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Commun Earth Environ ; 5(1): 367, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38993331


Volcanic lightning detection has proven useful to volcano monitoring by providing information on eruption onset, source parameters, and ash cloud directions. However, little is known about the influence of changing eruptive styles on the generation of charge and electrical discharges inside the eruption column. The 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands) provided the rare opportunity to monitor variations in electrical activity continuously over several weeks using an electrostatic lightning detector. Here we show that throughout the eruption, silicate particle charging is the main electrification mechanism. Moreover, we find that the type of electrical activity is closely linked to the explosive eruption style. Fluctuations in the electrical discharge rates are likely controlled by variations in the mass eruption rate and/or changes in the eruption style. These findings hold promise for obtaining near real-time information on the dynamic evolution of explosive volcanic activity through electrostatic monitoring in the future.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 531, 2024 Jan 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38225238


Explosive volcanic eruptions produce vast quantities of silicate ash, whose surfaces are subsequently altered during atmospheric transit. These altered surfaces mediate environmental interactions, including atmospheric ice nucleation, and toxic effects in biota. A lack of knowledge of the initial, pre-altered ash surface has required previous studies to assume that the ash surface composition created during magmatic fragmentation is equivalent to the bulk particle assemblage. Here we examine ash particles generated by controlled fragmentation of andesite and find that fragmentation generates ash particles with substantial differences in surface chemistry. We attribute this disparity to observations of nanoscale melt heterogeneities, in which Fe-rich nanophases in the magmatic melt deflect and blunt fractures, thereby focusing fracture propagation within aureoles of single-phase melt formed during diffusion-limited growth of crystals. In this manner, we argue that commonly observed pre-eruptive microtextures caused by disequilibrium crystallisation and/or melt unmixing can modify fracture propagation and generate primary discrepancies in ash surface chemistry, an essential consideration for understanding the cascading consequences of reactive ash surfaces in various environments.

Bull Volcanol ; 85(11): 69, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37920291


Volcanic eruptions are driven by magma rising through Earth's crust. The style of an eruption depends on intrinsic and extrinsic parameters and is commonly a dynamic process. Thorough and holistic investigation of the related products is key to understanding eruptive phenomena and assessment of volcano-specific hazards. Models of such phenomena are constrained by quantification of the dispersal, the grain size distribution, and pyroclast textures. Pyroclast texture may be described in part by measurements of density and porosity, which depend on pyroclast volume determination. Yet volume determination of irregularly shaped pyroclasts cannot be achieved with geometrical laws, instead necessitating the use of alternative methodologies. Here, we test three methodologies to quantify pyroclast volume on a set of clasts collected from the Minoan eruption deposits from Santorini, Greece. We compare (1) a manual method for obtaining the lengths of three orthogonal axes of the pyroclast with a caliper, (2) an optical method to measure the longest and shortest axes of the pyroclast via multiple photographs, and (3) an Archimedean buoyancy-based method. While the optical and manual methods provide almost identical values of pyroclast volume when tested under laboratory conditions, there is a discrepancy between these two methods and the Archimedean method, which produces an overestimation of ca. 13% in volume. This discrepancy has little impact on the subsequent assessment of porosity and density for which the natural variability of values is observed to be broader. We therefore propose using the manual approach in the field as a simple and fast, yet reliable, method to obtain large volumes of quantitative data on the texture of erupted products, and we also provide a correction factor for in-field volume assessment of rhyodacitic pumices. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00445-023-01679-4.

Bull Volcanol ; 84(8): 71, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35812352


Explosive volcanic eruptions eject a gas-particle mixture into the atmosphere. The characteristics of this mixture in the near-vent region are a direct consequence of the underlying initial conditions at fragmentation and the geometry of the shallow plumbing system. Yet, it is not possible to observe directly the sub-surface parameters that drive such eruptions. Here, we use scaled shock-tube experiments mimicking volcanic explosions in order to elucidate the effects of a number of initial conditions. As volcanic vents can be expected to possess an irregular geometry, we utilise three vent designs, two "complex" vents and a vent with a "real" volcanic geometry. The defining geometry elements of the "complex" vents are a bilateral symmetry with a slanted top plane. The "real" geometry is based on a photogrammetric 3D model of an active volcanic vent with a steep and a diverging vent side. Particle size and density as well as experimental pressure are varied. Our results reveal a strong influence of the vent geometry, on both the direction and the magnitude of particle spreading and the velocity of particles. The overpressure at the vent herby controls the direction of the asymmetry of the gas-particle jet. These findings have implications for the distribution of volcanic ejecta and resulting areas at risk.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 9049, 2022 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35641571


