure due to the different connectivities of the oxygen atoms within the molecular units.

Chemistry ; 29(43): e202301098, 2023 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37129208


Two new Dion-Jacobson layered perovskite polymorphs of the known oxyfluoride compound KWO3 F are reported. A high-pressure modification was synthesized using a multianvil setup and subsequently transformed into a high-temperature phase at ∼311 °C. The crystal structures of both polymorphs were determined by use of single-crystal X-ray diffraction and are described in detail herein. Differential thermal analyses and thermogravimetric analyses were carried out to further investigate the phase transition characteristics. Bond valence (BV) and charge distribution (CHARDI) calculations confirm the occupancy of mixed O|F anion positions, and Rietveld refinements as well as MAPLE calculations support the structure models.

J Am Ceram Soc ; 106(11): 7109-7122, 2023 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38529009


In the present study, single crystals and polycrystalline material of K4CaSi6O15 were prepared from solid-state reactions between stoichiometric mixtures of the corresponding oxides/carbonates. Heat capacity (C p) measurements above room temperature using a differential scanning calorimeter indicated that two thermal effects occurred at approximately T 1 = 462 K and T 2 = 667 K, indicating the presence of structural phase transitions. The standard third-law entropy of K4CaSi6O15 was determined from low-temperature C p's measured by relaxation calorimetry using a Physical Properties Measurement System and amounts to S°(298K) = 524.3 ± 3.7 J·mol-1·K-1. For the 1st transition, the enthalpy change ΔH tr1 = 1.48 kJ·mol and the entropy change ΔS tr1 = 3.25 J·mol-1·K-1, whereas ΔH tr2 = 3.33 kJ·mol-1 and ΔS tr2 = 5.23 J·mol-1·K-1 were determined for the 2nd transition. The compound was further characterized by in-situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction between ambient temperature and 1063 K. At 773 K, the high-temperature phase stable above T 2 has the following basic crystallographic data: monoclinic symmetry, space group P21/c, a = 6.9469(4) Å, b = 9.2340(5) Å, c = 12.2954(6) Å, ß = 93.639(3)°, V = 787.13(7) Å3, Z = 2. It belongs to the group of interrupted framework silicates and is based on tertiary (Q3-type) [SiO4]-tetrahedra. Together with the octahedrally coordinated Ca-cations, a three-dimensional mixed polyhedral network structure is formed, in which the remaining K-ions provide charge balance by occupying voids within the net. The intermediate temperature modification stable between T 1 and T 2 shows a (3+2)-dimensional incommensurately modulated structure that is characterized by the following q-vectors: q1 = (0.057, 0.172, 0.379), q2 = (-0.057, 0.172, -0.379). The crystal structures of the high- and the previously studied ambient temperature polymorph (space group Pc) are topologically equivalent and show a group-subgroup relationship. The index of the low- in the high-symmetry group is six and involves both, losses in translation as well as point group symmetry. The distortion is based on shifts of the different atom species and tilts of the 4- and 6-fold coordination polyhedra. Actually, for some of the oxygen atoms, the displacements exceed 0.5 Å. A more detailed analysis of the distortions relating to both structures has been performed using mode analysis, which revealed that the primary distortion mode transforms according to the Λ1 irreducible representation of P21/c. However, other modes with smaller distortion amplitudes are also involved.

Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun ; 76(Pt 5): 664-667, 2020 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32431929


Single crystals of SrFe1.40V0.60O4, strontium tetra-oxidodi[ferrate(III)/vanad-ate(III)], have been obtained as a side product in the course of sinter experiments aimed at the synthesis of double perovskites in the system SrO-Fe2O3-V2O5. The crystal structure can be characterized by layers of six-membered rings of TO4-tetra-hedra (T: FeIII, VIII) perpendicular to [100]. Stacking of the layers along [100] results in a three-dimensional framework enclosing tunnel-like cavities in which SrII cations are incorporated for charge compensation. The sequence of directedness of up (U) and down (D) pointing vertices of neighboring tetra-hedra in a single six-membered ring is UUUDDD. The topology of the tetra-hedral framework belongs to the zeolite-type ABW.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 75(Pt 6): 1126-1136, 2019 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32830692


