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J Phys Chem A ; 127(25): 5324-5334, 2023 Jun 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37316977


The incorporation of charged groups proximal to a redox active transition metal center can impact the local electric field, altering redox behavior and enhancing catalysis. Vanadyl salen (salen = N,N'-ethylenebis(salicylideneaminato)) complexes functionalized with a crown ether containing a nonredox active metal cation (V-Na, V-K, V-Ba, V-La, V-Ce, and V-Nd) were synthesized. The electrochemical behavior of this series of complexes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry in solvents with varying polarity and dielectric constant (ε) (acetonitrile, ε = 37.5; N,N-dimethylformamide, ε = 36.7; and dichloromethane, ε = 8.93). The vanadium(V/IV) reduction potential shifted anodically with increasing cation charge compared to a complex lacking a proximal cation (ΔE1/2 > 900 mV in acetonitrile and >700 mV in dichloromethane). In contrast, the reduction potential for all vanadyl salen-crown complexes measured in N,N-dimethylformamide was insensitive to the magnitude of the cationic charge, regardless of the electrolyte or counteranion used. Titration studies of N,N-dimethylformamide into acetonitrile resulted in cathodic shifting of the vanadium(V/IV) reduction potential with increasing concentration of N,N-dimethylformamide. Binding constants of N,N-dimethylformamide (log(KDMF)) for the series of crown complexes show increased binding affinity in the order of V-La > V-Ba > V-K > (salen)V(O), indicating an enhancement of Lewis acid/base interaction with increasing cationic charge. The redox behavior of (salen)V(O) and (salen-OMe)V(O) (salen-OMe = N,N'-ethylenebis(3-methoxysalicylideneamine) was also investigated and compared to the crown-containing complexes. For (salen-OMe)V(O), a weak association of triflate salt at the vanadium(IV) oxidation state was observed through cyclic voltammetry titration experiments, and cation dissociation upon oxidation to vanadium(V) was identified. These studies demonstrate the noninnocent role of solvent coordination and cation/anion effects on redox behavior and, by extension, the local electric field.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(4): 1503-1508, 2022 02 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35041788


Local electric fields can alter energy landscapes to impart enhanced reactivity in enzymes and at surfaces. Similar fields can be generated in molecular systems using charged functionalities. Manganese(V) salen nitrido complexes (salen = N,N'-ethylenebis(salicylideneaminato)) appended with a crown ether unit containing Na+ (1-Na), K+, (1-K), Ba2+ (1-Ba), Sr2+ (1-Sr), La3+ (1-La), or Eu3+ (1-Eu) cation were investigated to determine the effect of charge on pKa, E1/2, and the net bond dissociation free energy (BDFE) of N-H bonds. The series, which includes the manganese(V) salen nitrido without an appended crown, spans 4 units of charge. Bounds for the pKa values of the transient imido complexes were used with the Mn(VI/V) reduction potentials to calculate the N-H BDFEs of the imidos in acetonitrile. Despite a span of >700 mV and >9 pKa units across the series, the hydrogen atom BDFE only spans ∼6 kcal/mol (between 73 and 79 kcal/mol). These results suggest that the incorporation of cationic functionalities is an effective strategy for accessing wide ranges of reduction potentials and pKa values while minimally affecting the BDFE, which is essential to modulating electron, proton, or hydrogen atom transfer pathways.

Coordination Complexes/chemistry , Manganese/chemistry , Cations/chemistry , Ethylenediamines/chemistry , Hydrogen Bonding , Kinetics , Molecular Conformation , Oxidation-Reduction , Thermodynamics
ACS Catal ; 11(17): 10923-10932, 2021 Sep 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36245474


Electric fields underlie all reactions and impact reactivity by interacting with the dipoles and net charges of transition states, products, and reactants to modify the free energy landscape. However, they are rarely given deliberate consideration in synthetic design to rationally control reactivity. This Perspective discusses the commonalities of electric field effects across multiple platforms, from enzymes to molecular catalysts, and identifies practical challenges to applying them in synthetic molecular systems to mediate reactivity.

Organometallics ; 38(5): 1081-1090, 2019 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30962670


Cationic cobalt(I) dinitrogen complexes with a strong-field tridentate pincer ligand were prepared and the oxidative addition of polar and non-polar bonds was studied. Addition of H2 to [(iPrPNP)Co(N2)]+ (iPrPNP = 2,6-bis((diisopropylphosphaneyl)methyl)pyridine) in THF-d8 resulted in rapid oxidative addition and formation of the cis-Co(III) dihydride complex, cis-[(iPrPNP)Co(H)2L]+ where L = THF or N2. The addition of H2 was reversible as evidenced by the dynamics observed by variable temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy and the regeneration of [(iPrPNP)Co(N2)]+ upon exposure to dinitrogen. In contrast, addition of HBPin, (Pin = pinacolato) B2Pin2 and aryl halides resulted in the formation of net one-electron oxidation products: cationic Co(II)-boryl and Co(II)-halide/aryl complexes, respectively. All products were structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography and the electronic structures were determined by a combination of magnetic moment measurements, EPR spectroscopy and DFT calculations. Monitoring the addition of HBPin to [(iPrPNP)Co(N2)]+ provided evidence for a transient Co(III) oxidative addition product that likely undergoes comproportionation with the cobalt(I) starting material to generate the observed Co(II) products.

Dalton Trans ; 40(16): 4300-6, 2011 Apr 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21394366


Treatment of deprotonated N-(dimethylaminoethyl)-2-diphenylphosphinoaniline with bis(cyclooctene)iridium chloride dimer affords a thermally stable iridium(I) olefin complex. Infrared analysis of the corresponding monocarbonyl iridium(I) compound indicates a relatively electron rich metal center. Reaction of the iridium(I) cyclooctene complex with iodomethane effects oxidation of the metal yielding a five-coordinate iridium(III) methyl iodide complex which reversibly coordinates tetrahydrofuran. X-ray crystallography confirms coordination of ether to the iridium(III) methyl iodide complex and NMR spectroscopic experiments establish an equilibrium constant of 1.66(9) M for tetrahydrofuran binding. A five-coordinate iridium(III) dimethyl complex has also been prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction. Hydrogenolysis of the dialkyl species permits identification of a short-lived classical iridium(III) dihydride complex.