Volcanic lightning is commonly observed in explosive volcanic eruptions of Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) > 2 and can be detected remotely providing real-time volcano monitoring information. However, little is known about the electrical activity accompanying the lower-magnitude spectrum of explosive eruptions, often involving mafic magmas. We narrow this gap in knowledge by presenting the electrical signature of the explosive activity (VEI ≤ 1) of Stromboli volcano (Italy) recorded by an electrostatic thunderstorm detector. The persistent eruptive activity of mild Strombolian explosions is occasionally interrupted by larger-scale major explosions and paroxysmal events.Here, we present electrical observations of three major explosions and unprecedented measurements of the 3 July 2019 paroxysm. The electrical signals of the major explosions show apparent similarities, with movements of charge and tens of electrical discharges, arising the question of whether these observations could be used to supplement the classification scheme of explosions on Stromboli. The electrical signals from the 3 July 2019 paroxysm exceed those from the major explosions in amplitude, discharge rate and complexity, showing characteristic variations during different phases of the eruption.These results show that also impulsive lower-magnitude explosions generate detectable electrical activity, which holds promise for monitoring low VEI activity at mafic volcanoes.

Bull Volcanol ; 83(8): 53, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720320


Predicting the onset, style and duration of explosive volcanic eruptions remains a great challenge. While the fundamental underlying processes are thought to be known, a clear correlation between eruptive features observable above Earth's surface and conditions and properties in the immediate subsurface is far from complete. Furthermore, the highly dynamic nature and inaccessibility of explosive events means that progress in the field investigation of such events remains slow. Scaled experimental investigations represent an opportunity to study individual volcanic processes separately and, despite their highly dynamic nature, to quantify them systematically. Here, impulsively generated vertical gas-particle jets were generated using rapid decompression shock-tube experiments. The angular deviation from the vertical, defined as the "spreading angle", has been quantified for gas and particles on both sides of the jets at different time steps using high-speed video analysis. The experimental variables investigated are 1) vent geometry, 2) tube length, 3) particle load, 4) particle size, and 5) temperature. Immediately prior to the first above-vent observations, gas expansion accommodates the initial gas overpressure. All experimental jets inevitably start with a particle-free gas phase (gas-only), which is typically clearly visible due to expansion-induced cooling and condensation. We record that the gas spreading angle is directly influenced by 1) vent geometry and 2) the duration of the initial gas-only phase. After some delay, whose length depends on the experimental conditions, the jet incorporates particles becoming a gas-particle jet. Below we quantify how our experimental conditions affect the temporal evolution of these two phases (gas-only and gas-particle) of each jet. As expected, the gas spreading angle is always at least as large as the particle spreading angle. The latter is positively correlated with particle load and negatively correlated with particle size. Such empirical experimentally derived relationships between the observable features of the gas-particle jets and known initial conditions can serve as input for the parameterisation of equivalent observations at active volcanoes, alleviating the circumstances where an a priori knowledge of magma textures and ascent rate, temperature and gas overpressure and/or the geometry of the shallow plumbing system is typically chronically lacking. The generation of experimental parameterisations raises the possibility that detailed field investigations on gas-particle jets at frequently erupting volcanoes might be used for elucidating subsurface parameters and their temporal variability, with all the implications that may have for better defining hazard assessment. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00445-021-01473-0.

Bull Volcanol ; 82(11): 68, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33088010


Many explosive volcanic eruptions produce underexpanded starting gas-particle jets. The dynamics of the accompanying pyroclast ejection can be affected by several parameters, including magma texture, gas overpressure, erupted volume and geometry. With respect to the latter, volcanic craters and vents are often highly asymmetrical. Here, we experimentally evaluate the effect of vent asymmetry on gas expansion behaviour and gas jet dynamics directly above the vent. The vent geometries chosen for this study are based on field observations. The novel element of the vent geometry investigated herein is an inclined exit plane (5, 15, 30° slant angle) in combination with cylindrical and diverging inner geometries. In a vertical setup, these modifications yield both laterally variable spreading angles as well as a diversion of the jets, where inner geometry (cylindrical/diverging) controls the direction of the inclination. Both the spreading angle and the inclination of the jet are highly sensitive to reservoir (conduit) pressure and slant angle. Increasing starting reservoir pressure and slant angle yield (1) a maximum spreading angle (up to 62°) and (2) a maximum jet inclination for cylindrical vents (up to 13°). Our experiments thus constrain geometric contributions to the mechanisms controlling eruption jet dynamics with implications for the generation of asymmetrical distributions of proximal hazards around volcanic vents.