A part of the system CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3-MgO which is of relevance to iron-ore sintering has been studied in detail. For a bulk composition corresponding to 10.45 wt% CaO, 5.49 wt% MgO, 69.15 wt% Fe2O3, 13.37 wt% Al2O3 and 1.55 wt% SiO2 synthesis runs have been performed in air in the range between 1100 and 1300°C. Products have been characterized using reflected-light microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and diffraction techniques. At 1250°C, an almost phase-pure material with composition Ca2.99Mg2.67Fe3+14.58Fe2+0.77Al4.56Si0.43O36 has been obtained. The compound corresponds to the first Si-containing representative of the M14+6nO20+8n polysomatic series of so-called SFCA phases (Silico-Ferrites of Calcium and Aluminum) with n = 2 and is denoted as SFCA-III. Single-crystal diffraction investigations using synchrotron radiation at the X06DA beamline of the Swiss Light Source revealed that the chemically homogenous sample contained both a triclinic and monoclinic polytype. Basic crystallographic data are as follows: triclinic form: a = 10.3279 (2) Å, b = 10.4340 (2) Å, c = 14.3794 (2) Å, α = 93.4888 (12)°, ß = 107.3209 (14)° and γ = 109.6626 (14)°, V = 1370.49 (5) Å3, Z = 2, space group P{\overline 1}; monoclinic form: a = 10.3277 (2) Å, b = 27.0134 (4) Å, c = 10.4344 (2) Å, ß = 109.668 (2)°, V = 2741.22 (9) Å3, Z = 4, space group P21/n. Structure determination of both modifications was successful using diffraction data from the same allotwinned crystal. A description of the observed polytypism within the framework of OD-theory is presented. Triclinic and monoclinic SFCA-III actually correspond to the two possible maximum degree of order structures based on OD-layers containing three spinel (S) and one pyroxene (P) modules (〈S3P〉). The existence of SFCA-III in industrial iron-ore sinters has yet to be confirmed. Polytypism is likely to occur in other SFCA-members (SFCA, SFCA-I) relevant to sintering as well, but has so far been neglected in the characterization of industrial samples. Our results shed light on this phenomenon and may therefore be also helpful for better interpretation of the powder diffraction patterns that are used for phase analysis of iron-ore sinters.

Chem Mater ; 30(5): 1776-1781, 2018 Mar 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29606799


NASICON-based solid electrolytes with exceptionally high Na-ion conductivities are considered to enable future all solid-state Na-ion battery technologies. Despite 40 years of research the interrelation between crystal structure and Na-ion conduction is still controversially discussed and far from being fully understood. In this study, microcontact impedance spectroscopy combined with single crystal X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry is applied to tackle the question how bulk Na-ion conductivity σbulk of sub-mm-sized flux grown Na3Sc2(PO4)3 (NSP) single crystals is influenced by supposed phase changes (α, ß, and γ phase) discussed in literature. Although we found a smooth structural change at around 140 °C, which we assign to the ß â†’ γ phase transition, our conductivity data follow a single Arrhenius law from room temperature (RT) up to 220 °C. Obviously, the structural change, being mainly related to decreasing Na-ion ordering with increasing temperature, does not cause any jumps in Na-ion conductivity or any discontinuities in activation energies Ea. Bulk ion dynamics in NSP have so far rarely been documented; here, under ambient conditions, σbulk turned out to be as high as 3 × 10-4 S cm-1 at RT (Ea, bulk = 0.39 eV) when directly measured with microcontacts for individual small single crystals.

Phys Chem Miner ; 44(2): 95-107, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28239226


Starting from a synthetic sample with composition Al2(SO4)3·16.6H2O, the high-temperature- and moisture-dependent behavior of alunogen has been unraveled by TGA measurements, in situ powder X-ray diffraction as well as by gravimetric moisture sorption/desorption studies. Heating experiments using the different techniques show that alunogen undergoes a first dehydration process already starting at temperatures slightly above 40 °C. The crystalline product of the temperature-induced dehydration corresponds to the synthetic equivalent of meta-alunogen and has the following chemical composition: Al2(SO4)3·13.8H2O or Al2(SO4)3(H2O)12·1.8H2O. At 90 °C a further reaction can be monitored resulting in the formation of an X-ray amorphous material. The sequence of "amorphous humps" in the patterns persists up to 250 °C, where a re-crystallization process is indicated by a sudden appearance of a larger number of sharp Bragg peaks. Phase analysis confirmed this compound to be anhydrous Al2(SO4)3. Furthermore, meta-alunogen can be also obtained from alunogen at room temperature when stored at relative humidities (RH) lower than 20 %. The transformation is reversible, however, water sorption of meta-alunogen to alunogen and the corresponding desorption reaction show considerable hysteresis. For RH values above 80 %, deliquescence of the material was observed. Structural investigations on meta-alunogen were performed using a sample that has been stored at dry conditions (0 % RH) over phosphorus pentoxide. Powder diffraction data were acquired on an in-house high-resolution diffractometer in transmission mode using a sealed glass capillary as sample holder. Indexing resulted in a triclinic unit cell with the following lattice parameters: a = 14.353(6) Å, b = 12.490(6) Å, c = 6.092(3) Å, α = 92.656(1)°, ß = 96.654(1)°, γ = 100.831(1)°, V = 1062.8(8) Å3 and Z = 2. These data correct earlier findings suggesting an orthorhombic cell. Ab-initio structure solution in space group P [Formula: see text], using simulated annealing, provided a chemically meaningful structure model. The asymmetric unit of meta-alunogen contains three symmetry independent SO4-tetrahedra and two Al(H2O)6 octahedra. The polyhedra are isolated, however, linkage between them is provided by Coulomb interactions and hydrogen bonding. In addition to the water molecules which directly belong to the coordination environment of the aluminum cations there are two additional zeolitic water sites (Ow1 and Ow2). If both positions are fully occupied meta-alunogen corresponds to a 14-hydrate. Structural similarities and differences between the previously unknown structure of meta-alunogen and alunogen are discussed in detail. Since hydrous aluminum sulfates have been postulated to occur in Martian soils, our results may help identifying meta-alunogen by X-ray diffraction not only on the surface of the Earth but also using the Curiosity Rover's ChemMin instrument.

Cryst Growth Des ; 17(10): 5054-5060, 2017 Sep 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30337848


The reversible solid-state phase transformation between the neat forms II and III of dapsone (DDS) was studied using thermal analytical methods, variable temperature X-ray diffraction and solid-state modeling at the electronic level. The first order III ↔ II phase transformation occurs at 78 ± 4 °C with a heat of transition of 2 kJ mol-1 and a small hysteresis. The two isosymmetric polymorphs (both P212121) differ only in movement of layers of molecules and show a small variation in conformation. The combination of variable-temperature single-crystal structure determinations and pair-wise intermolecular energy calculations allowed us to unravel the single-to-single crystal transformation at a molecular level, to estimate the molecular contributions to the heat of transformation and to rationalize why the room and low temperature form III is the less dense polymorphic form, which is a rare phenomenon in enantiotropically related pairs of polymorphs in molecular crystals.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27048723


The crystal structure of synthetic K2Sc[Si2O6]F has been solved and refined as an incommensurately modulated structure in (3 + 2)-dimensional superspace. This paper describes the tetragonal structure in the superspace group P42/mnm(α,α,0)000s(-α,α,0)0000 [a = 8.9878 (1), c = 8.2694 (2) Å, V = 668.01 (2) Å(3)] with modulation wavevectors q1 = 0.2982 (4)(a* + b*) and q2 = 0.2982 (4)(-a* + b*). Structure refinement taking into account the modulation of positional and ADP parameters for all atoms from 3074 observed main hkl00 and satellite reflections hklmn of first order with single, m·n = 0, and mixed, m·n = ±1, indices converged to a final R value of 0.0514. The structure is a mixed octahedral-tetrahedral framework composed of [ScO4F2] octahedra, [Si4O12] rings and K in variable coordination. Due to the modulation the O atoms move into and out of the first coordination sphere of K leading to a minimum of five and a maximum of 10 interatomic K-O distances up to 3.1 Å. Although this feature is comparable to observations in modulated fresnoite and melilite group compounds, these structures differ from K2Sc[Si2O6]F with respect to their topology. On temperature increase the intensity of the satellite reflections decreases until they disappear just above 443 K. The high-temperature normal structure, in space group P42/mnm, is identical to the room-temperature average structure of K2Sc[Si2O6]F.