Bull Volcanol ; 80(4): 32, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29527084


Aggregation is a common process occurring in many diverse particulate gas mixtures (e.g. those derived from explosive volcanic eruptions, meteorite impact events, and fluid bed processing). It results from the collision and sticking of particles suspended in turbulent gas/air. To date, there is no generalized model of the underlying physical processes. Here, we investigate aggregates from 18 natural deposits (16 volcanic deposits and two meteorite impact deposits) as well as aggregates produced experimentally via fluidized bed techniques. All aggregates were analyzed for their size, internal structuring, and constituent particle size distribution. Commonalities and differences between the aggregate types are then used to infer salient features of the aggregation process. Average core to rim ratios of internally structured aggregates (accretionary lapilli) is found to be similar for artificial and volcanic aggregates but up to an order of magnitude different than impact-related aggregates. Rim structures of artificial and volcanic aggregates appear to be physically similar (single, sub-spherical, regularly-shaped rims) whereas impact-related aggregates more often show multiple or irregularly shaped rims. The particle size distributions (PSDs) of all three aggregate types are similar (< 200 µm). This proves that in all three environments, aggregation occurs under broadly similar conditions despite the significant differences in source conditions (particle volume fraction, particle size distribution, particle composition, temperature), residence times, plume conditions (e.g., humidity and temperature), and dynamics of fallout and deposition. Impact-generated and volcanic aggregates share many similarities, and in some cases may be indistinguishable without their stratigraphic context.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 16897, 2017 12 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29203840


We present new evidence that shows magma mingling can be a key process during highly explosive eruptions. Using fractal analysis of the size distribution of trachybasaltic fragments found on the inner walls of bubbles in trachytic pumices, we show that the more mafic component underwent fracturing during quenching against the trachyte. We propose a new mechanism for how this magmatic interaction at depth triggered rapid heterogeneous bubble nucleation and growth and could have enhanced eruption explosivity. We argue that the data support a further, and hitherto unreported contribution of magma mingling to highly explosive eruptions. This has implications for hazard assessment for those volcanoes in which evidence of magma mingling exists.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 7440, 2017 08 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28785004


Numerical modeling of ash plume dispersal is an important tool for forecasting and mitigating potential hazards from volcanic ash erupted during explosive volcanism. Recent tephra dispersal models have been expanded to account for dynamic ash aggregation processes. However, there are very few studies on rates of disaggregation during transport. It follows that current models regard ash aggregation as irrevocable and may therefore overestimate aggregation-enhanced sedimentation. In this experimental study, we use industrial granulation techniques to artificially produce aggregates. We subject these to impact tests and evaluate their resistance to break-up processes. We find a dependence of aggregate stability on primary particle size distribution and solid particle binder concentration. We posit that our findings could be combined with eruption source parameters and implemented in future tephra dispersal models.

Sci Rep ; 7: 45762, 2017 03 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28361966


Interactions with volcanic gases in eruption plumes produce soluble salt deposits on the surface of volcanic ash. While it has been postulated that saturation-driven precipitation of salts following the dissolution of ash surfaces by condensed acidic liquids is a primary mechanism of salt formation during an eruption, it is only recently that this mechanism has been subjected to detailed study. Here we spray water and HCl droplets into a suspension of salt-doped synthetic glass or volcanic ash particles, and produce aggregates. Deposition of acidic liquid droplets on ash particles promotes dissolution of existing salts and leaches cations from the underlying material surface. The flow of liquid, due to capillary forces, will be directed to particle-particle contact points where subsequent precipitation of salts will cement the aggregate. Our data suggest that volcanically-relevant loads of surface salts can be produced by acid condensation in eruptive settings. Several minor and trace elements mobilised by surface dissolution are biologically relevant; geographic areas with aggregation-mediated ash fallout could be "hotspots" for the post-deposition release of these elements. The role of liquids in re-distributing surface salts and cementing ash aggregates also offers further insight into the mechanisms which preserve well-structured aggregates in some ash deposits.

Sci Rep ; 7: 39620, 2017 01 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28045056


Most of the current ash transport and dispersion models neglect particle-fluid (two-way) and particle-fluid plus particle-particle (four-way) reciprocal interactions during particle fallout from volcanic plumes. These interactions, a function of particle concentration in the plume, could play an important role, explaining, for example, discrepancies between observed and modelled ash deposits. Aiming at a more accurate prediction of volcanic ash dispersal and sedimentation, the settling of ash particles at particle volume fractions (ϕp) ranging 10-7-10-3 was performed in laboratory experiments and reproduced by numerical simulations that take into account first the two-way and then the four-way coupling. Results show that the velocity of particles settling together can exceed the velocity of particles settling individually by up to 4 times for ϕp ~ 10-3. Comparisons between experimental and simulation results reveal that, during the sedimentation process, the settling velocity is largely enhanced by particle-fluid interactions but partly hindered by particle-particle interactions with increasing ϕp. Combining the experimental and numerical results, we provide an empirical model allowing correction of the settling velocity of particles of any size, density, and shape, as a function of ϕp. These corrections will impact volcanic plume modelling results as well as remote sensing retrieval techniques for plume parameters.

Front Immunol ; 8: 2000, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29403480


Volcanic ash is a heterogeneous mineral dust that is typically composed of a mixture of amorphous (glass) and crystalline (mineral) fragments. It commonly contains an abundance of the crystalline silica (SiO2) polymorph cristobalite. Inhalation of crystalline silica can induce inflammation by stimulating the NLRP3 inflammasome, a cytosolic receptor complex that plays a critical role in driving inflammatory immune responses. Ingested material results in the assembly of NLRP3, ASC, and caspase-1 with subsequent secretion of the interleukin-1 family cytokine IL-1ß. Previous toxicology work suggests that cristobalite-bearing volcanic ash is minimally reactive, calling into question the reactivity of volcanically derived crystalline silica, in general. In this study, we target the NLRP3 inflammasome as a crystalline silica responsive element to clarify volcanic cristobalite reactivity. We expose immortalized bone marrow-derived macrophages of genetically engineered mice and primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to ash from the Soufrière Hills volcano as well as representative, pure-phase samples of its primary componentry (volcanic glass, feldspar, cristobalite) and measure NLRP3 inflammasome activation. We demonstrate that respirable Soufrière Hills volcanic ash induces the activation of caspase-1 with subsequent release of mature IL-1ß in a NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent manner. Macrophages deficient in NLRP3 inflammasome components are incapable of secreting IL-1ß in response to volcanic ash ingestion. Cellular uptake induces lysosomal destabilization involving cysteine proteases. Furthermore, the response involves activation of mitochondrial stress pathways leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species. Considering ash componentry, cristobalite is the most reactive pure-phase with other components inducing only low-level IL-1ß secretion. Inflammasome activation mediated by inhaled ash and its potential relevance in chronic pulmonary disease was further evidenced in PBMC using the NLRP3 small-molecule inhibitor CP-456,773 (CRID3, MCC950). Our data indicate the functional activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome by volcanic ash in murine and human macrophages in vitro. Cristobalite is identified as the apparent driver, thereby contesting previous assertions that chemical and structural imperfections may be sufficient to abrogate the reactivity of volcanically derived cristobalite. This is a novel mechanism for the stimulation of a pro-inflammatory response by volcanic particulate and provides new insight regarding chronic exposure to environmentally occurring particles.

Nat Commun ; 7: 10795, 2016 Mar 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26931824


The ingestion of volcanic ash by jet engines is widely recognized as a potentially fatal hazard for aircraft operation. The high temperatures (1,200-2,000 °C) typical of jet engines exacerbate the impact of ash by provoking its melting and sticking to turbine parts. Estimation of this potential hazard is complicated by the fact that chemical composition, which affects the temperature at which volcanic ash becomes liquid, can vary widely amongst volcanoes. Here, based on experiments, we parameterize ash behaviour and develop a model to predict melting and sticking conditions for its global compositional range. The results of our experiments confirm that the common use of sand or dust proxy is wholly inadequate for the prediction of the behaviour of volcanic ash, leading to overestimates of sticking temperature and thus severe underestimates of the thermal hazard. Our model can be used to assess the deposition probability of volcanic ash in jet engines.