Clin Oral Investig ; 20(7): 1675-81, 2016 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26572531


OBJECTIVES: Maintaining pulpal vitality and achieving long-term restoration success are challenging when treating advanced caries lesions. We aimed at assessing success, survival, and influencing factors of treating advanced lesions in general dental practice. METHODS: Patient record databases from six practices in Germany were assessed. Permanent posterior teeth with lesions radiographically extending into inner dentin with sensible (vital) pulps were retrospectively evaluated. Outcome parameters were success (absence of re-treatment) and survival (absence of extraction). Mean success/survival times were estimated, and effect of treatment modifiers assessed using Lee, Wei, and Amato (LWA) regression. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty-two patients (308 teeth) were assessed. Lesions (93 %) included proximal surfaces. Eight teeth showed preoperative intermitting or provocation pain. Thirty four % of teeth experienced pulpal exposure during excavation. Mean follow-up time was 74 months. Mean success time was 130 months. Teeth (142/308) required re-interventions, mostly due to secondary caries and restorative or endodontic complications. Only 13 teeth required extraction (mean survival time 307 months). Hazard of failure was significantly reduced in younger patients (<40 years) (hazard ratio (HR) [95 % confidence interval (CI)] 0.57 [0.35/0.91]) and teeth without preoperative pain (0.39 [0.17/0.90]). Compared with teeth receiving amalgams, those restored using cements (2.44 [1.05/3.98]) or composites (1.64 [1.15/2.38]) had higher risk of failure. Hazard of extraction was higher in teeth with pulpal exposure (4.90 [1.36/17.7] or cement restorations (23.6 [5.56/100]). CONCLUSION: Teeth with advanced lesions had high risk of failure, while risk of extraction was low. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Teeth treated for advanced lesions required re-treatment frequently but were retained long term. Age, pulpal exposure, and restoration type were associated with risk of failure or extraction.

Dental Caries/therapy , Dental Restoration, Permanent/methods , Adult , Female , Germany , Humans , Male , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Mineral Petrol ; 108: 469-478, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27069310


The crystal structures of synthetic hexagonal and orthorhombic Fe-cordierite polymorphs with the space groups P6/mcc and Cccm were refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data to R1, hex = 3.14 % and R1, ortho = 4.48 %. The substitution of the larger Fe2+ for Mg leads to multiple structural changes and an increase of the unit cell volumes, with a, c (hex) = 9.8801(16) Å, 9.2852(5) Å and a, b, c (ortho) = 17.2306(2) Å, 9.8239(1) Å, 9.2892(1) Å in the end-members. Furthermore Fe incorporation results in an increase of the volumes of the octahedra, although the diameters of the octahedra in direction of the c-axis decrease in both polymorphs. X-ray powder diffraction analysis indicates a high degree of Al/Si ordering in the orthorhombic polymorph, the Miyashiro distortion index is ~0.24. Estimations of site occupancies based on the determined tetrahedral volumes result in the following values for hexagonal Fe-cordierite: ~73 % Al for T1 and ~28 % Al for T2. For the first time Raman spectroscopy was performed on the hexagonal Fe-cordierite polymorph. In the hexagonal Fe-cordierite polymorph most Raman peaks are shifted towards lower wavenumbers when compared with the Mg-end-member.

Acta Crystallogr C ; 69(Pt 4): 334-6, 2013 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23579699


Crystals of KAlSiO4-O1 (potassium aluminium silicate) were synthesized using a flux method and analysed utilizing single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. Both methods confirm that the crystals are nonstoichiometric according to K(1-x)Al(1-x)Si(1+x)O4 with x = 0.04 (1). KAlSiO4-O1 is closely related to the stuffed derivatives of tridymite, although the topology of the Si/Al-ordered framework is different. Six-membered rings of UUDDUD and UUUDDD (U = up and D = down; ratio 2:1) configurations are present in layers parallel to the ab plane. In contrast, the framework of tridymite exhibits UDUDUD rings. The crystals are affected by inversion, pseudo-orthorhombic and pseudo-hexagonal twinning.

Chem Mater ; 25(3): 496-502, 2013 Feb 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23503683


Large whiskers of a new KAl9O14 polymorph with mullite-type structure were synthesized. The chemical composition of the crystals was confirmed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and the structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Nanosized twin domains and one-dimensional diffuse scattering were observed utilizing transmission electron microscopy. The compound crystallizes in space group P21/n (a = 8.1880(8), b = 7.6760(7), c = 8.7944(9) Å, ß = 110.570(8)°, V = 517.50(9) Å3, Z = 2). Crystals of KAl9O14 exhibit a mullite-type structure with linear edge-sharing AlO6 octahedral chains connected with groups of two AlO4 tetrahedra and one AlO5 trigonal bipyramid. Additionally, disproportionation of KAl9O14 into K ß-alumina and corundum was observed using in situ high-temperature optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy.