Bull Volcanol ; 75(11): 762, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26069385


A series of pyroclastic density currents were generated at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) during a period of heightened activity in August 2006. Dense pyroclastic flows were confined to valleys of the drainage network, while dilute pyroclastic density currents overflowed on interfluves where they deposited isolated bodies comprising dune bedforms of cross-stratified ash exposed on the surface. Here, the description, measurement, and classification of more than 300 dune bedforms are presented. Four types of dune bedforms are identified with respect to their shape, internal structure, and geometry (length, width, thickness, stoss and lee face angles, and stoss face length). (1) "Elongate dune bedforms" have smooth shapes and are longer (in the flow direction) than wide or thick. Internal stratification consists of stoss-constructional, thick lensoidal layers of massive and coarse-grained material, alternating with bedsets of fine laminae that deposit continuously on both stoss and lee sides forming aggrading structures with upstream migration of the crests. (2) "Transverse dune bedforms" show linear crests perpendicular to the flow direction, with equivalent lengths and widths. Internally, these bedforms exhibit finely stratified bedsets of aggrading ash laminae with upstream crest migration. Steep truncations of the bedsets are visible on the stoss side only. (3) "Lunate dune bedforms" display a barchanoidal shape and have stratification patterns similar to those of the transverse ones. Finally, (4) "two-dimensional dune bedforms" are much wider than long, exhibit linear crests and are organized into trains. Elongate dune bedforms are found exclusively in proximal deposition zones. Transverse, lunate, and two-dimensional dune bedforms are found in distal ash bodies. The type of dune bedform developed varies spatially within an ash body, transverse dune bedforms occurring primarily at the onset of deposition zones, transitioning to lunate dune bedforms in intermediate zones, and two-dimensional dune bedforms exclusively on the lateral and distal edges of the deposits. The latter are also found where flows moved upslope. Elongate dune bedforms were deposited from flows with both granular-based and tractional flow boundaries that possessed high capacity and competence. They may have formed in a subcritical context by the blocking of material on the stoss side. We do not interpret them as antidune or "chute-and-pool" structures. The dimensions and cross-stratification patterns of transverse dune bedforms are interpreted as resulting from low competence currents with a significant deposition rate, but we rule out their interpretation as "antidunes". A similar conclusion holds for lunate dune bedforms, whose curved shape results from a sedimentation rate dependent on the thickness of the bedform. Finally, two-dimensional dune bedforms were formed where lateral transport exceeds longitudinal transport; i.e., in areas where currents were able to spread laterally in low velocity zones. We suggest that the aggrading ash bedsets with upstream crest migration were formed under subcritical flow conditions where the tractional bedload transport was less important than the simultaneous fallout from suspension. This produced differential draping with no further reworking. We propose the name "regressive climbing dunes" for structures produced by this process. A rapid decrease in current velocity, possibly triggered by hydraulic jumps affecting the entire parent flows, is inferred to explain their deposition. This process can in principle hold for any kind of particulate density current.

Bull Volcanol ; 75(11): 765, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26069386


The deposits of the pyroclastic density currents from the August 2006 eruption of Tungurahua show three facies associations depending on the topographic setting: the massive, proximal cross-stratified, and distal cross-stratified facies. (1) The massive facies is confined to valleys on the slopes of the volcano. It contains clasts of >1 m diameter to fine ash material, is massive, and interpreted as deposited from dense pyroclastic flows. Its surface can exhibit lobes and levees covered with disk-shaped and vesicular large clasts. These fragile large clasts must have rafted at the surface of the flows all along the path in order to be preserved, and thus imply a sharp density boundary near the surface of these flows. (2) The proximal cross-stratified facies is exposed on valley overbanks on the upper part of the volcano and contains both massive coarse-grained layers and cross-stratified ash and lapilli bedsets. It is interpreted as deposited from (a) dense pyroclastic flows that overflowed the gentle ridges of valleys of the upper part of the volcano and (b) dilute pyroclastic density currents created from the dense flows by the entrainment of air on the steep upper flanks. (3) The distal cross-stratified facies outcrops as spatially limited, isolated, and wedge-shaped bodies of cross-stratified ash deposits located downstream of cliffs on valleys overbanks. It contains numerous aggrading dune bedforms, whose crest orientations reveal parental flow directions. A downstream decrease in the size of the dune bedforms, together with a downstream fining trend in the grain size distribution are observed on a 100-m scale. This facies is interpreted to have been deposited from dilute pyroclastic density currents with basal tractional boundary layers. We suggest that the parental flows were produced from the dense flows by entrainment of air at cliffs, and that these diluted currents might rapidly deposit through "pneumatic jumps". Three modes are present in the grain size distribution of all samples independently of the facies, which further supports the interpretation that all three facies derive from the same initial flows. This study emphasizes the influence of topography on small volume pyroclastic density currents, and the importance of flow transformation and flow-stripping processes.