Acta Crystallogr B ; 65(Pt 5): 587-92, 2009 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19767681


The crystal structure of Sr10Ga6O19 was investigated by in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction in the temperature range 298-673 K. At ambient conditions the compound shows a (3 + 1)-dimensional modulated structure in the superspace group C2/c(0beta0)s0 [a = 34.9145 (13), b = 7.9369 (2), c = 15.9150 (7) A and beta = 103.551 (3) degrees] with a modulation wavevector of q = 0.4288 (2)b*. Whereas the presented structural model uses first-order harmonic modulation functions only, some features of the modulations are discussed utilizing an electron density derived by the maximum entropy method. Furthermore, two phase transitions were identified: between 453 and 503 K the incommensurate superstructure is replaced by a doubling of the a and b lattice constants, and between 503 and 673 K a phase with the basic cell is formed, identical to alpha-Sr10Ga6O19. Under some cooling conditions crystals showing a combined diffraction pattern of both superstructures can be obtained. The relation of these results to alpha-Sr10Ga6O19 [Kahlenberg (2001). J. Solid State Chem. 160, 421-429] is discussed.

Acta Crystallogr B ; 64(Pt 4): 417-25, 2008 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18641443


A high-temperature X-ray diffraction study revealed that brownmillerite-type Ca(2)Al(2)O(5) transforms to an incommensurately modulated structure at elevated temperatures. Single crystals of Ca(2)Al(2)O(5) were synthesized in an end-loaded piston cylinder press at 2.5 GPa and 1273 K. The diffraction pattern observed at 1090 (10) K by in situ single-crystal diffraction experiments can be indexed by an I-centred orthorhombic cell and a modulation wavevector of q = 0.595 (1)c(*). A (3 + 1)-dimensional model in superspace group Imma(00gamma)s00 was used to refine the modulated structure. The structure is assembled from two building units: (i) layers of corner-sharing [AlO(6)] octahedra, stacked along b alternate with (ii) layers of zweier single chains of [AlO(4)] tetrahedra running along a. The modulated structure arises from an aperiodic sequence of two different configurations of the chains within the tetrahedral layers. The modulated high-temperature phase of Ca(2)Al(2)O(5) is isotypic to the modulated high-temperature modification of Ca(2)Fe(2)O(5). A large hysteresis was found in the phase-transition temperature. On heating, the transition occurs at ca 1075 (10) K; on cooling, satellite reflections can be observed down to 975 (10) K. The characterization of Ca(2)Al(2)O(5) is completed by Raman spectroscopy, including a partial interpretation of the spectra.

Acta Crystallogr B ; 62(Pt 3): 440-6, 2006 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16710063


The structure of metastable, incommensurately modulated Na(2)Si(3)O(7) has been determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. In contrast to previous investigations which stated that the compound crystallizes in an orthorhombic space group, this study shows that the compound is monoclinic with a pseudo-orthorhombic cell and is affected by twinning. The structure is described in the (3 + 1)-dimensional superspace. Crenel-type modulation functions are used to account for an aperiodic sequence of right- and left-handed zweier single chains of silicate tetrahedra. The modulation mainly affects one of the two symmetrically independent tetrahedral chains, which are connected to build up [Si(3)O(7)](2-) layers. Sodium cations are coordinated by five oxygen ligands and provide linkage between adjacent tetrahedral sheets. Distortions of the silicate tetrahedra and crystal chemical relationships of the title compound to sodium and lithium di- and metasilicates are discussed in detail.

Acta Crystallogr B ; 61(Pt 6): 656-62, 2005 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16306672


The basic building units of brownmillerite-type A2B2O5 structures are perovskite-like layers of corner-sharing BO6 octahedra and zweier single chains of BO4 tetrahedra. A three-dimensional framework is formed by alternate stacking of octahedral layers and sheets of tetrahedral chains. The compound Ca2Fe2O5 is known to have Pnma symmetry at ambient conditions. The space group Imma was reported to be evident above 963 K. New high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments at 1100 K revealed that Ca2Fe2O5 forms an incommensurately modulated structure adopting the superspace group Imma(00gamma)s00, with gamma = 0.588 (2). The modulation affects the sequence of the enantiomorphic (right- and left-handed) oriented tetrahedral chains within the layer, breaking the lattice periodicity along c. This ordering can be modelled with crenel occupation modulation functions for the tetrahedrally coordinated Fe, as well as for the O atom interconnecting the tetrahedra.